View Full Version : An Imperial Sovereignty (complete)

Telan Desaria
Jul 21st, 2002, 12:34:57 AM
The Empire. An idea. A vision of a political warrior with dreams of universal expansion to every star in every sector of known space. Millions had perished to preserve it-in the Death Stars alone. Millions more fallen in the line of duty as Star Destroyers and fighters exploded and plummeted into the atmospheres of the galaxy's planets.

Now, that grand vision was disintegrating into what it had once been rescued from: Warlordism. Every Moff, Admiral and Vice Diktat took what was left of their fleet and holed themselves up in certain corners of what was the most proud governmental system to ever exist.

The newest Grand Admiral to the growing roster of the Twelve, Baron Telan Desaria, had no choice but to follow suit. With the Imperial Fleet under the direction of other officers, the men who wielded the Reigns of Imperial Power remained behind to watch over their domain.

The Fleet had been stripped of its pride: The Corps of Super Star Destroyers. Now, the rulers of the Imperial fragments lead their men from the bridge of high-class Imperial-class Star Destroyers.

Such was the case with the Grand Admiral. His small slice of the Empire was ruled from the latest Imperial-class Star Destroyer to run off the lines before the splintering: the Imperial-class Mark IV. A beauty of a warship, just under two thousand meters long, it was the closest any of the Admirals could get to the majesty of not-so-olde.

Now, through its triangular viewpanes, Desaria looked out into what was left of the Empire. A pair of Victory-class Destroyers docked in a orbital station above Thyferra, taking on new supplies and a new crew. A small dozen strong-flotilla of smaller warships: Carracks, FCLFs, a Lancer, and some others. It was nothing larger than what would have once been a depleted Reserve Deployment Group to a massive Destroyer division.

Our Empire reduced to cinders. Thus, from the ashes must arise something greater than the frame which fell before it, Desaria thought.

Perhaps we have been given a chance to start over. Let us make the most of it...

Telan Desaria
Jul 23rd, 2002, 10:22:57 AM
The view from the bridge of a warship was awesome, no matter the ship or the people one served. To gaze into space and see the radiant colors of gaseous clouds, nebulae, or better yet, a planet, with its currents of clouds and arrayed land masses was a spectacle that one could not give up in good conscience.

It was this beauty that held the Grand Admiral's sanity whilst his command ship continued to make all changes neccessary to remain self sufficient.

"...shipment 111-756-C has arrived from the Deltran Graveyard. All turbolaser batteries en route to the surface..."

"...Squadron 118, return to hangar when replaced with the 191st..."

"...MD II, continue on to the Trallen Isles, there are quite a few of the things we need..."

Everything was ceaseless, but not in the same way as on the mighty Decisive. Now, they were preparing what they all hoped would be an inpenetrable defense, while others prepared for a un-costly offense. It was where tactics met logistics, and both ran into bookkeeping.

Thankfully, Thyferra is one of the richest planets in the galaxy, and is beginning to show that, with some help. Desaria listened of a report from the second of three mini-devastators as it gobbled up everything of value on a small island. A remnt of the world devastator, it had no wepaons and was only five hundred meters long, but had a molecular furnace that was churning out everything the inhabitants of Desaria's domain needed.

" Grand Admiral." A young Lieutenant Commander moved up and rigidly saluted with a click of his jack boots-now custom in the Sovereignty.

" Yes?"

" Sir, twelve hundred of the salvaged ship-based turbolasers have arrived on the planet. Their casings and mountings should be completed within the week."

" Excellent. Dismissed, Commander."

The junior officer clicked again, and strode down the catwalk.

The Deltan Graveyard was a nest of thousands of old ships, damaged beyond repair or so outdated their use would be a hindrance. But, each still had weapons, as the site was carefully guarded by ISB. Almost twenty-thousand were scheduled to be taken and placed in planetary fortifications on Thyferra alone. Now, while they lacked the power of a massive planetary turbolaser net, the Admiral hoped their numbers would prevent an attack. The only probelem is the rate they arrived was slow. Less than a thousand a month was expected.

Perhaps we can forestall an attack through offense. Tavaar looks nice...

Telan Desaria
Jul 24th, 2002, 11:50:33 AM
“ Maximum speed to Bespin.”

“ As ordered, Admiral.”

Desaria was pleased that his crew had lost no speed or accuracy from the fragmentation. They retained the combat efficiency that had made the Empire’s Fleet the most feared fighting force in its time.

With a swish of spatial pseudomotion, the Interrogator and two attendant cruisers leapt from the galactic bacta capital to the central tibanna gas facilities on Bespin-both of which were crucial to the destruction of one's enemy and the healing of one’s own wounds, respectively. Both of which were under the command of the Grand Admiral.

* * *

Xucphra City, Imperial Planetary Garrison Command

ImpPlanGarComm was a massive complex, taking up as much space as Coruscant’s Imperial Palace. In it were the offices of planetary officials, military command chambers, and entire buildings dedicated to archival and storage tasks. An entire battalion of Imperial Fleet troopers and an accompanying detachment of Army personnel guarded the facility with automated defenses and over fifty heavy turbo lasers that could be aimed at ground targets or arced for orbital fire. A platoon of walkers and hover tank company made hourly patrols though the surroundings.

The presence of Imperial military personnel in the cities of Thyferra was unavoidable, and welcomed by the skyrocketing population. Officers and men conducted themselves with honor and dignity: there was no lude conduct outside bars, no public drunkenness, no loud parties outside sound-proof quarters, no public prostitution.

However, not all officers on the planet had tasks assigned by ImpPlanGarComm or were taking in the Thyferran sites. Two regiments of separated soldiers were traversing the surface of the planet placing over eight million kilotons of explosives in the ground and at every facility that would be necessary for an occupying enemy. Every bridge would be mined, every landing strip booby-trapped. Every road junction would be wired, and cliffs near roads set to tumble down in an emergency.

Most importantly, every vat of bacta, every storage warehouse, every acre of production was to be readied for demolition at a moment’s notice. Impressively, large bombs were to be placed under the vital ryll fields, that when set off, would incinerate the near area in a brief yet intense conflagration.

These orders came from the Grand Admiral himself. Nothing was to be left to chance. If the Empire could not keep it, or had no chance of retaking it, no one would retain its value.

Victory would be attained only through diligence. Defeat only by incompetence and unprepared ness.

Telan Desaria
Jul 25th, 2002, 09:15:06 PM
The stars faded to space, and the Interrogtor emerged above Bespin.

Much had changed since the destruction of four floating cities to dispatch the rebels there. Six new floating cities were under construction, each over fifteen kilometers in width and breadth. Each would have the capacity to house-comfortably-over two million people. The best part of their design concept was the lack of a need for propulsion engines. Using platforms orbiting the planet, they were held in place by a type of heavy industrial tractor. As it ws experimental, the engines were present, but dormant.

Already, with the opening of the planet to the galaxy, thousands were flocking there. The largest cities, Cloud Prime, Cloud II, and Cloud XIV, were enjoying more traffic than before. Gambling and other formerly illicit activites were thriving, all giving their due share in taxes.

Impressively, an orbital space station was under construction. While it had the weapons of a Golan III, was in fact a defensible trading port. It and the other, new cities, would be completed within the month, thanks to the tireless activites of the Corps of Engineers and the indigenous construction firms.

To add to the Imperial presence, an Imperial Destroyer Squadron was stationed above the planet.

" Admiral. We have arrived."

" Good. Is my shuttle ready?"

" It is, Admiral. The governor is waiting for you on Cloud II."

Desaria nodded and headed off for the launch bay.

A new Empire, a new look. I'll get every man, woman, and child in t he galaxy who even thinks Imperial-esque-ly to come here, and we'll thrive.

Sergio Lokiros
Jul 26th, 2002, 09:00:01 PM
Kaamarian Space

"Captian," Sergio turned at the sound of his rank, "Here is our final cargo manifest."

"Up to date this time, I trust?" it was obvious that he was slightly annoyed.

"Uhh... of course sir," the second lieutenant developed a quiver in his voice, one showing a lack in confidence.

"Very well, Lieutenant. If I find out that this is inaccurate in any way, even the slightest spelling error," Sergio said cool, calm, unwavering, eerie tone, "You will be terminated. Understood, Lieutenant?"

The lieutenant collected his wits with a loud gulp, "Yes-s, yes sir."

"Dismissed," Sergio waved his hand in the air.

Admiral Lebron had charged Captain Lokiros with overseeing platform construction on Bespin. From what Sergio understood, it was a form of appeasement so that they may secure supplies for the ongoing war effort. Beyond that, Captain Lokiros knew nothing about what the platform's purpose was or what supplies they were receiving.

Sergio had hoped to be in hyperspace by now, but due to various delay in the process of getting ready to move out, numerous things had gone wrong. All was well now, all personnel and construction supplies were account for. Captain Lokiros's motley crew of nondescript transports gathered together, with an escort of 8 Skipray Blastboats, to prepare for hyperspace.

With a single from the command transport, the fleet winked out of real space into the endless abyss of hyperspace.

Telan Desaria
Jul 27th, 2002, 11:27:36 AM
Progress in the Imperial campaign to make what was left of the Thyferra Sector inviting could be measured by laps and bounds. And in other places, was barely noticeable.

But, On Bespin, the construction projects were speeding along and never before had so many ships and frieghters graced the ports of the tibanna gas capital. Over a third of the growing population was employed in the round the clock assembly, all paid high wages and guaranteed some security.

On another part of Bespin, above what one could assume was once a sea of some sort, another platform was being constructed. This one had a purpose far deviant from the recronstruction and invitation visions o the Grand Admiral. THis was a purely military matter.

The defense of Bespin, being materialized in that platform. More than four thousand troops would be stationed upon it, with TIE support, assault gunboats and transports.

There was, however, one difference between it and the other defensive installations being erected around the Imperial-controlled planet. This one was manned with the soldiers of Admiral Lebron, commander of the Imperial Remnant.

