View Full Version : The Promise of Pain (A challenge to any Sith or Jedi Warrior)

Sukura Carme
Jul 22nd, 2002, 11:10:53 AM
--Sukura sat herself on a large rock, overlooking a rather large open area of brown dead grass and bushes. A few trees dotted the landscape as well, but mostly the area was dead. Sukura's light blue, pupiless eyes scanned the area in hopes of finding a challenger.--

--She sniffed the air a few times, her animal senses searching for any scent. She had been told that in order to finally become a Sith Knight she needed to fight more. A year or more it seemed that she had been a Warrior, it was getting tiresome. Sukura ran her fingers casually through her flame red hair, a small sigh slipping through her pale pink lips.--

"I hope someone shows up soon....I'm not one to show much patience....It isn't my virtue..."

--Sukura whispered to herself attempting to keep herself occupied--

Liam Jinn
Jul 28th, 2002, 06:19:10 PM
Liam searched the area, looking for the snake that had just bit him. So much for meditating, he thought. He followed the snakes trail out into the open as he felt another prescence.

Taking a few more steps out into the open he sighed. He had lost the snake and now it seemed there might be a bigger problem on his hands.

Sukura Carme
Jul 29th, 2002, 01:04:45 PM
--Sukura's acute senses caught the smell of human flesh on the wind. She scanned the area once again and her pale blue eyes fell upon the shape of a human. A male by his build and perhaps a worthy rival. A wicked grin danced over her lips.--

--Sukura pulled herself up to her full height. She was massive, length wise anywho, she stood an easy 7 feet tall. Her hair flew lightly in the wind, and her eyes watched the man with an intense consentration. Her fingers twitched with anticipation...This could be it...Her key to winning the Councils' approval for her to move up a level.--

--She watched him carefully...A Jedi...She could tell that from his stature and the look about his face. He could perhaps be a higher level than she...This wouldn't be an easy fight. Darn...But you have to take what you can get...--


--Sukura yelled from a top the rock, her voice booming across the field causing animals to scurry from their hiding places--

"Come and visit me, Dearest Jedi...Perhaps we can talk a bit..?"

--She smirked as he heard her voice sound within his head--

Liam Jinn
Jul 30th, 2002, 07:59:34 AM
Liam saw the figure on the rocks stand and he shook his head, then began walking towards her.

"Talk? I've no problems talking. But are you sure that it will be just talk?"

Sukura Carme
Jul 30th, 2002, 11:10:27 AM
--Sukura frowned just slightly and shook her head--

"No I suppose I don't really want to talk...But unlike many other Sith, I'm not going to say to your face that I'm going to rip your spinal cord out through your mouth...."

--Her small frown quickly changed to a wicked grin. Sukura blinked down at the man, he was smaller than she, like most were, but size doesn't always matter...--

--Sukura studied him for a moment and then simply said--

"You shall do nicely. We will fight now...."

--With that said she leaped off the rock and landed behind the Jedi, sending a steady kick into his spine. He staggered forward but did not fall. She didn't expect him to fall...He seemed to be well trained...--

"By the way..My name is Sukura Carme and yours is..?"

--She asked in an overly polite tone as she followed up the kick with a smashing punch to his left cheek, sending shudders through his jaw bone--

Liam Jinn
Jul 31st, 2002, 10:32:34 AM
Liam staggered from the blows, but recovered quickly enough rubbing his jaw.

"The name's Liam Jinn."

He dropped low and swept the woman's feet out from under her. As she hit the ground she was immediately thrown upwards , Liam springing up after her. With one quick motion, he delivered an uppercut, sending her flying back.

He landed gently and spun around to meet his enemy in a defensive position.

Sukura Carme
Jul 31st, 2002, 11:15:36 AM
--Sukura lay on her back, staring up at the sky rather dazed. He was fast, much faster than any of her previous opponents. Her jaw hurt...well actually her whole face flet like it hurt...--

--A low growls sounded within her throat as Sukura pulled herself to her feet and stepped up to Liam again, sending her left hand clenched in a fist towards his face, he moved his head to the side to dodge the punch only to get hit by Sukura other hands, her talons raking across his flesh.--

--Sukura smiled with satisfaction and then sent her knee flying into his mid section. Liam staggered back slightly but again did not loose much of his composure--

--Sukura stepped back and took her defensive stance--

"Nice name, Love"

--She smiled and winked--

Liam Jinn
Aug 2nd, 2002, 09:42:30 AM
Liam felt the talons tear the flesh on the side of his face. He didn't have long to think over it as he was met with a knee in his stomach. She was strong, maybe she'd put a good fight..he thought as he smiled back.

Via the force, he pulled her towards him then jumped and delivered a kick into her chest. She stopped suddenly in the air, then fell back to the ground.

As she hit, the Jedi Master flipped over her and landed a few feet away on her other side, already in his defensive position.

OOC: Sorry for not replying sooner, was kinda busy the past few days :\

Sukura Carme
Aug 3rd, 2002, 01:14:46 PM
--Again Sukura found herself on her back, she groaned her chest feeling on fire from the force of the kick. She flipped to her feet and shook her head, somewhat like a lion shakes its mane.--

--Sukura began circling Liam, taking in his stance his every movement, processing them in her mind, calculating...--

--A few moments later Sukura dropped to the ground and slid her left leg into the side of his right, Liam fell to the groun surprised by her agility. Sukura reached down and picked Liam up by the scruff of his shirt, easily tossing him into the air and watching him fall to the ground again with a loud thud. Sukura flung out her hand and slid him along the ground using the force and then let him stop before he came practically crahing head first into a small boulder.--

"You're move, Lovely.."

Liam Jinn
Aug 5th, 2002, 03:45:11 PM
Liam slowly rose to his feet and dusted himself off, wincing as he moved his left arm. He had landed on his shoulder, luckily not akward enough to dislocate it.

He glanced back at the boulder that he had almost hit and grinned. Turning back to Sukura, he began concentrating. Slowly the boulder rose, then found itself flung at the woman, gaining speed with every meter.

Sukura Carme
Aug 15th, 2002, 06:33:20 AM
--Sukura's eyes widened with slight horror seeing the boulder hurtling through the air towards her, panic began to inch its way into her blood stream. She fought it though, with little ease. She took a deep breath and pushed back her fear, let out a booming roar from her animalistic throat. In union with the roar she raised both her hands, the boulder now only a few feet away, and clenched her fists until her talons dung deep into her palms, the boulder blew up into smaller pieces, still hitting her but with less force. She staggered back and fell to one knee, bruised and slightly bloody--

"Damn boy, Why you gotta be so rough?"

--She sniggered and get to her feet, dusting herself off casually, dug her feet into the ground and bounded towards him, her fist connecting directly witht he center of his face, smashing his nose. Blood dribbled down his face, her other fist connected with the center of his chest, hitting his heart, it practically skipped a feet as he skidded back slightly fromt he force of the punch-

Liam Jinn
Aug 15th, 2002, 03:29:11 PM
Before Liam could respond, he was laying on the ground. He put his hand to his face and wiped some blood away. His chest hurt, and it made it more difficult to breathe.

He chuckled then rose to his feet.

"Who's being rough now?"

He took a few steps back, a grin on his face hinting that he had something else up his sleeve. The two main veins in Sukura's neck ruptured simutaniously as Liam sprang foward with a flying kick. It hit it's mark, Sukura's chest, and sent the poor sith flying back. She hit the ground again with a 'THUD' and Liam took on a new defensive position, and this time letting himself fall deeper into the force.