View Full Version : Darkness Falls
Lord Gue
Jul 21st, 2002, 01:28:14 AM
[I]The cold reaches of space held many frightful things that would diswade the normal traveler from venturing off the beaten path. Maruders, alien races, entire rogue empires that rose and fell day in and day out. Even with much of the known galaxy charted and explored a large chunk still remained dark on most maps. This region of space was known, quiantly enough, as the Unknown Regions, and from inside it had emerged some of the fierciest and deadliest of all things the galaxy had seen at many points of its history. From the Lizard Imperium at Bakura, to the mighty Imperial leader in Thrawn and his chiss race. The greatest of these threats remained still, the Vong, the race itself that had left the current empire in shambles, its planets so inter-dependant on one another for vital supplies that they could no longer support themselves individually. Alliances were being made, warlords were setting up kingdoms, the galaxy was trying to form order from chaos. Froom deep in the UR a new threat was emerging, one that ment not to dominate, not to enslave, but to kill. His heart was dark, he held the dark side of the force close to him. He was no longer human, his thirst for revenging driving him to the edge of sanity. All that drove him now was the merciless slaughter of all those that lived in his galaxy, every being, every creature, every man, woman, and child. None would escape his wake of death, many worlds in his path had already suffered similar fates. now just floating graves for entire civilizations, these tombs were a testimate to his sadistic new nature.
Now, on the edge of the UR a lone sensor beacon beeped to life in the night as a sleek dark vessel emerged into realspace, its figure a gothic triangle shape, looking mangled and damned, as if passing through the gates of hell itself. The beacon sent live feed back to its reciever, which regretably had been deactivated to supply a power shortage due to null supply of materials on the support planet. Like a blast from the heavens a white stream floated from the side of the demonship, its beam tearing the beacon asunder as it entered the known galaxy once more.
Days later, at the monitoring post a lone sentinel watched the screens as he repowered the systems out of some sense of long headened obligation. As he flicked from screens 7-8 he noticed the same display happening over and over, an auto-replay function that occured whenever a beacon was destroyed, so that its source of destruction could be confirmed. All that could be shown was the vid from the beacons transmitter, but as the dark ship came within range, the sentinel gasped as his monitor zoomed in on a few white specs on the blackened hull of the vessel. As the view zoomed in closer the view changed to the broken paint of old, meaningless words....
"the Hope"
Lord Gue
Jul 22nd, 2002, 08:31:44 AM
Deep in the hollows of the depleted vessel an evil grew. A scourge was being hatched that would bring untold horror and endless suffering upon the slag that was life in this galaxy. His porpouse was clear, his destiny set.
The bridge of the ship was a maze of twisted metal and dark criveces. The life of the ship having long left it the crew looked like nothing more than pale skeletons, being kept barely alive throught, just barely. In the command chair sat a man, a man that no longer bore the strong look of yore, yet still held a gaze that demanded command. His body had taken its toll from such direct openess to the darkside itself, his bulk was gone his stature lowered, his body prematurly aged. But yet, strong he still was.
He sat in chair watching from the screen as another soon to be barren world pleaded to have their lives spared, Hospital colony or some such thing. It mattered not, for all will perish in the course of time. Just then he heard a scream like demon spawn in his mind, something so horrible not even he had yet concieved it yet.
"Bring him here"
The voice was much like a midnights whisper, but it carried the stench of death with it...
Patrick McManus
Jul 22nd, 2002, 08:56:04 AM
A young child quietly walked into the room, looking around curious, blue eyes showed with great curiousity, a slender young body, an inocent facial expression shown most about the face, his hand softly held held a hand of a young lady who was dressed in a lab coat, white skirt, carefully the young boy was brought before him.
"Hello sir... you called for me?" he asked with the wide eye inocense and curiousity, as he carefully let go of her hand, walking towards him
The lady looked at him and gave a bow, "The PM is ready as you wished sir, he is to your specifications, is there anything else you wish sir?"
The child looked back at her then at the man, quietly tilting his head curiously. His slender complexion of 7 was the most apparent thing at this moment
Lord Gue
Jul 22nd, 2002, 09:46:34 AM
"Yes my boy, your time is at hand, are you at full strength yet?"