Their purpose was not ill...it was one of cooperation and loyalty.

It was also a price.

Grand Admiral Desaria's fiefdom contained two planets for which the fate of the Empire and the movement of the galaxy depended. Bacta and tibanna gas were under the Imperial Sphere of Influence, and without them, people would die faster and guns would cease to fire.

The fate of the galaxy was not the Imperial concern. The Empire was. The defense of the Imperial Sovereignty relied heavily on the Army's ability to occupy an attacking enemy long enough for orbital support to arrive. With the Vong threat at hand, there were not enough troops to spare.

To obtain what was needed, and with the fabric o the mighty Empire strained, the Grand Admiral struck a deal. For a planetary defensive garrison, loyal to the Remnant but militarily subordinate to Sovereign Command, bacta supplies and tibanna gas shipments would be inceased to Kamaar.


From his office on the Interrogator, his meeting long complete, Baron Desaria watched the first flotilla of gas transports disappear into the abyss of hyperspace.

he day has come when a Grand Admiral must ask an Admiral for reinforcements, and must pay for them!

Times are dark...but they shall be light again

The ground work was laid for Admiral Leron's engineers, and their pay was going to pass them faster than light.

Victory or death....sand....

and dust.

Telan Desaria
Aug 1st, 2002, 07:50:41 PM
The ISD IV Interrogator slid out of hyperspace abov Thyferra, its two attedant crusiers coming along side. Approaching the massive vessel was a Lambda-cluss shuttle.

" Admiral," came the voice of the officer of the deck.

" Yes?" the Grand Admiral said, turning from his gaze onto the massve sphere of Thyferra below. It was as he turned he remembered that he had not chosen a new home in his entire time in the Imperial Navy. He hailed from Centaur, from whence his nobility came. But he had not been there is years. His homes had always been his flagships. And the Empire.

Thyferra is nice. I must import some meteorological alterati equipment-it is far too humid for my tastes, though. It would make a nice home, nonetheless.

" Sir, the Economics Council is requesting permission to dock."

Desaria nodded, and strode from the bridge. The lecture was soon to begin.

* * *

An Imperial-class Star Destroyer, no matter the model, was built for war: it was equipped for diplomacy. There were six conference rooms with lavish accomodations, and a grand meeting hall for parleys and lectures: usually used by the crew for watch officer briefings.

It was in the forward starboard room that Desaria had deigned to hold the meeting. He arrived first, taking a seat at the head of a rectangular table. His was a high-backed satan chair, with ornate inscriptions on the greel wood. The others were lavish, though not equal to the Admiral's.

A Fleet trooper heralded their entrance, speaking as if in candidte School. Desaria filed away a note of precision: the Sovereignty training gounds on Thyferra were in a dearth of instructors, though not cadets.

The guests, all civilians, made their way to their seats, where their names were written in an ancient form: Gothic.

When they were seated and stewards came forth to present all with the finest of beverages and then retreated, Desaria stood. He stepped towards the viewports, Thyferra's northern pole visible.

" Gentlemen, you are not only my advisors in matters of economics for Thyferra, but the entire Sovereignty. And it is this capacity that we need to discuss some things."

His glare remained fixed on the quickly growing world below. " We control all bacta in the galaxy, and have tibanna gas markets well cornered."

That elicited some nods and a noise of acknowledgement and pride.

" And, in order t pay for the projects I have in mind and the defenses we need, we must increase our capital. We will begin by opening our bacta vats, and lowering prices-"

That drew a whirl of side conversations nd grumbles.

Desaria paid that no attention, and instead continued. They knew well to quiet themselves. " As it stands, we make two hundred credits for each fifty we spend to produce the bacta and it's components. That is giving us a remarkable advantage in how we manage our prices. But due to the price, we are not only angering people, we are slowing their purchases.

" Thus, we need our bacta to become easily accessible. We will begin by cutting all prices by twenty percent. However-"

There was no other speach now.

" - we will charge a 30 percent to additional fee to the Republic and any outright suppoters of the New Republic. Any suspected individuals will receive a ten percent addition. And Imperial business, world, or organization will receive a five percent discount off of the new market price. I have reached an agreement with another of the Imperial factions to supply them with an off the top 3 percent of our supply every other month. We will still, if prediction by MY analysts are correct, as son as the prices fo into affect, raise profits fifteen percent over current."

It was time for questions, which the group surmised after the Grand Admiral's silence.

Minister Varr, head of the Office of Home Consumption, rose slightly and spoke first. " Sir, yo are intimating that we wl be selling to the Rebels-"

The Grand Admiral cut him off. " I am not intimating it, I am saying it! Credits are blue, no matter who you fight for. And, I will no longer tolerate the useage of the term Rebel in either official reports or in conversations in my presence. Nw, I fought them when they were Rebels. I fought them when they were a Republic. we are a state uno ourselves now...we must learn to be diplomatic. Whilst I despise politicians, there is a time to be political. And calling potential customers Rebels will not garner us any business, will it, Minister?"

The man promptly sat.

" Admiral, how are we to determine suspected Reb-Republic leanings?" asked Minister Lartiera, head of Analysis.

" So very gald you asked. Colonel?"

A man of forty steppedinto the room donning an insignia-less uniform of the Imperial Security Bureau. " This is Coonel Kamorn, who willbe heading up a new organization, Department 1284. It will be he and his detachment that will investigate customers and determine level of pricing."

The Colonel nodded, and retreated.

" Anything else?" the Admrial asked.

There were no other questions, so the admiral ordered them to contact him personally if there were any concerns or questions. The delegation removed themselves, and Kamorn reurned to the room.

" Sir, permission to speak candidly."

The Admiral nodded, and he continued. " I have been meaning to ask you, what symbolism is "1284?"

The visibly shuddered, and his gaze grew iron out into space. He slowly cvlosed his eyes, and opened them a minute later.

" It was the callsign of my lover at the Academy. A year my senior."

The Colonel nodded, saluted, and left the room. The Grand Admrial was alone. He grabbed a bottle of brandy and tooka long sip of it. Then, his reminsicence turned to rage and he threw the bottle against the viewpanes, shattering and spilling what was left out of the window. The passign freughtors were to far away to see the first tears leave the Admiral's eyes in many years.

Aug 5th, 2002, 08:43:32 AM
Line Captain Katanor Freestar smiled on his ship overlooking the merchant traffic. Usually it ran quickly and efficiently, except for the instances when the sensors locked on some illegal material and the customs agent's slowly made their way over to the ship. They were anything but quick and efficient, wanting to just get home and in bed then anything else. Katanor smiled at this, those are the people without any ambition, who just want to leave. Line Captain Katanor's ambition could not be measured on any scale, it was there and would always be there.

"Sensor's anything?"

"Not a thing, sir. Some new merchant's just dropped in requesting permission to enter our sector."

"Have you scanned them?"

"Yes they're clean." The sensor's officer replied

"Admit them, Leiutenant"

"Yes sir."

Quite suddenly as Katanor watched those 10 ships, they veered off course. The ship's took up spots where all merchant ships entered the sector, prepared to destroy them. He was alarmed and rose from his seat. He recognized two of the ship's immediately as being smaller pirated versions of the Interdictor Cruiser, Katanor had several of those in his small fleet as well. The pirates, whoever they were, just exploded a bacta shipment.

"Sir, recieving transmission."

"Go to it."

The pirates face filled the screen

"Identify yourself,"

"I am Line Captain Katanor Freestar of Grand Admiral Telan Desaria's fleet. To whom am I speaking to."

"It is no matter to you. Put me through to Desaria."


"Desaria, I think you know me from sight. Do you remember my face? The face you scarred, you idiot, you knew I would come back. I now have ten ship's prepared to destroy every merchant vessel that enters this system, I also will destroy every ship that tries to exit it. Not only will I do that, but I will capture and board those ship's as well. Believe me no security system will stop me, as you may recall. I need only speak to you and discuss your terms of payment. I want five 500,000,000 credits you no doubt can afford with the luxury of wealth you have ascertained. You may contact me at will. Goodbye." The screen went blank.

"Grand Admiral Desaria, I request an immediate and deadly course of action be taken against these terrorists." Katanor said.

Just let me kill them! Katanor thought, Just let me!

Telan Desaria
Aug 5th, 2002, 12:48:03 PM
The meeting completed and his reminscence forcefully concluded, the Grand Admiral retired to his quarters for the evening: on Thyferra, for all Sovereign warships were being set to Thyferran time.

The guard the Grand Admiral had come to know and respect joined him on his three hundred meter trek to his personal living area.

" How are you this evening, Malek?" the Admiral asked as the two walked along the viewing deck above the starboard gun wales.

" Satisfactory, Sir."

The Admiral smiled. His personal guard was always brief and to the point-whilst on duty and in uniform. However, when the uniform came off and he retired to the officer's lounge, his tongue became quite loose and his manners laxed significantly.

" Will you be joining us this evening?" the Admiral asked of the planned gathering at 2500 hrs, two hours before the end of the Thyferran day.

" If I am able. My reports have been piling up, sir."

" Remember, you areand officer. Reports do not mter until the war s over and historians arrive. In the present, action and decision matter most."

" Yes, Sir."

The Admiral planned to quip yet again when the all-too-familiar sound of his comlink interrupted his thoughts. The pair halted as Desaria rmoved the device from his belt and leaned againt the durasteel pane.

" Yes?"

" Admiral, this is Captain Voltaire. There is a priority signal from Bespin. Line Captain Freestar."

" On my way." The Admiral nodded to his guard, and the two rushed to the bridge. all the while thinking the galaxy waits for no man.

* * *

The bridge was calm and the view perfect. Captain Voltaire was standing facing the planet's horizon when the footfalls of the Grand Admiral's jackboots could be heard.

" Yes, Captain?"

The Captain nodded. " Sir, Line Captain Freestar."

