View Full Version : Need some information...

Wytchy Woman
Jul 24th, 2002, 01:04:57 PM
and Shawns are not always around when you need them! :p
I have a slide presentation that I would like to have transfered to a photo CD, preferably with accompanying music. Is the technology out there? I know I will probably have to travel to a big city to have it done, but don't want to waste alot of time calling around if it can't be done.
Since some of y'all are (almost) as smart as Shawn (sorry :p ) I thought I would ask here first...and yes, I do know there is another forum for things not directly related to SW, but I like you roleplaying creatures the best!!!! :D
OH and btw, happy (one day early) 40th birthday to me!!! :rollin

Jul 24th, 2002, 01:10:48 PM
Happy Birthday :)

I dont know though, sorry

Jul 24th, 2002, 01:16:06 PM
Happy B-day. :D And nice Avatar. :D

Don't know either...:S

Gabran Darkysa
Jul 24th, 2002, 01:35:27 PM
Happy Birthday! ;)

I do not know either..

Wytchy Woman
Jul 24th, 2002, 01:36:56 PM
Thanks for the birthday wishes. I want to warn y'all though. If you haven't yet reached 40, avoid it at all cost!!! It is a very painful thing. Not a pretty sight :o(
The avatar was a gift from the aforementioned Shawn. Boy, do I have good genes or what!?

Jul 24th, 2002, 01:39:13 PM
Don't let Mark see it though...:)

*makes note not to turn 40 in 26 years...* :D

Jul 24th, 2002, 01:39:28 PM
Just dont let Marcus see it.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 24th, 2002, 04:59:26 PM
* Makes note to get to 40 and get old disgracefully in 7 years *

Hey, it's fun getting a bit older. You can actually get away with more, I've found.And yes, I have seen the cutest kitten ever pic. Well, not quite the cutest, I have a pic that is even more mind dribblingly cute.

I would say you can do it, but it's more what are the program you created the slide show in first?Powerpoint will allow music in a slide show, but I aint the real expert. I'll give Helenias a hoy, she's the 1337 apps Office apps Master. .....

Jul 24th, 2002, 05:01:32 PM
What is 1337 anyways? :)

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 24th, 2002, 05:06:48 PM

Jul 24th, 2002, 05:10:29 PM




Jul 24th, 2002, 05:19:01 PM
Oh....:) Thankies kind people. :D

Jul 24th, 2002, 05:21:51 PM
and your 2nd question? :)

Jul 24th, 2002, 07:38:38 PM
You have several options open to you, depending on how you're putting together the slideshow. You could use either Powerpoint or Macromedia's Flash (probably the easiest way) to get the job done.

Sith Ahnk
Jul 24th, 2002, 08:00:40 PM
I find powerpoint easier than Flash myself, but it's because I have more hands on with Powerpoint, and we learned it in school.

I find Flash mildly confusing... oh, and by the way...

*scary black dude with green tatoos pops out of cake with blond wig and red dress*

Happy Birthday... Shawns mom...
Happy Birthday... Shawns mom...
Happy Birthday... Ms. Shawn...
Happy Birthday... Shawns mom... oh...
Happy Birthday... to you...
Bo do be do!

*takes swig from wiskey and falls out of cake*

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 24th, 2002, 08:17:49 PM
Flash easier than Powerpoint?

Well, Powerpoint is pretty easy, what I've played with in Flash, it aint as easy, but more powerful

Jul 24th, 2002, 08:33:45 PM
FLash is easier once you know it IMO

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 25th, 2002, 02:10:36 AM
ONCE you know it. If you don't know it, PP is easier.

:):)Happy belated birthday to Shawn's mom. :):)

Jul 25th, 2002, 07:42:56 AM
LD, if she told us a day early, and you say the next day, it's her birthday :)

Sanis Prent
Jul 25th, 2002, 09:00:59 AM
Flash is a pain in the butt to learn, but its infinitely more powerful than powerpoint. But due to tech constraints, I'd suggest power point