View Full Version : Something Hidden.....

Xazor Elessar
Jul 21st, 2002, 10:16:13 AM
The Jedi Knight, Xazor Magus, entered the Bar and Grill. A smile was on her face as she passed by the door guards and searched for an empty table. Spotting one, she began to walk towards it, smiling at those she passed. Her red robes somehow, fit her differently, though. Finally she reached the table and took up an empty seat, adjusting herself so that she sat comfortably. A server droid whisteled and beeped until it reached the tableside and waited for her to order.

"I'll have a Virgin Strawberry Daiqurie.....please."

She said with a gentle smile as the droid recorded her request. It beeped happily and rolled back to the bar to fill her order. The Knight turned and looked out the window......a new look in her eyes seemed to possess her this day. She was not sad......but very happy. She knew not why.....but had an idea. No one around her seemed to notice, so she pushed the thoughts away and her drink was delivered. Taking it in her hands, she took a sip and smiled thoughtfully.....

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 21st, 2002, 10:26:25 AM
*Natia, who had become bored earlier in the day had decided to come to the B&G to watch ppl. In doing this, some time after she had arrived, she saw her Mother arrive and sit down at an empty table. She then stands up, grabs her crutches and hobbles over to her. Coming to a stop behind her Mother, she shifts her weight slightly and puts a hand on her Mother's shoulder*

Hi Mom.

*Natia then goes and sits down in a chair next to her Mother and leans her crutches up against the table. She takes a long look at her Mother and smiles*

So Mom, what'cha thinking about.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 21st, 2002, 10:28:36 AM
Xazor looked up and smiled at the sight of her daughter. It was good to see her out and about this day.

"Oh, nothing sweetheart.....just daydreaming....."

She said softly and looked out the window once again. Her eyes slowly dirfted to those of Natia and she giggled slightly....something of which she did not do very often.

"So how is your day going, my daughter?"

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 21st, 2002, 06:33:46 PM
At the other end of the bar, a Jedi Master quietly sips at his drink.

He had become aware there was something on Xazor's mind, but in his own way, he was being polite. it was entirely possible for him to just simply dip into the shared Life Bond they had, but in someways that was intrusive.

It was better to let the young lady have her space. Still.... Something was going on and he wasn't denying he was curious

Xazor Elessar
Jul 21st, 2002, 06:38:19 PM
Xazor looked across the bar when she was aware of a familiar presence. His eyes softly rested on her, and she wondered about it. Still she smiled and shifted her attention back to Natia.

If you wish to join us, please do. Why are you looking at me like that?

She questioned in his mind. Indeed, it worried her a bit for she had denied in her mind what she knew was fully possible. Her smile faded slightly but then she looked out the window and it brightened her up a bit. Her eyes slowly drifted to those of Natia and then back to Marcus...wondering....

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 21st, 2002, 07:07:40 PM
I would prefer to.... oh, your adopted daughter! I dont believe we have had the pleasure to meet. I will come over after all

He took hos travel stained boots off the table and senibly tapped his pipe so that it went out. It would not be right to expose a young child to his smoking, after all. Picking up his tankard, he walked over.

"Mind if I take a seat?"

Xazor Elessar
Jul 21st, 2002, 08:28:05 PM
Xazor grinned and looked up at Marcus. She bowed her head and motioned to the empty place.

"Please, do....."

Xazor smiled and turned to Natia, a questioning look was in the young girl's eyes.

"You can trust him, Natia. This is my good friend, Marcus Q'Dunn. He is a Jedi Master here at the Order....."

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 21st, 2002, 08:41:27 PM
A nod at the young girl (Not much older than Jina! he thought) then he took his place, putting the tankard down.

And really got a full dose of weirdness coming off Xazor. Being in tune to her Force presence and her mind made it fairly easy to know that something wasn't quite normal. The life bond's links were made stronger by proximity, which was why he usually kept his distance. So it wasn't hard to notice that something really was on the young woman's mind.

You seem preoccupied today. What's up?

Xazor Elessar
Jul 21st, 2002, 09:16:42 PM
Xazor smiled as Marcus sat....but was a bit taken aback when he spoke in her mind. It was not the fact that he did, but it was the words that he spoke. She looked down slightly and then her eyes drifted back up to meet his.

N.....nothing, really. I....I really don't know what you're talking about. Why? Do I look different? Do you think I am fat?

