View Full Version : The feelings of the forgotten projects (open)
Patrick McManus
Jul 22nd, 2002, 12:22:03 PM
Quietly he curled up in the corner alone, he shouldnt even be in this place... how old was he? May be 7. He was used to this by now... he watched them go about there ways, it was so strange... what was a life like? What was it like to continue to live on even though there wasnt anything you were suppost to be doing? Quietly he hid all his emotions except for the one that he was alone. Quietly he licked his lips as he watched some of them eat, he would be fine for awhile... his stomic grumbled slightly, but he didnt need food for atleast a day
His movements watched in silence, his eyes kept close to them, they all had there own thing... they had exchanged him for a lie, what was there to do, quietly he leaned back a moment and sighed, softly bringing back his child like grin from the worry and moved quietly, silently over towards the door, night time entertainment would start soon and he would most certainly be pushed out for that.
Quietly his blue eyes traced the bar, giving almost a curious inocence to what the men where so anxious to get, why they would act so strangely after, his eyes bretrayed a child like inocense from this, almost wanting... he shook his head and moved out into the streets, they were the best place to hide until he was needed next, quietly he moved into the alley and leaned against the wall, carefully sighing
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 22nd, 2002, 04:32:23 PM
A figure dropped down from above next to the child. A 15 year old girl, dressed all in black, watched him consideringly. She tossed her head slightly, shaking her shoulder length black hair out of her even blacker eyes. She raised an eyebrow. "Hello... what, if I may ask, are you doing out here... alone? Are you lost?" She tried to make her voice un-alarming, but it merely came out as monotonous, as always.
Patrick McManus
Jul 22nd, 2002, 04:50:17 PM
He quietly watched her drop, quietly moving away from her carefully watching her eyes, fear showing in his own, "Yes... I... I am alone, what do you want? I dont know if I am lost... just not found... ya... thats it..." he says as he watches her
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 22nd, 2002, 04:53:51 PM
The girl stood watching him a moment, then softly said, "Don't be afraid. I'll not harm you." She looked him over, trying to get a feel for him. "My name is Leliarre. What are you called?" She asked softly, as gently as she could manage.
Patrick McManus
Jul 22nd, 2002, 05:03:42 PM
He quietly watches her, moving a little out from where he was to stand, quietly biting his lip, "Patrick... Ma'am..." he said softly, his voice softer and more silk like
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 22nd, 2002, 05:07:33 PM
Leliarre chuckled slightly. "Leliarre, please. Not Ma'am." Her lips quirked in a half-smile. Her face then actually softened for a moment with genuine concern. "Why are you alone, Patrick?" She asked.
Patrick McManus
Jul 23rd, 2002, 07:57:51 AM
He nodded quietly, looking at her quite curiously as he watched her, carefully moving towards her as he looked concerned, "Dont know... I guess I am lost, so who are you?"
His eyes moved over her carefully, immediately checking for weapons but keeping their usual tent almost as if seeing if he reconized her. He looked into her eyes, "Are you my mother?"
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 23rd, 2002, 09:37:50 AM
Leliarre shook her head. "No, I'm afraid I'm not." The 15 year old crouched down in front of the little boy, looking him over closely. "I am a... Sith in training I suppose you'd say. Have you heard of the Sith?"
Patrick McManus
Jul 23rd, 2002, 09:44:25 AM
He quietly nodded, moving over to her side, "But I want to hear what you would call them... please? Can I stay with you for tonight?" he said as he quickly moved towards her slowly, cautiously reaching his hand towards her cheek his fingertips reaching towards her carefully
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 23rd, 2002, 09:58:35 AM
"I haven't really been with them long enough to judge them," Leliarre said quietly. She sat still, letting him get closer. This little boy, Patrick, reminded her so much of her little brother it was starting to hurt. She tilted her head slightly. Could he stay with her? She couldn't bring him back with her to the Sith Palace... she had no idea if such a thing would be allowed. But she supposed she had enough money saved for a room someplace nearby, at least for the night. The girl nodded. "I don't see why not."
Patrick McManus
Jul 23rd, 2002, 10:13:13 AM
Quietly he shifted, nodding quietly and moving to touch her cheek, softly he carressed the cheek and nodded, quietly leaning foward and wraping his arms tenderly around her neck and hugged her close, quietly leaning his head against her shoulder
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 23rd, 2002, 10:50:20 AM
Leliarre let him hug her for a moment before standing. "Come on, we should get going then. It's getting dark." She offered her hand to the little boy, part of her surprised at her actions.
