View Full Version : Playing God

Taun We
Jul 22nd, 2002, 11:00:51 PM
Traveling back to her home planet of Kamino, Taun We contemplated on the task she had been given by Sanis Prent. She was to cross the DNA of a ysalimiri and a Yuzzum. Not an easy task, but for Taun We it came almost natural. She had been in the business of cloning and creating creatures for centuries and thus was an expert.. In her eyes, there were no limits as to what the possibilities held. Each project she accepted held excitement for her. This was what she lived for.

Upon arriving on the watery planet of Kamino, she quickly made her way to her laboratory. There, she worked endlessly to create this new creature. She gently extracted some DNA from the ysalimiri that Mr. Prent had provided. The stupid little creature just wriggled at looked at her. "It's alright little one. You'll soon be with your master." She then walked over to a large freezing chamber where countless arrays of DNA from beings all over the universe were kept. There she found the DNA of a Yuzzum. She worked for hours trying to create just the right blend.

After some time passed and the creature grew according to her specifications, Taun We approached the creature held within the confines of it's maturation chamber. "Now little one, it's time to wake up and see what you have become." She delicately ran her hands across the console, punching codes into the computer. A red light began to flash as a small alarm beeped on the console. A hiss of air was heard as the proper air circulation was sent into the maturation chamber. The creature began to slowly stir. Just then, it's eyes shot wide open.

Roddy Two
Jul 22nd, 2002, 11:36:32 PM
Dark eyes snapped open, blinking repeatedly. Instantly, the creature's ears stood erect, as it cocked its head in several different directions within seconds. Eventually, it locked onto the Kaminoan, sniffing in her direction. Growling, it charged...and headbutted the transparisteel confine of its holding tank, flopping backwards. Getting back to its six feet slowly, it sprung forward, sticking onto the container's wall as it growled.

Taun We
Jul 25th, 2002, 12:09:43 PM
Taun We took a step back, startled by the creature's agressive movements. The creature had dug it's claws into the transparisteel and was now starring at the Kaminoan growling. Her eyes bacame wide. "Oh dear. Mr. Prent did want a creature that was more active, but I doubt you are what he had in mind little one. Either way, you will be obediant. I made sure my calculations were correct in that respect. I just hope Mr. Prent will see past your agressivness. No matter, you will serve him little one, whether or not you wish it. I've taken measures to ensure that."

The creature just kept starring with it's mouth wide in a snarl. "I gather you are hungry fiesty one." She walked towards the small chamber and dropped a morsal of food through a small door on the top of the cell. The creature lept at it and attacked the morsal. Cloned creatures were always very hungry upon awakening.

"Now to contact Mr. Prent." She walked over to her consol sent a message to Sanis informing him that his creature was ready for pick-up.

Sanis Prent
Jul 25th, 2002, 12:48:54 PM
(Kamino was perpetually stuck on a bad day, sheets of rain blowing across its waterlogged surface as wind blows over a normal planet. I touched Layla down in the midst of a hellish deluge, peering through my viewport and a wall of rain at the stilted metropolis of Bandi City. Making my way down the gangplank, I ran through sheets of cold precipitation, finally jumping through a sliding door. For a while, I just stood there, dripping)

I hate this place already.

Taun We
Aug 19th, 2002, 12:05:54 PM
A console alarm alerted Taun We that a ship had approached and landed on the watery planet, Kamino. She took her time in making her way to the entrance in which she knew Sanis Prent was awaiting her. She was a bit apprehensive as to what Mr. Prent would think of his new pet.

She approached the sopping wet bounty hunter who stood motionless next to the entrance doors. "Welcome to Kamino Mr. Prent. I've been expecting you. I hope you did not find it difficult to navigate your ship in this weather." She looked down at the puddle that had formed all around his feet. "You must be chilled to the bone. Come, warm yourself in our viewing room."

She led him to the viewing room which gave visitors a grand view of the cloning facility. It was an impressive sight to say the least. Even Taun We was amazed each time she looked at the enormity of their operation.

Mr. Prent was snapped out of his gaze onto the facility by Taun We. "May I offer you some warm Kaminoan tea?"

Sanis Prent
Aug 20th, 2002, 05:09:52 PM
Yeah, sure.

(I sat, running a hand through my hair, to speed its drying)

So...I hope everything went fine with the order.

Taun We
Aug 23rd, 2002, 04:50:27 PM
Taun we poured some of the warm, soothing tea into a mug for Sanis. "For the most part." She handed him the steaming mug, and sat down across from him. "I did get some unexpected results."

Sanis's eyes looked concerned as he peered at her through the top rim of his mug. "Unexpected results?" Taun We hesitated for a moment. "Yes.... but nothing that should be of great concern." She took notice that Mr. Prent's look of concern only got worse. "Why don't I bring the little creature in here so that you can see him for yourself."

Taun We stood and quickly made her departure to the cloning room that held Sanis's new pet.