View Full Version : Pomp and Pageantry: The arrival of Princess Jajanneei (Open to anyone and everyone)

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jul 25th, 2002, 11:21:31 AM
An ornate, opulently-decorated craft touched down lightly on the largest of Arcan IV's VIP landing platforms. Alongside the palatial craft, several reddish-orange Cizerack Keerta Fightercraft passed by, doing lazy passes around the craft, to ensure its safety before they also landed. The main craft lowered a massive gangplank, opening an exit hatch large enough for 4 scout walkers to walk out of, side by side. With a blast of several musical instruments, a dozen Cizerack males exited, dressed in sleek, sheer red garments, tinged with gold leaf. Each held a basket, from which they tossed handfuls of flower petals behind as they proceeded forward. Next, a phalanx of honor guard marched shoulder-to-shoulder, wearing armor that was less practical in modern battle, but more of a stately show. They glistened in the sunlight, drawing their bladed battle-staffs, and holding them against their broad shoulders. In staccato unison, they marched, the firm soles of their battle boots striking a beat that echoed through the city. Following these, a group of lithe males danced forward, clad in loose, silken robes. They danced in unison, a flowing motion that was pleasing to the eye. Behind these, four Reeks lumbered out of the ship. Red plate armor adorned the beasts, and sitting astride each, was a soldier in full battle regalia, holding high a red and gold standard, with the indecipherable markings of the Cizerack language. Following the cavalry, a small marching band proceeded, dressed in red as all of the others, and playing a tune worthy of the grand nature of the ship's passenger. Finally, a gold and jewel encrusted dais was carried out of the craft, carried on the backs of humans. Around the dais, a sheer red silk curtain protected the passenger from the sunlight outside, providing her with the utmost comfort on her trip. Following up the grand procession, a throng of humans that numbered close to a hundred filed out, each carrying boxes, parcels, and bags. The enormous throng of Cizerack and humans made their way in a dazzling display of pomp and pageantry toward the bar and grill, greeting onlookers with a sense of overwhelming awe.

Jajanneei Feesarro
Jul 25th, 2002, 11:37:02 PM

Jajanneei yawned and flipped to her other side. Her blue silk dress rode up her thigh, causing the slip to widen further. Those slaves inside the dias with the Princess that valued their eyes, turned away.

She was very unhappy at this situation and peered through the tiny openings between the red protective cloth that separated her from the elements.

"Thessse lesssssser bejingsss arrre borrrjing and thjissse place jisss ljitterrred wjith Jedji and fanatjical gun wjiedljing Offjicerrrsss."

The female Cizerack servant stopped fanning the princess briefly since she was being acknowledged. Words were caught short of being spoken as she watched the Princess' fur ripple with frustration and turn away from her.

"Whjy doesss mjy motherrr make me do thessse thjingsss."

Ears flattened with impatience and Jajanneei kicked the head of the nearest man servant towards the front of the dais.

"How much longerrr tjill we arrrrrrjive to thjisss... thjisss ...."

She felt so dirty even saying the words.

"Barrr and Grrrjill?"

Miryan no Trunks
Jul 26th, 2002, 04:23:47 AM
*Looking around as he entered Yoghurt's for the first time in months, MnT smiled.. It was an odd site seeing a Sith in a Jedi bar, but he was in a good mood, wasn't looking for a fight, and simply wanted a change of scenery.. Who knows, perhaps he'd run into one of his old opponents in the bar.. There'd only been a couple he'd left on bad terms with.. Might make for an interesting chat..*

*Walking up to the bar, MnT smiled at the bartender, and ordered a bottle of Fireball.. It was a delightful whiskey he'd heard of recently, that to the memory of his tastebuds, resembeled quite strongly, a mouthful of cinnamon hearts..*

*Paying for the bottle, and a shotglass, MnT stayed there at the bar, simply taking a spot on one of the stools.. He didn't feel like shying away to one of the corner-dwelling tables today..*

Jul 26th, 2002, 07:21:38 AM
Satine pokes Miryan on the shoulder and smiles as he turns around.

"Not in your usual corner, eh, buddy? Mind if I sit down?"