Patrick McManus
Jul 23rd, 2002, 10:55:29 AM
He quietly walked with her and smiled, quietly walking with her, taking her and holding it carefully, quietly walking with her, "You lead to the place, ok?"
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 23rd, 2002, 11:08:36 AM
"Okay," Leliarre agreed, leading him along the streets, past several buildings. After a time, they reached a place Leliarre'd heard rooms could be rented from. She arranged to pay for room in the morning and walked with Patrick up the stairs that lead to it. "Here we are," she said, opening the door to one of the rooms.
Patrick McManus
Jul 23rd, 2002, 02:03:43 PM
He smiled as he walked into the room, looking around quietly, he smiled and nodded to her, "Very good... but... you dont live here regularly?" he asked as he quietly moved to the bed and took a seat
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 23rd, 2002, 04:17:27 PM
Leliarre shook her head. "No, I live somewhere else." Smart little guy, she thought. She closed the door behind them and sat next to him on the bed. She hesitated to say more, not sure how she could explain the Sith Palace to a little boy or sure if she should try. So she didn't. "Where do you live, Patrick?" she asked. "You said you were lost?"
Patrick McManus
Jul 23rd, 2002, 07:24:09 PM
He quietly watched her, moving quietly over to the bed and taking a seat, starting to look a little teary eyed, "They left me behind... I think they'll pick me up later.... I dont know... that or I left them... one of the two," he sniffed lightly and looked at her carefully
"Am I sleeping on the floor tonight?" he asked curiously, "Or do I get to sleep on a chair?"
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 23rd, 2002, 07:45:53 PM
Leliarre's expression didn't change, but inwardly she felt a little dismay. He couldn't remember? That was strange... how long had he been on the street? And could she just leave him behind, after knowing herself what it was like?
The girl hesitated, then gently ruffled his hair like she used to do to her little brother. "You can sleep on the bed with me if you want," she offered. "You don't have to sleep on the floor."
Patrick McManus
Jul 23rd, 2002, 07:57:48 PM
He quietly ran his hand to her cheek and smiled, "I'd like that... you want to sleep with me like mommy used to? She used to sing me to sleep..." he said with a soft sigh, quietly nodding to her with a reassurance, perhaps this one wasnt so bad... she could... perhaps... ok he would do this, she was worth staying with tonight anyway, he quietly smiled, "So what do you want to... to..." he was interrupted by a yawn, "What do you want to do next?" he said softly rubbing his eyes
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:01:43 PM
Leliarre smiled. Almost a real, outright smile. "You seem tired. Maybe we should go to sleep."
Patrick McManus
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:04:53 PM
He nodded quietly and moved to lay on the bed, quietly resting his eyes as he yawned quietly, waiting and hoping to feel the warmth of another instead of the usual coldness, he opened his eyes to watch to see what she did next, then thought a minute, he was giving into sleep way to easily... what the heck was he doing?!
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:08:02 PM
Leliarre lay down next to him. "'night Patrick," she said softly before closing her eyes.
Patrick McManus
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:14:21 PM
He smiled and closed his eyes, falling asleep, he woke up in the middle of the night, this would only take a second, but he wanted to make sure she didnt get away or leave him like the others had... quietly he pulled out a sorrenge and a small bottle, he always carried this things... quietly he incerted it into her blood stream them quietly set out all his bottles on the table, he would take care of her tomorrow... but first... he quietly removed 2 pairs of handcuffs, quietly cuffing her hands together and her feet, quietly he hoped onto her belly and lay against her, sighing contently pulling the covers over them and falling asleep...
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:30:29 PM
It was still a few hours until dawn when Leliarre stirred. Slowly she awoke. She yawned, blinking blearily... but something tugged at the edge of her mind... something was wrong...
Then she realized. She was chained!
Patrick McManus
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:33:57 PM
He quietly sat up and looked at her, he smiled to her and quietly stroked her cheek, "Sorry... mommy left me in the middle of the night... I dont want you to get away too, because I like you."
He quietly yawned again and softly rubbed his cheek against the skin on her arm and sighed contently, "Your soft... you know that?" he said and then quietly looked into her eyes contently with his new capture, his eyes still betrayed their curious inocense on what to do next
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:41:59 PM
Leliarre struggled to keep calm. If it had been an adult who had done this to her, she would have exploded, but she sensed that wasn't the way to go with Patrick. In a way, he was more dangerous than any adult. He was a child... and that made him unpredictable.
A river of resentment, anger, and betrayal roared through her. She'd let herself trust him, because he reminded her of her brother. A coldness entered her heart. Well, her brother was dead. She wouldn't let herself trust anyone, ANYONE, ever again.
"Patrick," she said quietly, "what's going on?" She worked hard to keep her voice steady.