The questions she spoke in his mind seemed so.....unnatural, but she had to ask. She had to know why he was questioning her. For some reason, it really......mattered. The matter at hand....or mind, really was bothering her now. Not in a bad sense, but an urgency to know. Again, she pushed her thoughts aside and eyed Marcus, then eyed Natia, wondering what she had to think of this man whom Xazor knew so well.....

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 21st, 2002, 10:17:54 PM
No, your not fat.... but your presence in the Force.... is not normal. I have not noticed because it is something that I pay no real mind to, but now I truly look.... something is very different. It is strange, for I can tell you are well and you are as ever a shining light in the.....

No way. She had to be kidding.


Marcus really gave Xazor a hard look, then simply dropped what privacy guards he had to her.

When did you notice something was changing?

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 22nd, 2002, 10:39:31 AM
*Natia looks at her Mother curiously but after a moment she smiles again*

My days going pretty well. Nothing has bothered me and I'm getting pretty good at moving around with my crutches so that I am almost moving at a normal walking speed now.

*Natia looks at Marcus as he comes and takes a seat at the table with her and her Mother. She had never actually met him before, but she had heard others talking about him and just from what she had heard, he is a trustworthy person. She tilts her head slightly while looking at him and frowns. Then she hears her Mother's words and decides to trust Marcus just because her Mother cares about him. The 8 year old girl blinks her ice blue eyes while looking at Marcus*

Hello Marcus.

*Natia continues to look at Marcus for a moment and then back to her Mother*

So Mom, what'cha day dreaming about??

*Natia glances at both Marcus and her Mother and then frowns slightly since she notices that they aren't including her in a conversation which she's interested in but they are adults and they have that right*

Xazor Elessar
Jul 22nd, 2002, 11:03:42 AM
Xazor was a bit speechless at Marcus's words. She shook her head, denying it to herself again. Then she looked down and couldn't avoid the bit of a bulge that manifested itself from her robes. She looked out the window and then smiled slightly, trying, in her mind, to blame the bulge on her bad eating habits.

No.....nothing, I have been eating terribly for a while.

Her eyes shifted to Natia but she caught Marcus's stern gaze. She knew that she would not get out of this and perhaps he knew more than she wished to think about.

"Nothing sweetheart, my mind has been on Shade lately..."

It was true...with what she hoped was not happening, she could not help but think of her husband of two months. Her eyes slowly shifted to Marcus once again.

I noticed about a few weeks ago...I started getting sick in the morning, but then it went away. Now I am getting fat....I told you, I have been eating way too much lately.

That was not a lie either, she had been eating for what seemed like two of her. It was not like her to sit down at the bar and eat two chicken dinners...but she did for she had been terribly hungry. Too many signs pointed to one possibility and she continued denying it in her head thinking that she was not ready for such a thing....

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 23rd, 2002, 04:10:27 AM
Marcus turned his attention to Natia and more importantly listening to the young girl describe her condition. He made a mental note to talk to Xazor's adopted ward in a moment, to put her at ease.

But first, there was a slight issue to deal with with Xazor, for now he had his senses fully open, he could clearly see her presence in the Force and the changes. No, changes was the wrong word. She hadn't changed at all.

There was two of them

Nothing much at present, but it was there.

You might be denying it, but I can see it clearly my dear lady. I dont see anything physical but I see it in your presence, that you are no longer alone.

"Congratulations or comiserations Xazor" he said outloud "whichever way it is, I believe both of you should come with me. You should have spoken to Helenias as soon as you suspected."

And this is your adopted child, Natia? Then you owe her to sit down and explain.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:55:07 AM
Xazor's suspicions were confirmed by Marcus's words...something of which she had not necessarily dreaded...but she did not welcome with open arms either.

What are you doing? No.....I am not....I can't be, I'm not ready for this!

Suddenly he announced it outloud...not the most direct words were spoken, but enough that Natia probably got the idea. She sighed and looked into the little girl's eyes and then back at Marcus.

"Alright my friend, we will go....come Natia, I want you to meet another one of my friends. She is my Mother by adoption...just like I am to you. I think that you'll like her....remember, Helenias? The woman who brought Jina to the wedding? That is her...."

Xazor had to explain most things to her daughter so that she would comfort her nerves. It was good to see Natia getting out more and learning to speak more freely with people.

