View Full Version : Weekly Group Training, All Trainees Requested
Dark Lord Dyzm
Jul 20th, 2002, 01:33:19 AM
This is going to be a group training event, in which, I pair you off 1 on 1 and let you "practice" bending the thoughts of some very peaceful animals. Each of you will recive just one of these.
**Dyzm holds up a small furry creature, the creature looked like a ball of fluff, except for 2 spidery arms that extended from its sides to end with a pair of wicked looking claws on each paw.**
This is a Farnak, its a resident of Correllia's southern rainforest. They have almost no natural predators, seeing that 60% of them is just fur. They are tree dwelling creatures, nestling into crevices and eating the bark slowly from the tree, which explains the claws. will take the farnak, bend its mind to yours, and force it to fight your partners Farnak. That is todays lesson.
O yeah, for those of you who don't know how to bend a mind... ah, just concentrate, and imagine forcing your will, your thoughts down into the creatures head. They have little intelligents, so it would be easy, even for the newbies.
All right, step up and be recongnized, so I can assign you a partner.
Ok, the only way you getting out of this one, is if your master writes you a note.
Jehova Eaven
Jul 20th, 2002, 10:16:58 AM
"Dyzm, stop babying them." a voice arose from behind him. The white haired Ambriel stepped up behind him and looked at the few apprentices in the room.
"I have my own curriculum which is very strict. I would prefer that they were not interrupted from their current assignments."
Hoshi No Shikyo
Jul 20th, 2002, 12:08:27 PM
She glared at the Ambrelian who had just spoken so rudely to her master, placing her right hand on the hilt of her sword Hoshi took a deep breath.
"I'm willing to learn what Master Dyzm is willing to teach, if you don't want your Disciples to become more powerful by learning. Then you can order them not to come."
Dark Lord Dyzm
Jul 21st, 2002, 04:41:55 PM
Dyzm nods to Hoshi, "Thanks for the support, but, it is not needed." Dyzm then turns to address the winged sith.
"Jehova, if you do not wish your apprentices to join in the group, you can forbid them to go, but this is open to everyone. This training seminar is the building blocks for more advanced techniques which can later be learned in the future. If you wish to create a rift between students, who will someday be knights in one guild, then Go ahead, withhold them from group activites.
Now, if you are not going to support this, then leave. I have no time for distrubances."
Jul 22nd, 2002, 03:48:46 AM
The tall semi-Falleen approached and bow his head momentarily to the one who had been speaking. His expression remained indifferent as he stood, gaze sliding from 'Dyzm', to the woman, to the white haired man. Once their quarrel had momentarily stopped, he spoke up:
"I am Nusakan, one of the new trainees here," came his resonant introduction.
"I have heard that I am to train here with you?"
Leliarre Nightshade
Jul 22nd, 2002, 05:25:32 AM
"As have I," Leliarre said, brushing aside a strand of dark hair that had gotten in the way of her even darker eyes. Her head was tilted slightly in a fashion that showed her interest in the training activity. While she had used the Force before she had never before been trained in its use. The corners of her mouth quirked slightly upwards, the closest Leliarre ever came to smiling. Within a moment, the brief smile was gone, and Leliarre was once more cool and collected, eyes evaluating.
Dea Potentia
Jul 22nd, 2002, 12:30:47 PM
*walks up waving and smiling* Hi!!! I suppose it's all right if I join in untill me master Jeseth get's back....
Dark Lord Dyzm
Jul 22nd, 2002, 04:22:15 PM
Dyzm nods toward the apprentices.
"Thank you for showing up, I will now pair you with someone of your own likeness, or as close as I can get, then you will respond in rooms I have assigned you to practice in."
Standing in front of the apprentices, he fixes one after another with a raptor gaze, seeming to peer into the depths of each of their souls.