Patrick McManus
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:48:24 PM
He sighed as he quietly walked over to one of the bottles, taking two of them and walking over to her, laying both on her body as he quietly sat on her waist again, "Your angry with me... I can feel it, I dont like when people are angry with me..." he sighed heavily, "I dont want to hurt you, but your angry, you'll start abusing me, I know this... so I have to give you a drug to calm you, which bottle? One of them is adult feelings... I dont want that one, I want the one that will make you calm..." he said with a sigh, softly leaning forward to kiss her on the cheek
"Perhaps we can be friends... I like to play, but no one will play with me, I want to keep you forever and not harm you or abuse you like they did to me... so which bottle will it be?" he asked holding both of them in front of her
"I shouldnt do as the bad men say and kill you because I like you alot... your... like mommy..." he said as he softly let a tear roll down his face
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:56:43 PM
"I'm not going to hurt you." Leliarre said softly. What have I gotten myself into? she wondered. "And I'd like you not to give me either of those." Seeing him cry made her lose a little of her anger for him... the boy had obviously had some trouble in his life... but she couldn't let herself lose her anger completely. It was too much a part of her - and it protected her. It protected her from getting hurt. She MUSTN'T trust anyone again!
"Patrick..." She searched for words, trying to explain without shouting. Keeping her voice calm, she said, "You can't stay with me forever. What I do is going to be dangerous. You might get hurt. Or you might slow me down and get me hurt." Trying to make her typically monotonous voice gentler, she said, "And no matter how much I remind you of your mommy, I'm not her."
Patrick McManus
Jul 23rd, 2002, 09:08:58 PM
He smiled and nodded quietly moving to get her, he quietly bit his lip, quietly nodding and putting both of the medications into the needle and quietly squited a little out of the surrenge, quietly he injected it into her and then lay down to her, wispering, "Atleast I havent harmed you... done anything against you... can I please keep you?" his eyes showed a few tears running down his cheek then burried them in her shirt carefully, softly letting a soft cry, "All I want is for you to be like my mother... take me and keep me... or let me keep you to make sure you dont do what mommy did... mommy died..." he said as he slowed his tears, wispering, "Can I keep you? Pretty please?" he said as he softly leaned forward and placed a kiss on her forehead, "I promise not to kill or be a monster... I will be your angel," he said with a look of hope to her eyes
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 23rd, 2002, 09:19:50 PM
She was feeling... dizzy... it was hard to concentrate... what was he asking? It sounded fine... why shouldn't she say yes...
No! The anger... keep it close... protection... where was it... where was her anger?!...
"I can't," she whispered weakly, holding onto that. "I can't." The girl tried to concentrate. "I can't belong to anyone." She said at last. "Like I said... it could get us both killed." What had he said again...? "You [i]have/i] done something. You chained me, and drugged me. That's... not nice." She finished lamely. "Look..." She tried to lift her head a little. It took effort. "I would love for you to be my angel. But you're not mine, and I'm not yours. It wouldn't work." She sighed. "I'm sure you'll find someone, someday, who can take you in, who can afford to love you and cherish you and..." her sentence was cut off by a wave of disorientation. "But I can't," she said. "I can't do it."
Patrick McManus
Jul 24th, 2002, 08:01:09 AM
He nodded quietly, moving over to the table, bringing another bottle, quietly moving and sitting onto her again and watch her, "Since you rejected me... as everyone has, I am left to decide what to do," He quietly set the bottle aside and softly moving his hands to her shoulder, his soft hands ran to her shoulders, softly starting to kneed her shoulders carefully as he watched her eyes.
He quietly wispered, "I just want to be good..." he said softly kneeding her shoulders, carefully running his hands down her arms, softly kneeding her. "Tell me how to relax you... please, let me do this, this is one of the good things I know how to do... I want to be a good angel not a bad one"
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 24th, 2002, 08:56:24 AM
Blinking, trying to focus, Leliarre said softly, "It would help if I wasn't chained..." Yeah, she thought dryly, just a little hard to relax when you're chained to a bed...
Patrick McManus
Jul 24th, 2002, 08:59:11 AM
He thought a moment and softly kneeded her shoulders a little more, "I'll do that in a few minutes... you want something else?" he said as stopped and looked into her eyes carefully, "Sorry about the drugs... I have to make sure your calm... didnt want to give you the other but I couldnt take chances"
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 24th, 2002, 09:16:21 AM
Leliarre liked how that felt. She felt kinda sorry he'd stopped. She almost asked him to start again.
Oh boy, a small corner of her mind thought. None of that! Dratted drugs.