He nodded to the lord and Gue stood and directed him to a flickering screen on the back wall
"You know of course that for any of our plans to work we must of course have a base with which to operate. I have chosen a location that not only is a strategic benchmark, but is also so lifeless and barren it is the epitome of our cuase."
He indicated a vast array of swirls and lifeless asteriods in tandem
"Now go, you know your mission, we shall contact you within the month"
Cibo Matto
Jul 22nd, 2002, 10:03:30 AM
Cibo ignored the others, unlike them his body wasn't wasting away. He had long ago stopped growing old. A long time ago, he was a man, now he was more machine than living organism. His machine part fed his living part. His machine part had started taking over his body. He was still well built; and he was still physically strong, but inside it was very different. Cibo longed to destroy the very thing that had made him this way.
His new master gave him the opportunity he needed, and so now he served only this man. Cibo looked out into the vastness of space, breathing only to keep his organic parts alive. 'If only she were alive.' His thoughts ran to the past, which was the only thing that kept him going. What happened in the past, gave him the fuel to go on in the present. He would serve loyally until the end.
They ALL had to feel his pain, and he wanted to feel nothing, ever again
Patrick McManus
Jul 22nd, 2002, 10:26:52 AM
quietly nods in silence, walking towards an escape pod and looking at the lady, giving her a wave and a smile, "Bye, I will be back later"
Quietly he climbed into the escape pod and moves quietly to pull the switch, quietly he watched the escape pad drift away from the ship, carefully gliding towards the Maw instelation, he watched in the ever grifting space, carefully letting tears run down his eyes as he prepared for the next part of the mission
Quietly he pulled at the controled and sighs, this would take awhile, so he would be in here awhile... excellent amount of time to get dehidrated for the tears time to sink into his clothing, carefully he watched as a small planet passed by with watch, carefully he watched, carefully making sure he was heading for the right place
quite some time later
Carefully he polited towards the maw, he didnt like this one bit and he wished his tummy would stop grumbling at him. He pulled at the controls, he almost feel asleep which almost cost him his life... that black hole wasnt exactly the most friendly, he pulled at the controls which where a bit sluggish, carefully looking and spotting his destination...
Quietly he watched as he neared a space station, he continued to let the tears run down his face as he carefully waited, finally stopping the crying as the tractor beam got him, he watched quietly showing hints of hope as they pulled him in, guards with guns appeared as he quietly pulled back and started to cry again, carefully wispering as they opened the escape pod, "I want my mommy..." as he quietly colapses onto the ground...
Patrick McManus
Jul 23rd, 2002, 10:26:39 AM
He woke up, he was in a bed, he looked around quietly, curiouslty as he had something plugged into him, he didnt exactly fancy it... but atleast he felt better, quietly he watched as a young nurse came into the room and looked him over, "Little boy... dont know how but your in good condition... should we take that off?"
Patrick quietly nodded to her, she quietly took off the brace, quietly he moved to her the nurse, closing his eyes, softly he felt her back noting all the pressure points, he would do this slow... quickly, quickly he pulled something out of his pocket, pulling out a small pin and injected her with the liquid, she would be out for the next 24 hours... which was all he would need... master may be pleased with a few girls as slaves... master was all he wanted to please right now. quietly he moved to the door, spotting a single guard he quietly he walked up to him, "Mr Guard Sir! Come and see it! Lady passed out on my bed, she is kinda cute too..." the guard wondered a moment and walked in, quietly he grined and closed the door behind him... he quietly followed, quietly the guard looked over the woman, he merely stuck him with a short needle and the guard too was out cold, he smiled at his work then quietly tied both down, quietly heading off towards the air vents to go play with the air conditioning on the station
Cibo Matto
Jul 24th, 2002, 07:51:31 AM
Cibo checked on the crew, to make sure they were doing their job. Several had tried to escape, but they couldn't get passed him. Cibo didn't sleep, he didn't eat, and he didn't need to breath. Blood no longer ran through his blood, and his organs were kept alive by the various tubes coursing through his body.
With his peripheral vision he glanced at the Master. If the little one got HIS job done right, then everything will fall into place. Cibo made a fist, his mechanical arm hummed as the servos compensated to the movement. He knew the sound would make the crew shiver. It was a simple tactic but one that worked.
Cibo dared not ask when they would arrive. He was a patient man, in a way. So he would wait.
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