View Full Version : Da Mosta Bombad Drinker in da Order (open)

Bar Bar Drinks
Jul 19th, 2002, 03:56:14 PM
"Ekskweeeze me. Meesa wantin' a drink."

The bartender slid a huge mug of something hard at him.

"Oooh, maxi big, the mug."

He downed the thing at one go.

"Meesa needin' more now, okieday?"

Jul 19th, 2002, 04:18:46 PM
The little droid rolls in and stops dead in his tracks, watching the Gungan down a rather large mug of something frothy and thick.

Let's out a long, sad warble that can only be described as a "Dear gawd..." plea.

Mr Wednesdaydale
Jul 19th, 2002, 04:38:32 PM
Wold yew git ah load af thes thru'penny bit!

Barnaby's ire seemed magnified almost as much as his eyes through his coke-bottle lenses.

Frack-awll...yew slimey Lincoln. Yew'r a slight sight shy af dribblen' o'er mah Laugh n' Tittah, yew fracken prat!

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 19th, 2002, 09:40:22 PM
A man in a kung-fu uniform walked up to the counter and pushed up his glasses with his index finger.

"Water, please."

He noticed the Gungan and the old man out of the corner of his eye. The old man made no sense at all. The Gungan seemed drunk, but he could st least speak and be understood. Wu Wei had never met a Gungan before and remembered when his grandpa had told him about the Gungans' fight against the droid army.

"Son, the Gungans were outmatched heavily and yet they fought to protect their families, their planet and a group of people that they quite frankly didn;t like very much. They fought with honor. Others may tel you that Gungans are a stupid race and that they don;t deserve repsect. but remember that any person, no matter who they are, if they fight to protect, then they ahve honor and deserve your highest respect."

As his Grandpa's words faded in his mind, Wu Wei turned to the Gungan and extended a hand.

"My name is Wei Wu Wei. It is a pleasure to finally meet a Gungan."

Estelle Russard
Jul 19th, 2002, 10:17:29 PM
Estelle peered over the top of her book at the group at the bar as she sat quietly in a corner booth. She sipped her tea ,smiling into her cup.

Well here was an interesting bunch..

Mr Wednesdaydale
Jul 19th, 2002, 10:39:22 PM
Barnaby's eyes briefly met Estelle's, locking on like a pair of heat-seekers.

Ahn wot the frack ahre yew gawken at? Ef yew're anotha one-time lookah, yew can mind yohr mincahs ahn keep ehm aff mah bees 'n honeh, Love.

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 19th, 2002, 10:42:58 PM
Wei looked in the directoin the old-timer was yelling in and smiled warmly.

"Hello. My name is Wei Wu Wei. Won;t you please join me for a drink? This is an old man whose name I am not sur of, and this drunken but well-meaning Gungan is Bar Bar Drinks. It would be a great pleasure if you would join me."

Wei smiled at the lady again and laughed heartily. Life was good.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 19th, 2002, 11:14:30 PM
Somedays, Marcus thought as he sat in his usual corner, in his usual cloak and hood, you really had to wonder about you sainity being in this place. Smoe of the strangest things happened

Estelle Russard
Jul 19th, 2002, 11:41:42 PM
Her eybrows rose high over the rim of her cup at the specticled fellow as she inadvertantly took a big gulp of tea. He took her by surprise the way he took on at her and, quite frankly, she couldnt understand nearly a word he said.

The message was clear tho - he was a grotchety old thing. Reminded her of the dust-drenched moisture farmers back home. All of those were a grumpy bunch. Too many hours in the harsh sun, was what Estelle had put it down too..

Wei introduced himself, and seemed considerably more amiable than the older man. She put her cup back on its saucer and got up from where she sat, bringing both tea and book with her, and accepted the invitation from Wei to join him.

As she did so, she smiled hello to Marcus...who always seemed familiar, but whom she'd never ever met...and then spoke to the older man with the accent as she passed.

"Would you like to join us for a drink too?"

She sat down and introduced herself to Wei and Bar Bar Drinks.

"Im Estelle Russard. Its a pleasure to meet you both."

Artoo beeped and whirred, and she greeted him also.