She yawned. Her eyes were confused, a little sad, as she looked at the boy. "Patrick... did you understand what I said earlier? Really? It's not like I -want- to leave you... I have to..." She was a little worried. While Leliarre wasn't one of the nicer, more patient people in the universe, she did have a conscience to speak of. Right now it was sending guilt pangs at her. She knew well what it was like to be alone, on the street, with everyone who'd ever cared for her gone. She didn't like the idea of leaving him to that. But what real choice did she have?
Patrick McManus
Jul 24th, 2002, 09:19:37 AM
He softly started to kneed her shoulders and nodded again, softly running a hand to her cheek, "If you want... but... I will be alone again?" he asked as he looked into her eyes, softly stroking her cheek as he softly bit his lip, leaning forward and placing a kiss on her forehead, "Please stay with me? Be my mommy?" he said with a sigh, softly running his hand over to neck, softly kneeding her shoulders once more
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 24th, 2002, 09:37:53 AM
Leliarre's heart was torn. Even despite what he'd done, the child STILL reminded her of her brother... far too much. Jared hadn't been this young, but he had seemed it.
Jared, and Patrick even more so, seemed so helpless, so sweet, so lonely... he needed someone to take care of him... blast it that felt good...
The girl closed her eyes. She needed to concentrate. She couldn't do this. The Sith Palace was surely no place for a little boy. The life she lead was no life for a little boy. And hadn't he tricked her once already?
But had he really meant to...?
"I'm sorry Patrick," she said quietly, voice strained, "but I can't."
Patrick McManus
Jul 24th, 2002, 12:08:44 PM
He nodded carefully, continuing to kneed her shoulders, carefully watching her eyes carefully, he wasnt sure why, but he actually didnt want to leave her behind or... he didnt want to think about that right now. "Oh... ok, can I keep you then?" he looked at her curiously, softly starting to massage down her arms carefully
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 24th, 2002, 12:43:16 PM
Leliarre shook her head slowly. "No. Like I said, I can't belong to anyone." You can't 'keep' people, she wanted to say, but she wasn't sure how to explain that. "And there are people who need me." Another thing she wasn't sure how to explain. The massaging was making it hard for her to concentrate.
Patrick McManus
Jul 24th, 2002, 12:45:45 PM
He quietly ran his hands over her arms, softly massaing, he turned around and started to Massage her waist carefully, "People kept me... so why cant I keep you?" he asked curiously, starting to massage to her leg carefully as he did a very careful job, in hopes of pleasing her
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 24th, 2002, 12:54:42 PM
Leliarre struggled for words. "You're... still little. You need someone to take care of you. They don't really keep you, just... give you a home. You know what I mean? I'm old enough now that I can take care of myself."
Patrick McManus
Jul 24th, 2002, 12:59:51 PM
He softly kneeded her legs carefully as he closed his eyes, quietly working a few moments, softly moving his hands back to her shoulders again, wispering, "If you dont keep me or I dont keep you... they will come for me..." he wispered with a tear softly running down his cheek
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 24th, 2002, 01:01:05 PM
Leliarre frowned. "Who will?" She asked.
Patrick McManus
Jul 24th, 2002, 01:04:56 PM
He watched her and wispered softly into her ear and looked at her carefully, examining her carefully, "Dont say it outloud... wisper back"
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 24th, 2002, 01:14:00 PM
Leliarre nodded, a wondering look on her face as she did so. That explains some things... she thought. "But Patrick... I -can't- take care of you. I don't have the time, or the money, and I don't even know if I could take you back with me. And you can't keep me..."
Patrick McManus
Jul 24th, 2002, 01:23:33 PM
He nodded carefully and leaned forward, placing a kiss on her lips, "Since you rejected me... and know my secret... I may have to end you... I dont want to though..." he said as he quietly hugged her carefully, closing his eyes, "Why dont I let you go? I got an idea!" he said with a smile, "How about I let you go?"
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 24th, 2002, 01:26:36 PM
Leliarre smiled slightly. "I'd like that," She said softly.
Patrick McManus
Jul 24th, 2002, 01:49:37 PM
He nodded, taking the keys quietly and thinking a moment, "got to undo the first stuff first..." he said quietly injecting her with something else, "This will take off the calming stuff..." he quietly hid the rest of the things and then locked the door, he quietly cuffed his own hands behind his back and quietly moved, planing the keys to her cuffs in and unlocking her hands
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 24th, 2002, 03:25:41 PM
Leliarre smiled and sat up straight, moving her wrists to get feeling back into them. "Could I have the keys a minute?" She asked, sparing a moment to wonder what he was doing exactly.
