View Full Version : Zeke's Saber

Jul 24th, 2002, 09:18:39 PM
Zeke sat in the room he now shared with Kindo, watching a computer intently. It displayed a diagram on how to put together a lightsaber. He hadn't been able to find all the parts by name, so he'd done it by pictures. Now, for the assembly. He took the casing for the hilt and snapped in the power switch, then began to put the rest of the saber together outside the hilt. He slid it in and used some small tools to connect the switch to it. During this process he made an error, but it went unnoticed by the Padawan. He screwed on the blade's "business end" as he called it, then plugged up a portable charger to the other end.

"Now to charge this sucker." He relaxed, tapped into the force and started to charge the saber, using the Force to meld the pieces and assist in the saber's charging. He would be out of it for at least 4 days, but that was fine. Kindo wouldn't bother him too much.

Jul 28th, 2002, 10:31:43 PM
Zeke snapped from his daze and hit the power on his saber. The gold blade erupted from the saber's business end with a sharp hiss.]