The Admiral took up Voltaire's position as one of the viewports convulsedinto a holoscren. The message played and Desaria vaguely remembered his younger, Academy days and a duel that he had not been able to finish.

" Remove them all dispatch, Captain. Whole or not, we are of the Empire. Destroy them."

The newsest addition to the Imperial Sovereignty saluted as the Grand Admiral turned on his heel and marched away. To sleep.

Captain Voltaire replaced the Grand Admiral i the viewer. While he was a grade lower than the other to whom he spoke, he was the commander of a Grand Admiral's flagship; this gave him more clout than any other officer without a flag.

" You have your orders. Do not fail him. Interrogator out."

The screen faded and Voltaire thought he could get used to this....

Aug 5th, 2002, 02:17:41 PM
"I will not fail!"

Katanor replied to the snotty Captains comment. He then set about an immediate course of action. A plan formulated in his mind. That plan formulated on the holo map. That plan formulated into reality. The pirates were stupid, they thought they could take on the might of the Empire. They knew they couldn't so why commit that sort of suicide. But if you want to die, Katanor figured he was the one to help you out

"Relay this to all known merchant ships that frequent our system; We are having an emergency situation, dangerous to all merchants do not travel until further notice."

"Yes, sir. I will get on it."
"Thank you Lieutenant" Katanor replied "Sensors give me an assessment of the ship's we are facing."

"Yes sir, we are facing a Nebulon B Frigate. We have two Corellian Corvettes, and a Gunship. There are assorted fighters. In addition we have one small Interdictor Cruiser. The inital pirate transmission came from the Nebulon B."

"Appreciated, Ensign. Take the fleet out of orbit"

The fleet rumbled slowly towards the threat. The enemies were imposing attackers but from an ISDIII they were far less fearsome. Anything they could throw, the ISDIII could throw back ten times more.

"I want a full spread of concussion missiles fired at the Corellian Corvettes take them out as quickly as possible."

The concussion missiles screamed towards the ship. Like fireballs they streaked space and the stars behind them were now invisible. The missiles gracefully yet destructively veered into the two Correllian Corvettes. One exploded almost immediately the other had a better fight in it.

"All turbolaser fire on the remaining Corvette"

The wondrous beams of death hurled towards the ship. Red flashed right before impact Already weakened by the concussion missiles, it exploded in a flash of light. Now that the Anti-Starfighter vessels were taken care of the fighter battle could ensue.

"Send out our fighters immediately."
"Yes sir."

The pirates had been taken by surprise with the sudden attack and were now on the defensive. Just where any commander The role of commander was apparent to the entire crew of the ISDIII. Katanor then matched up the attackers with the attacked.

"Have our Dreadnaught Apollo concentrate all fire on the Gunship. Tell it to hold it's ground."

"Yes sir!"

"Send in the Interdictor to capture the Nebulon B."

The ships moved like great dinosaurs into position. Their movements were in sharp contrast to the flurry of blasts moving back and forth between each other. The Apollo blasted the Gunship endlessly. The turbolaser gunners were fast and deadly. They pinpointed the vulnerability areas.

Aug 5th, 2002, 07:20:54 PM
"Tell the Apollo to finish them off with missiles."

Who can describe accurately with words the joy at seeing an enemies ship crushed under the power of concussion missiles. Sheer joy is the only phrase that is adequate. The missiles erupted from the Dreadnaught and detonated on the Gunship exploding it. Several Imperator ships and Several Pirate ships were taken with the explosion.

Katanor loved it. He relished destroying his enemies. When the children were playing with their stupid toys Katanor was playing with warship strategy holo games. He knew his stuff and was born to fight. His strategy was prevailing as well. Now there were only fighters, the Nebulon B, and a small Interdictor Cruiser. The Imperator fighters were working brilliantly. For every Imperator destroyed three pirate fighters were destroyed.

"All ships fire ION's on the Nebulon B Frigate."

Blue zoomed at the Nebulon B. More then most ships could stand. Katanor was relentless when he attacked his enemy. If his turbolasers were dead and his shields nearly gone, he wouldn't take the time to jump to hyperspace, he would ram the enemy ship. Katanor would die for the Empire and if the Nebulon B's captain wasn't careful, they would die for the Empire as well. The Nebulon B was disabled within seconds of the onslaught.

"Ship is disabled."

"This battle is ours. Tractor in both the Interdictor and the Nebulon B. Assemble boarding parties."

Two hours later there was a pirate leader staring Katanor in the face. Two stormtroopers flanked the pirate looking like surgeons behind their masks.

"You lost. You knew it was hopeless. Were you expecting Grand Admiral Desaria to send out a peon? Think again. Oh and by the way I thank you for giving me an additional Interdictor Cruiser and Assault Frigate for my use."

"You damned Imperials. I'll kill you."

"So you've said. But, I'm not seeing results. If you troopers will follow me to the transport we are going to see the Grand Admiral."

In a flash the pirate leader took out of a hidden area imbedded in his hand, a small vibroknife. He ran at Katanor and slashed him in the shoulder. Katanor punched the man in the face knocking him to the ground. The stormtroopers lifted him to his feet.

"Never do that again. I could draw your blood far more easily. Now to Grand Admiral Desaria."

A half hour later, Katanor was bowing before the Grand Admiral.

"Two ships captured, this pirate leader as well your lordship. Everyone else, dead. Three fighters lost on our side. Otherwise no casualties."

Telan Desaria
Aug 5th, 2002, 08:15:13 PM
The lights in the chamber of Grand Admiral Desara were low...in fact, they were never bright. It was a welcome contrast of bridge's radiance when not in battle-mode.

The Grand Admiral, his white tunic a beacon in the dark, his epaulettes and shoulder cords relectig what little light emananted from small wall fixtures along both bulkheads.

Before him stood Line Captain Katanor Freestar, an officer of ten years service, three of which were spent on assignment with the Thyferra Sector Fleet, V Division, Heavy Star Destroyer Group II. He had seen some action, but not as much as Desaria would like in a squadron commander. However, he had drive and ambition...the latter of which Desaria could control: rewarding through citation and admonishing through reduction. To keep Sovereign Intelligence-and the admiral himself-informed, one of the helsman was an ISB officer.

Captain Freestar was happy in his innocent ignorance on that point. As was the Grand Admiral, who was growing more and more into the role of an independent sector group commander then the trim, honor-bound officer of the Centaurian Military he had once been: of the Thyferra Sector Fleet, for that matter.

Next to Captain Freestar was another man, slightly shorter than the officer, but whose frame had been filled out with years of labor, and prison no doubt.

He fit the stereotype of a dashing scoundrel. While primative in his mannerisms, from what the Grand Admiral had been told, he had the sophistication neccessary for success:::but he lacked the knowledge and education.

Captain Freestar was bowing in an old Imperial salute. The Grand Admial motioned for him to rise.

" Line Captain Freestar, I must compliment you on your rather rapid victory over these pirates at Bespin. Their ships were old and dteriorating, their fighters in all conceivable state of disrepair, and their crews bound by a code of greed in stead of dedication and excellence. You are to be commended."

The squadron commander saluted and clicked his heels, as was the Sovereign custom. " Thank you, Grand Admiral."

Desaria turned his gaze to the rogue and pirate in binders next to his own commander.

" You have caused me some trouble, sir. You targeted and destroyed two of my freightors, and another which was a civilian vessel. In addition, your men re responsible for the loss of three outdated TIE fighters.

" For destroying the TIEs, I thank you."

Both sets of eyes grew wide.

" You see, they are rather useless now, with all of the new ships at the disposal of the Empire. Not only did you save me the cost of relocation and maintenance,you allowed their attached crews to die in a blaze of glory after dispatching several of your own fighters.

" I have only one full squadron of those outmoded pieces of junk to eliminate, and I will be on schedule. Now, however, there is the matter of the crime at hand. Intent to steal, Intent to steal Imperial Military Property, Attempt o Steal Imperial Military Property, hostile action against Imperial soldiers, willingly causing harm to Imperial personnel....and lst not us forget piracy."

With the list of accusations, his chest grew larger as if a measure of pride were being drawn for his cause...whatever that might be.

" Now,what punishment do you see fit? Execution? Exile to a barren planetoid? Lifetime in Imperial Prison? None of these aid me in any way...even blaster bolts cost money. However...

The ears of the Captain and the pirate perked.

" ..you working for me does have advatage written all over it. Here is the deal. I return to you your two remaining ship after refit and modification. I loan to you a squadron of top of the line Imperial superiority fighters. I rearm your ships and train your crews."

" What do you gain from this?"

" Much. Your ships will raid commerce for me from whatever sorces I see fit. You will keep a sizeable portion of the merchandise raided, and send the remainder to me as payment for the refit, fighters, training, et cetera. You gain prestige s a pirate and respect as an independent commander. I gain additional income and the disruption of supply lines and annoyance to my enemies."

" And what if I say yes and flee?"

Flee? Not a word used b an uneducated man. Perhaps I underestimated him.

" That will be impossible. I have already ordered remote detonation circuits placed aboard your ships. If you do something that displeases me or you do infact run, then the decking below you will become very hot very fast andyou will nt remember a thing after that. And, I assure you from many battles...shrapnell hurts very much."

The pirate looked on and was dumbfonded. What else could he say?

Dismissed, then. Sergeant, take this gentlemen to his ship."

The captain and Grand Admiral were alone, and Desaria was sure he had questions.

Aug 5th, 2002, 08:26:46 PM
Katanor was shocked. A pirate. The most despicable, non-intellectual, honorless, moronic, hateful people he could ever stumble upon. They were not worthy to lick the boots of a cadet. Much less work for a Grand Admiral.

"Sir, I must respectfully protest. What good could come of this. The man is a pirate, he makes his money from the misery of others. I ask you to reconsider!"

Telan Desaria
Aug 5th, 2002, 09:01:56 PM
A potent question from the slightly older officer. One the Grand Admiral already had an answer for.

