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Wei Wu Wei
Aug 12th, 2002, 08:40:09 PM
Wei shot and had to duck himself, when the laser bolt was returned to him.

"Huh? What the?"

Wei kept his balance and took aim again. He leveled the blaster, but thought better of it.

"There have gotta be some other good vantage points here soemwhere..." Wei looked around, his target practice interrupted for the time being.

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 13th, 2002, 06:50:02 AM
Even in his state, I noted Venom still was able to swat the blaster shot aimed at him away. Not unexpected, for I knoew exactly how powerful and skilled a foe he was. An explosion rang out close to me and I was distracted to see a probe droid flying apart. Somewhat annoyed, I turned my attention back to Venom, summing him up as I approached.

The metal armour would make hand to hand mute. The mace he carried was undoubtfully rigged like his Pike had been a year ago, so there was no point trying to cut it in half with a sabre for a cortoris cover rendered sabres useless. It was also a good deal heavier than my Pike, which meant my Pike was not a good thing to use against it directly. I had the advantage of speed and stamina I knew from our last encounter, but would that be enough now? He was more like a tank with that armour I could see and it also had jagged and sharp edges and protrusions.

Once again I raised my Pike and fired, the electrical energy arcing out towards the huge Dark Jedi. I had to think and seach for wisdom in the Force, look for ideas. Keeping him busy with the electrical discharge of the Pike would at least help with that.

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 13th, 2002, 12:13:49 PM
:: Seeing the destruction the Lupine Dark Jedi had caused, Anbira reached out, using his full faculties of the Force to ensnare Vega. The Dark Jedi's limbs were stretched apart, his joints straining with immovable pressure, as Anbira took hold of him like a puppet on a marionette. His eyes turned to Hob ::

Your apprentice is no threat, Hobgoblin.

:: With a subtle gesture, Vega's feet began to drag across the ground, until his captured form now stood between Anbira and his dark master ::

And I've little patience for your parlor tricks.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 13th, 2002, 01:46:39 PM
Wei watched Anbira controlling Vega and shuddered. He was glad Anbira was a good guy.

Aug 14th, 2002, 04:42:03 AM
This time, even if he was still recovering from the last electrical blast, he had the presence of mind to obey the warning tingle in the Force and raise his sabre, intercepting the energy stream with the blade. Electricity snapped and crackled off the sabre, turing the red glow into a bright white until the attack finished.

"Worthless woman! Is that all you can do?"

With that, Venom waved his mace, using it as a focal point for the Force, lashing out and bashing Cross into a wall with his mind powers. If he could recover more and take control of his body more, he would have raced to smash her to oblvion with the mace. However, the first attack had shorted out a few cyborg system and he could still feel pain and musccle spasms. Damn her!

He breathed in and out, beginnign to walk slowly over to where she was.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 14th, 2002, 08:55:11 PM
Wei saw that Venom had been hurt by Helenias' attack and decided to help her along. He fired a few shots at Venom before jumping back down to the ground.

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 14th, 2002, 11:07:45 PM
Lion was watching from the cover of his ship as Venom fought with Helenias and a few of the others...he was glad that he wasn't part of THAT fight...

(ooc: Venom takes a hit! AMAZING!)

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 15th, 2002, 05:51:57 AM
OOC : :rolleyes

I felt myself being lifted off my feet and slammed into a wall with bone jarring force. I stumbled as I bounced off, nearly falling but managing to keep my feet under myself. That hurt and even with the Jedi ability to absorb impacts, it still shook me. In some ways it was foruitous one of the Padawans attacked Venom, for it gave myself a chance to recover and represent myself in a semi ready state.

I had to think here and get Venom to engage in a sabre battle, where his size and speed could be used against him and that damn mace would be negated. In fact Wei had given me an idea.... he was going about this right, but most definantly the wrong weapon. Why use a blaster, which was easily reflected by a sabe by even the basic Padawan, when I had on my hip a weapon designed to kill Jedi and negate their sabres?

I dropped the Pike to the ground and did a quick draw of the MkII Rail Gun I carried. Being a projectile weapon and with a projectile that moved a good deal faster than a blaster bolt, it was a prized weapon and a very rare one., only the NRSF carrying them. A bounty hunter had shown their deadliness against a Jedi and now as I closed my eyes and used the Force for the best shot, I could use it to get rid of that mace.

There was one other mistake the Padawans were making. To attack a Force user of the skill of Venom or even myself, the force ability known as the Danger Sense would flare, warning the Force user of the attack and they would react. So, go for soemthing else that would not make the danger sense active.

I aimed for the mace head, where it would be in two seconds time, using my foreseeing abilities to predict it's exact position.



I pulled the trigger, hearing the sharp and loud crack as the Rail Gun blasted it's high speed projectile out, ripping the air apart in the nano-blink it took to cross the distance between barrel and where the mace head was to be.....

