View Full Version : The High Price of Education (LV, Sasha)
Gouyen Chee
Jul 19th, 2002, 05:29:10 PM
The Mantis settled gently down on the landing platform. Gods, it felt good to be back home, thought Gouyen, still stinging from the insults of the Jedi woman. Home... home -- and she remembered her true home of N'dena. "Manny," she addressed the ship's cyborg brain intellegence, "Code a transmission to N'dena -- I have much to report."
"Aye-aye Mistress," replied a faintly metallic female voice. A moment later it added, "Connection established -- you may begin transmission."
Gouyen stepped before the holoprojector and made a deep bow. "Exalted Elders," she began, in a formal Assazi dialect. "I bring you news from the Sith headquarters on Corellia. I have been accepted into the Sith order here, and have discovered that the stories and rumors that have been heard in the past are entirely false. The old ways are practiced and the old knowledge is cherished. Their library is a treasure-trove of which I have but scraped the surface. Even the walls are graven with spells of power and in the garden dwells a legendary dragon, although I have not yet seen it with mine own eyes. The Order is led by a Lady Vader, who greeted me and gave me lodgings in their building and who accepted me into the Order. She was also most courteous, as befitted her rank."
She paused, her expression darkening. "The same I cannot say for other for other Force users I have met. It was during a stopover on the planet Enron* that I encountered an apprentice of the Sith Order and a knight of the Jedi Order engaged in deep conversation. I followed them as they left the bar and intruded upon them after they had completed an impromptu right of blood-siblinghood The youngster was arrogant and brash, in need of correction, which I duly administered. The Jedi woman," and she spat out the phrase like she was spitting out poison, "was rude, scornful and insulting, and has thereby earned a spot on my blood list. "
She took a deep breath, calming herself with the Force. She bowed again, apologetically. "A thousand pardons for my anger, but if she can be considred to be at all typical of that order, then that order should be placed in adversarial status. And my observations support this move -- the level of cooperation that we have among the various Force-using orders in the Combine is utterly unacheivable in this section of the galaxy. Each order holds its own ways as the only 'proper' way and refuses to admit any other point of view."
"Even the Sith?" asked one of the elders.
"Yes, Lord Chatto, even the Sith, although they strike me as being the most 'balanced' of the three."
"You said 'three,' Warrior Chee; what of the third order?" Lord Chatto asked again.
"The third is a group who call themselves dark Jedi," she explained. "They are based on the planet Vjun, and all that I know about them is that they combine Jedi teachings with the dark side. These three orders are in a state of constant warfare amongst themselves."
"Stay with the Sith Order and be careful to commit no trespass while you are there," ordered Lord Chatto, which was followed by murmurs of agreement from the other Elders of the Council.
Gouyen bowed deeply. "I will continue my observations of the Jedi, both light and dark, and most likely from the hilt of a lightsaber." She smiled wryly and made another, smaller bow.
"This Warrior thanks you for your guidence in this matter. Assa d'natto sun, may the Force be with you."The image of the Elders flickered out as the transmission ended.
Gouyen sighed as she collected her things. "I've got a lot to learn about this part of the galaxy," she said to no one in particular, although two sets of ears heard her. "But I also have a few things to teach, so I'd better get started. Manny, would you like to come with us?"
"You bet I would," came the cyborg intellegence's faintly metallic voice. "I've been dying of boredom cooped up here in the ship."
"Besides," added Gouyen, "I may need you for some translation work in the library." She went to a closet in the aft part of the ship and pulled out what looked to be a standard astromech droid. Pushing the empty shell ahead of her, she made her way to the cockpit, removed a panel and loosened four bolts. The module containing Manny's brain, along with additional memory modules, slid easily out of the ship and into its place in the droid body. Gouyen checked some connections, and a familiar voice came from the droid body.
"Ah, I'm mobile," she said with a sigh of satisfaction. "I finally get to see this palace I've heard you talk about. Oh, and Mistress Gouyen, did you remember to include my electronic memory when you moved me: Any translations would be far more difficult without it."
"Don't worry Manny," she replied, placing a reassuring hand on the droid's dome "I put in everything you might need and then some. Wouldn't do either of us any good otherwise. C'mon, let's go."