Desaria stood and motioned the Line Captain to join him gazing out the viewpane. Thyferra could not be seen, but the Alltrailian Nebula could. Beautiful it always was, on its account of its star-like shape and swirling mass of purples and oranges.

" Do you see that gas, Captain?"

" I do, sir."

" Do you know what nebulae tansform into?"

" Stars, sir."

" Exactly. After Time has run its course....much, much time...it creates something perhaps not better, but improved. Time may not heal all wounds, but it does bring all matters to light."

The captain was confused, so the Grand Admiral continued. " You see, he is a rogue now. But, he is our rogue, albeit forcefully. And we may be able to civilize him. If that occurs, we will have another skilled officer and soldier to or military. We will also have created massive publicity for the Sovereignty. Imagine the sentiment if our created culture turns a scoundrel and pirate into a respected member of society. An officer. Population increase will skyrocket."

" So it is a prolonged publicity stunt?"

" Somewhat. The other half is the advantage, income, and chaos wrought by non-alligned privateers on our payroll.

" Victory through poltics is disdainful. But, now tht I am in command of an entire sector, unto itself, it is a neccessary evil.

" Good day, Captain. See that the refits above Bespin continue on schedue."

Katanor saluted and stode off. The Admiral was about to mummer
something about youth when he realized he was two years Freestar's junior.

Aug 6th, 2002, 08:33:20 AM
Katanor laughed to himself as he understood. The Grand Admiral was a political genius. Katanor was not. Katanor could take out an Imperial Star Destroyer with his military cunning, but he could not even argue with the children of a Senator on a political point. Some people are thinkers some are fighters, I am a thinking fighter Katanor thought. As to this new plan the Grand Admiral cooked up, no doubt it was ingenious. There was something for everyone, the politics of turning a pirate into a happy-go-lucky civilian. And there was the battle that Katanor craved oh so much. As he boarded his ISDIII his chief aide brought the files on the man that had tried to attack him.

Name: Maileen Shen (My-leen Sh-en)
Homeworld: Coruscant
Age: 37
Height: 6'0
Weight: 200 pounds
Background: Maileen Shen was born to human parents on Coruscant during the reign of the Emperor. He was abandoned as a child due to a lack of money and discipline on the parts of the parents. Maileen formed an underground gang on Coruscant and was convicted of several felonies including murder. When he escape from prison during an uprisal shortly after the destruction of the second Death Star, Maileen escaped by strangling a guard and stealing a transport. He flew to Yavin 4 and scavenged the bodies of the dead Alliance members. There he met several loners and they formed an alliance of their own. His gang was born and they soon had and still have roughly 10 ships under his command.

So he was a gang member, turned organizational leader. Now he was Prisoner 24601. How the Grand Admiral knew him, Katanor didn't know. But, if Maileen went along with the Grand Admirals plan, they would both become quite wealthy. Katanor now had other plans on his mind. In a short while they would begin the building of a massive shipyard above Bespin. Katanor was to oversee the security and building of this undertaking. Nothing could go wrong. Line Captain Katanor Freestar walked to the Prison Cell of Prisoner 24601. They had to discuss some matters.

Aug 6th, 2002, 01:51:24 PM
Maileen stared at the wall in front of him. The paint was chipping, however the blank durasteel showed no sign of breakign apart anytime soon. He endlessly looked at his arm on which was tattooed the number 24601, a prisoner of the thing he hated most. Now the thing he hated most and the person he hated most was actually trying to cut a deal with him. That deal circulated in his brain many times over. It sounded like the only choice, and he knew that to be right, it will be the final day of the galaxy when the Empire actually gives you more than once choice. At that very instant the door to his cell opened. In strode the Line Captain who had vanquished him in his space duel. The bastard had caused him to lose most of his small organization. Maileen had slashed him while leaving and the bandages were barely visible under the Captains uniform. The man spoke.

"Ah, a pleasure again to see you Shen."
How does he know who I am.

"Go to hell you bastard."

"Ah you are not one of diplomacy. Well neither am I. We are both fighters Shen, both fighters for a cause, and I nor you can be bothered by such frivolous and mindless things as politics."

"Don't ever compare yourself to me."

"I just did Shen. Now let me get to the matter at hand. You know why I'm here and I am sure you no doubt have gone over the Grand Admirals plan. It is a win win situation for you."

Maileen laughed to himself.

"Unless I die!" Maileen protested

"Oh, I don't think there is much of a chance of that happening. We would soften the bulkhead for you a bit before you made your move, false intelligence and such." The captain insisted.

"Well thanks I really appreciate that, but how much will your Intelligence Agencies do when there is a turbolaser firing at me." Snorted Shen.

"If they infiltrate properly there may not be turbolasers firing at you." Katanor casually said.

"Doubtful" Said Maileen

"You can get very, very rich."

"I know,"

"And did I mention you will be tortured then executed if you don't follow through."

Maileens eyes went wide. That was the one thing he never wanted to happen to him. To be tortured like a laboratory rat. It made up his mind.

"I didn't know that part. I'll go along with you. Just because I get money and ships. Don't think I harbor any loyalty towards your damned Empire."

"I wouldn't dream of it." Katanor said with a small smile. "Now I have pressing business to attend to 24601. I will have to leave. I will give instructions to the guards to release you by order of the Grand Admiral. There will be ships waiting for you with guns and supplies. The Grand Admiral will personally give you your mission. That is all. Goodbye 24601. "

With that the Line Captain left. With that Maileen put his head in his hands. With that the deal had begun, a new part of Maileen had to unfold. Maileen waited for an hour. Finally he got up and left the cell free as a bird. There was an officer waiting there with a uniform that had a Lieutenants insignia. He smiled I thought it would be a cold day in hell when I wore one of these again

Telan Desaria
Aug 8th, 2002, 02:52:23 PM

Aug 8th, 2002, 05:42:35 PM
Maileen Shen walked slowly and courteously and stopped in front of the Grand Admirals door. He was greeted by the black face mask of the Imperial Royal Guards. They could kill Maileen in a second, so Maileen didn't mess with him.

"Tell the Grand Admiral, Maileen Shen is here for him."

"You're expected." The guard replied opening the door for Maileen with a passcode.
"Excellent."Maileen replied dripping with sarcasm. He entered the room and saw the Grand Admiral and some Captain talking to him. "Ah, I have been waiting for you Shen. Sit down, Captain Voltaire say hello to Maileen Shen."

"Shen, pleasure." Voltaire said extending his hand which Shen didn't accept.

"I'm sure it is Captain, now if you will excuse us."

"Fine Desaria." Maileen said, then the Grand Admiral proceeded to explain the mission.

"Certainly." Voltaire replied to Maileen.

"No, stay." The Grand Admiral ordered"You are as much a part of this as anyone else Captain."

"Very good sir." Voltaire replied.

"Now Shen you want your mission I'm sure." The Grand Admiral paused. "I will expect you to conduct yourself properly."

Aug 8th, 2002, 05:59:34 PM
Katanor sat down at his desk, a sea of datapads. He was frustrated with the Grand Admiral's decision to use this Maileen character, it was unsound, Katanor thought. The man was unstable he could break at any moment, loyalty was not a figment in his mind, it was a toy to be played with and abandoned when he grew weary of it. This was the way with most pirates. The Grand Admiral might be a senior officer, but Katanor had more experience with pirates then anybody in the Empire. He had spent half his life hunting them down with a small fleet. The Emperor himself had brought Katanor forth to solve the smuggling issues. Katanor had the infamous Han Solo in his grasp. He had lost him. That had gotten Katanor demoted. Oh well you roll with the punches. He wrote on his datapad a license to the construction company which had won the bidding to build the shipyard. Lucris&Lucris Industries. They were a lot wealthier after this.
Memo To: Marcius Lucris
From: Line Captain Katanor Freestar
Subject: Construction

Marcius Lucris,
The Grand Admiral has given the green light . Construction is to be started immediately. I want a list of all workers to be sent to our intellligence service for background check. Send all their profiles as well. The Empire is trusting you, and you will be very, very unhappy should you not fulfill the Empires request, as we are not known for our forgiving spirit. I will handle security and will be the liason between you and the contractors. As you need supplies ask me and I will speak to the contractors. Thank you.

-Line Captain Katanor Freestar

Katanor soon recieved a reply.
Memo To: Line Captain Katanor Freestar
From: Marcius Lucris
Subject: Re: Construction

Line Captain,
Thank you for giving me this heads up. You will not be disappointed. Captain you have my assurance of my men's loyalty but I will send the profiles for background check. I hope to have a fruitful and productive proceeding with the Empire. Thank you once again.
-Marcius Lucris

It has begun.

Telan Desaria
Aug 9th, 2002, 12:35:55 AM
Grand Admiral Desaria stood directly behind the bridge viewports, staring into space. Space was calm and serene, a distinguished example of perfected ordered chaos. Things happened at random, but all in turn reached the same end as before: the births of stars, the dying of suns, the destruction of planets. Even the interference of life could not sway the galactic scheme of events. All life was at the whim of Space.

Desaria was slightly jolted in his thoughts as the sounds of jackboots in the catwalk grew closer. The reflection identified the other as Captain Votaire.

" Admiral? IS something amiss?"

" No, Captain," the Grand Admiral replied, his arms folded across his white tunic. " No, all is well. In a manner of speaking."

" May I ask you something, sir?"

" Please."

" How do you know that....pirate?"

" Believe it or no, he was an officer at the Centaurian Martial Academy. He graduated a year before me, and we were posted together on the Destroyer Archduke Vallinn. I rose to command before he, and was thus his superior. On a mission of crash-site investigation he made a decision that cost the lives of eighty percent of his company. When I found out his motives were strictly driven by personal gain, I ordered him confined to the brig. Ambition was natual, putting others at risk to acheive it...this was not in the Centaurian Fleet.

