View Full Version : Looking for a fight, well, scratch that, anybody want to spar?(any sith)
Dios Kane
Jul 19th, 2002, 11:24:53 AM
:: Dios sat in the center of the arena. It was for fighting and gambling and Dios needed the money. Anytime someone wanted to enter and let the stakes raise would be nice. If he lost or won, it wouldn't matter, he'd bet against and for himself and the profits would equal out in the end. But the title was jedi vs. sith. he hadn't really expected that, how'd they figured out he was a jedi was a mystery to him but oh well. He needed the experience, he'd already gotten through the first few challenges. starved animals that needed the long deserved rest. One, a weird cat, had actually clawed Dios down his back. The holy water in his blood had healed it but he had still felt the pain. He sat in the middle of the arena and whenever someone found it fit to show themselves he'd be ready for them.::
Sten the Chimp
Jul 19th, 2002, 01:45:38 PM
Sten, an anomaly among the Sith, walked into the ring slowly, on all fours as a monkey would commonly do. He saw the ragged and injured human. He could sense the light emanating from him. It disgusted him. Why would one limit themselves in such a manner? "No matter," he thought to himself, "I'm here to fight, not philophosize." He sauntered up to the Jedi and sniffed him, intaking his scent.
"Jedi.....this'll be fun. Just to let you know, I don't have any particular hatred towards you because you're a Jedi. In fact, the only reason I'm here is because I'm so bored. Otherwise, I'd be drinking away. So, let's just fight until one yields or is knocked unconcious. Agreed?"
Dios Kane
Jul 20th, 2002, 12:54:22 PM
:: Dios heard the what the Chimp said and laughed.::
But of course, that's the only reason I'm here too.
:: Dios got up and ignited his saber, the orange blade wavered for a moment as it came out. It was his prototype and ran very well, most of the time. It would hold, he hoped it would.::
Whenever you're ready...
Sten the Chimp
Jul 24th, 2002, 05:34:54 PM
Sten lunges immediately, catching Dios off-guard. He knocks the saber from his hands and sent it flying in a random directon with a simple Force grab and throw. He then punches him square in the face, dazing him. As Dios staggers backwards, Sten thinks quickly, and grabs Dios' arms. He then drops, swinging between Dios' legs. As he gets almost out from under him, Sten lands, putting his feet square on Dios' back, using Dios as a springboard. Sten launches into the air, and Dios is knock face-first into the ground. Sten spins partway into the flip, so that as he lands into a defensive position, he is facing Dios. Sten thinks to himself and speaks the thought alout.
"I wonder how he's gonna react to that."
Dios Kane
Jul 27th, 2002, 04:38:59 PM
:: Dios gets up and laughs. What a rush, that almost felt like the flask in his pocket, they had about the same kick to hit. He wouldn't worry about his saber for now. He drew his gun and opened his mind to the force. He tried to see the possibilities of movement for his opponent and he fired off all nine rounds of high impact, non lethal bullets.::
Sten the Chimp
Jul 28th, 2002, 08:27:18 PM
The movements leading to Dios' gun, in addition to his mind set, gave him away. Sten watched and almost chuckled as the bullets came towards him. As the bullets hurtled towards him, at the last second, all except one veered slightly, and so little that they skimmed his fur. They would be percieved as merely misfires to Dios, but in truth, they were led astray by slight variations and vibrations in the Force. As the last one came to him, it whipped sideways, doing a U-turn behind Sten's back, from his left to his right, and back in the direction of the gun. As it got to the gun, Sten focused it, simply causing the bullet to go back into the gun. It exploded in a fairly large explosion of a minimal amout of shrapnel that was once the gun. The bang deafened Dios, and the light slightly blinded him. This was all Sten needed. Keeping his distance, he flung his saber, but didn't ignite it. It spun, and hit Dios behind both kneecaps, causing him to fall to his knees. As he did so, the saber butt struck him in the nose, possibly breaking it and making it spout a fine spurt of blood. Sten grinned as the saber returned to his belt.
Dios Kane
Jul 28th, 2002, 10:20:18 PM
:: Dios wiped the blood away. it wasn't the first time today he'd had to heal his nose. But the gun... his beautiful gun! Oh well, this monkey was no joke, he had as many tricks as Dios did except the chimp's all involved the force. Dios wasn't that good yet. But that didn't mean he could do damage. He tossed a ring to his opponent. It was one of Dios' right off his finger and into the dirt in front of Sten. Dios held his saber and began to circle Sten, he could slowly feel his nose healing, the holy water in his blood mending the cartilidge back together. Dios just had to wait a little longer.::
Sten the Chimp
Jul 29th, 2002, 07:20:38 AM
Sten watched as the youth began to circle him. Sten didn't even draw his saber. Then Sten had a good idea, as he saw the saber ignite to life. It was pretty poorly made, and probably was very easy to mess up. Sten applied pressure to the top of the hilt, causing it to creak and slightly bend. Due to it's poor make, the power crystals ruptured immediately, causing yet another explosion, but this one was much stronger than the first. It suprisingly didn't destroy the saber entirely, just the top, but Sten was positive that it wouldn't function, and that it sorely injured Dios. This was turning out to be much more fun than Sten had anticipated.........