Robi joined them at the head of the ramp and led the droid to their quarters while Gouyen secured the ship. As she caught up with them she had decided that a meeting with Lady Vader might well be in order.
OOC: *Yeah, go ahead and laugh -- but it sort of fits if you think about it
Later that evening she felt a disturbance in the Force -- shock and pain, incredible pain, as of a limb being severed. She smiled grimly. It seems that young Kovalev is paying for his rash actions, she thought. As she prepared to retire she decided that she would seek him out on the morrow.
Lady Vader
Jul 20th, 2002, 09:45:53 PM
*LV had retreated to the quiet library after having dealt with Sasha. Now she sat quietly in one of the many seats surrounding the Sith holocron with levitated on a pedistal in the center of the vast library. She merely sat there, almost in a meditative state, but with her eyes open and fixed, unblinking, on the glowing crimson pyrimid. What was going on inside her head, one could only guess.*
Jul 22nd, 2002, 07:13:04 AM
He awoke sometime in the middle of the night, near dawn, but the sun had not yet begun it's climb over Corellia's surface. It took him a moment to remember where he was exactly, for the medications given to him hours ago made him groggy.
And then it came back to him, slowly at first in small details until the full memory of what he had done hit him. He knew he wasnt dreaming. He knew this was true, for the pain in his left arm was too real to be a nightmare. He stumbled from bed to turn a light on and stared at this new hand of his. He rubbed his eyes sleepily with his right hand, not daring to even test the new one.
And then carefully, painfully, he forced the fingers of his new hand to move. They did so, clumsily at first, as the mechanical hand reacted to nerve endings that gave it the orders it heeded. He stared at it for a moment, then turned his palm over. The replicated skin was free of scars. It was strange to see this new hand, so foreign to him. The scar he'd had on the palm of his hand since he was a kid - when he'd fallen carrying a glass bottle and had sliced his palm open - was gone. The cut he'd made when he'd made the terrible mistake of sharing blood with a jedi - was gone.
He pulled clothing on, and then without any weapons, he left hs room, closing the door quietly behind him. He couldnt sleep - didnt want to sleep right now, for his arm was throbbing still, and his room where all of this had occurred felt claustrophobic to him.
So he walked through the halls. He wasnt sure where he was going, or what exactly he was in search of. He just knew that he needed to walk.
The halls were quiet. Most were asleep atthis hour of the night. As he walked by the library, he noticed the crack of light that shone onto the stone floor from beneath the massive door.
He supposed that anyone up at this hour perhaps might want to be alone - but then - he was up at this hour - and it was the last thing that he wanted. So slowly he pushed the library door open and stepped inside.
Lady Vader
Jul 23rd, 2002, 03:29:13 PM
*LV remained quiet, not stirring, her dark hood concealing her face and cloak pooled about her on the small triangular couch she sat on, crosslegged. Her eyes focused again as the noise of the opening door caught her attention. She took a deep breath, and looked in the direction she heard the footsteps approaching from. She knew immediately who it was, but would say nothing until he approached.*
Jul 23rd, 2002, 03:48:14 PM
The expression on his face clearly showed that he hadnt expected to see Lady Vader there. He wasnt sure who he'd expected - and for a moment, he paused.
The events of the evening flooded back to him, washed mostly with shame for the thing that he had done to cause it all. He knew that she had forgiven him, but still, it weighed heavily on his heart, and seeing her there reminded him of this.
He considered leaving, leaving her to the silence she had clearly sought in going to the library, but she hadnt asked him to leave, and so he stepped in just a bit further, taking her silence as in invitation to join her. He sighed softly.
"I couldnt sleep." He stated quietly, in explanation for his presence there.
As he spoke, he looked to her. HIs eyes were not accusing, they carried no blame for his lack of sleep. He didnt blame this on her - he knew it had been his own foolish decision that had brought this upon himself.
Lady Vader
Jul 23rd, 2002, 04:10:16 PM
*She nodded her head almost imperceptively, and then gestured with one hand towards a similar triangular couch as her own across from her.*
I have found that when I have trouble sleeping, I come here and meditate, comforting in the Sith holocrons power. If you do so, do not delve too deeply into it, as it's power can drive one insane. Not even I have delved all the way into the depths of the holocron.
