View Full Version : self training

Dreth Kindo
Jul 23rd, 2002, 02:58:51 PM
Dreth walks onto the training ground and looks around, admiring the place. Then he sits three feet away from a tree and starts to meditate with his legs crossed and hands on his knees. His breathing and mind are at one with eachother as he taps into the dark force within him. A hand sized rock from next to him starts to float in air and then moves in front of Dreth. Three others move and then all four start to circle him as he is meditating. Dreth knows if he is to become a great Sith warrior he must train with the dark force within him and around him. The rocks stop and then Dreth muscles tighten and he then closes his eyes tightly. Then all four rocks explode in air and Dreth then starts to go back into deep meditation. Has he meditates, he allows himself to become one with the dark side, letting it flow throught him.

Dreth Kindo
Jul 25th, 2002, 10:55:20 AM
after many hours of deep meditation Dreth then stands up and starts to walk around the Sith training grounds

Odin Murk
Jul 31st, 2002, 02:54:11 PM
:: Odin, a new sith to the order enters the training ground and sees a mammal. Walking around, no purpose clear. Pathetic... no, he couldn't think such thoughts. This one was part of his pack, and he deserved some respect. His scales sifted slightly as he licked his eyes, cleaning the dust out of the lid. He needed to learn about things here and about the people.::
Mammal! your name? I am Murk... Odin Murk, what do you know?

Dreth Kindo
Jul 31st, 2002, 09:37:20 PM
He turns around and looks at the newly arrived member of his family slowly starts to approach him. Dreth bows his head showing honor and respect " I am known as Dreth Kindo what do you wish to know about our family?"

Odin Murk
Jul 31st, 2002, 11:06:42 PM
:: Odin returned the bow with a mere nod. He would have to force himself to later learn to treat these mammals as his equals in the pack. He hissed lowly before speaking. His tail thumped annoyingly as he spoke.::
Drettthhhhhh... Interessssting name. I want to know... how strong you are. I am here to learn, you are here before me and I expect power in a mammal that is part of thisssss Order. I am here to learn of the force. I think I have many things in common with it. We both enjoy eating the weak and blesssssing the strong.
:: Odin let his tongue slip up and clear his eye again. He also wanted to taste the air. This human, under other circmstances, would've made a good meal. But now he would learn, Odin assumed his hunting stance and waited for the Dreth to recognize the situation.::

Dreth Kindo
Aug 3rd, 2002, 11:20:43 AM
Dreth looks at his opponent with eyes locked on to his and trying to keep in mind that he is also on the same team and that this is not a real battle. Dreth understands that in order for the Sith Order to be the best there must only be the strong and in order for that all Sith brothers and sisters must train and push our bodies over there own limit. If we all succeed in this I am positive that we will be the all powerful force in the galaxy. Dreth says "I would be honored to spare with you as a brother and not as an enemy." Dreth gets in his fighting stance "Commence"

Odin Murk
Aug 3rd, 2002, 05:45:38 PM
:: The human said "commence." Odin did not know what that word meant but by the way he took upon his stance, Odin figured that meant start. This mammal had called him a brother... how sickening, he might be of the same pack, but not a brother to any warm blooded species. Odin also knew that this Dreth used family in place of the word pack but that did not bother him. And then one's in the pack were never enemys. What did this creature think? That Odin was his enemy? If he even had doubts of this, Odin would have to rethink these creature's ignorance of his race.
Odin's skin shifted before he actually began the spar. He leaped over Dreth and tripped him with his tail. As Dreth fell Odin rebalanced him with a slight kick and threw a claw into Dreth's side. His claws were pulled back so that Dreth would only recieve the blunt end. Odin leaped back after striking Dreth and crouched. It was not every day that Dreth would fight an eight feet tall lizard. Odin realized this and wanted Dreth to attack now, he needed to learn of these creature's capabilities first hand. Odin shifted his shoulder's up and let his tail thrash behind him.::
Anytime Drettttttttttthhh

Dreth Kindo
Aug 17th, 2002, 11:38:05 AM
Dreth gets up slowly. After that attack he knows that he needs to keep his guard up and watch out for that tail. Dreth gets in his fighting stance and plants his back foot firmly in the ground and runs straight for Odin leaping into the air landing behind him right on his tail and with a side kick hits Odin in the head making him fall face first into the ground. Dreth then does a front flip away from Odin and landing on his feet he turns and faces him.

Odin Murk
Aug 17th, 2002, 11:52:39 PM
:: Odin gets up and snaps his neck to the side, how funny. A mammal that seemed to have every indication that he could only have evolved from a rat. Odin turned on all four limbs then slithered near Dreth, he was at his side before the human could react. Odin grabbed out with a claw and slung the human by the arm, as the human came down to the ground odin placed his leg between Dreth and the floor, he kicked up and juggled Kindo in the air before batting him away with his tail, he turned and faced Dreth now on the ground.::
Move like you did before and you might get hurt, it becomes predicatable after a while Dretttttttth...