Miryan no Trunks
Jul 27th, 2002, 01:35:15 AM
.. Alpha, absolutely my friend, it's good to see you again..

*He said it with a slight chuckle, knowing well that any others would find it a weird phrase passing from a Sith to a Jedi..*

... How've you been?

*On a whim, MnT took another glance around.. something had seemed odd the first time he'd done so, but he hadn't put his finger on it... The Cizerack.. A good number of them seemed heavily focused on the door... Where they expecting someone?*

... Odd..

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 27th, 2002, 01:39:28 AM
At the other end of the bar, a hooded and cloaked being watched impassively as the Cizerack in the bar seemed to become agitated and moving to the front doors.

Interesting. What was going on?

Jul 27th, 2002, 06:21:10 AM
"Oh, I'm pretty good, how about you?" Satine asks, looking around.

"And what is with the Ciz today?"

Morgan Evanar
Jul 27th, 2002, 10:24:19 PM
Morgan sipped some rather potent coffee. Strange stuff for a strange mood.

GRENIX index was up, the FARASFA down, a trade dispute between the Bfpasshi and the Spacer's Shipping Guild on docking bay prices...

Pretty normal overall. But the odd feeling persisted. Then the Cizerack honor guard entered with typical Cizerack flare: loud, with gaudy armor, and without much respect to those already present.

The tall Jedi Master glanced down at his cup, now devoid of liquid. After calculating a route to cause the least disturbance, he successfully nabbed a pitcher of water and a clean glass. Eventually, the Cizerack entourage would go away, so Morgan went back to his news. Hopefully things would stay uneventful.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jul 28th, 2002, 01:01:36 PM
"Not long now, Hjighnessssss."

Jajanneei's aide spoke, noting the Princess's sour mood. It seemed if it didn't have anything to do with the theater or the hunt, it rarely piqued her interest. Of course, a mandate from the Pride Mother was not something to shrug off...even for the princess. The Bar and Grill was a social mecca on Arcan IV, and the best way to get the princess proper exposure to the Jedi. They were the main competition for the Cizerack, and naturally, if one was to rival them, they must learn of their ways. How that was done, was up to Jajanneei.

The entourage finally made their way to the Bar and Grill, as the throngs stood alongside the entrance to make way for her entry. The only ones who went ahead were the ones in the lead, dropping flower petals in her path. Slowly, her human servants lowered her dais, peeling back the silken curtains. A very handsome Cizerack manservant took her by the hand, as a smaller entourage accompanied her inside. The Bar and Grill was not a palace, and to a creature of such a regal nature, it would seem almost crude.

Jajanneei Feesarro
Jul 28th, 2002, 01:19:40 PM
The first thing that caught the Princess' attention were the faces pressed up against the windows, mostly Cizerack of course. At least her arrival was being treated by respect by those under her. How the Jedi view her was the reason why she was here. To make friends and allies. To understand their ways. Anyway she wanted to.

Still doesn't mean she had to like them.

Jajanneei let go of her manservants hand and walked proudly towards the Bar and Grill. Head held high and shoulder properly squared. Tailing swishing back and forth, kicking up the rose petals behind and her bare feet stepping upon the ones in front.

Two Cizerack males opened the door for the Princess and quickly she took note that it was new. It didn't seem so dilapidated as the rest of the building was. The hinges looked shiny and new.

Yog's Bar and Grill. Famous for drunk Jedi and fights galore. She began to growl underneath her breath, wondering once again why her idiot mother sent her here and by the Huntress herself. The smell that hit Jajanneei's nose when she stepped inside was almost enough to make her keel over.

Everywhere she turned the insides stunk of alcohol and of dozen of Cizerack's, inside and out, hoping around to get a good look at her. Some wanted to get closer but her armed escort made sure that they thought otherwise.

No one was to see her until she took her table.

It was overly apparent where that table was and the Princess' ears folded back, very displeased.

She turned around and stared at her Aide, eyes demanding answers to the obviously unspoken question.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jul 28th, 2002, 01:31:20 PM
"A...a thousssand parrrdonsss, Hjighnessssss."