Patrick McManus
Jul 24th, 2002, 03:31:28 PM
He nodded and fumbled with keys in his hands, trying to get a good grip on them, quietly he droped them but looked around on the floor, suprisingly they were no where to be seen, he looked up at her worried, "Where did they go?"
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 24th, 2002, 03:37:19 PM
Leiarre sighed, edging over so she could peer over from the edge of the bed. "I don't see them..."
Patrick McManus
Jul 24th, 2002, 03:40:33 PM
He shruged and walked over to her and jumped onto her lap, quietly sighing leaning back, sure his hands where tied behind his back but atleast he wasnt going anywhere... "I dont know where it went... oh well..." he quietly yawned, "Can we worry about this tomorrow?"
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 24th, 2002, 03:48:23 PM
Leliarre touseled his hair again, smiling a little. "Sure." We might be able to see better in the morning anyway, she reasoned. Then, she blushed a little - something she hadn't done since her parents died. "I can't sing too well, but I can hum..." She said. "Would you like me to hum you to sleep?"
Patrick McManus
Jul 24th, 2002, 03:49:51 PM
He nodded and smiled, leaning against her and sighed, "It would be perfect... I like you alot and want the best for you... you can leave me tomorrow morning if you really want..." he said with a sigh
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 24th, 2002, 03:54:16 PM
Once again a pang of guilt went through her. "I have to." She said quietly, hesitating, then putting her arms around him. Rocking him gently, she started humming a lullaby her mother sang her a long, long time ago. For the moment she forgot that her family was dead, forgot her anger, just hummed, sweetly, softly.
Patrick McManus
Jul 24th, 2002, 05:30:49 PM
He nodded quietly as he softly let a tear of joy rolled down his eye, quietly he buried his head into her clothing, as he started to fall asleep, content he actually found someone to love him for the night....
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 24th, 2002, 05:58:11 PM
Leliarre waited until she was sure he was asleep and a little after before she stopped humming. Gently laying him down, careful not to wake him, she did the same, only a twinge of unease entering her mind before she fell asleep.
Patrick McManus
Jul 24th, 2002, 06:02:23 PM
He quietly slept through the night, he woke up first thing in the morning with a smile, quietly walking over to her and wispered into her ear, "Goodmorning nice lady... how are you this morning?" he asked curious, his hands still bound behind his back, he wondered how this would look but shruged it off, "I still love you..." he wispered
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 24th, 2002, 06:10:26 PM
"I love you too." The words surprised her as they left her lips. She smiled. A real smile. She paused, then said a little sadly, "We should look for that key." Dragging herself to the edge of the bed, she looked closely at the floor again. "Where is that thing..."
Patrick McManus
Jul 24th, 2002, 06:53:28 PM
He thought a long moment then looked at her, "Um... hold me upsidedown and shake me... and we just might find it?" he said with an inocent look, quietly watching her, "Can I please have a hug? I would hug you... but my hands are kinda behind my back..." he said quietly...
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 24th, 2002, 07:08:17 PM
Leliarre nodded. "Of course I will." Straightening up, from her rather awkward sitting position, she hugged him tightly. "I'll miss you," she said softly.
Patrick McManus
Jul 24th, 2002, 07:10:28 PM
He quietly let a tear go and then watched her, nodding, "As the lady wishes..." he said softly and closed his eyes, "Try my pocket..." he wispered, "I cant reach it... goodbye..."
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 24th, 2002, 07:49:06 PM
Leliarre nodded sadly, reaching into his pocket and getting the key. "Thank you..." She unlocked her ankles, then hesitated. "I could unlock your wrists if you want me to..." She still wasn't sure why he'd done that in the first place.
Patrick McManus
Jul 25th, 2002, 07:57:02 AM
He nodded quietly, "Your choice... looks better though if you gonna leave me if I am cuffed..." he says with a sigh
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 25th, 2002, 11:19:26 AM
Leliarre nodded slowly, then started to leave... but turned to hug the little boy a last time. "I'll see you again, someday," she told him. "Really, I'll try."
Patrick McManus
Jul 25th, 2002, 12:18:39 PM
He nodded with a smile, "Goodbye nice lady!"
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 25th, 2002, 12:20:47 PM
Leliarre smiled slightly before blurting out a whispered, "Bye," quickly before she could start crying, then climbed out the window and onto the roof of the building easily. The girl stalked from roof to roof, half-angrily-half-deppresedly. She had some serious brooding to do.
Patrick McManus
Jul 25th, 2002, 12:22:24 PM
He quietly walked over to the door and ran into it accidently breaking hte door down, "Someone help me? I am stuck!"
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