View Full Version : The Smell of Cinnamon [Open]

Jul 22nd, 2002, 10:26:22 AM
"Beep ! --

First name: Max
Last name: Unknown
Age: 19
Mother: Deceased
Father: Still in Search
Guardian: None
Race: Human - Genetically Engineered by Birth
Occupation the last 3 years: Dancer in a bar
Reason: Beating to death two grown men--"

"Do I really need to hear this all over again ? For the love of ... I lived all of this, I should know, now, shouldn't I ?" A female voice yelled out.

"Silence ! Reason: Beating to death two grown men for touching her ..." The other voice continued.

In the back of her cell, the girl groaned. Leaned against the brick wall, she looked around, as the alien men who captured her for assault and murder continued their blah blah blah. She wore a pair of black jeans, a leather jacket, a grey tank top, and on the side of her stomach was a heart tattoo. Her messy brown hair flowed down her neck, but then, got squeezed between her back and the wall.

Finally, they finished. She stood up. "Can I get out now ?"

"You're free." They said, almost irritated.

She was imprisoned in a cell, where there was no security. Only light green laser beams served as security. Touching the lasers would mean getting electrocuted. Painful, very painful. She stepped out as soon as the guards pressed the button and stopped the security, smiled innocently, then stood behind both of the aliens as they reactivated the lasers. But she was grabbed the man's hand, snapped it backwards and threw him in to the cell. As for the other one, she jumped up, made a half-circle kick into his, the blow pushing him inside the cell. She then pushed the buttons, locking them inside the cell.

She scoffed, turned around and walked down the hall like nothing happened. As she stepped out of the hallway, she entered a room to get her stuff back. Another alien was waiting for her. A one she knew.

"Max." He said.

"Mauri." She replied.

"You have to stop this nonsense ..." He almost muttered, as he reached under his desk, taking out a silver steel gun. "We could've needed those Jedis, when the war comes."

"They were weaklings. Perverted weaklings."

Max sighed as she put the gun down on the side of her thigh, it was as if she was getting scolded. He pressed a button on his datapad, typed in the letters M-A-X, and a drawer opened behind him. The office was humongous, filled with drawers, where your stuff would go when you get arrested. He stood up, reached for the drawer taking out a pair of finger-cut gloves and a silver ring as the girl sat down in the comfy chair in front of him. She swifted her gaze on his desk. A computer, a gun, a lightsaber hilt, a few documents ... A bowl of candy ? Where does he think he is ? In a kid's school ? Nonetheless, Max found herself reaching her hand over and take one. Umm ... A smell of cinnamon. The only thing she loved until now. A smell that actually brought her a little happiness before today.

"Here ..." He handed her the gloves and ring.


She put on her gloves and the silver ring on her wedding finger. A perfect fit, though she had never loved before. The only reason she wore the damn ring was to keep people away from her. The gun was another accessory too. She tilted her head to the side and sighed.

"Go on, give it to me." She finally said.

"It's the 5th time this month, Max. Next time, I'll be a lot harder on you. I don't know what do with you ! I'm really disappointed."

Disappointed. The one word that could actually hurt her cold heart. She stood up, the front of her hair hiding her eyes and stepped out of the office before Mauri could add another word. She finally reached the entrance/exit and stepped out into the crowded streets of this stinky planet. Everyone who walked by her could smell a sweet scent of cinnamon, but could also see a tear running down her cheek.

Bar Bar Drinks
Jul 22nd, 2002, 10:42:09 AM
"B-but...meesa did nuttin!"

A Gungan was complaining to two officers.

"Meesa just a drinkin', okieday?"

The officers were ignoring him, laughing at him. The Gungan looked to Max.

"Yousa helpin' meesa?"

Chase Starwalker
Jul 22nd, 2002, 12:39:22 PM
As Max paced down the crowded sidewalks, she passed a small darkened ally, not far from the prison complex. As she did so, a figure stepped out behind her and began to walk...as a shadow to her being.

