View Full Version : Monk

Jedi Master Carr
Jul 22nd, 2002, 10:47:27 PM
This is a new cop show on USA starring Tony Shaloub, its is very good. He plays this ex homicide dectective who after his wife died suffered a nervous breakdown he now suffers from anxiety disorders including being germaphobic, a neat freak, claustophobic, and afraid of heights, but he is a brilliant dectective he notices things that most people don't. He is sort of a cross between Columbo and Inspector Clouceau. Shaloub is hilarious one of the best roles I have seen him in. If you like cop shows, I wouldn't miss this one.

Sanis Prent
Jul 22nd, 2002, 11:59:42 PM
:) I really want to see this...the commercials look great

Gabran Darkysa
Jul 23rd, 2002, 01:43:05 AM
I am going to have to check my local listings ... I watch very, very little of network TV. But am a fan of Law and Order, Homocide: Life on the street, and NYPD Blue. Those are all superb series. However that new series on USA or F/X called The Shield is absolutely hideous! Atrocious! Have anyone of you ever watched that one?

Back to the point at hand, Monk does indeed look great!

Jul 23rd, 2002, 01:57:53 AM
I think The Shield is the best show on TV now, whaddya mean?!

j/k, never even heard of it. lol.

Jedi Master Carr
Jul 23rd, 2002, 10:43:01 AM
Its on FX, I have never seen it so I can't really comment too much on it, it does look very graphic, the main star though just got nominated for an emmy (can't think of his name he used to be on the show The Commish)
Also USA seems to be making better TV series Monk is great and there is also the Dead Zone which I have become adictied to. It stars Anthony Michael Hall and it is based on the Stephen King novel, it is a lot of better than I thought it would be.

Jul 23rd, 2002, 12:26:11 PM
Wow, two of my favorite TV shows are The Shield & Monk. One is very serious and the other is just fun & funny. It's fun trying to guess what Monk is up to.

:crack :angel

Mu Satach
Jul 23rd, 2002, 12:26:17 PM
Have no desire to watch the Shield...

Monk looks cool though, I love Tony Shaloub. Just haven't been home to catch it yet.