View Full Version : The Finer Things...
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jul 25th, 2002, 05:00:24 PM
The brandy was a limited run. Only a dozen barrels were produced, and this particular bottle had been aged 32 years. It made for an exsquisite experience, delivering a flavor to the palette that lingered far longer than the burning smack of the liquor passed. Sighing, Sarrtarroa sat the glass down, satisfied with his choice. At 600 credits a bottle, he should be. Just because he was fabulously wealthy, didn't mean he couldn't afford to be frugal when it counted. He had learned quickly to ascertain the many qualities of Hyuu-mann liquors and other drinks. There was more variety to be found than their Cizerack counterparts, which were all thick, monstrously potent, and usually made with some quantity of blood. Appealing to the tongue as they were, they bred few connoisseurs. The Emissary smirked. He had to be raised on Carshoulis to know his tastes, but he had to look to hyuu-manns to develop them. It was truly ironic that such things were to be found among a race of forrda. He sighed. Perhaps if his own people pursued the finer things the way they pursued a credit chit...they could assert their natural superiority, even in such arguably trivial matters.
As he took another careful drink, he paused, swallowing. Intermingling in the wondrous scent of brandy, was the scent of something equally intoxicating. His blue eyes turned in her direction, scrutinizing her form as he would a piece of art on the wall...or the brandy he now nursed.
Her name was Lok S'Ilancy. It was a name out of thousands he had seen in passing. But one that had caught his attention even then, and now, redoubled it. As pleasing to the eye as she was, she was even more pleasing to his curiosity. Such nefarious creatures as smugglers could be equally hated and loved. While most Cizerack wouldn't hesitate to dull their claws in the flesh of such people, Sarrtarroa was keen to appreciate the inherent romanticism of it all. Perhaps it was his cosmopolitan affinity for all things Hyuu-mann...or perhaps it was simply something new and be thrown away when the novelty faded. Whatever the reason, the most influential male in the Cizerack Pride continued to cast his gaze upon Lok S'Ilancy. His lips parted in a smile, revealing immaculately clean, sharp teeth.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jul 25th, 2002, 05:36:19 PM
Brooding metallic eyes washed lazily over the interior of Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill, taking in certain things and sliding over others without a second thought. Their intent wasn't to intrude, but merely observe and watch, and with a slow blink the woman looked back to her own table to reach out a hand to the half empty bottle of sake. She refilled her small cup, then set the bottle once more on the table with a solid thunk before taking a sip of the clear liquid and returning to her observations. She felt the alcohol as it blazed a trail down her throat, and smiled ever so slightly.
It was a habit she always enjoyed; a habit that she had relearned with ease.
Loklorien s'Ilancy hadn't been to the Bar and Grill in over two months; she'd been on Balmorra, reccuperating. Her second run-in with Barrok had gone just like the first; worse even, in some cases. And yet here she was still, among the breathing yet again with new scars added to old.
s'Il tilted her head to the side, her mind pulling out of the past and coming back to the present. After two months on Balmorra she'd been close to going insane. Grand Admiral Taylor Millard had showed her nothing but love and support, but she needed to get out, to go back to her old haunts and get back into her daily life. So far she was enjoying it. She always did.
As s'Il's eyes swept through the establishment, they stopped at a Cizerack. He wasn't like most of the Cizerack she'd seen around the Bar and Grill, and caught her eye. Very much unlike Cirr, this one carried himself with grace.
Metallic eyes bored into his, though not out of malice or apprehension, but out of curiosity. She watched as he sipped from his drink, and it was easy to tell he enjoyed every drop that fell onto his tongue and traveled down his throat.
He smiled, and she raised her eyebrows. She knew he was smiling at her, and with a silent snort, let her eyes leave his direction to continue on in their journeys.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jul 25th, 2002, 05:48:02 PM
"Oh're not getting away so easily, my dear." Sarrtarroa thought inwardly as he purred quietly. The shared a moment...that precious collection of seconds suspended forever in eternity. Her eyes were artificial, but nonetheless alluring, shining with every bit of intensity as his own azure orbs. Oh, she would play the fool for the moment, flitting those eyes here and there...anywhere but back to him. It was the apprehension that she would meet his eyes twice...and then, there would be no denying it. Sarrtarroa's smile narrowed again, until two glints of canine were all that could be seen of his teeth. He continued to drink her in. The sight of her figure, and her scent. It was a sweeter, almost dainty smell, and different from the strong allure of a Cizerack female. Much like the brandy he now quaffed from...she held the prospect of potency and poise.
The game was afoot, and after some time, it became obvious that she would not make the next move. So, the Emissary made it for her, stopping up his decanter, and approaching her table. He would not be avoided...not when he knew what he was after.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jul 25th, 2002, 06:25:55 PM
s'Il had tired from her little game of watching the patrons of Yog's, and leaned back against the cushioned seat, her eyes closing as she took in the Bar and Grill through her auditory senses. The constant hum of voices, the clinking of glasses, and the bark of laughter from across the room.
Her thoughts returned to the Cizerack, and she laughed inwardly once again, bringing her cup to her lips to take a small drink. He had an air of regality about him, and she would be lying if she said he hadn't piqued her curiosity. It wasn't everyday that someone like that came into the Bar and Grill; just the way he held himself suggested he was more than just the average Cizerack, and while he'd caught her attention for a few moments, she thought it best to leave things well enough alone. She'd gotten herself into enough trouble as of late; no need adding to the collection.
s'Il sighed in content, letting the ambiance fill her, and she smiled, her fingers lightly drumming the tabletop.