" He asked for his life and I denied it. He escaped and met me on the bridge, challangeing me to a duel with ancient metallic saber weapons. He collected them, and thought it fitting. We began, each of us confined to thr catwalk, soldiers and officers around us in silence, but secretly placing bets I later found."

The Captain chuckled softly, but was anxious to hear the conclusion.

" He became distracted and rage filled. I did my best to keep a cool head and met his thrusts intellectually. How? I anticipated his every move and merely fought him to a standstill.

" The General quarters klaxon sounded as a Rebel warship moved around the planet below, and I knew I had no time for this. I attacked him and lashed his arm. It went straight through his tunic and created a scar down his upper arm. He dropped his weapon and was taken to the brig-again. There he stayed until I destroyed the Rebel ship and gave him enough provisions for three days. We locked him in a small personal shuttle and jettisoned him into space.

" The rest I do not know; I can only guess. How ironic," The Admiral said, looking at a small shuttle emerging from below the prow of the Interrogator," That I should release him the same way I removed him."

" Yes, sir. It is true then."

Desaria cocked his head. " What is?"

"The ship's rumors. You can fight more than just Fleet engagements."

The two shared a laugh, and both retired to the Grand Admiral's office.

* * *

" It would appear that the galaxy thinks we owe them our bacta!"

Voltaire chuckled again-today was the first emotional outburst the Admrial had ever seen from his long-time flag captain.

" Perhaps we should demonstrate to them what happens to those who do not pay."

" Planning to model Isard's Halanit sumjugation?"

" Not at all. I will merely deomstrate to the galaxy what the Empire can do to those who....oppose...its rule and mandates. Draw up plans, Captain, for an assault on Rilleb V."

" As ordered sir."

Voltaire saluted and removed himself to te bridge.

The galaxy will remember the Empire as it was...and fear what it will again become...

Aug 12th, 2002, 08:21:13 AM
Katanor watched on the bridge of his ship as Marcius's construction ships descended into orbit with the planet. They were enormous titans that would stop at nothing to accomplish their job. Shields had extended around the construction areas to prevent any attacks by pirates or Rogue-Empire states. They moved slowly and steadily, piece by piece building the manufacturing plant. Katanor's vision of a new fleet being built would be realized soon. Marcius walked up the bridge and stood next to Katanor.

"Magnificent isn't it?" he asked
"It is a new era for us."
"And think Line Captain, in eight months you will be processing fighters." Marcius smiled to himself.

Katanor had expressed his desire to see Marcius create a faster way to make these manufacturing plants. He had done so diligently and fighter plants could be produced in eight months.

"Eight months, it seems so short." Katanor said
"A lot can happen in that span of time." Marcius replied
"I do not doubt we will face obstacles then, but we will be ready."

Telan Desaria
Aug 14th, 2002, 10:43:26 AM
The three Imperial warshps that had concluded their assault at Rillek reverted to realspace far from THyferra, brough down by the standing Interdictor fields: the range was just inside those of the heavy turbolasers abard the Golan III Space Defense Platform that lumbered above the rapily developing world.

As well as the network of planet-based heavy turbolasers.

Without waste, Grand Admiral Desaria returned to his Interrogator, transferring his flag accordingly.

" Admiral on the bridge!" yelled Voltaire as Baron Desaria strode into the aft command corridor.

Desaria smiled at his commander's attention to detail: everything was exactly as procedure dictated. He had made the correct choice in snatching Voltaire from the Decisive before it vanished into hyperspace for the last time.

The Captain saluted,which Desaria returned. " As you were, men."

He fell in beside the Captain, who had tured to resume bridge operations. " Report, Captain."

" Intelligence has conitinued to compile your requested information; their preliminary report is in your office. And construction has commenced on the shipyard."

" That is indeed good news, Captain."

The Grand Admiral nodded, and retreated to his office

Aug 14th, 2002, 12:17:05 PM
Just watching the construction put a surge of Imperial pride through the soul of Katanor. Soon fighters would be made, then frigates, then corvettes, and in a few years time, whole Star Destroyers. It was beautiful. Marcius was not one to lie about this. Katanor had put the Thyferra Destroyer Squadron in charge of security. They were doing and excellent job as well. Even though he was commander of the Bespin Destroyer Squadron, he now maintained a high regard, and respect for Thyferra.

"Line Captain, we have a transmission from Grand Admiral Desaria." Leiutenant M'Lorak told him.

"Put him through." Katanor said

"Ah Line Captain Freestar!" The Grand Admirals face appeared. Katanor saluted smartly.

"At ease," Katanor relaxed his posture but was still military class. "So Line Captain, how goes the construction of my shipyard?"

"Excellent sir. We are one eighth done already. There have been only very mild scuffles as far as security goes. A couple ships went to close to the perimeter. But that was only minor. "

"Excellent. Line Captain."
"Thank you sir."
"I would like to see the construction. I also would like to inspect the crew. I will be arriving at your ship immediately."
"I await your presence sir. I am brining Captain Voltaire with me."
"Wonderful sir."
"That is all Line Captain."

Katanor turned on his heels. He lifted his hands to addressed his crew. They admired him not only for ingenuity but for his pride and compassion. The Empire of extreme, fatal, discipline was far out of his mind. Katanor respected all of his crew.

"Attention. The Grand Admiral is coming. Make ready. Parade uniforms immediately. I want all stormtroopers to meet his ship. Immediately!" Katanor strode towards his room. Katanor quickly changed into parade uniform. He looked brilliant. Katanor walked to the hangar bay. He saw lines and lines and lines of stormtroopers who were posted on his Destroyer. Katanor smiled at this show of strength. You couldn't help but be impressed. His officers were in their areas. Commandos, troopers, pilots. He walked to the front.

"Troops, Grand Admiral Telan Desaria is coming. Excellent performance on getting here immediately. I'm sure many of the poor bastards on the other Destroyers couldn't do it in half that time." A laugh. "Now let's show the Grand Admiral what we are worth!" He said this as a ship flew in. It was the Grand Admiral.

Telan Desaria
Aug 14th, 2002, 12:57:28 PM
Th Grand Admiral's shutte arrived, its escorting Defender Squadron, CCLVIth, in parade formation off the bow.

The Lambda-shuttle touched down and lowered its ramp with hisses of pressurized gas. Through the mist ame the white tunic, breeches, and immaculate nackboots of the Grand Admiral of the Imperial Sovereignty.

Line Captain Freestar stoodat riid attention, as did half-dozen other officers behind him, their uniforms recently pressed an polished. Flanking them on either side and in their squared Battalion formations, were the Sovereign stortroopers.

Most of these men will be sergeants in the next month with my extended training programs going ninto affect...stormtroopers will no longr be weak and massive groups of cannon fodder.

Captain Katanor salutd perfectly as the Grand Admiral closed with him.

" A good ship, Captain. If you would, pleae."

The Grand Admiral motioned for his shuttle, and began striding towards it. Katanor nodded to his executive officer to take command....one does not disobey a Grand Admiral.

* * *

The beginnings of the station were forming quicker than the analysts had predicted. One of the massive shipways could be seen taking shape, it's massive cranes and pylons jutting from the central superstructure

The shuttle orbited the growingly-massive yard, not landing as to save on distraction fom work. All tie was valuable, and as it was crews were working round the clock. Any time wasted could not be easily regained without adding massive amounts of labour.

" She will be an excellent yard, Captain. I cannot wait."

The shuttle returned to Freestar's ship, wich when dropped, returned to Bespin.

Telan Desaria
Aug 19th, 2002, 05:22:12 PM
The shpyards above Thyferra were an awesome construct, each with four massive glideways, each large enough for a new Plutarch-class Command Star Destroyer - the sole owner of which was serving Grand Admiral Millard did not make the Baron's week. While the Sovereignty had more ships, and money, Millard now had one of the largest ships in what was left of the Empire.

Accompanied with his Guild-class Star Destroyer, Millard was a force just as potent in power as Desaria's numbers.

" When can we be ready to put the first keel in there?"

The newest aid-de-camp to the Grand Admiral, Commander T'yarr, was there to stay, as he was competent and dedicated. He knew the answer before the Grand Admiral finished the question.

" Two weeks before way one is operational; we've been pouring everything in it. The rest, approximately three weeks following. Consecutively."

" I am impressed."

" Step up the production. Give them the field engineering battalion of the 16th Storm Division. Our troopers won't be needing them."

" Yes sir."

The lambda continued on its run around the base, and then towards the planet, where the Grand Admiral was going to be attending the coronoation of the first Thyferran Monarch in many, many decades.

Telan Desaria
Aug 23rd, 2002, 03:34:30 PM
The Lambda-class shuttle touched down on a regal pad outside the sprawling estate of the Thyferran Royal Family. It was a massive castle of Tivaalian origin, a period of Thyferran history where honour, class, and sophistication reigned. As well, it was the last time of the monarchy.

'Twas making its resurgance.

From the pad through the courtyards to the palatial entrance were blue uniformed Royal Guards. Every other soldier was an Imperial Fleet trooper. Every one of them, Thyferran natives and transplanted Imperials carried the elegant BlasTech ZX-15, a long high powered rifle which was held infront of their chests, barrle up.

Dozens of people were milling about, most of them soon-to-be-enobled persons of noteworthy lineage, or others who displayed the honour and integrity to shoulder such a responisbility as the maintainment of the Aristocracy.

The Grand Admiral was in his Thyferran Dress Uniform, whihc was now the Sovereignty class A for officers. The black pipping remained on his stark white uniform, as did black shoulder straps. From the black shoulder strap on the right were aigulettes of a fine braided black satan.

Behind were Fleet troopers, each of their uniforms lined with white pipping and shoulder cords. The three marched ahead, taking salutes as they strode.

They were all in step.

Aug 28th, 2002, 12:34:14 PM
.Commander Jeffers Stood patient staring out at the incoming vessel as it neared the Termagant.

