View Full Version : A travelling fighter, come to stay

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 20th, 2002, 09:04:30 AM
Wei Wu Wei grew up in a nomadic family with his mom, dad, and grandpa. Along his family's travels, Wei's grandpa and dad taught him a multitude of martial arts and how to control his emotions. His mother, on the other hand, taught him other things that she thought to be more important, such as cooking, cleaning, how to treat a lady. His father also taught him how to manage money. Wei really looks up to his grandfather and sees him as a role model and hero.

One day while stopping in a town to get food, Wei watched his granpa disarm a group of thieves, but paid the price with his life. Just before his grandfather died in his deathbed of the wounds he had recieved protecting people, Wei's grandpa told him, "Use what I have taught you to protect people. Always seek to expand your knowledge and skill for the betterment of others, never yourself."

Wei took his grandpa's dying wish to heart and went to the Jedi Academy to fulfill his grandpa's wish.

Wei is a fun loving, easy going man who would rather compromise and cooperate than fight. Wei will fight when he has to, but only to defend himself, never to kill. He shows mercy to his opponents, giving them second chances, even when they don't deserve them, in the hopes that his opponents will realize eventually the folly in resisting, and the wisdom in yielding and compromising with others.

Wei is also very childlike, always curious and exploring the world around him, awed by the severe size and complexity of his surroundings.