Her aide looked about, trying to quickly alleviate the problem of seating arrangements. Most tables were full of patrons, save for a larger table, occupied by a lone hyuu-mann, who was unusually tall. The Princess's aide smiled. Perfect. With a gesture, half a dozen attendants made their way toward Morgan's table.

"Prrrjincessssss Jajanneeji wjissshesss to sssjit herrre, hjyuu-mann."

Jul 28th, 2002, 01:58:29 PM
Satine chuckles as he sees this. He then turns to his Sith-friend

"Looks like we have a high ranky kitty cat today, huh?"

Morgan Evanar
Jul 28th, 2002, 06:09:56 PM
Morgan brought his glass down from his and stood, gathering his pad, and the pitcher of water.

"Oh. Excuse me then, I'll be on my way." he said with a polite smile, and pushed the chair he recently occupied under the table. There were times when you needed to stand your ground, and there were times when you just stood aside and let the mess resolve itself.

Jajanneei Feesarro
Jul 28th, 2002, 06:23:28 PM
Jajanneei pushed the pitcher down with her clawed hand and smiled at the Human

"Mjy Ajide djid not sssajy jyou have to leave."

She threw him a dirty look

"jYou can ssstajy. Onljy jI wjill be sjittjing herrre and jI do need sssomeone to tell me of the Jedji and of thjisss place."

The Princess eyed Morgan with new eyes. Focusing on his build, size and other assets, as she sized him up with a raised brow. It was only for brief moment that Jajanneei let her hair down before becoming all business again.

"jYou look ljike jyou would know much about thessse parrrtsss."

Morgan Evanar
Jul 28th, 2002, 06:42:51 PM
"Well, I am a Jedi." Again, polite, calm, collected. Internally, Morgan was slightly unnerved--Cizerack women did that to almost everyone. But especially when they were digging for information. He grabbed a seat catacorner from Jajanneei.

"Is there anything specific you'd like to know?" Now was one of the many times he wished he was better at reading intent through the Force.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 28th, 2002, 06:44:47 PM
Oooooh. A Cizerack Princess. Now he understood the commotion. Not that he really cared, for rank and titles meant exactly nothing to him. Considering the secret he never told anyone... but that wasn't for thinking about now.

What worth thinking about was his cat, which was circling his chair like a land shark. He dropped a hand down, stroking it's head as it began to purr loudly.

"What would you be wanting?" he said quietly. "Food? A lap to sit on?"

<font color=green>Food. Hunger. </font>

The reply was more of a feeling, like he always had about cats. Teh Jedi reached up and tapped the table top, the cat understanding, gathering itself up and leaping onto the table, to find some dinner scraps. While the cat ate, the Jedi turned his attention to where the Cizerack party was.

She seems..... bored and not liking being here. Maybe.... not willing to be here too?

Jajanneei Feesarro
Jul 28th, 2002, 07:26:23 PM
Jajanneei's face lit up as she sat down

"A Jedji! The Huntrrressssss be blessssssed. Thjisss wjill make thjingsss farrr easssjierrr forrr me to learrrn about jyourrr people."

The entourage was quite relieved that the Princess' mood had taken a turn for the better. Even though deep inside this was all show for her mother but if a few allies could be gleamed out of this encounter, all the better Jajanneei.

Especially if she could find a suitor. It was the other reason the Pride Mother had sent her daughter throughout the galaxy. Find a suitable mate.

Her tail flapped back and forth, seemingly entranced by the Jedi.

"Ssstarrrtjing wjith jyou. Tell me all about jyourrrssself."

Canines pierced opened her mouth in a delicious grin.

"Essspecjialljy jyourrr name."

She said with a purr.

Morgan Evanar
Jul 28th, 2002, 07:46:38 PM
She was purring, and it didn't seem to be purely for show, judging from her slight shift in scent. The Jedi Master decided to be extra cautious.

"I'm Morgan Evanar. I've been with the Jedi for about ten years now. Its pretty strange work: the Force is never truly understood by anyone. Many would consider our normal daily routine exceedingly dull. Help a Padawan with this, solve some random dispute, find out why various sections of government are doing this or that. I'd bet being Cizerack Royalty is a smidge more interesting." Morgan poured his glass full of water. He held up his hand for a moment, and pulled a clean glass from the rack to his hand.