Jul 22nd, 2002, 03:05:18 PM
"I, uh ..." Max muttered.

She then realized that she was being a softie, still the Gungan seemed in trouble, and seemed innocent. Max sighed, and stepped in front of the Gungan, though she seemed a lot shorter and smaller. She looked up to the officers, asking how much they wanted to keep quiet. They muttered a certain price that made Max shake her head, and pull out a bag of credits. That was all she had left.

"Here. Now, get out of my face." She said to the officers, before turning to the Gungan. "There. I helped. Happy ?"

Before he could answer, she stepped away, passing in front of a small alley, didn't look like much, but she did feel a being following her. Being half genetically engineered sharpened her senses.

"And what do you want ?" She asked codly, without turning around.

Bar Bar Drinks
Jul 22nd, 2002, 07:18:16 PM
"Meesa wantin' nuttin'! And meesa not followin' yousa, either! Dis way is to my home! And thankin' yousa much. Deesa ossifers always pickin on me. Is cause meesa Gungan, meesa thinks."

He realised she wasn't talking to him.

"Oh, yousa meanin' dat guy..."

Bar Bar walked on with a sigh and shake of his head.

Chase Starwalker
Jul 23rd, 2002, 12:47:50 AM
Chase was dressed in his usual Jedi robes, as she recongnized him as such. He gave a faint smile.

"Only to talk..." He said briefly.

Jul 23rd, 2002, 06:33:06 AM
"Don't you know ? It's a bad idea for Jedis to even come near me."

Still without turning around to the Jedi, Max looked up to the Gungan and offered a cinnamon candy. "You better get out of here, this could get ugly." She then muttered to him. Finally, she turned around slowly, her face having an almost irritated expression and looked at the Jedi. She took a moment to study his features, as she crossed her arms.


Chase Starwalker
Jul 23rd, 2002, 04:33:53 PM
Chase cocked his head to the side, studying the young woman as if he didn't believe her. Once more he let his grin show through.

"A bad idea huh?" Chase smirked. "...and why is that?"

Jul 24th, 2002, 08:30:02 AM
"Each word you say to me takes a year off your life." She simply replied like was nothing.

Bar Bar Drinks
Jul 24th, 2002, 09:06:55 AM
Bar Bar accepted the candy and shook his head.

"A year, is it? Meesa goin...good luck to bothin yousa..."

Bar Bar staggered around the corner and was gone.

Chase Starwalker
Jul 25th, 2002, 04:33:46 PM
Chase ignored the Gungan, and contined to stare into Max's eyes. She was bueatiful, that much was certain, but she had a hint of danger surronding her, the Jedi could sense that easily. He stepped closer, almost face to face. His smile was sly.

"I'm willing to risk a few years..."

Jul 25th, 2002, 06:44:39 PM
"18 words, which means 18 years isn't just a few."

Max's eyes looked up into his. He didn't seem to detach his from hers, and if she did first, it'd mean that she was afraid, so she continued looking at him looking at her. She wasn't afraid of a challenge. She took note of the Gungan's departure, and only nodded without taking her gaze off of the Jedi.

Chase Starwalker
Jul 25th, 2002, 11:19:57 PM
He had to give a smirk to her comment. She was quite the girl. He kept his glare and smile.

"Why so quick to refuse company?"

Jul 26th, 2002, 12:52:33 PM
"And why so quick to find company ? What happened ? Girl dumped you, so you need a rebound girl ? Sorry. Out of business."

Her glare hardened and the corner of her lips frowned angrily as he smiled.

Chase Starwalker
Jul 26th, 2002, 04:52:18 PM
"Quick to find the reason behind your release actually."

The statement darkend the conversation quickly.

"Amazing what you can find about people these days. Killed two men in dance bar, countless felonies and arrests. Not to mention the guards you just put to sleep in there."