"Commander the captains shuttle is preparing to land" Came a voice from behind and below him somewhere in the command pit.

"Thank you lieutenant" A look of dread coming over his face.Jeffers was not sure of how he felt about his new captain. He had mixed feeling about serving under a chiss captain. He had served under Thrawn but did not know how this Chiss would stack up against Thrawn . Thrawn was a genius but how were the rest of his people.

" Shuttle is docked commander"came the voice again .

"very well "have Colonel Harkins escort the captain to command lieutenant" Jeffers Knew he should have meet the captain himself but still he remained in command and sent Harkins . He did not know why the Grand Admiral had The chiss taking over , all he knew is Grand Admiral Desaria Knew Him from before the second battle of Coruscant.

"They are on there way commander" Jeffers turned from the view port . Lieutenant grissom had stepped onto the command walkway and handed a communication to jeffers.

"Thank you lieutenant" Lieutenant Grissom had been the Termagants communication officer for the entire time Jeffers had commanded her

." I will miss you grissom.You have been a loyal officer .No one deserves promotion more than you

." Jeffers extended his hand to shake grissom's.

" thank you sir" grissom shook the commanders hand and smiled

."I have enjoyed Serving under your command sir" A smile came to Jeffers face as he released Grissoms hand.

"now with your permission may I be excused commander?" My transport leaves in half an hour" Jeffers turns to look out the view port once again.

"very well lieutenant . Good luck."Grissom took a step back and looked at the commander

"Good luck to you as well sir" Grissom turns and talk out of the command . Jeffers thinks about what Grissom had just said, and it occurs to him .Good luck is not what he needs. What he needs is for this chiss to be what his people are known for. A genius.

"Captain on the bridge" Jeffers turns at the sound of his friend's voice.Colonel Harkins and Jeffers had known one another since childhood, and when Harkins was assigned to his command he had mixed feelings about his friend serving under his command but it had been very good and there friendship had not affected there command relationship at all.

Harkans was a tall man but beside the two chiss he did not look so tall. His Imperial green uniform stood out in the three men compared to there burgundy tight trimmed uniforms.He was over come by the fact that he did not even know which one of the two men were who .As for that he didn't even know how to pronounce there names. He was never good with chiss names . He knew Thrawn by Thrawn , He didn't even know his full name . As the men approached He stared the
red eyes and blue skin that were the chiss most outstanding physical trait.

"Welcome captain" Jeffers hoping that was enough of a greeting. The taller of the two chiss gave a slight grin and halted there ascent onto the command runway. He took on step forward and the grin that had been on his face left as a look of nothingness replaced it.

"Commander jeffers. It is a pleasure to finally meet you" A soft voice came the chiss.

" I am stela'shlit'nuruodo,but you may call me by my common name Lash. This is my research and development officer Major Andch'vipin'nuruodo.

" Welcome captain lash " nodding in his direction.

"and welcome to you major" thankful he did not have to say that awful word Lash had said was his name.

" And you may call me virin" The major said with a slight tip sideways tip of his head.The major looked to be a lighter shade of blue but jeffers did not put too much thought into this.

"Commander have you received a message for me from the grand admiral?" Jeffers thumbed the communication Grissom had handed him before had left.

"Yes captain; it arrived just after you arrived." Jeffers wondered how the Grand admiral knew to send it at that moment .

" Good. I am glad. I am ready to get the Change of personnel and Transfer my flag" Captain Lash turns to the chiss officer beside him.

" Prepare things for the command crews arrival ." Major vipin nodded and turned and left the control room

."Colonel. Please see to my people they will be arriving soon and i am confident you will be busy
with the transition"."Harkins nodded .

" Yes captain."Colonel Harkins turned and left the command deck

." Commander please walk with me " Lash motioned for Jeffers to join him at his side.

"Yes Captain" Jeffer walk to toward the chiss captain and noticed how much taller Lash was than he.Lash and Jeffers began to walk off the command ramp.

"I know the transition will be strange for your people, but i assure you my chiss will be very understanding and patient when it comes to your people's feelings."Jeffers thought
about what Lash had said and wondered if that included him as well.

" I am confident that my people will be as such to yours"Lash stopped his movement

" Yes i am sure. Imperial training is very good . They will be fine . Mine and yours." Jeffers thought to himself, they are your people now .

"Lets continue" Lash and Jeffers began to walk down the corridor once again.

" My I have the Grand Admirals message?" Lash said without any change in the iron look on his face.Jeffers had just realized he had not handed it to Lash right away.He hoped that had not offended the chiss.Lash took the message from Jeffers and began to read it as they walked towards the captains quarters.

" You served under Thrawn if i am not mistaken " Lash ask as he read the grand admirals message.

"yes captain . Up until his death." Lash had finished reading the message and walk on without ever changing his facial expression or even batting an eye. Jeffers wondered if chiss even blinked there eyes.

"What position did you hold ?" Jeffers knew Lash already knew all this.He would be surprised if Lash didn't know his whole life and the life of every key officer under his command.He would be disappointed if he didn't. That is something Thrawn would have known.

" I was in command of the Gargoyle. A frigate in escort of the Chimera." Jeffers had been in aww of Thrawn at the time. It seemed the empire had reformed and finally had direction.
Jeffer was a loyal officer and knows one day; the empire will achieve this . He only hopes this chiss is not here with another agenda.A chiss would not join the Sovereignty or any other faction without a reason. Lash Stops walking again . Jeffers matches his movement.

"Captain . I am not Thrawn. I will never try to match him . I am a simple chiss border guard commander.my command style my seem different then anything you are used to. My tactics my not be what you think sound. I do not expect you to agree with much of what i do or say."

So much for good luck Jeffer thought to himself. he wished he was climbing aboard the transport with grissom to change command." but this is what i want.I expect you to give me your opinion on my orders and i expect you to question any order you think wrong." jeffers really wished he was on that transport.Lash knew that Jeffers was getting uncomfortable . as he hoped he would. Any good commander would in Jeffers position. jeffer thought for a moment about what Lash was saying

."But i expect you do be subordinate in doing so. I respect your thoughts and any ideas you may have about my actions." Jeffers Thought to himself he would be glad to point out any wrong decisions
the chiss my make, but in the back of his mind he thought back to his time with Thrawn and some of the bizarre orders he had not agreed with but fallowed and every time Thrawn was right.

" I understand Captain" Lash seemed to form a smile on his face but the lip movement was so little jeffers wasn't sure.

"As i knew you would Commander." Now if you excuse me i am retiring to my quarters to prepare my report to the grand admiral." Lash turned to open the door to his quarters.

" Very well Captain . My i send you any food of do you need anything to make your quarters
more comfortable." Lash turned to look at the Imperial commander ; as looking straight through him into his very soul.

." No thank you commander .I am sure my quarters are fine"jeffers did not know what to make from the look and was feeling very uncomfortable but then Lash reached to shake his hand.Jeffer shook the chiss Captains hand noticing the firm confident grip .

"thank you for all you population Commander jaffers, the welcome was more then impressive." Jeffers had told Harkins to prepare a greeting for the chiss Captain that was no less then one he would have prepared for lord vader. So he imagined it was very impressive.

" I wanted you to feel welcome captain"The chiss captain let go of Jeffers hand and turned to enter his room. before the door closed Lash turned to face jeffers

"that you did Commander.please await my orders we will be making some minor fleet movement after i send my replay to the grand admiral." The door shuts to Lash's quarters and jeffers begins his return to the command deck.he did not know what to think about what Captain lash had said to him. But he knew there was more to the man then he let on.

Aug 28th, 2002, 04:13:44 PM
Lash entered his quarters and walked to the large desk in the corner. Through the view port he could see Bespin.he was amazed at the progress here. The growing infrastructure of this once desolate planet had grown in leaps and bounds since he last visited . During his recon expedition into imperial space he made little comment on this planet and deemed it low priority.But now civilian population was thriving .

He poured himself a glass of water , and then reread the message from the Grand Admiral.

"It is time." Lash rose from his seat and stretched .The trip from Freyr was long , and he was tired

Aug 28th, 2002, 04:24:41 PM
Katanor gazed at the shipyard. Magnificent, it's glory was a timeless ecstacy experienced by all those involved. And Katanor was the one responsible for it. Never in his life had he been responsible for something so changing for the Empire. No longer would the Grand Admiral send out fighters that are a greater risk to themselves then to the enemy. Katanor was responsible for something that would take the offensive and defensive strategies of the Empire to a new level. And soon the christening. Katanor had all the ships in the fleet on highest alert just in case. Three day's until the christening. Katanor smiled to himself as he watched the paint being put on.

Aug 28th, 2002, 05:40:51 PM
Lash entered the control room and walked towards commander Jeffers.

"Commander What is our status?" Lash looks out the view port .

" We had a problem about 7 minutes ago." Jeffers turns to see the red glowing eyes staring at him.

" what do you mean commander?" Lash walked to the communications section where Jeffers was standing.

"A merchant vessel had a power failure and had to request help ." Jeffer knew it was nothing important but did not know how detail oriented the chiss was.He turned back towards the communications panel.

" Has a tug been dispatched from Bespin?"Lash turns and walk to the command walkway.His long trip was really starting to get too him .

Jeffer turned and fallowed Captain Lash onto the walkway." Yes sir .It should be there now sir."He walks up next to Lash standing near the view port.

"Commander open a comm channel to all bespin Fleet vessels" Lash turns and walks away from the view port.

"Yes sir. lieutenant open a comm channel on vleet chanel one." Jeffers turned to the chiss.Lash turns to look back out the view port once again.

" Com. channel open sir." The Com. officer manning the Com. sounded from the command pit.

Lash aproches the Com panel." This is Captain Lash . For security reasons and to ease Fleet deployment problems affective immediately the Bespin Destroyer Flotilla Has been divide into two separate Squadrons. Squad A will be the Termagant ,Achilles, Prominent, and Lictor. All other vessels will be in Squadron 2. Squadron 2 will deploy as planetary defense while Squadron 1 will be reserve and patrol. begin maneuvering at once into assigned positions. all vessels should be in place no later than 1600 hours . Captain Lash out."