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 19th, 2002, 11:48:13 PM
Wei smiled. he was glad she joined him and Bar Bar. The old man was a bit angsty, but that would be fixed with time. Wei just had to figure out what exactly the old man was ssaying. he recieved his water and drank deeply.

"Thanks for accepting, Estelle."

He shook her hand and looked at her face. There were so many pretty ladies at the GJO.

Estelle Russard
Jul 19th, 2002, 11:51:38 PM
"Your welcome"

She returned the smile.

"Are you new here? I have seen you around a little bit. But then, Ive been away a while myself."

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 19th, 2002, 11:55:14 PM
"Yes, Ma'am. I'm quite new. I have only been here for a short while and I have already aquired a master, and a new room. I been making friends very quickly so it seems, so I feel most comfortable here."

He grinned and took a more modest sip of his water.

Estelle Russard
Jul 20th, 2002, 12:27:00 AM
"Sounds like you are settling in well. Who is your master, may I ask?"

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 20th, 2002, 12:34:22 AM
"Miss Navaria Tarkin. She's teaching me about the Force, but we haven;t gotten into the lightsabers yet. I'm looking for some things on swordfighting. I never have learned to use a weapon before. All my combat training has been some form of karate. My grandfather taught me. He taught me alot. Not just karate. he was like a hero to me."

Wei's eyes flashed sadness, but soon became bright again.

"More water please," he said to the bartender.

Bar Bar Drinks
Jul 20th, 2002, 08:24:18 AM
Bar Bar had been downing drinks throughout the conversation.

"Hey...meesa mostest bombad of alla yousa..."

He leaned waaay back, emptying another bottle of...of...well whaddaya know, he couldn't read the bottle no more. He almost fell of the stool, but his foot caught the bar and he pulled himself upright.

"Mui mui, I llooooveee yousa..."

Apparently he was talking to the bottle. He drank again, but it was empty.

"Ah, yousa liken all da uddas! Yousa leeeeeve me out in da..."

He turned to whoever was next to him.

"Whass da ting where is not haot out dere?"

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 20th, 2002, 08:53:38 PM
Wei looked over at Bar Bar.

"Left out inthe cold? Nah. I just had to introduce myself to Miss Estelle here. So what's your story?"

Estelle Russard
Jul 20th, 2002, 09:13:28 PM
Estelle had seen Navaria around, most recently at the GJO formal dance, but she unfortunately had not got to know her very well. She made a mental note to do so as soon as she could. Nav Tarkin had a very good reputation among the Jedi. Estelle knew she would be someone she could learn much from.

Before Estelle could comment, however, Bar Bar Drinks had gotten quite vocal, and not a little unsteady. His current state reminded Estelle of the first, and only time, she had been drunk...and she remembered too well that is was a most disconcerting condition to find oneself in.

As Wei spoke,

"Left out inthe cold? Nah. I just had to introduce myself to Miss Estelle here. So what's your story?"

Estelle waved again in greeting to Bar Bar, and waited to hear his story, along with the others.

Bar Bar Drinks
Jul 20th, 2002, 10:54:43 PM
"In da coad? Ooookieday..."

Bar Bar's head bobbed on his shoulders.

"Meeesa named for da mostest bombad general in Gungan history...but den, meesa in da city, and meesa see dat alla peeples in da universe thinks heesa one maxi big poohead."

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 21st, 2002, 12:58:07 AM
Stranger and stranger this place was getting thought Marcus to himself. What next?

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 21st, 2002, 09:35:54 AM
Wei managed a grin.

"Sorry to hear that, Bar Bar."

Wei turned to Bar Bar, putting his back to Estelle. Wei slowly leaned back to whisper in Estelle's ear.

"Do you think the owner of this establishment would mind if we left him here to spend the night when he inevitably loses consciousness?"

Estelle Russard
Jul 21st, 2002, 02:06:23 PM
Estelle laughed at Wei's comment.

"I thought he would be going home with you, actually."

Bar Bar Drinks
Jul 21st, 2002, 02:29:18 PM
"Meesa goin' home wit' nuttin dat has more'n two heads. Anways, meesa started da drinkin' afta dat, and peeples start to callin meesa Bar Bar Drinks..."

Bar Bar leaned far to his right, then his body swiveled in a circle twice before he pitched forward against the counter. He pushed himself back up and flung himself head over heels to the floor.