Max gave a look of somewhat surprise to his statment.

"How am I to know you won't cause any more trouble? It would be a shame if I had to personally make sure you got locked up....for good."

Jul 27th, 2002, 08:31:44 AM
"What I do is none of your business. And if you want to lock me up for good ..."

Max showed him her hands, her fists clenched, her wrists exposing to him. She tilted her head to the side. Her glare softened, and a sarcastic smile drew on her lips.

"Go ahead. Nobody gives a damn."

Chase Starwalker
Jul 27th, 2002, 01:56:15 PM
Chase looked upon her with admiration. The girl was brave, not afraid of anything, that was for sure. Strong headed and couragous. Almost reminded him of someone else he knew..

"Your not in trouble miss...not yet anyway. Just make sure it stays that way, thats all I ask..."

Jul 28th, 2002, 01:38:41 PM
"What I do is none of your business, Jedi. It never was, and will never be, so ..."

She pulled an arm out and pushed him away from her.

"Stay away from me. I bite."

Chase Starwalker
Jul 28th, 2002, 02:49:35 PM
"Lucky for you, I bite too." He smiled trying to ease her mood.

"And when your business threatens others, it becomes MY business."

Max was obviously not interested anymore in conversation. Chase knew this, "Very well." Chase stated plainly.

"Be careful, and take care of yourself." Chase walked around the corner of the alley and out of sight. But soon as Max continued on her way, he came around again, following very far behind in stealth. He would see exactly what she was up to.

Jul 28th, 2002, 06:05:29 PM
"Ugh." She muttered to herself. "Another [beep]in' stalker."

She stopped, and talked out loud. To other people, it showed her talking to herself, but the Jedi knew she was talking to him.

"Why can't you get a life ?"

Chase Starwalker
Jul 28th, 2002, 10:15:12 PM
He simply ignored her comment, and kept his pace.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jul 29th, 2002, 07:15:47 AM
As Max cornered the street, she almost walked straight into someone. The man, about 6'2", looked down at her with an apologetic smile, which lingered for a few moments before spreading upwards to become a wide grin. His eyes lit up with excitement.


There was no sign of recognition from the girl, though the man did not move.

"It is you! Oh wow, it's been too long!"

He grinned a broad grin, his lips pursing so as not to show his elongated canines. He leant forward and warmly embraced her, laughing to himself. As he hugged her, he spoke into her mind, and her mind only - blocking anyone else from intercepting the message with the Force.

"Play along and I will get you away from your annoying little fan-club."

Jul 29th, 2002, 07:24:09 AM
Max's eyebrows arched, and she was getting angry. But she quickly calmed herself down after the Force message, and uncomfortably returned the embrace to the tall stranger. She realized that she didn't know his name.

"Uh ... Hey ! I missed you so much." She played along as said.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jul 29th, 2002, 07:29:02 AM
"This is incredible, Max and Erik reunited finally,"

He paused, grinning to look across at the Jedi. Erik offered a nod in a greeting before looking back to his cousin, tugging her in closer for a more tight hug.

"Gonna have to deprive you of this one tonight, mate, got some catching up to do with my cuz here," he added as he looked down at Max.

Chase Starwalker
Jul 29th, 2002, 01:15:52 PM
Chase said nothing, but looked upon the two with a watchful eye. He gave a slight nod.

"Very well. It is understandable." He turned to Max, "Remember our conversation..." and back to Vega, "Good evening to you both."

Chase stepped aside and walked into a nearby pub's open doors. A jedi on the common streets was anything but, as he was clearly out of place. As he came inside the smokey establishment he immedinatly turned and looked through the curtains at the two who were cleary immersed in conversation. That man...I know I've seen him somewhere before....but where.... He let his thoughts trail off as more patrons entered the bar, one bumping into him. He was a large fellow, bald head and tatoos adorned his greasy body.

"Watch where your going pal."

Chase tried to pay him no mind. A slight nod was all.