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 15th, 2002, 08:01:10 AM
:: Lance stayed almost paralized watching the every move given by all of them, the strider learnt much from each fighting stance to every single knuckles given by them as he observed his force senses were opened for any attack sent his way.::

Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 18th, 2002, 06:29:54 PM
Hob gave Anbira a lazy smile and took a step to the side where he could see his Jedi foe to address him. "In all things, there lies unvarying potential. It may simply be that Vega's potential to be a threat to you is unrealized. What say you to that, Jedi Master?"

Without so much as the twitch of an eyelid, Hob began to apply crushing telekinetic pressure to his opponent's windpipe. Anbira would not be able to answer his question immediately, which furthered Hob's amusement quite nicely.

The Dark Dwarf began sustaining the Force Grip by drawing on the large store of natural energy he'd drained not long ago. To defeat the attack with equal pressure would require Anbira to draw strength away from holding Vega, but it remained to be seen whether the Jedi Master had a different trick up his sleeve.

Hob simply waited for his opponent to respond, eyes open and senses wary.

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 23rd, 2002, 11:16:51 AM
:: Anbira staggered at the force on his throat. It now presented him with a dire problem. It took all his control to subdue Vega completely. He had no room for his talents to offer himself protection. The Jedi faltered, reaching a hand to his throat. If he cut the Lupine loose, he would instantly turn on him. If he did not, he would suffocate soon. As powerful in the Force as he might be, his body was well with age, and could not take much punishment of this kind. Eyes intense, Anbira pressed a fisted hand forward, and Vega became a Lupine torpedo, hurtling back toward his master with impressive speed...head-first like a battering ram... ::

Aug 26th, 2002, 02:55:39 AM
He had used his sbare to block the shots of the Jedi reflecting them back to their source and was turning to resume his advance on the woman when in a blaze of sparks and shrapnel, the mace exploded into pieces. His armour protected him from most of the flying bits, but some did pierce his protection, lodging into his face and body. The sudden pain mattered little, what was more startling was the mace was destroyed so unexpectantly.

Howling in fury, Venom turned and threw the remaining piece in his hand at Q''Dunn, before bellowing his anger and rage outwards, gathering his mind and his body, then going into a full speed rush to the woman, intent on crashing her over iand trampling her n his animalistic fury.

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 26th, 2002, 03:26:41 AM
The destruction of the mace had it's intended effect - it denied the huge Dark Jedi of one weapon and as I prepared to meet his charge, gave me another. His own anger and thoughtlessness. As he rushed, I stood my ground, the sabre up to my face as I went enguarde and waited as a Jedi should - with patience, calm, at peace. I closed my eyes, feeling in the Force when he was close and when he was lashing outwards with his sabre - as he drew close enough and attacked, his own pace took him past me as I neatly sidestepped, but left the deadly sabre blade still in his path, now horozontal and directly in his path, with no hope to avoid.

Aug 26th, 2002, 03:44:06 AM
There was nowhere to go. He ran straight into the sabre, the steel armour only giving him a chance to wheel away, to make the damage less. But he could still feel the fire and the burning of the sabre, it still had gone into his abdomen too far, cutting cyborg parts and internals. he staggered, with only my fury keeping me upright.

"You... will... pay.... for... that!" he snarled. But he knew that would be hollow words if he did not execute Q'Dunn and do it now, he would be too weak soon. He had to use his anger and Dark Side powers to stay on his feet. She had to die now. He managed to step forward and smash down savagely with his sabre - he felt dark glee as he saw her stagger under the sheer pwoer of the stroke, almsot driven to her knees. Again he came forward, driving at her, slashing and smashing as violently and and as savagely as he could. He saw she would be no match for his strength as he almost hit her off her feet with a horozontal stroke

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 26th, 2002, 04:07:25 AM
Lion couldn't hold back any longer...

"Mistress Q'Dunn!" Lion yelled as he ran towards her and Venom as they battled, pulling out his saber with his unbroken arm...

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 27th, 2002, 05:03:08 PM
The assault was unexpected – I had thought it would have been fatal, for a being to run into a light sabre, should have been fatal. Yet, Venom stood and had even commenced an attack like I had never faced. It was brutal and his power was so far beyond mine, I knew that if it lasted, I was lost. On pure physical strength, I was no match, not when Venom could put al that weight and superior reach behind his blows. It was even negating my speed, for I had to take longer to recover than normal from each strike. One horizontal hit actually hit me into the air and I stumbled backwards, trying to keep on my feet. How in the Force had he managed to stay on his feet, let alone be capable of unleashing this assault?

There was only one thing I could do. I stepped sidewards, noting Venom didn’t move as fast as I knew he could and called the Force Pike to my hand, even as he did resume his attack on me.