*She looked back at the glowing crimson pyrimid.*
Jul 23rd, 2002, 04:17:08 PM
He moved in a bit further,and took a seat where she had indicated. He sank into the soft comfort of it, his eyes gazing at the holocron from where he was. He had avoided this particular piece the few times he'd been in the library.
He was a confused, frustrated kid, and he'd known it would be a dangerous thing for him to do until he was ready to handle it.
"I'll have to try it sometime." He replied, his eyes moving from the holocron to look at her.
He wanted to apologize again for what he had done, but he knew an apology would do nothing. He would just have to show her. And in time, he vowed to himself, he would.
He traced the pattern of the material of the couch for a moment, his eyes leaving hers. And then he looked back.
"Did you ever...." He paused, his words trailing off. He wanted to know if she'd ever screwed up the way he had. Not exactly as he had, but screwed up in a way that had disappointed her elders.
Lady Vader
Jul 23rd, 2002, 04:48:45 PM
*She looked away from the holocron to eye him.*
...screw up?
*She finished his sentence as though she'd extracted it from his mind. She saw him flinch slightly, making her sigh softly.*
I'm sure I did at some point. But I was always concsious of what I was doing. I was too afraid to do anything worng that i always focused on doing that which would please my Masters.
Jul 23rd, 2002, 04:54:07 PM
He did flinch at that word. But accepted it. He had screwed up.
He nodded slowly at her explantion. He knew he should have thought first. Knew it now for sure, and it wouldnt happen again.
But he couldnt help but think of what she'd said of her master. He hadnt wanted to displease his master, but Dyzm hadnt had the time to deal with an apprentice like Sasha - one who was new to the force, and had much to learn - and having not made much of a connection with him, his master had been the last thing on his mind when he'd made the mistake that he'd made.
"I disappointed you." He stated softly, the regret carrying clearly on his voice as he spoke.
Lady Vader
Jul 23rd, 2002, 06:08:10 PM
*This time Lv's sigh was clear and audible.*
Sasha... there comes a time in everyone's life where they disappoint someone. It's part of life.
*She regarded him for a moment.*
Tell me... how would you feel about having a different Master?
Gouyen Chee
Jul 23rd, 2002, 06:11:34 PM
Gouyen lay in her bed, tossing and turning, the events of the past 24 hours running themselves over and over in her mind. Sleep was a lost cause. She got up and went to the fresher to splash a little more life into her face, then dressed.
Robi looked up from her rest. "I can't sleep," she replied to the wolf-dog's unspoken question. "I'll be in the library if you need me." With that, she left her room and went the short distance to the library. She noticed that the door was ajar and that light was streaming through. She could also hear the soft murmur of two voices. I wonder who could be in there at this hour, she thought as she pushed the door open and entered.
The light and the voices were coming from the area around the Sith Holocron. She had been avoiding the thing ever since she started her studies in here, although it would most likely have been of grerat assistance to her. But such study had once nearly cost her her sanity, and her life, and she had no desire to repeat the experience. She chose a seat a little away from the holocron, then noticed who else was in the room. A strained smile came to her face as she noticed that they were the two people she most wanted -- and at this moment, least wanted -- to talk to.
Jul 23rd, 2002, 11:04:38 PM
As Lady Vader asked him about how he would feel about a new master, he felt his cheeks flush slightly.
He wasnt unhappy with Lord Dyzm. He never would have complained, for he was grateful to have one at all - especially with the shortness of them around right now - but if she was asking him about it, he was going to be honest with her.
"I appreciate all that Lord Dyzm has done for me, and Im grateful to have a master with them being in such demand right now." He paused for a moment, looking to her.
"I respect him because he is a member of this order, and a master of the dark side, but we do not have the...master apprentice relationship I have always heard about."
His violet eyes stared at her for a moment.
"Its not something I need to have, but if given the opportunity, it is something that I want very badly."
"And perhaps this is something that I would have with another master." He added, his voice soft as he spoke.