"OK, my Choices are made, Nusakan and Leliarre, is group 1, Dea and Hoshi, you are group 2. You will first pick out the Farnak you wish to control, and then head to your seperate places. I will supervise the battles, redirecting thought, and allowing you to almost become the creature, yet, having enough control not to loose yourself in its mind. This will be useful practice when you need to have direct control over someone."
OOC: In otherwords, fight if you are the creature. Have Fun
Feliciana Devano
Jul 23rd, 2002, 04:36:14 PM
A young girl about the age of eighteen stumbled through the door of the Training Grounds. She blushed and brushed a strand of her long black hair from her face and walked toward the already assembled group. Smiling slightly, she bowed and approached the man who....felt.......the most powerful.
"Master...I was told to come here and train with a group. I hope that I am not too late. If not...what am I to do?"
She questioned, eyeing a few others who now had small furry creatures sitting before them. The young woman wondered what this lesson would entail....
Dark Lord Dyzm
Jul 24th, 2002, 02:57:09 AM
A short sigh escapes Dyzm's lips as he turns to face the latecomer.
"Seeing that we now have an odd number of apprentices participating in this, it now gives you 2 choices.
Choice A, you can try to go against me, choice B, you wait for another apprentice. Its up to you."
Turning to watch the other apprentices start, he nods once before addressing Feliciana again.
"What we are trying to do is force the minds of a peaceful, tree dwelling creature into a vicious, primal rage type mind set, then fight them against your opponent."
Cid Stone
Jul 25th, 2002, 03:38:31 PM
Walks out into the open silently, watching the people as he enters. Steps toward the man who seems to be the leader, and says "I am Cid Stone. I currently have no master, but I want to start training. I have no lightsaber, only a sword. But I know how do use it. So tell me your instruction, and we can begin this training." Steps back, unsheathing his sword. He stands ready, looking straight ahead of him, his green eyes burning a light path in front of him.
Feliciana Devano
Jul 25th, 2002, 06:45:43 PM
Feliciana smiles slightly as she watches some of the other Apprentices try the trick that was to be learned. She thought only for a second before she looked back up at the Sith Master.
"Master, I will try to go against you...I wish to learn all that I can."
She said softly and then bowed in respect. Standing upright, she waited to hear his response...wondering if it would be possible to learn with him....
Dark Knight
Jul 25th, 2002, 11:32:57 PM
The dark figure approaches the Training Grounds.
" May I participate in this open training? I too currntly have no Master."
Dark Lord Dyzm
Jul 26th, 2002, 12:13:04 AM
Ok, Cid, Dark Knight, Grab fuzz ball, take it to a corner, and using the dark side of the force, make these peaceful creatures tear each other apart. Have fun. (Start a seperate thread)
Ok Feliciana, Pick your own fuzz ball and get prepard in a area (Seperate thread) I will join in.
Xazor Elessar
Jul 26th, 2002, 10:12:39 AM
never mind.....delete this.....wrong name.......... sorry.....
Feliciana Devano
Jul 26th, 2002, 10:28:21 AM
Feliciana smiled slightly and picked up a furry creature, the moved to the corner ( of the room to begin.....
Jul 30th, 2002, 08:33:02 AM
The new trainee Yaon steps into view...."Am i too late?" he asks
Aug 13th, 2002, 09:26:13 PM
Northstar entered the training grounds. Groups of trainees were gathered practicing what looked like a mind control game. Northstar reached out and felt who was master here. He approached the master.
"I am here for training, instruct me so I can get this done and leave."
Dark Lord Dyzm
Aug 14th, 2002, 04:29:56 PM
OOC: Must apologize, to much on mind, just find someone to begain training with, I do not need to assign you a person, use your own judgement, find a partner, and continue.
Aug 14th, 2002, 05:19:32 PM
Northstar looked around for someone and saw a lone man without a partner. Reaching out with the force he found...Yaon, that was his name. Now, he needed a Farnak. There was one not to far. It made its way to him and Northstar picked it up. Concentrating, he gripped the fuzzball with the force, it was his. He approached Yaon with his Farnak by his side.
"Shall we do battle?"
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