"I said, watch where your going pal."

"I'm not your pal grease ball." The man could not register what had just been said, as if in disbelief.

"What'd you say to me?"

"I think you heard me."

The man cracked his knuckles, backed by his other large friends, he started to advance on the motionless Jedi. Before the man was in striking distance, Chase waved his hand with a slight gesture.

"You don't want any trouble tonight, just to drink."

The man's tiny brain took some time to register that he didn't want any trouble tonight, not here. He nodded his head and turned back to his friends who were confused as he was. Chase came to the front door of the pub and looked around the corner, the two were still talking. Back to his thoughts...now where have I seen him..?

Jul 29th, 2002, 03:07:23 PM
Max looked to the side, catching the Jedi's glance and pushed the other man, 'Erik', out of the Jedi's vision. Finally, she pushed him off of her completely, then crossed her arms over her stomach.

"I didn't know cousins could hug so tight."

Vega Van-Derveld
Jul 30th, 2002, 02:23:02 AM
Vega could feel the young Padawan's movements in and out of the bar, thus cloaked himself in shadows within the alley he had been pushed into. Similiarly, he provided a vague shroud for the woman.

"I didn't realise Jedi stalked people, but there you go - learn a new thing every day."

He smirked somewhat.

"... He's still following you,"

His voice trailied away. The Jedi was beginning to recognise who he was. At this he couldn't help but smile. He tugged the hood of his robes up over his head.

"Any reason for that?"

Jul 30th, 2002, 07:38:43 AM
"Killed a couple of Jedi on my way over here. He didn't seem to like that."

Max wasn't sure if it was wise to tell the man that, but at least she knew he wasn't a Jedi. But she couldn't help the corner of her lips to curve up in a grin, those idiots deserved it.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 4th, 2002, 07:20:27 AM
".. Right, nothing of importance then," he groaned with sarcasm.

"How long has he been trailing you?"

Aug 4th, 2002, 01:30:55 PM
"A bit less than an hour or so." Max shrugged. "What does it matter to you, anyways ?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 4th, 2002, 01:32:23 PM
He smirked.

"It doesn't, in the end. But I'm bored, and thus have nothing to do."

Aug 4th, 2002, 02:26:54 PM
"And what do you want me to do ? It's not my problem."

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 5th, 2002, 04:26:20 AM
He shook his head and turned away, stepping back out into the street.

"Fine, enjoy the preaching and the stalker."

He groaned to himself, questionning why he was even wasting his time here.

Aug 5th, 2002, 12:20:51 PM

Max closed her eyes for a slight second, then opened them again, sighing.

"Wait. I do owe you one for the Jedi." She muttered.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 5th, 2002, 12:22:06 PM
He grinned, then dismissed the smile as he turned back to Max.

"Owe me one?"

He quirked one eyebrow.

"And how do you intend to repay me?"

Aug 5th, 2002, 12:27:34 PM
"Well, what would you like ? I'm pretty much broke, and homeless. Only reason I'm so clean is because I've been arrested so many times, I shower there." She shrugged.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 5th, 2002, 12:29:03 PM
"What would I like? You tell me. I can have anything I want, Max."

He turned to look away from her.

"It is your decision as to how you clear your 'debts' with my for ridding you temporarily of that Jedi."

Aug 5th, 2002, 12:36:25 PM
Max sighed. She didn't like having to owe stuff to people, but she liked bluffing. She stuffed her hand in her back jeans pocket and pulled out a few credits.

"Enough for one drink. My treat."

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 6th, 2002, 07:02:11 AM
"Ooh great.."

He rolled his eyes.

"Lead the way."

Aug 6th, 2002, 07:31:34 AM
"Shut up."

Max walked pass the man, crossed her arms in her back, down the crowded street. For a while now, she didn't look back at him, but knew he was following behind. Finally, she looked over her shoulder.

"Your name's not really Eric, is it ?"