Her ears picked up the sound of approaching footfalls, and without even opening her eyes, she knew who it would be.
"One look not enough.....?"
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jul 28th, 2002, 01:35:04 AM
He had to smile. She had a keen wit to her. His ears perking up as his intrigue rose, he gave a genteel bow.
Not when mjy jinterrressst jisss pjiqued.
With a gentle touch as delicate as silk, he took hold of her hand, raising it up to his lips, where his lips met at the back of her hand. Then as quickly as he had done the deed, he returned her hand
And jyou arrre qujite the jinterrressstjing one, Sss'jIlancjy.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jul 28th, 2002, 04:02:05 PM
Her hand returned to its place around her small cup, and she held back a laugh.
"Interesting in a good way, I hope."
A smirk played across her features, "I didn't think I was very well known among the Cizerack. I keep mostly out of your space..."
The smirk deepened. "... and the last Cizerack I found myself under... well, let's just say that was an interesting day."
A fingernail tapped against the side of the small cup, and reaching for the bottle of sake, s'Il lifted it up, pouring herself more of the clear alcohol.
As she replaced the bottle gently back on the table, she looked up at the stranger once more. She could tell this one was different than most Cizerack males; he had class, dignity, grace, and manners. He appreciated the finer things in life as was apparent just by the brandy he'd been drinking; she was impressed, and with a nod motioned for him to sit across from her.
There was only one Cizerack she knew of that carried himself with such regality, and even though her memory was still coming back to her, she ventured a guess.
"I don't believe we've ever been formally introduced, Sarrtarroa."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jul 29th, 2002, 12:33:36 PM
His smile widened We have not.
With a regal bow, he continued.
Keerrrrrrourrrrrrji Sssarrrrrrtarrrrrroa, pleasssed to make jyourrr acquajintance.
He paused politely, allowing her to take the lead
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jul 29th, 2002, 02:23:23 PM
"Formal introductions are overrated; in this case at least," she said simply, taking a sip of her drink, "you know who I am, I had a fairly good idea as to who you were; no need to state the obvious."
She gave him a shrug and a sly grin.
"But, for the sake of niceties and getting off on the right foot, I suppose I'll oblige." Her grin grew ever so slightly. "But just this once. Don't expect anymore special privilages from me.
"Loklorien s'Ilancy."
s'Il lifted her cup to her lips again. "Nice tail," she finished, taking another small sip.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jul 31st, 2002, 12:11:02 AM
His smile waned ever-so slightly. She was catching on. No matter. He'd overcome larger obstacles. With her last comment, Sarrtarroa's tail brushed against a leg, sliding up her side slowly.
The tajil jisss njice...
With a gentle hand, he eased the cup of sake away from S'Il's mouth, tilting her chin upward with a finger.
...follow jit. jIt onljy getsss njicerrr.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jul 31st, 2002, 11:00:04 PM
s'Il pulled back, lifting her chin away from Sarrtarroa's hand while in the same motion catching the tip of his tail in a firm yet gentle grasp.
"Watch yourself, Emissary," she said simply, giving his tail a small tweak, her thumbnail digging into the space between the joints in the bones, "A man who brags about himself usually doesn't have anything to rightly brag about."
His straightforward action had made her inwardly laugh, and she gave his tail another squeeze for good measure.
"But... even with my minimal knowledge on Cizerack anatomy and physiology, I'm sure you speak the truth."
In all truthfulness, he interested her, but she wasn't about to satisfy any lustful desires whether they belonged to him or her.
s'Il smirked.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Aug 1st, 2002, 04:08:53 PM
Perhaps a bit too direct. No matter. It was always interesting to find ones with backbone...something Loklorien S'Ilancy had plenty of. The trouble with backbones was that all they needed was a crack in the right spot, and you could get at the tender parts. To find that spot required patience.
And sssurrreljy thjisss jisss whjy jyou come to sssuch a place bjy jyourrrssself.
He held s'Il's glass between two fingers.
Forrr the drrrjinksss.
He smiled, passing the rice wine under his sensitive nose, then promptly returning the liquor to the table, a look of mild-mannered disapproval on his face.
Sssuch drrreadful companjy jindeed.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 1st, 2002, 04:46:32 PM
"It's an aquired taste," s'Il said evenly, taking the small cup back, and tipping it up, drained the last of the contents down her throat. "At first you despise it; then it becomes tolerable; then you actually start to like it."
She emptied the rest of the bottle into the cup. "I come here to unwind. I haven't been here in a while though," s'Il frowned, her expression darkening as she let her head dip slightly. Her hair; courtesy of one Miiki Barrok, had been cropped to her shoulders, and short bangs fell into her metallic eyes.
She grimaced.
"Certain....... circumstances... have prevented me from enjoying the solitude of this booth."
Looking up, she paused, tilting her head to the side as if listening to someone before once more looking at Sarrtarroa.
"You disagree with my choice of company?"
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Aug 7th, 2002, 12:08:31 AM
jI merrreljy hold companjy of anotherrr kjind.
With a graceful gesture, he led S'Il's eyes to his table, and the decanter of brandy resting upon it.
Sssurrreljy jyou do not wjisssh forrr thjisss evenjing to brrrjing sssoljitude.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 7th, 2002, 10:18:42 PM
She didn't move. Instead she only stared at first him, then the table he was indicating.
Her eyebrows rose as she cast her gaze once more on the Cizerack. She knew the game being played, and grinned as she stood up slowly; still sore and careful so as not to reopen her wounds.
"It all depends on what you can offer me in substitution to my solitude..."
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