Lash walked to the center of the walkway and watched as vessels surrounding bespin began to move .
" Commander." Lash looks towards Jeffers.
"Yes captain." Balancing and preparing himself for something he knew wouldn't be good.

"Please set up a rotating fighter patrol . divide the system into 4 sectors and i want constant patrols of twin defenders rotated every 4 hours. also order the lictor to take post ion as a picket just outside the system in a varying patrol path. "

Jeffers turns to look out the view port . " as ordered sir."

Aug 28th, 2002, 06:15:46 PM
Katanor walked around his personal quarters. He was listening in to the comm's of the fleet, he was one of the few people privy to such listening. Katanor heard Captain Lash. The man had a take charge kind of attitude. Katanor liked this. Lash was in charge of the second Destroyer squad of Bespin, Katanor was in charge of the first. He commed the bridge. Katanor was intrigued and wanted to know the man.

"Please, extend an invitation to Captain Lash of the second Destroyer Squadron, for dinner tonight. I am quite interested in meeting him."

Aug 28th, 2002, 06:41:25 PM
Lash walks to the Com panel." lieutenant sent this message for me . To Grand Admiral Desaria. From Captain Lash. "

" Grand Admiral I have transferred flag to termagant and have begun initial command restructuring to make place for my chiss contingent. As order the fleet has been divided into the two squadrons. and i have begun a constant fighter recon screen.
Have positioned squadron 2 as de fence and squadron 1 is handling the patrol aspect . I have dispatched the lictor to patrol just outside the system as alert picket. remain members of my command crew will arrive in 12 hours . I will report when all aspects of my flag transfer have been completed . "

"Captain lash out"

"Send that at once lieutenant."

lash turned and walked back to the command walkway.

"Commander you have the Com i am returning to my quarters to rest until my command crew arrive. send me word when all vessels are in place and the patrols have begun ."

Jeffers turned toward the tall slender blue figure at the end of the walkway .

" yes sir . as ordered."

As the captain walk out of the control room Jeffers watched him.
This Man. Or near man. or Alien? what ever. He is Jeffers knew things in the sovereignty would never be the same.

Aug 28th, 2002, 06:55:45 PM
The Com chirped in Lashes quarters. lash after a long flight from his home world was resting but didn't mind the interruption. he depresses the button and to answer .

"Yes this is Lash."

The Com Officer in charge had been impressed by the confidence the captain had shown when he had given the order for fleet operations.

" Captian Lash . you have received a invite for dinner from kentanor of the First Destroyer Squadron."

He awaited the response from the captain.

" Tell katanor i will contact him shortly and tell commander jeffers to prepare a shuttle for our trip. "

Yes captain as ordered.

Aug 28th, 2002, 07:18:30 PM
An alert sounded on the Com officers panel.

He depressed the button to answer the alert.
"Com here."

The soft confident voice on Captain lash began to speak.

" yes lieutenant. set up an Com channel to Katanor and transfer it to my quarters please."

The Com officer Began setting up the channel then the voice was there again.

"And have jeffers check on the status of my shuttle."

" yes captain." he relayed the message to the commander while he finalized the Com channel.

" Com channel ready sir dispatched to your desk in your quarters." He let the channel to Lash close to wait for his replay.

" thank you lieutenant " the Captain chimed in and then the link to his quarters when dead.

" How are you this day kantanor. " I have a shuttle prepping and would love to meet with you . just give me a location and a time and i shall be there."
Lash sit and waited on the reply .

Aug 29th, 2002, 03:29:29 PM
Katanor smiled at the man. He was pleasant and polite. Not to formal, which showed he analyzed the situation wisely, as Katanor had not made it very formal.

"Greetings Captain. I am having a banquet made in your honor, if you would be so kind as to come in two standard hours. I am ready to give you a tour of the ship and my troops will be present for your landing and inspection, thus I would reccomend formal uniforms, I feel the need because someday you may have to work with these troops and they must see you and you them at their best. I hope you can join me." Katanor said

"Of course" The Captain replied.

"Excellent." Katanor smiled, it was a half hour until his arrival and Katanor was ordering his men into parade fashion. Lines and lines of stormtroopers, commandos, officers, all waited to meet the Captain. Katanor was a dieing breed of officers who enjoyed elaboration and showing off his troops. Even if this man was Katanors subordinate he would need to see the beauty of the Empire at its finest.

Aug 29th, 2002, 06:43:52 PM
Lash's Shuttle Was prepped and ready . His meeting with the Katanor Was approaching . He Was dressed in the Chiss Phalanx Uniform Of burgundy jacket with black trim,,Imperial insignia and rank bars , black gloves ,burgundy trousers ,and black shoes.

He had gone to the command deck to make sure preparations were underway for the arrival of his chiss contingent.

" Commander Jeffers; is everything ready for the arrival "

" Yes captain. " Everything Is prepared."Jeffers had spent the last 3 weeks preparing for the chiss arrival . Captain Lash had requested 30 officer quarters be made available and 2 labs be made available.

" Very well commander.How is the fleet redeployment going? " Lash walks toward the view port.

" Well sir. Most ship have finished maneuvers and the fighter screen is in place. "

there was a pause before the captain spoke.

" Very good Commander Jeffers . You have the comm commander i am going to dinner" Lash turns and begins to walk off the command deck to the shuttle bay .

" Yes sir " the Commander watches him leave .

" Open a channel to Line Captain Katanor. Inform him that Captain Lash is on his way." The Commander turn to look out the view port.he thinks to him self.

This should be interesting

Aug 29th, 2002, 08:04:11 PM
The shuttle approached Line Captain Katanors flagship.

" Permission to land "

" Permission granted "

The pilot of the shuttle begins to apply thrust and move towards the vessel.

Aug 31st, 2002, 09:00:28 PM
As conformation came that the captains shuttle had landed aboard Line Captain Katanors vessel a message was coming in .

It was from the Captains Command crew group.

" This is Commander Mites'siamil'nuruodo Please inform the Captain Stela'shlit'nuruodo that we are ahead of schedule and will be arriving in 45 mins . Commander Mites'siamil'nuruodo out. "

The Commander knew Captain lash would not be back from his meeting with Katanor before then and wondered how the Chiss Command contingent would react to this news.

" Inform Colonel Harkins that our Chiss friends will be here in 45 min sand to make preparations. "

Aug 31st, 2002, 09:18:25 PM
Katanor saw the shuttle land. His troops were emaculate. Spotless, and disciplined, it would bring a tear to any loyal Imperial. Katanor stood at the end of a long red carpet. He had several elite guards behind him, Grand Admiral Desaria had given him a small contigency of Red Guards as a token of reward when he was given control of the Star Destroyer Squadron. As the Captain's shuttle landed and the hissing smoke emiited, Korlo began his walk to the shuttle. The captain and his aides exited the shuttle and met Katanor. They all saluted.

"At ease, Captain it is my pleasure to introduce myself as Line Captain Katanor Freestar. And before you, you see the glory of the Empire. Dinner is ready if you will follow me. We will get aquainted on the walk."

Aug 31st, 2002, 09:34:09 PM
" Very weel Captain you lead the way "

Lash Was impressed by the show of power Katanor had presented.His men were very trianed as he expected.
Katanor motioned for Lash to join him at his side ane they began to walk.

Aug 31st, 2002, 09:43:41 PM
"I understand Captain, from the rave reviews granted to you by Grand Admiral Desaria, that you are a beacon of light for the Empire. "

"You flatter me sir." Lash replied

"Not intended, according to him you are a true resource that needs tapping because your value exceeds most others we have. I am very interested in your career as well, I have gone over your biography, most impressive. "

"Thank you."
"I was also hoping that you would be present at the christening of the new Manufacturing Plant, of which I oversaw."

Aug 31st, 2002, 11:12:35 PM
"Yes Captain I would be honored to attend the christening. What my major interests in this meeting though is the organization of our defensive operations."

" Very well what are your ideas Captain" Katanor replies.

" As you know , I was a member of the Chiss Border Patrol .I have been guarding our borders and performing recon missions in both New republic and imperial space for 20 years . In my travels I have been Observing the defensive tendencies of both groups."

A small Smile comes to the face of the Chiss officer.

" While I find your defense adequate . It is still not up to my liking . This isn't a bad thing. Your defense here is superb. It is just i am a man of planning , and i plan for every passable detail. My main purpose here in the sovereignty is Fleet preparation and defense."

The two men near the conference room

" I am transferring on squadron of my Tie Defenders to your command if you would like them. I need to make room for my Claw Squadron. "

The two men stop outside the conference room .

" Very well captain I am sure I can find a use for the Defenders."

" As I thought you would Captain Katanor . As I am sure you know I have divided the system into 4 parts and will be permanently dispatching a patrol to each . As well I have dispatched the lictor to patrol on the edge of the system to detour any small raiders or other organizations from further raids on our shipping traffic. "

" Yes i was listening in on the fleet orders from my office. I support your orders. " Captain Katanor opens the door to the conference room

" As I knew you would Captain."Lash turns and enters the room as Katanor motions for him to. Katanor enters after the Chiss officer and turns to the guard

" That will be all gentlemen "

The guards turn and take up positions on either side of the door and Katanor closed it .

Katanor turns To the Chiss officer

" Have a seat Captain"

" Very well " Lash replies as he sits down.

" What are your feeling of current feelings on the state of defenses here Line Cpatain? " Lash watched as Katanor sits down.

Sep 1st, 2002, 07:47:03 AM
Katanor smiled when he thought of the defenses.