Dios Kane
Jul 29th, 2002, 08:09:34 PM
:: Dios laughed, it had worked. The fake plaster over his now finished saber had fooled the sith. This saber had taken him a month to make and that didn't inclide the time it had taken to get the plans out of the sith temple onDatooine. The indestructible handle he had under the plaster wasn't even scratched and the jewel system was unbreakable. The plaster had broken with the fake jewel. No loss their. The hundreds f tiny ones he had used for the system were still operating and the sand ruby inside was still feedint the power through. His saber "Drinking angel" was perfect, at least the plans from Exar Khun said it was.::
Nice try, but don't bother again.
:: Dios charged forward then feinted right as the monkey began to move. His opponent was very fast. Too fast. Dios had met too many opponents where he was the slower. He'd work on that later.::
Sten the Chimp
Jul 29th, 2002, 10:15:39 PM
Sten was impressed. Apparently the Jedi were tricky as well....
As Dios feinted right, it was obvious that the target was the left. Using his speed Sten spins right, grabbing and stretching the saber arm out. Sten hits the wrist and the blade falls. Sten then strikes several times before throwing him down.
Dios Kane
Jul 29th, 2002, 11:17:33 PM
:: Dios gets back up after he took the beating. He could feel a painfully cracked rib start to heal. He called for his saber and the hilt was in his hand again. He would not lose this. Dios put it back in it's holster before kicking dirt up at the sith. He charged forward as the dirt began to settle and threw a quick punch kick punch combo at his enemy.::
Sten the Chimp
Jul 30th, 2002, 06:51:43 PM
Sten sees him coming, and saw the fist just before it hit him. He also felt the kick in his chest, and it knocked the wind out of him, but that was only minor. As the final punch came, Sten grabbed and twisted his wrist until he heard cartilage snap. As he did, Sten then slid the ring back on Dios' finger (he scooped it up in the confusion) and broke the finger at the knuckle. Sten figured that was the reason why his nose had stopped bleeding only after a few seconds, and that the ring had some block keeping the healing ability at bay. Or at least thats what Sten guessed.....
With Dios' back facing him, Sten shoves, trips, and elbows Dios at the base of his skull.
Dios Kane
Jul 30th, 2002, 08:26:10 PM
:: Dios thought he had blacked out for a minute but it had only been the reaction of getting hit in the back of the head, He got bak up and snaooed his wrist as it began to heal. The holy water had to heal quite a bit now and overworking it could be dangerous. He noticed the ring on his finger and figured he'd tae the suicidal chance. It'd be worth it he figured, blow up an arm but waste the chimp. Dios got back up and charged low, he used the force to speed him up as he was instantly on Sten's side. He grabbed Sten by the arm and activated the ring with two simple words.::
Night fall
:: The ring blew up, Dios had set it to a small explosion but that still meant his hand was now not there. Only a bloody stump was there now and it hurt like all get out. He could only imagine what the sith felt like. his hand would regenerate and be fully healed by tomorrow, He didn't know if the monkey could heal either. He slumped over to a wall and waited for the wound to stop bleeding.::
Sten the Chimp
Aug 2nd, 2002, 04:56:16 PM
The explosion, as potent as it was, flung him. Sten sailed backwards several feet before landing on his feet, crouched, holding his ears, and clenching his eyes closed. His whole body ached. His eyes stung, caught in the flash, and his ears rang, for the loud boom, but Sten heard nothing. Only the boiling of his own blood. The seething of his own adrenaline. The rage, that Sten kept in a small bottle inside him, was broken by the explosion. He quit thinking like a reasoning creature, and began using the instincts of a wild animal. Raging, he roared aloud, charging at the slumped-over Dios. Sunspots clouded his vision, but Sten simply ignored them, as well as the ringing in his ears. All he could hear was the pumping of blood and adrenaline, and the roaring of his own call. He began to beat upon Dios, with absolute, uncontrollable rage. He could feel the meaty pops underneath his fists as he unrelentingly beat upon him. And my, how it felt! It was bliss, absolute bliss! To act with such savagery again! It was almost.......heavenly. Lost in the roar of rage and the revelry of brutality, he continued his savage work.