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 22nd, 2002, 12:02:11 PM
Wei laughed. "Are you ok, Bar Bar?"

Wei turned to Estelle and gave her a look that asked, "What next?"

Wei really wanted to leave, but it would have been rude to have left the Gungan alone and unconscious on the floor.

Bar Bar Drinks
Jul 22nd, 2002, 07:10:17 PM
"Meesa okieday..."

The bartender handed Bar Bar's drink over the counter to him. The Gungan reached for it, but couldn't quite get hold of it.

"Yousa gotta quit movin' da boddle..."

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 22nd, 2002, 08:24:34 PM
Wei took the bottle from the barkeeper and put it in Bar Bar's shaking hand. Wei knew better, but it would sure make thigns easier on everyone.

"Bar Bar, you need to go home. You're too drunk to sit up."

Wei looked forlornly to Estelle. If this Gungan was gonna earn some respect for his race, he was going to have to sober up first.

Bar Bar Drinks
Jul 22nd, 2002, 11:11:27 PM
"But meesa gotta more to be drinkin!" He tilted the bottom of the bottle to the sky, drenching himself in the drink.

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 23rd, 2002, 12:11:06 PM
Wei shook his head. The Gungan was beyond his help. If the Gungan ever got sober, then Wei could help the Gungan earn some respect for his race.

"So, Estelle, what are you doing for the rest of the night?"

Estelle Russard
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:39:03 PM
Estelle touched the Gungan lightly on the skin at the curve where his neck joins his shoulder and applied the slightest pressure. Using the force with careful gentleness, she didnt render him unconscious (the liquor promised to do that for them soon) but used enough strength to quiet the Gungan and make him passive. At least for a short moment.

Answering Wei, she lifted the book. "Im just planning to finish a little reading."

She smiled.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:42:42 PM
Well, there was my answer, Marcus thought. This place was getting weirder

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 23rd, 2002, 09:51:57 PM
Wei smiled.

"Really? What you reading? I got a book on swordfencing. It's realy old."

Wei laughed heartily. Life was so much fun right now.

Bar Bar Drinks
Jul 24th, 2002, 09:01:13 AM
Bar Bar muttered an incoherent statement, then fell asleep on the floor. Drunk to sleep again in a bar...the story of his life.

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 24th, 2002, 11:22:24 AM
"Out cold."

Wei shook his head and returned to his glass of water.

"So, what next?"

Estelle Russard
Jul 24th, 2002, 09:24:11 PM
She looked down at the now slumped Gungan and then back to Wei. Marcus was silently observing. She wasnt really sure what he was making of all this..

"Wei, do you think we should find somewhere for Bar Bar to sleep this off?"

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 29th, 2002, 12:13:47 AM
Wei smiled.

"That is a good idea. I think we can find an empty broom closet or something."

Wei would have taken the Gungan back to the living quarters, but he wasn;t sure that Bar bar even had a room there.

"What do you think, Estelle?"

Wei also noticed Master Marcus's watching gaze. Wei would have asked his help in the matter, but was feeling a bit ill at ease. Marcus was a great Jedi after all. Wei felt like he was being evaluated somehow.

Estelle Russard
Jul 30th, 2002, 08:07:13 PM
"Broom closet?"

She smiled, as even as she chided Wei's idea.

"Im sure our laborious friend might appreciate somewhere he can atleast lay down and sleep this off. Here...help me"

She gently took one of Bar Bar's arms and motioned for Wei to take the other.

"They have rooms upstairs to rent out. I will see that his bill is taken care of and perhaps after a good sleep, he might see a way to better spend his life than drinking it away like tonight. Atleast for now, he is safe and out of any harms way."

They moved awkwardly through the crowd and up toward the stairs. The bar keeper noticed their progress and nodded toward them, signalling he would follow with a room access card.

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 30th, 2002, 10:08:20 PM
Wei helped Estelle drag Bar Bar up the stairs and into the room the barkeeper had opened. Wei took Bar Bar from her and threw him onto the bed.

"Sleep tight, Gungan."

Wei turned and left Bar Bar to sleep off all those drinks.

"So, I guess we part ways for now Estelle. I'd like to hang out with you again sometime, if you don;t mind."

Wei headed for the door so he could go home.