"As you said Captain, not completely up to code for the current situation. We control a great deal of the carbon gas market, people won't like it that we have the market cornered. They will be violent. I personally have sent in an order for more orbital defense platforms, and with our shipyard we will be an even bigger target." Katanor said. Lash had a point, Grand Admiral Desaria had made this place one big target. "I think your plan of seperating into 4 sectors is a good one, however you must keep in mind we do not want competition with the 4, and we need them to be able to communicate accurately, I will not have the defenses working against each other."

They entered the room with the banquet table and both took a place at the ends of the large table.

Sep 1st, 2002, 11:07:35 AM
" Good . I agree . Another orbital Defense Platform is much needed. "

Lash Takes some fruit form the wide variaty of foods Katanor had provided for the meeting.

" An idea Line Captian."

He take a small bite of the fruit .then a drink of water.

" What are your feelings on puting a siries of mine fields into place that would only allow access to the system in certain places.I realize such a mine field would be costly and the time consumed in placing it would be great but it would pay for itself by decressing the amount of pirateing in the system.If all traffic were on predeturmand interance and exit vectors it would allow the pirates an easy chance to attack by knowing where exactly the ship traffic is moving I know but, as well it allows us to better patrol for such incursions."

Sep 1st, 2002, 07:54:50 PM
Katanor leaned back in his chair and considered this as he drank a bit of wine.

"Hmmmmmm, that is an interesting idea, although extremely expensive it has it's benefits. Firstoff as you said we would have less to patrol and overall it is probably cheaper then all the defenses we would otherwise have to buy. However it is not very good for people such as you and me. Our capital ships could never fit in such a mine field if fighters were to vector in there. Star Destroyers would be struck, and it would be extremely difficult and dangerous for our fighters to maneuver in such a place. However it is a wonderful thing for scare tactics. But I don't like the idea of us being restricted by our own mines. I know we would have maps but I don't know. Perhaps if a more formal plan was drawn up with solutions to these problem's I could give it my personal authorization and pass it to Grand Admiral Desaria for his."

Sep 1st, 2002, 09:31:46 PM
" I will do that Captain. And I assure you. I have considered this idea. and I have An idea about this. As you know my R&D department have started on a new Tie. But there are many other Plans to work on after that. I have spoken with the grand admiral and he knows some of those ideas."

Lash takes another drink of water.

" After the research is done on the new Tie Striker . Research will begin on a Monitor. If i am corect it is a 60 meter heavy gunboat; more or less . but I would have to talk to my research department before I gave you any major specs. on this vessel.It would be small enough to patrol the mine field while haveing enough punch to make up for the capital vessels. "

Sep 2nd, 2002, 08:45:32 AM
Korlo scratched his chin and his eyes went wide.

"That sort of firepower would be revolutionary to the Empire. Do not speak of this in the open please, otherwise pirates and other factions would attempt to steal this creation, and we must not allow that to occur!"

Sep 2nd, 2002, 09:37:52 AM
" It is nothing new . But we will not talk of it here. "

Lash places his glass back on the table.

" In my opinion the research and development in all factions of the empire grows stagnet. There are roles inside the fleet wich go neglected. I plan on solving this ."

An imperial officer walks into the room.

" Excuse the interuption but there is an urgent communication for Captain Lash"

Line Captain Katanor looked at the officer .

" Yes lieutenant what is it ."

He walks to Lash and hands him the message. then stands at attenetion.

" You may be excused lieutenant " Katanor said as he watched Lash read the message.

The Officer turned then walked out of the room . as the door closed behind it Katanor asks.

" Is there a problem Captain? "

" No Line Captain. It is just informing me that my Command Crew will be arriving early. It is no matter i am sure Jeffers can handle the arrivel let us proceed with our talk."

Sergio Lokiros
Sep 2nd, 2002, 01:30:59 PM

Captian Lokiros had spent the last month and a half overlooking the construction of Imperial Sovereignty platforms, as designed and funded by the Imperial Remnant. Construction had gone relatively smoothly up to this point. Today was the day where the repuslorlift would be activated and the score of half complete platforms would finally be under their own power. The superstructures had been held in Bespin's atmosphere by scores of builder shuttles.

Sergio stood on the overseer's platform, looking upon the kilometers of durasteel skeletons that lay below him. The chief engineer, Diton Lunsane, stood next to Sergio, giving him a report of the past night's activities.

"All diagnostic test show the repulsors to be full operational," began Diton. "We ran platforms 13 through 16 under their own power last night, with the builder shuttle acting as safety grabbers. They showed an average dip in altitude of 2 meters once free of the shuttles. We've upped the output on all the platforms to minimize any attitude lost today. Other than that, things were smooth."

Lokiros nodded at the engineers report, "Excellent. Any reason found for the loss in altitude?"

"Ah," started Diton, trying to recall the information, "it is believed that we're in an area of pressure that was lower than was what was initially calculated. The pressure today seems to be holding steady."

"Very good. Let's start releasing them into the atmosphere then."

"Of course Captain."

Lokiros and Lunsane stepped forward to the edge of the overseer's platform. Lunsane pulled a comm link out of his pocket and spoke into it.

"Prepare platforms 1 through 4 for release."

A moment passed. In the distance, builder shuttles began to pull away from the platforms. Lunsane's comm link buzzed.

"Platform one, holding steady. Platform two, down one meter. Increasing power. Platform three, holding steady. Platform four, holding steady."

"Good. Prepare platforms 5 through 8 for release."

The process continued, with minor altitude changes on less and half the platforms.

"That concludes today's work," Lunsane said with a bit of relief in his tone. "We're going to monitor the platforms for the next twenty-four standard hours, and weapons can begin work."

Telan Desaria
Sep 3rd, 2002, 12:00:02 PM
The Grand Admiral always enjoyed a god dejark game. Aboard the Inquisitor, there were torunaments beteen departments, Intel currently ahead of the 113th Stormtrooper regiment by fifty points.

The game Desaria was currently watching had pitted the Navgation Division against the officers from the 74th TIE Squadron.

The Baron had a thousand credits on the fighter jockies. They had not let him down since.

The game had gotten rather interesting when three TIE controlled Dathomirian Rancors began attacking four ancient wookies, when an aide came to the Grand Admiral's seat bearing a data pad.

" Lieutenant, perhaps it is my lack of uniform. But I appear to be off duty."

" Yes, sir. Captain Voltaire ordered this be brougt before your attention."

" Fine. Now place a bet or get back to the bridge."

The officer clicked and departed. Desaria was far from mean, but running an Empire was stressful, and those who managed the task needed respite.

On the pad, reviewed an hour later after the TIE Pilots won, had the information the Grand Admiral had requested. Another shipment of five thousand turbolasers had arrived above Thyferra, their installment having already commenced.

A squadron of four Destroyers that had been purchased from the Federacy would arive soon as well.


Khendon Sevon
Sep 3rd, 2002, 12:52:55 PM
Captain Runtel sat with standard military posture in the command chair of the newly constructed Guild-class star destroyer that was at his command. He slowly stood from his chair and clasped his hands behind his back; the shining insignia of the Imperial Federacy pinned cleanly on his chest. The young captain stroked his golden goatee as the craft was spat out of hyperspace, the other four craft in the caravan emerging, as well.

The force had been sent to Thyferra in accordance with a contract between United Imperial Technologies and the Imperial Sovereignty. “Comm., open hailing frequency, relay that we are ready to transfer the three Guild-class star destroyers and the single Illustrious-class to Sovereignty control. Also, contact our transport ship and tell it to prepare for the transport of the crew aboard all ships to it.”

“Fulfilling request, Sir,” said the young ensign as he hacked away at the board in front of him, quickly transmitting the messages.

Telan Desaria
Sep 3rd, 2002, 12:57:45 PM
The game completed, the Grand Admiral had redonned his uniform and was once again on the bridge. No sooner than he exited the aft control corridor than the communictions officer opened up.

" Admiral, the UIT ships have arrived. Captain Runtel."

" Excellent. Send this: My compliments to Grand Moff Sevon. The payment has been placed in the appropriate account. Thank you for your trip, Captain."

Khendon Sevon
Sep 3rd, 2002, 01:03:53 PM
Runtel nodded as he received the message from the Grand Admiral. “All hands, all hands, now hear this,” he said as he activated the in ship communication system, “move towards your nearest shuttle bay for transport to the Ancient One.”

The Captain grabbed his hat and watched as his crew docked the craft and shut down the systems before filling out into the turbolift. Captain Runtel followed suit, a smile on his face as he left.

All of the spare shuttles that had been packed into the already full hangars of the vessels landed aboard the large transport, the thousands of crewmembers going to their assigned cabins. As the last shuttle docked and the doors closed, the Ancient One lurched into hyperspace, heading back to the Delteon sector.

Sep 3rd, 2002, 05:31:20 PM
"Captain, as you know we need the coordination of our troops to have an effective defense. Star Destroyer crews are notoriously...competitive, understandably so. However to be truly effective they must learn to work together as a single unit, not individual ships, only then can they perform operations that are complex and effective." Katanor said, "Would you be interested in joining a training program that we could set up?"

Telan Desaria
Sep 3rd, 2002, 08:49:58 PM
The Federacy warships had arrived, officially changing hands at the dawn of a new Sovereign day.

With their addition to the Fleet, the Sovereignty now possessed more numbers of combatant warships than all other Imperial factions with one exception.

The Imperial Remnant.

A garrison had been loaned to Grand Admiral Desaria by Admiral of the Fleet Lei Lebron, for the purposes of better defending the city world of Bespin. For it was there, not on that world, but in that aspect of war, that the Sovereignty was not at its best. There th Federacy with its mountains of materiale and men and Balmorra with its legions of battle droids surpassed anything the Sovereignty could field: an army.

Thus the strategy was to defeat an invsion before its soldiers ever landed. Only then would the Imperial Army stand a chance.

For that defect, the Grand Admiral knew of no solution.

All members, this is finished. The foundations for the Sovereignty have been laid, as this thread takes place in the past. Katanor and Lash, continu your convo in a separate thread. Orders forthcoming.