Dios Kane
Aug 3rd, 2002, 04:12:42 PM
:: Dios had known that Sith coukld tranfer their pain and anger into their power but he had not expected so much. And the Monkey had been practically bleeding out of his eyes! Now he was pummeling Dios into the ground, this would not do. Dios needed to heal his hand. The bone was slowly forming back, it needed more time to build back the muscle tissue where he could use it again. Dios struggled and kicked until eventually he knocked the beast off of him. Dios was beat... literally. He got up and quickl summed all the bruises into one big ow. He didn't have much more time. If this beast tried to charge him again, his saber would be the first thing he'd meet. Dios drew it out and waited for the monkey to follow up. His arm slowly but surely regenerating.::
Sten the Chimp
Aug 5th, 2002, 08:59:30 PM
Sten, noticing that Dios was prepared for a charge, charged. It was irrational, and very risky, but Sten knew what he was doing. Dios tensed up, preparing to meet Sten with the saber. As Sten got dangerously close, he bent backwards, barely evading a horizontal swing from Dios' saber. Sten came back up, and blew away the madness from his mind. All was calm and clear. The pain was gone, banished, ignored. And this calm was what Sten needed. The calm before the storm. Sten reached with an incorporeal hand to stirr the clouds in the sky. Applying a slight amount of heat, the molecules went crazy. Sten then closed the hand, gripping the wind in his "hand." Sten took all of the wind energy in his grip, and flung it, into the torso of Dios. This was so powerful and so sudden that Dios didn't have a chance to grip anything or to hold his body to the ground with the Force. He went flying, head over heels. He hit the barriers separating the arena from the crowd, cracking and partially breaking it. He, after several revolutions, stopped, as he collided with a crowd of people and the chairs they were sitting in. Sten grinned at the snapping of chairs and the groans of the struck audience.
Dios Kane
Aug 5th, 2002, 09:15:07 PM
:: Dios jumped out of the audience, apologizing for the intrusion before getting back in the arena. He shrugged with his one good arm.::
Nice trick.
:: Dios coughed a little before turning back to Sten.::
:: He launches himself at Sten. The sith hadn't expected the sudden charge. Dios had him down to the ground before even he knew what was happening. He took the butt of the saber and pummeled it into the monkey's face many times before kicking him a few feet away. The muscle tissue was slowly now growing back on. Tasty. He now had to only defend from the thing's next attack. He was getting tired.::
Sten the Chimp
Aug 5th, 2002, 09:27:48 PM
Sten felt his gums slightly split, and the blood filled his mouth. Sten popped up and cracked his neck slightly. Sten then pulled a dirty little trick. He spat his blood in Dios' eyes. As Dios went to wipe them, Sten flung a handfull of dirt into Dios' already blurred eyes. As he held his eyes, Sten rushed forward a few feet to close the gap and jumped, using his opposable feet to grab Dios' neck and knock him down. Sten sat up, and began pommeling at Dios' face with a renewed fury, hitting him with both the butt of the saber and his free fist. And all the while, Sten continued tightening his grip on Dios' neck with his opposable feet, hoping that either the lack of air, the beating, or the combination of the two would knock him out.
Dios Kane
Aug 6th, 2002, 12:18:26 AM
:: Dios couldn't take much more of it. He lifted his half healed arm and took the bone and jabbed straight into the creature's side. Dios was sure the monkey liked his bony arm stuck inside his left side. Dios felt the grip on his neck loosen and he took in a quick breath before withdrawing his arm and stabbing the sith several more times with his arm.::
Get off me you dirty ape!
Sten the Chimp
Aug 6th, 2002, 03:19:57 PM
Pain! Such pain! The first and second hurt, and the third and fourth brought more rage. The fifth was the last straw. Sten managed to somehow put himself in a state of a controlled frenzy. Using the Force to increase the strength in his arms, Sten gripped the bone stuck in his side and pulled it out. With another hard jerk, Sten slightly heard a separating of bone and sinew. With one final tug, Sten ripped the partially-severed arm clean off. Gripping it in his hand, Sten brought it down, driving it through his shoulder, so it wouldn't kill him but would give Dios much pain. Sten took the arm and twisted it several times before getting up off of Dios. He backed up a few feet, and reached in his pack. He pulled out a vial with a dark green substance. He opened the vial and smeared the awful smelling stuff across the open wound. Sten could feel the creamed plant's work as it bonded to his skin, increasing the healing process and working as a temporary bandage across his skin. He took a deep breath and steadied himself, so he could wait for Dios to get up.
Dios Kane
Aug 6th, 2002, 04:33:15 PM
:: Dios got up and almost smiled. The arm was destroyed again and now he would have to wait for it to heal. He withdrew the arm in his shoulder and laughed at the pain. His silver reddish blood slowly creeped out of the wound. Dios watched the sith and he held up his hand in the signal of defeat. They were both tired and injured, and Dios could tell that the sith was still far from giving up. The sirens went off and Dios stumbled to the door. He turned and faced the Monkey.::
Good fight. I'll see ya around.
Sten the Chimp
Aug 7th, 2002, 07:26:20 PM
"You too. And you're pretty talented.....for a Jedi."
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