"Would you like some water?" he gestured with a finger twoard the pitcher.

Jul 28th, 2002, 07:54:00 PM
Okay, so I'm a cat. There's worse things to be - could be a mouse or something like that. Not that I minded mice, they were fun to eat and in this place, there were a lot of them. And the big tall things that called themselves humans didnt mind me catching my fill either.

Okay, so your wondering - I'm a cat right? Then how do I know this stuff? Well, normally I dont. But that Numenorian whose table I was now on, he sort of told me these things. Well.... not exactly told me either. See, ormal beings cant actually talk to us cats. Some try and meow at us, we sort look at them and wonder why they bother. If we want to talk, we'll be the ones to do the conversing thank you very much.

But the Numenorian.... well, he's different. He could make his thoughts known to us cats. And he could understand us without even a simple purr! We liked him and it was really good he was my servant. Oh, he thought differently, but I was training him. So, this Numenorian could almost be a cat himself. Any cat could sense it and all the other cats liked him too.

So, when it was I had finished off this rather nice little snack he had left me, I sat and curled my tail around my legs, sitting near where his feet were, licking my lips and looking out over this place. And seeing some really, really weird cat things.

My yellow eyes stared out unblinking. Hmmm. Wonder if they were friendly and had food?

Miryan no Trunks
Jul 29th, 2002, 12:53:25 AM
... T'would appear my friend... And it also would appear she's taken an interest in Master Evanar...

*A quick memory of how the Jedi Master had refused to face him in battle on Irentios passed through MnT's mind, but quickly faded as he brought his attention back down to the drink at hand.. *

*Pouring a shot of the reddish-golden liquid, MnT held it up to his nose, relishing the strong cinnamon scent.. He knew that once in his mouth, it would burn the frell out of his tongue if he tried to enjoy the taste.. There was a reason it was called a shooter..*

... So refresh my memory, Satine, are you of age to drink legally, or correctly, of age to not care about the legality of it?

*He said it with a chuckle as he held a hand out to the tender to wait a moment. If Satine wished, he'd be happy to get another glass, and share the drink..*

Jul 29th, 2002, 07:02:08 AM
"Oh, I can drink, Miryan. I just normally don't. But I'll take a shot of whatever that is you got there, if ya youldn't mind." Satine smiles, and then turns back to watch Morgan for a second.

"Somehting tells me Morg might have a new girlfriend..."

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 29th, 2002, 05:43:02 PM
Wu Wei had also noticed the Cizerack female and her little group. Wei knew a little abot Cizeracks. One had visited his room. He shook of the cold feeling in his stomach and sat back in his booth to watch the Cizerack princess.

Lady Vader
Jul 29th, 2002, 06:17:24 PM
*LV had been sitting at the counter, her back to the entrance, when the "scent" of felines brought her head to look around. It wasn't so much that she could smell them, but that she could sense them. Being half felenoid herself, and having a natural ability to communicate with felines, it was always easy to detect them.*

*She looked at the various Cizerack come through the door, quite a few in fact, making way for a slender female that held herself regally. By the way she carried herself, LV guessed she was of the royal house... not to mention all the guards and servants about.*

*Smiling, and watching, LV sipped her glass of milk, her eyes lazily glancing over to her right. There it caught the yellow glint from a tiny cat, sitting at a Jedi's feet. She cocked her head slightly and smiled, her heart always warming to any feline. Then turning, she spoke to the bartender who immediately filled out her order. Soon, she had a bowl of milk in her hand, and set it on the floor for the hungry-looking cat. She could have easily called it, and it would have come to her, but she chose to let it come on it's own if it so chose.*

*Having doen that, she went back to her own drink, still watching the Cizerack's from her stool at the bar.*

Jajanneei Feesarro
Jul 29th, 2002, 06:47:02 PM
"jI would love sssome waterrr, Morrrgan Evanarrr."

Jajanneei loved the way the Jedi's name rolled of her tongue but made sure to keep it informal. For now.

