View Full Version : ::Slides into a seat at the bar::
Jul 19th, 2002, 03:14:12 AM
:;the jedi bar, it had a feeling that made her uncomfortable. The light side of the force, it did not hold anything nice about it, and her very heart did not like it's touch but she was here for a reason, and not to make war with the jedi. She had a policy, you fight the jedi in battle, not in bars.
She looked around, knowing her father had long gone left, though for what reason she was not sure. She had met him twice and that had been enough.
Asking for jawa juice she looked around. She had a favour to ask of someone, however she disliked asking a jedi of favours. It had to be done, because it would take both sides to do this task. besides she did not hate the jedi for themselves, but what they believed in and what they spread and that itself demanded she treated the individual with a certain amount of respect.
Saharia juggled a small object in her hand::
Chase Starwalker
Jul 19th, 2002, 04:51:58 AM
"Be careful, that stuff will kill ya..." Chase said coming around the corner end of the bar, pointing at the Jawa Juice. He met her with smile. "Don't think I've seen your face around here before...Starwalker, a pleasure." He extended his hand to the young woman.
Dios Kane
Jul 19th, 2002, 08:21:11 AM
:: Dios had seen her enter, had seen her sit down, and had seen Chase introduce himself. He got up and slid next to Saharia with his own glass of jawa juice in hand. He looked up at Chase.::
Hey man, watch it. I'm not dead yet.
:: Dios held up his own glass for Chase to see before he turned back to Saharia.::
And what brings you here tonight Saharia? A drink, you already seem to have that. A talk, you have that too, so what else can we be of service to you?
Jul 21st, 2002, 03:16:04 AM
::Saharia half smiled at the stranger, though a little more distantly than Dios, as he was a jedi she did not know.::
I have ben drinking Jawa blood mixed with whisky for quite sometime now. I not be dead yet. I have a stone here, it was made by the power of the lightside and darkside of the force. To unlock it and get the key inside I need a jedi's help.
By the way Starwalker, I am Saharia Saryin-Azalin. Daughter of Warren azalin and Saphire Saryin. Diciple of the TSE.
::Sje did the formal greeting, where you usually stated your family line, your name and your clan. She did not have a 'clan anymore so she stated her sith group::
Chase Starwalker
Jul 21st, 2002, 12:39:02 PM
"A pleasure." Chase stated, before continuing on with his question, "...and what does the key inside unlock?"
Jul 22nd, 2002, 04:21:08 AM
::Saharia's mouth curved into a little smile, perhaps amused.
She shook her head, and her words were truthful::
That question, the answer to I do not have, that is what I find out. It has something to do with my mother, and that is all I know. More will have to be found out when the stone is broken.
The thing hidden behind the lock this key holds could be deadly, or harmless, but whats life without a little challenge.
::Saharia's eyes twinkled with the last comment, trouble had always been her thing, and it did not seem alien when she found herself in a rut. One thig was for sure, those who decided to follow her usually found some sort of trouble.::
If not either of you, I will ask another. Once a task is taken it is not given up on. But if you do, be prepared for anything
::She winked as she put the stone into the pocket of her black leather trenchcoat and sipped the drink as it was served to her::
I would be happy to ask any questions, for this time I have nothing to hide.
Dios Kane
Jul 22nd, 2002, 08:22:54 AM
:: Dios noded. He didn't care if she lied or not. It sounded like fun to him.::
So how do you open it?
Jul 24th, 2002, 06:22:48 PM
::Saharia smiled at a person she considered friend, despite him being a jedi and her duty as a sith. She knew an adventurous soul when she saw one, and Dios had that glow in his eyes::
That I am not sure. It takes the flow of the light side of the force and dark side of the force. The stone that surrounds it was used as a healing stone in the past so my suspicion is that it takes the healing of the sith and the healing of the jedi. I may be wrong but it is worth a try. But it can only be done when the stone is activated. In moonlight outside the stone will glow. I have tried it on my own but to no avail.
I am open to ideas mind you.
Chase Starwalker
Jul 25th, 2002, 04:30:38 PM
Chase listened silently to Dios and Saharia talk. He did not approve of this, for it could be a trick. He did not trust Sith, not at all. He continued to stand aside in silent contempt.
Jul 27th, 2002, 03:47:54 AM
::Saharia could feel his emotion hanging in the air, the distrust and she understood. She distrusted most jedi and would not be here if she didnt have to be. If only her father, Warren Azalin had been here it could have been dealt with quickly but it was no use concentrating on only ifs. There now, only now. She had no time on wasting with people who were not going to join.::
I only need one jedi, and If you, Dios are ready for it then we could start as soon as possible, perhaps tonight at moonlight. There will be a full moon.
Chase Starwalker
Jul 29th, 2002, 01:20:13 PM
"Don't be so sure of this Sith's poisonious words Dios. Trust your head and The Force."
Dios Kane
Jul 29th, 2002, 07:38:10 PM
:: Dios frowned.::
Chase, I do trust my head and the force. I also trust my friends. She's one of em and so are you man. Don't worry about it. In this place, there is no need for our arguments involving the force to disrupt our conduct either. We should treat each other with a certain amount of respect. Anyways, Saharia, I'm ready, my flask is full and I got plenty of rest last night. When do we start?
Jul 29th, 2002, 10:15:40 PM
::Saharia half smile,d and nodded. It had bene easier than she thought. If Dios ahd nto been here it would have been much more difficult.::
Meet me outside The nearest beach from here in five hours. By then the moon should be up in it's fullest, it is starting to get dark now. You should know the beach when you see it, it has the high peaked rock in the middle of the sand and is the only one with such a sight. I do not name the beach for a reason.
We will climb that rock so dress for it, and then the healing must start. Bring no weapons, I will bring none. You have my word on that.
And Chase, rest assure he will come back. I do not give empty promises and I trust or like very few jedi, and consider even less of them friends. Dios is one of those I consider such as that, and this is not a battle so my duty to the empire will not be carried out.
:;getting up she nodded to them a goodbye. She knew Dois understood her words. A friend a jedi may be but the empire always came first, truth always came first. They dissagreed on the truth factor but that was why one was a jedi and the other a sith. And truth was something worth killing, or dying for. The empire would not come into play, this was a personal activity.
Chase perhaps she would meet in a battle one day, she had a feeling she would not like him very much, but there was no need to be rude. Manners was something to treasure.::
Chase Starwalker
Jul 29th, 2002, 10:37:44 PM
Chase caught her thoughts through the Force, her feeling of such hatred with did not surprise him.
"Sith do not deserve manners, you certaintly attone for such a statement. Perhpas we shall meet again."
Chase gave a gesture of farewell and walked to the other end of the counter. Dios and Saharia would not be the only people attending the beach tonight. That was for sure.
Dios Kane
Jul 29th, 2002, 11:14:38 PM
:: Dios continued to frown as he sensed the static between the two. He nodded to Saharia.::
The beach then.
:: Saharia left and Dios walked to Chase.::
I figure you won't drop the subject but I ask that you don't intefere here. I know her from the empire and I'd like to do this quick and easy, a favor for a friend. And, my friend, it is not for us to choose who and who doesn't deserve their own honor. They decide that by their actions and being a sith alone is not good enough to hate them, maybe disagree.
:: He gave Chase a thumbs up and smiled as he turned to leave. He walked out of the bar with a hazy cloud over his head. Either something really good was going to happen or something really bad.::
Aug 4th, 2002, 04:44:27 AM
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