View Full Version : Another reason all Imps cant be clones
Jul 21st, 2002, 08:31:48 PM
ROTJ. THe commandos use a code. If they were clones normally flying them, wouldnt they just send a blood sample? Having every Imperials blood is a bit much, but clones? No probs.
THe list grows ;)
Jul 21st, 2002, 09:18:23 PM
are you sure your not related to me:lol cause that's way out there man :lol
Doc Milo
Jul 22nd, 2002, 07:57:02 AM
I don't personally think all imperials are clones. Just the stormtroopers. The officers, pilots, etc, I believe are conscripted.
Jul 22nd, 2002, 09:43:10 AM
Why would they not clone pilots, but clone Stormies?
Jul 22nd, 2002, 02:08:59 PM
Spies could have captured a stormtrooper and just always send that blood for confirmation. I mean Han and Luke wacked 2 of them on the Falcon, they could have just replicated their blood sample and used it as a free pass all over the galaxy. A code could be changed constantly. I think I catch what you're saying though.
But this seems like a good topic for debate. Nice goin Reaper. :)
I agree with Doc that any Imperial that needs to use his brain would be a normal person that was conscripted or joined. Stormtroopers are just mindless drones that just attack in numbers.
Jul 22nd, 2002, 07:48:54 PM
There's something that's been running through my mind. You know how we've been hearing that some scenes are going to be added to the OT to make the movies tie in better? What if GL decides to have Temura voice over all of the old Stormtrooper dialogue? That'd answer the question. It'll be interesting just how much the clone issue is addressed in EP3. Will their armor change? Will we see even more OT designs start to creep in? (Ties or X-Wing/Headhunters)
Jul 22nd, 2002, 08:02:46 PM
Hope not. Theres a 20 year gap or so, I dont want everything linked.
Admiral Lebron
Jul 22nd, 2002, 08:04:24 PM
I'd like to see Early TIEs or maybe a VSD...
Jul 23rd, 2002, 06:11:13 AM
I'm not sure how more OT designs we will see. Reaper's right, the gap isn't close enough between Episode 3 and ANH for all the designs to be identical. But aren't X-Wings old ships? Maybe we will see a prototype of it? I'm sure GL isn't done with the clone issue, at least I hope he isn't. I don't want him to leave us hanging over whether or not Stormtroopers are clones. It would remind me of the heated debates Blade Runner fans had over whether or not Deckard was a replicant, which Scott finally settled a couple years ago.
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:15:46 AM
I thought Scott's answer was lame. But if the book the movie was based on had Dekcer as a replicant, then fine. I think it worked betetter as Decker being human, but that's me.
The X-Wings are older ships. they were preceded by Headhunters and there's been drawings and illustrations of them hanging around for years. So we could see some kinds of similiar design. Just look at that Jedi Starfighter. You can see the resemblance between ships like the Star Destroyers and even the A-Wing. Something with a ball cockpit design can be worked in there somewhere. so much fun ahead, so much...
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:20:34 AM
I'd prefer to see old destroyed over the new appear though. Imperials, that's different. But I dont want to see Rebel tech.
Ephant Tricovsky
Jul 23rd, 2002, 05:42:40 PM
In an EU story, Davin Felth goes to be a stormtrooper. You could also argue about Luke wanting to goto the Imperial Academy, but then you coudl counter argue he can become a pilot. But then there are the height differences in stormies. Conclusion, I dont think they are clones.
ALSO! If they had cloning technolgy, why wouldnt they make an army of Lightsaber wielding jedi? Or a younger Palpatine.
Then again, in the EU there is like 2 remaining Cloning stations, but both are destroyed.
Jul 23rd, 2002, 06:07:41 PM
ALSO! If they had cloning technolgy, why wouldnt they make an army of Lightsaber wielding jedi? Or a younger Palpatine.
And that's why Dark Empire always fit in :)
And there's a good point I forgot. Luke was joining the Academy. What for? A pilot? Pilots seem to be clones in EP2 :)
Jul 23rd, 2002, 09:04:31 PM
We don't know why he wanted to join the academy do we? Maybe it was to absorb some training as an officer and defect to the alliance?
Jul 23rd, 2002, 09:11:58 PM
The cut scene had Luke suprised Biggs would defect, so I dont know.
Jul 23rd, 2002, 10:41:28 PM
They cannot be clones.
It was a brilliant move for Palpatine to establish a clone army for the republic because for the republic The Clone Wars were a small conflict, in galactic terms, whose main purpose was to destroy the jedi order and the commercial conglomerates thus leaving the emperor unopposed. The Federation has what, 20, 30 thousand systems? And obviously if we follow what the EU has establised we know not nearly half of them are populated, they simply belong to some planet or cluster. So all that Palpy needed were a couple million clones to wipe out the threat and then have enough men to proclaim himself Emperor and defeat any local defense force that had the courage to defy him.
But running the Empire is a very different thing. In it's height of power the Empire had hundreds of thousands of planets, all with it's local imperial garrison and a fleet of thousands upon thousands of ships. Given the fact that the Empire ruled with an iron fist, it must have needed maybe a billion or more soldiers. Kamino could only produce 250K clones in ten years, and even if the cloning facilities were reproduced massively accross the galaxy it would take too much time to produce and replenish a regular army.
I suppose that after the Clone Wars, the surviving clones either opted for retiremenent and a private life, or stayed as commanders and officers. The Imperial Army must then begin recruiting, especially in human sectors, aggrisevily or impose some sort of compulsory military service. Thus 20 years after Episode III the Imperial Army that fights the Rebels is comprised only of natural born soldiers, and the surviving clones must be too old for active military service, especially if the grow enhacement drugs make them aged more quickly. The massive scale of the army could also explain why the empire best troops are defeated by a bunch of teddy bears with sticks and stones due to inapropiate training, but that's another topic in it's entirely.
Does that make any sense??? It does in my head, but that's no guarantee...
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