"I will accept whatever the Order feels is best for me."
It was at this point that their conversation was interrupted by a woman - the very woman who had witnessed his act of blood siblings with Xazor. The one who claimed to give the act a sense of offocialness. For a moment, his face paled entirely and his breath caught.
Automatically, his left hand flinched, and he moved it to rest on his lap, even though the blood coming to it was uncomfortable.
Why was she here? Had she come to tell Lady Vader of this? If so, she was a bit late. He had paid the price - was still paying the price for his mistake.
He looked from this woman to Lady Vader and back to the woman, silent as he waited for what he assumed would be a very uncomfortable discussion.
Gouyen Chee
Jul 24th, 2002, 01:36:54 PM
Her discomfort grew as she felt the weight of Sasha's gaze upon her. "A thousand pardons for any interruption I may have caused," she said, bowing to Lady Vader. "My mind is over-full and I have been unable to sleep." She paused, considering whether she should continue. "Lady Vader, I have recently been in contact with my superiors in the Assazi Order. I wanted to inform you of this personally so that it will be understood that there is no treason involved," and she shot a hard look at Sasha. "I will leave you to your disscussions, by your leave," and she waited for Lady Vader's dismissal.
Jul 24th, 2002, 01:59:56 PM
His violet eyes narrowed with her mention of treason. He knew exactly what her hard look to him meant. He felt the heat of anger rise within him at her words - and the boldness of her gaze.
He hadnt forgotten the force slap that she had given him. He didnt like this woman, but he remained silent, for this was Lady Vader's call to make, not his.
Lady Vader
Jul 24th, 2002, 05:54:16 PM
*LV remained silent, looking from one Sith to the other. It wasn't uncommon for some not to get along, but she wouldn't stand for bold hating. This was a family, and if anything, she would be rid of anyone that so much as threatened that togetherness this Order had.*
*But for now, she saw both kept their respectful distance from one another.*
*She regarded Gouyen.*
Thank you for informing me. I have no problem with you being in contact with your people, so long as you hide nothing from me.
You may go. Maybe a good book will help to ease your mind for some rest?
Gouyen Chee
Jul 24th, 2002, 06:22:41 PM
Gouyen nodded, then a tight smile crossed her lips at LV's perceptiveness. "That's why I'm here. Just let me find the volume I had in mind," and she rummaged through a pile of books on a nearby table until she picked up a small book, bound in black leather with a bright red bookmark. "There!" she exclalimed, satisfied, then turned towards the exit with a small bow. "Again, my pardon," and she left.
Jul 24th, 2002, 06:51:35 PM
His eyes followed Gouyen as she left the library. He knew that what had begun between them was not finished. She found him to be impudent and brash, and he found her to be a little too much of a know it all for his tastes. But as he now knew, she was a member of the order, and he would have no other choice but to tolerate her - for he had pledged to serve the order - and in doing so, this woman was now a sister to him in this family of Sith.
After she'd left, he sighed softly.
"She was there." He stated, his voice even, but a little quieter than usual.
Lady Vader
Jul 25th, 2002, 04:16:49 PM
*She watched Gouyen leave and then regarded Sasha as he spoke.*
I know.
*She had seen Gouyen begin to approach the Jedi and Sasha from her vantage point at the top of the building they had stood by before LV had left the scene, disgusted.*
*She looked back at the holocron, before shifting her eyes back to look on the boy.*
She makes you uncomfortable. Why?
Jul 26th, 2002, 11:07:31 AM
Somehow, he had known that she had known this fact. That Gouyen had been there.
He had been mulling this over, brooding slightly in his dislike of the woman. He hadnt noticed LV's gaze at the holocron.
But her question made him look to her again. He sighed softly and lifted his left arm to rest it on the arm of the chair once again. He looked to his hand, in thought for a moment, and then back to LV.
"I think mostly because she was there. Because she witnessed all of it." He paused for a moment, his eyes darting away in shame before he looked back to her.
"It wasnt something I'd planned to keep a secret. I hadnt thought at all when I'd done it. But I had thought that we were alone - and when she spoke up I just felt like somehow I'd been violated."
