View Full Version : A Novel Acquaintance [open challenge to any Jedi/Sith]
Liam Deralis
Jul 24th, 2002, 09:29:16 PM
The rogue Jedi prowled anxiously over the throng of faces, attentively picking apart each one as if it were his chosen prey; he seemed to have a niche for fighting, and what better grounds to hunt on than the local cantina. It offered plenty of drunkards and scoundrels alike, but tonight he had hoped for a better outcome. It had came to his attention that some Jedis were a regular at the particular tavern, which is what he was seemingly waiting for. Jedi or Sith, it hadn't mattered to him the least bit, if they wielded a lightsaber they were open game to him. He had chosen no alliance in the Force, he was settled being a loner, slowly honing his skills with each countless battle, and expanding his wisdom by witnessing others.
With his height shifted collectively against the countertop, his eyes calmly perused the common room once again; perhaps an acceptable opponent would unveil itself soon... patience was a virtue that he lacked.
Jul 24th, 2002, 10:08:02 PM
Hera had never been to this bar before.
She was only here now, biding some time until some routine, but alarmingly postponed maintenance was finished on her ship the "Wolfsschanze" over at the spaceport works hangar.
She had seen him come in, and had watched him checking out all and sundry in the bar. She vaguely wondered what his game was. Not that she really cared, but it helped pass the time.
He turned to find the Sith Master looking directly at him, her expression unreadable. She lifted her glass of rum and sipped it.
Liam Deralis
Jul 24th, 2002, 11:02:54 PM
A lop-sided smirk found it's way creasing across the dark Jedi's face, though at the same time his expression rendered indifferent. The stare placed upon him by the female was inevitable, but as arrogant as he was, he paid little attention to it; as if he hadn't even noticed it. Instead he pushed forward, propelling his weight from the bar into a striding walk. Slowly, he passed by the female, his demeanor laid back... perhaps too laid back.
"It's not polite to stare," he whispered almost invitingly to her as he passed, exiting outside of the tavern and into the darkened streets. It was as if he was proposing her to follow him, though he offered no gesture of looking back.
Jul 26th, 2002, 07:40:07 PM
He hadnt even made the distance to the door, before she was on her feet, standing out of her chair and tossing credits carelessly onto the table to pay for her rum.
She picked up the rum bottle that was set there and she, too, exited the bar.
The guy wanted a bit of trouble it seems. She smiled to herself. She was in the mood to oblige him.
Stepping out into the night, the darkness around broken by the stars above and the difused lighting of the bar's windows glowing dully into the street. He was just up ahead a little, not far.
She took one quick swig of the smooth liquor and then pelted the bottle into the air - up high and in a perfect arc - to land with a noisy smash on the pavement just at the feet of this new aquaintance.
She called out as she began walking toward him.
"Who says "Im polite"? "
Liam Deralis
Jul 26th, 2002, 09:30:45 PM
Stepping into the streets infront of the cantina, the Sith Master would find nothing but darkness accompanying her. The sound of the bottle shattered against the pavement, just as a distinct voice poured from the shadows of an alley.
"You don't look the obtrusive type to me," seemed to whisper from behind her, just as Liam darted from the alley way with an extended foot, attempting to 'playfully' kick the Sith Master forward; knocking her from her unsuspecting state.
Jul 26th, 2002, 10:19:29 PM
That would not be a word used to describe the Sith Master by anyone who knew her. Hera was suspicious of everyone. And everything. And lived her life that way. It was the reason she had endured, survived and even enjoyed the years of trial and discipline of her training in the ways of the Darkside. Being a student of the Dark Master Ogre Mal Pannis equipped one to be well prepared - even for such deceptions as the newcomer would deliver.
She allowed the kick to connect, as she could see he did not put much power into it and was only, for now, playing.
Hera then lurched forward - a long slender arm snatched out and strong fingers grabbed hold of the front of Liams clothing, yanking him forward.
She pulled him close, so even in the darkness he could see her luminescent blue eyes and read the fire within them.
"Yeah? Then what 'type' do I look like to you...." her words hung in the air, waiting for a name for the man now in her grasp "..?"
Liam Deralis
Jul 27th, 2002, 06:53:05 PM
Successfully landing the 'attack,' Liam felt a hand reach out and grip onto his clothing, then with a sudden yank he was left face to face with the Sith Master. Though, after being grabbed he too extended a hand which latched onto hers. He wasn't attempting to pry her grip from his clothing, but it was firm enough to be felt on her wrist. Mere inches from Hera's face, Liam cracked an over arrogant smile at her.
“Feisty maybe,” He winked, before cackling jauntily in her face, “or perhaps the 'girl next door' kind of gal.”
Jul 27th, 2002, 11:37:14 PM
Hera's lip curled into a smile...whaddya know - she'd caught herself a commedian.
She dropped her gaze to his hand atop her own, noting his grip, and then back again to look at him directly. "Oh...Im definitely the girl next door type." Her grin broadened, as she took her lightsaber in her other hand and activated one of the dual blades.
"You wanna tell me your name, while your still capable of speech?"
Liam Deralis
Jul 28th, 2002, 12:02:37 AM
Taking attention to the withdraw of Hera's lightsaber, he acted quickly in driving his free hand forward -- his palm leveled in a ninety degree angle aimed directly for her exposed chest. That is, one of her hands being tied with the lightsaber, and the other gripping his clothing while he held tightly onto that hand. His sole intention was to drive the Sith back, opening enough time for him to draw his own weapon.
“My name should be the least of your worries,” he grinned as he unclipped his own saber and ignited the single blade, “but to put your mind to rest, Liam... Liam Deralis.”