"At leassst the Forrrce sssoundsss morrre jinterrressstjing then what jI have to do. jYourrr long dajysss of rrroutjine arrre nothjing comparrred to me bejing shuttled arrround the galaxjy. jIt'sss the sssame borrrjing rrroutjine asss well.

Off the ssshuttle, make an appearrrance, be sssocjial, and then off jI go to do jit all overrr agajin.....Fourrr daysss laterrr afterrr bejing cooped up jin hjyperrrssspace."

If Morgan was going to trust her, the Princess would have to let her hair down a little. Be more social and perhaps gain some sympathy.

She did notice that her meeting this particular Jedi had caught the attention of some patrons in the bar.

And she caught the attention of something all right!

"A cat!"

She purred, while clasping her hands. Jajanneei hadn't seen that type of feline since leaving home.

One thing she loved almost as much as power. It was animals.

"jI'd forrrgotten what one looked ljike afterrr all thjisss tjime!"

Morgan Evanar
Jul 29th, 2002, 09:12:25 PM
"Ah. The most shrewd, independant creature in the universe. Soft, cuddly, and five seperate points of damage. Nature is clever indeed."

Morgan smiled, and relaxed for a moment as Jajanneei pratically melted over the cat, taking a moment to fill the empty glass. At least some of her affections were genuine.

She's probably digging for information. But then, she has no idea of what my rank is. Play modest.

"I'm sure, Princess, that if we were to compare schedules, we'd both likely die of boredem." A touch of his Tanaabian accent fluxed in.

"Your water" he offered. "I didn't catch your name Princess...?"

Jajanneei Feesarro
Jul 29th, 2002, 09:30:25 PM
A playful purr fluttered into laughter at Morgan's remark about the cat.

"jIf jI djidn't know anjy betterrr Morrrgan, jI ssswearrr jyou werrre talkjing about a Cjizerrrack female. Not that cat!"

Her chocolate eyes seemed to sparkle in mischief as Jajanneei took the glass of cold water from the Jedi's hand. She made sure to let her fingers brush against his own softly, careful to not cut him with her claws.

"Thank jyou and mjy name jisss Jajanneeji Feesssarrrrrro."

The Princess paused and added another sentence by afterthought. Jajanneei tried to hide her title behind a fake smile of ego.

"Hejirrr to the Cjizerrrack Prrrjide."

She would have preferred to keep that part off but she was suppose to be here for a reason.

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 30th, 2002, 05:21:29 PM
Wei watched the Cizerack female. He had met a Cizerack female before. She was a bit wild for his tastes. She was very forward and not quite well-mannered. But this one was different. It was interesting to see.

Morgan Evanar
Jul 30th, 2002, 05:45:32 PM
A shiver went down the Jedi's spine, like someone poured icewater down the back of his shirt.

Dren. Oh dren. She's looking for a mate.

Morgan took a generous gulp of water, holding his eyes closed for a moment.

"You must be under a lot of pressure, then. Royal families seem to get impatient about that sort of thing, historically. You don't exactly have a vending machine where you can just dump some credits, and push a button, presenting you with the ideal suitor."

The Jedi took another sip of water.

"I'd bet there would be wars over such a vending machine."

Jajanneei Feesarro
Jul 30th, 2002, 06:48:37 PM
"Couldn't be farrrtherrr frrrom the trrruth."

As far as Jajanneei's mother was concerned, she could take as long as she wanted. Anything to keep her daughter off homeworld and the more suitors that fell upon her feet, the more it would eat up the Princess' time.

"jI can choossse whomeverrr jI wjisssh to be mjy sssujitorrr. Orrr..."

Her tail had been inching its way towards Morgan's let since taking that long drink of water. It wrapped around his left leg gently and then inched its way upwards, slowly.

"... anjyone to be mjy mate."

Morgan Evanar
Jul 30th, 2002, 07:37:36 PM
Morgan had been taking another drink of water, and it took all his self control not to spray Jajanneei. Slowly, he swallowed, and lowered the glass back to the table, his eyes wide.

"Facsinating." it came out in a sort of gasp. Morgan felt very frelled.