"I realize that what I did was wrong. I regret that I did it at all. I let my guard down and I let a jedi trick me into something I should have been smart enough to avoid. And she was witness to all of it. Seeing her is a reminder of a bad decision that I made. A decision that I'm ashamed of having made." He raised his hand slightly.
"Not that this isnt." He stated, "But this is something private, witnessed by someone that I respect and admire. It was done to undo my mistake."
"And, its a reminder not only of my mistake, but of how much the order means to me. I dont look at it as a badge of honor," He added quickly, for he wasnt proud of it, "But I do look at it as a lesson learned. One that I was fortunate enough to be allowed to learn, rather than being destroyed."
He shifted slightly on the comfortable chair.
"I understand my place in the order. And I understand that as long as she is here, she is my sister. I would give my life to protect her if that was necessary." These words were sincere. He had cut off his own hand for the order - his loyalty ran deep. This was a family - and even though oftentimes siblings fought or disagreed - family was family. And he would give anything for his family. As he knew they would do for him.
Lady Vader
Jul 26th, 2002, 04:21:12 PM
*LV listened intently to what Sasha had to say, quite impressed with his words. Since the "incident" he had grown up considerably, basically overnight. He saw things in a new light now, and most importantly, he was learning from his mistakes.*
*She couldn't help but smile. She had no doubt in her mind at this point that he would indeed make a fine Sith Master one day, and she wanted to see him accomplish this.*
Sasha... you impress me with your words. You have indeed learned and I can see the sincerety in your eyes.
It has also come to my attention that you will indeed be a great Sith Master one day, as the holocron has told me as much.
*She looked from the holocron back to him again.*
This is why I am going to ask Lord Dyzm if I may take you as my Apprentice. Normally, I do not take two Apprentices at the same time, but you have proved not just in words, but in actions to me that you want to learn and want to be a part of this Order.
*She smiled slightly.*
Of course, I have to get approval from both Master and Apprentice before any of this is done.
Jul 29th, 2002, 07:00:40 AM
He was quiet as she spoke. He usually was when she had something to say, for he respected her and knew that there was much to be learned from her.
He hadnt siad the things he had said to impress her - he'd said them because he meant them, but that they impressed her was an extra for him.
Her words - indiciating that one day he would be a Sith Master - that the holocron had told her this, caught him slightly by surprise. It was something he hoped for and was determined to accomplish, but that this had been forseen....
His eyes darted momentarily to the holocron, his head cocking only slightly in curiousity before he looked back to Lady Vader.
She wanted to take him on as her apprentice? He remained calm despite his excitement. It had been a very long day and an even longer night for him and he was exhausted. But not too exhausted to know that this was what he wanted - what he had always wanted.
"I would be honored to be your apprentice." He replied. It wasnt said in a young excitable voice, but in a rather adult, collected tone. He had truly gotten very lucky this evening - and he was still a bit in shock. He knew she could likely feel his excitement, and finally a small smile escaped.
Lady Vader
Jul 29th, 2002, 04:12:17 PM
*She kept her smile from spreading into a full-out grin at feeling his excitment. She had to keep a form of professionalism after all.*
Just remember, I have to aquire permission from Lord Dyzm first, so don't become too excited about this move.
Jul 30th, 2002, 07:47:55 AM
His smile faded and a slightly anxious expression crossed his features as she warned him not to get too excited.
"Would Lord Dyzm...would he really not approve it?" He asked, his concern of this happening vocalized in his tone.
He stood from his seat and walked a bit closer to the holocron, peering at it for a moment, and then looking to Lady Vader,his expression questioning.
Lady Vader
Jul 31st, 2002, 02:16:55 PM
*She uncrossed her legs and stood, favoring Sahsa with a warm smile.*
I will speak with him.
*That was all she said as she left the library.*
Jul 31st, 2002, 02:31:33 PM
He remained there for a while after she left. His eyes had followed her from the room, and then they had turned back to the holocron.
He gazed at it from where he stood for quite some time, wishing some sort of answer would come to him. But there was nothing more to be said this evening. Quite enough had happened in the short span of time.
He finally took one last look and left the library, finally feeling as if sleep might be possible.
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