Jul 28th, 2002, 12:23:40 AM
He shoved her back, and opened the distance between them.
He drew his own saber and made his introduction.
"Well, Liam" she bowed her head slightly in a nod of greeting yet never taking her eyes from him, "My name is Hera."
She then sprang forward, crouching as she landed, and kicked out one leg in a low arc, sweeping the Dark Jedi's feet out from under himself. As he went down she brought her lightsaber down to slice at him, which Liam quickly and effectively blocked.
Amidst the spark and crackle of the engergy blades pressed hard against each other, she smiled over their brilliant glow.
"Its a pleasure to meet ya."
Liam Deralis
Jul 28th, 2002, 12:37:28 AM
The two ardently colored pillars of energy hummed monotonously as they remain pressed against each other, Liam now on his back grinned up at his fellow combatant -- seeming to enjoy the disadvantage that she had put him at.
“The pleasure is all mine,” he replied before bending one of his knees back to boost it forcefully into the mid-section of Hera, attempting to kick the Sith Master off of him. With that, if successful, he flipped to his feet and regained his posture. His eyes calculating her attentively, “I see you're a woman who likes it on top.” He smirked at this, only attempting to taunt the Sith further.
Jul 28th, 2002, 04:41:12 PM
The two pared off, moving in a slow circle, their blades held in hand, ready.
Hera was sizing him up. He had nerve, that was certain - and he was a cocky little snit - she was still grinning at his latest remark. But - and this was all that mattered - could the man fight?
She lifted her blade to hold it high over her head, as she had seen the great masters do, still moving in a very slow watchful shuffle.
"Come get me...boy"
Liam Deralis
Jul 28th, 2002, 05:34:24 PM
“Boy?” He questioned with a lofted brow, “Then maybe you'd be obliged to help me towards the first step of being a man.” A moment of laughter escaped from the Dark Jedi's lips before narrowing into that indifferent smirk which always seemed to consume his facial expression.
They continued to encircle each other slowly, awaiting for the latter to make a move first. He showed no intention of beginning the strike, just repeated steps with his lightsaber clutched firmly in both hands; his eyes perusing the Sith Master as she moved.
“So what's it going to be, m'lady?” He sneered as they moved, “Am I your opponent or your eye candy for the evening?”
Then without pause, he lunged forward with an assailing swipe, the pillar of crimson hue flashing luminously in the night sky as it screamed down in a diagonal position towards Hera's torso. It was an unforeseen attack surely, though probably expected from the Sith Master.
Jul 28th, 2002, 09:03:02 PM
He was fast and Hera had to react swiftly.
As Liams crimson blade struck visciously towards her middle, she dropped one hand down in a counterstike, her brilliant skyblue saber blade looking like a natural extension of her hand. She deflected the blow, but felt her body jolt with the jarring strength at the connection.
Not wasting a second, she spun around placing herself behind and in close against Liam, leaning her back against his. With her free hand she shot her fingers into his hair and yanked his head roughly back so he could look her in the eyes.
"Oh, your my opponenet definitely - but you're pretty enough to be eye candy too."
He was still smiling, and so Hera couldnt resist.. She headbutted him once, perfectly and released her grip again, spinning once more to gain some distance. "Course, that may change by the time we are through."
Liam Deralis
Jul 28th, 2002, 09:57:29 PM
With little choice he accepted the headbutt full front, as rivulets of his own blood slowly streamed down each nostril from the impact of the blow. A display of grimace shot across his face, as he stumbled forward a bit before pivoting to face his foe once again. His smile had worn away, yet his smug attitude remained.
“You're right - it may, after both of your eyes are swollen shut,” he sneered at her before running forward again, bending his knees into a brief crouch before springing into the air - his body propelling over the Sith Master's form and landing firmly at her backside. With that he pivoted off his left foot, spinning towards her while using that momentum to bring his lightsaber into a horizontal maul aimed at her waistline; if connecting would sever the Master in two - though the attack would be easily parried by such an adept warrior of the Force, “but then again, I tend to like it rough.”
Jul 28th, 2002, 10:13:43 PM
Well, funny what a little blood spilling will do....
Liams attack was significantly more agressive. He had somehow gotten behind her and Hera twisted to move and block the lethal lunge of his blade.
She avoided being hit, but lost her footing and slipped unevenly off the sidewalk, her legs crumpling unexpectedly beneath her, a cuss excaping her lips as she went down.
Liam Deralis
Jul 28th, 2002, 10:49:26 PM
He was a bit surprised that his aggressive attack had worked so effectively on the experienced Sith, quickly taking advantage of her fallen position, Liam towered over her and kneeled down; a grin etched on his lips. He placed his lightsaber directly over her own, incase she had decided to take a blind swipe at him.
“Funny, look who's on top now,” he chuckled at his remark, puckering his lips into a mocking kiss blown at the Sith before turning with his back to her, pacing away, “Are you going to lay there all day?”
Jul 30th, 2002, 09:09:40 PM
From where she was on the pavement, Hera began to draw upon her considerable force ability. Ah, this lad was just the type she liked to strip a notch or three off. Stretching out her hand she literally hurled a chanel of power at the smugly turned back of Liam.
It hit him directly between the shoulderblades and like a giant thump, catapulted him headlong into the bar's rough outside wall. His eye caught a "Post no Bills" poster flapping at its corners as he connected, skin to concrete.
Hera was on her feet now and striding purposely toward him.
"Oh..I can be dangerous in any position. Best never forget that."
She took her dagger from the sheath inside her boot. She suddenly wanted blood.
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