View Full Version : unpacking

Dreth Kindo
Jul 19th, 2002, 12:58:07 PM
Dreth walks to the Sith Palace knowing the responsibility he now has and goes up to the 2nd floor where he goes to find a room. He inters an empty room, turns on the light, puts his things on his bed, and starts to unpack his cloths. Dreth then sits down on the bed and attaches his lightsaber to his belt.

Jul 19th, 2002, 01:07:33 PM
*First the whiskers appeared through the open door, followed by a black nose, which in turn was followed by a pair of yellow-green eyes, catching everything in sight in one glance.*

*Finding all to be ok, the black Corellian sand panther finished her entrance, sitting herself two meters from the edge of the bed where the new comer sat, looking at him.*

Dreth Kindo
Jul 19th, 2002, 02:31:39 PM
Dreth is left wondering what is going on but is calm, steady, and ready for anything.

Lady Vader
Jul 19th, 2002, 04:26:06 PM
*The large cat is followed by LV, who stops beside the panther, scracthing it's head.*

I do hope Iesis didn't startle you. She's quite curious when it comes to new people in the Palace.

Dreth Kindo
Jul 19th, 2002, 09:40:42 PM
Dreth bows to LV and greets her. Hello again nice to see a famialer face what can i do for you?"

Lady Vader
Jul 20th, 2002, 09:49:03 PM
*She smiled.*

Not much really. I just wanted to be sure you had found yourself a place.

*She looked about.*

And I see you've begun in making it your home.

Dreth Kindo
Jul 21st, 2002, 11:56:24 AM
Dreth smiled
yes this place is great and i feel at home. I understand that you are short of Masters right now but will you inform me when you get word of any that would train me? I would be very thankful if you could

Lady Vader
Jul 22nd, 2002, 04:14:22 PM
Yes, it is true we are short on Masters. But we will accomodate your needs.

*She gestured towards the window, where from his room, Dreth could see the vast training grounds below.*

As it is, Master Dyzm has decided to train Masterless Apprentices in a group. You will receive the same training as if under one Master, and this way we can accomodate several new arrivals.

We do after all want to make you feel at home and wanted.

*She smiled.*

Dreth Kindo
Jul 23rd, 2002, 02:51:50 PM
Dreth smiles Thank you for the offer but I find it better for me to train alone and with a master. I have alote of patience so I can wait untill there is a master williing to train me but untill then if it is all right with you my lady I shall wait for a master that is willing and train myself in the training ground if it is alright with you

Lady Vader
Jul 23rd, 2002, 03:30:18 PM
*She nodded.*

I respect your want to do this on your own.

Yes, it is alright. But do not hesitate to come to any of us if you have questions. We're here for you.

Dreth Kindo
Jul 25th, 2002, 11:18:14 AM
Dreth bows his head thank you Lady Vader if you hear anything about a master I shall be in the training grounds.