“STAY …. BACK! I yelled as I sensed, rather than heard a Padawan coming to my aid – There was no Padawan that could withstand the power of the Dark Jedi, not for more than a few seconds. Venom attacked again, with myself trying to batter away his attacks one handed as I backed away, cornering myself, waiting for the right timing… Venom pulled back his sabre and it was all the break I needed. As he struck at me again, the Force Pike whipped up and intersected with this blade. The Pike sparked and glowed as a result of the meeting, but the Cortoris cover did it’s work, shutting off Venom’s sabre. I felt his surprise in the Force, which turned to agony as I attacked without mercy. He had no chance to react or back away as I cut him to pieces. Sparks flew and I smelt burning flesh and electricals. I cut his limbs off, slashed and hacked, screaming out in triumph as I rid the universe of this monster. Even as the pieces hit the ground, I swung viciously with my Pike, spearing the helmet with a sickening crunch and fired the Pike straight into Venom’s brain. I heard the sizzle and then the gruesome pop as an eyeball exploded, gore coming out of the viewholes of the steel helmet. The remains flopped on the ground, completely lifeless.

There was no way anyone could survive this and that is what I wanted. Venom was not going to come alive again, never. I stared at the evil helmet, before placing my foot on it and then pulling out the Pike.

Twice now I had beaten Venom and twice he had died. This time, I knew there could not possibly be a return. Wiping some sweat of my forehead, I walked away, satisfied. Now it was time for myself to see how the evacuation o of the villagers was going, for I sensed the still going other fight was not mine to join in.

Now…. Where were all the Padawans….?

Aug 27th, 2002, 09:57:25 PM
Zeke staggered over to Helenias, exhausted from battle.

"Is it over?"

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 28th, 2002, 08:29:34 AM
Wei ran over to where everyone was gathering. "I sure hope so."

Wei was exhausted and now that he had time to think, he finally began to notice the guilty feelings tugging at his heart.

"I shouldn't have been so trusting, huh?"

Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 31st, 2002, 09:18:49 PM
It was to the Jedi Master's credit that he'd been able to make use of Vega's very body as a weapon. Indeed, Vega was fast approaching Hob's position, and a bulky figure such as Vega's would make for a disarming impact.

But as fast as Anbira could propel his unwilling missile, the smaller Hob could propel himself faster.

Up, into the air leapt Hob, who cleared his apprentice by a good five feet, moving closer to his foe. In midfall, Hob let go of his Force Grip concentration and released another deadly power- that of Force Lightning.

But Hob's Force Lightning had a curious twist to it. Hob privately had named it Burn Lightning, for if it touched flesh or clothing, the target would be set aflame.

It remained to be seen whether Anbira had what it took to stop him. But Hob did not think of such things as the remaining energy he'd drained boiled forth from him. His focus was on victory.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 31st, 2002, 09:44:26 PM
:; Lance ran towars Helenias::

"Alright is everything ok mistress?"

Anbira Hicchoru
Sep 8th, 2002, 08:34:20 PM
:: In a deft moment of quick concentration, Anbira's focus shifted from Vega's airborne form to that of a half-rotted log, closer to him. As the Lupine regained control of his body, he tumbled hard across the ground, hitting a tree. In the same breath, Anbira brought the rotted log around, which exploded into splinters and spark showers, meeting Hob's lightning. Burning bits rained around him, but the brunt was expended. As the remnants burned and scattered, they suddenly changed trajectory, sending a wave of coals in Hob's direction. ::

Evil Hobgoblin
Sep 16th, 2002, 01:18:50 PM
Though Hob had just expended the energy he'd taken from the nearby surroundings, his personal Force reservoir had as yet been untapped. The suddenness of Anbira's reverse strike forced him to draw on it.

What was needed was some balance, and so Hob provided it.

His body dropped unnaturally fast and to the left. Vega's body, on the other hand, was drawn up higher, and to the right. With a cartwheel, Hob had removed himself from the path of the coals entirely, righting himself and throwing a Force strike at Anbira's neck even as he did so.

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 23rd, 2002, 10:12:38 AM
Again, he hit the floor with a wet thud - being used as a weapon certainly wasn't something he was taking a liking to, and his nature reaction, as ever, was to lash out. From his position, half-sitting on the ground, he threw one hand out at Anbira to attempt to tear the Jedi off balance; whislt taking the moment of clarity to get his own footing back, Seraphim jumping back to hand.

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 25th, 2002, 07:13:25 AM
...Lion watched, in wonder, as the three force users battled...it was a sight to see, and only the throbbing in his broken arm reminded him that this was a war zone...

...Anbira looked like he was holding his own, but he also looked like he was getting tired...Mistress Q'Dunn was still exhausted, it seemed, too...