"Would you like something to eat?"

Jajanneei Feesarro
Jul 30th, 2002, 09:56:44 PM
The tail wandered even higher.

"jYesss. jI would ljike sssomethjing to eat."

The grin that came across her face spoke volumes as to what Jajanneei wanted to have for lunch.

It had been far too long that she had enjoyed the company of a male that was not of her entourage. And if that male happened to be a Jedi, a Jedi quite as handsome as Morgan. Jajanneei was definitely lucky.

As Morgan could be.

"Can jyou rrrecommend anjythjing that jI ssshould trrrjy?"

Her tail curled around his inner thigh...

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 30th, 2002, 10:05:32 PM
Wei wathced as Morgan begna to grow uncomfortable and the Cizerack became bolder. ok, so maybe the two Cizerack weren;t that different after all.

Jajanneei Feesarro
Jul 31st, 2002, 09:22:52 AM
OOC/ A note. Jajanneei is making moves towards Morg under the table. Can't see. You can tell he is uncomfortable but no one is all seeing :lol

Jul 31st, 2002, 12:20:13 PM
:: AB sauntered in through the bar's door, on her way to the counter, when she couldn't help but notice the increased Cizerack presence within the place. It wasn't everyday you saw nothing but Cizerack guards practically stationed at every foot against the walls and in the center. Something must be up for there to be so much security. ::

:: It didn't take long for her to see what the fuss was about. She spotted the Cizerack female, and by her colors, part of the Cizerack Royal house. Daughter to the Pride Mother maybe? But what really caught her attention was the uncomfortable feeling she could feel rolling off of Morgan, who was seated across from the feline. And AB didn't like the look the Cizerack woman was giving him. ::

:: Doing an about face, she moved in towards the table, only to be stopped by two guards. Not even slowing her pace, she waved her hand at them, the Force working easily on the weak minded. They instantly took on a blank look and seperated, letting her pass easily between them and up to the table. ::

:: Before she reached the table, she put on a pleasant face, and made it light up brightly on seeing Morgan, who'd caught sight of her. She waved and walked straight up to him. ::

Darling! I've been looking all over for you! Seems we have some business the Coun--

:: She looked over to the Cizerack female as though seeing her for the first time. ::

Oh, so terribly sorry, love. I didn't notice you had company. I was sooooo intent on giving you this message from the Council.

:: Morgan was looking at her with an almost incredulous look. He reached for his drink, no doubt to quench his sudden dry throat. She turned to face the other woman at the table. ::

A pleasure to meet you, I'm sure. My name is Rie. I see you've already met my husband.

:: She heard Morgan choke on whatever he had been drinking. She made a mental note to apologize to him later for the suddeness of her actions. She continued smiling at the other woman. ::

Welcome to Yog's bar.

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 31st, 2002, 03:14:11 PM
OOC: What if I said it was my Jedi Skill reading your thoughts and intentions?

IC: Wu Wei shook his head. That wasn't right. She was a princess, and a well-mannered one at that. Wei had premonitions like that all the time. And they were not always worth paying attention to.

Jul 31st, 2002, 06:23:53 PM
Ami entered the bar and grill. she looked around and saw a rather unusual-looking creature sitting at the bar. She realized she was staring and quickly turned away. Then she noticed that quite a few people were watching the newcomer. She panned the room for someone who could tell her what was going on. She noticed Wei sitting in a booth. She went over to him and slid into the seat next to him.

"Hey." he said. "Hey. Umm... can you tell me what's going on?" she asked, nodding in the direction of the bar.

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 31st, 2002, 09:30:07 PM
"It would appear that a Cizerack female of exquisitely high rank is visiting our humble dining establishment."

Aug 1st, 2002, 07:33:04 AM
"Oh, I've never seen a Cizerack before."

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 1st, 2002, 08:48:12 AM
"Well, I have not only seen one, I have had one pay me an unexpected visit before." Wei laughed.

Wei explained ot her about the Cizerack's culture and how men were subservient to women. Women had the jobs and such whie the men stayed at home and cleaned house and such as that.

"At least, that's how I understnd it," He said.