Yes this is my adoptive daughter, Natia. I know....I should talk to her. Marcus....I am not ready for this!

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 23rd, 2002, 10:28:03 AM
*Natia just sits in silence as her Mother talks mentally to Marcus. Then suddenly Marcus speaks aloud and she looks at her Mother, a smile on her face. She knows her Mother has to explain alot of things to her about ppl, but when it comes to things which don't require trust of a person, she doesn't need the explanation*

Congratulations Mom. I'm happy for you.

*Natia continues looking at her Mother, her ice blues eyes seem to be brighter then is humanly possible for them to be but they are*

I remember Helenias. She's a nice person. Jina's also nice.

*Natia then goes to change the subject back towards her Mother again*

Does Shade know yet Mom?? I'm sure he's going to be thrilled to find out. I'll even be a good older sister.

*Natia can barely control her excitement. She's really happy for her Mother*

Xazor Elessar
Jul 23rd, 2002, 10:32:08 AM
Xazor shook her head in disbelief once again. Smiling slightly her eyes met those of her daughter. She then remembered her other adoptive child...Jedidiah. He had gone off on a mission with a family friend but would be back soon enough. She smiled brightly and shook her head once again.

"No, Shade doesn't know.....but he'll find out soon enough. I have too much to do....I know you'll be a good sister, Natia..."

The Knight kissed the little girl on her forehead and turned her eyes back to Marcus, wondering what she would do now.....so many thoughts and plans swirled around in her head....she did not know where to begin....

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 23rd, 2002, 04:58:15 PM
Marcus did have a rueful grin on his face.

"First thing you do is we go and see Helenias. She will be most delighted I would think to hear this news. The second thing is... I believe you have not come to the place where Helenias and I share with Jina and a friend of mine - Jyanis Scorpion. It is a rather large apartment and in fact it used to be a command centre. It still has far too much room for us and it has far better amenities for living"

It is also a place where you can be at home and comfortable with ones that love you. We also have a droid that can prepare some wonderful dishes and cleans the place

Xazor Elessar
Jul 23rd, 2002, 07:06:28 PM
Xazor smiled at how happy Marcus was about this news. It boosted her joy a bit too and gave her a whole new outlook on things. Perhaps with their help.....she would be ready.

"I would like to see your home.....for I have never visited you there."

She grinned and moved out of the booth, making way for little Natia to join them.

I appreciate your offer, my friend.....but I don't want to be a burden. I realize, though, that living alone in Shade's absence....especially during this time......is not a good idea. I thank you for your hospitality, Marcus....it does mean so much to me.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:21:16 PM
Good. Come for dinner tonight and we can talk over dinner. But now.... Helenias I think is in the training area. Do you want her to come here, or would you go to her?

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 24th, 2002, 09:55:07 AM
*Natia, sighing when her Mother gets up, gets herself up after her, and gets herself supported on her crutches which have been driving her crazy lately. After she is standing, she looks up to her Mother and smiles*

I'll help take care of you Mom. I won't let anything bad happen to you while I'm around. All you'll have to do is sit down and relax and I'll make sure our home's clean, the meals cooked, and the laundry's done. And if there is anything you need Mom, just ask.

*Natia shifts her weight slightly and gives her Mother a hug*

Xazor Elessar
Jul 25th, 2002, 06:27:58 PM
Xazor smiled and Marcus and nodded slightly, taking in the hug from her daughter.

"Thank you Natia, you're a sweetheart."

She smiled gently and kissed the little girl on the forehead, then turned to Marcus and motioned for the door.

Perhaps we should go to her...and dinner sounds wonderful. You're an angel, Marcus...you really are.

With that she began moving toward the door, hoping to find Helenias in the Training Area as he said. How the Knight could not wait to share her news...despite her lack of confidence....

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 26th, 2002, 09:47:28 AM
*Natia smiles slightly*

Your welcome Mom.

*Natia starts to hobble after her Mother as she starts to head for the door of the B&G*

Helenias Evenstar
Jul 28th, 2002, 01:22:35 AM
I wasn't at that point in the training halls. I was in fact walking in the gradens the Jedi had managed to build near the training halls and I was more or less thinking. Not about much, just life in general.

Some strange twists and turns had happened this year. Marcus being alive, myself coming here and also Xazor coming into my life.