View Full Version : A Padawan to his Master (Marcus)
Kelt Simoson
Jul 18th, 2002, 05:29:44 PM
Kelt had a important request to his master. Kelt stood outside master Q' Dunns door rubbing his hairy chin wondering how to put this right and not make himself look like a fool.
' Ah!...okay...uh hum!' He looked as if he finaly worked it out and quietly knoked on the door with a smile.
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 19th, 2002, 01:02:33 AM
A small droid wheeled over to the door and touched the release for it. It was a basic R2 unit, blue panels. It whistled as another droid appeared - a many limbed contraption.
"Good evening. Are you looking Master Marcus? I am Mr Sheen and this is R2-D2, on loan from it's Mistress. If my opticals dont decieve me, you are Kelt Simoson? Then come in! Master Marcus is upstairs meditating, but I think he will be pleased to see you. Come inside!"
Kelt Simoson
Jul 19th, 2002, 11:24:41 AM
Kelt eyes nearly opoed open at the sight of the many limbs on the creature or robot. He had only seem the few driods in the Bar and Grill, this one was rather strange. He quickly hopped in as a shiver went up his spine.
'So...Marcus is upstairs...may i go strait up?' The robot gave a nod and so Kelt went up the stairs to deliver his request, the large apartment was ertainly larger than what he expected.
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 19th, 2002, 06:04:16 PM
Upstairs, Marcus was working on a cube shaped device, a few tools scattered around the table. He heard the muted conversation downstairs, then heard someone approach. A few seconds later, he saw Kelt come into view.
"Hey there! Take a seat and thnak you for visiting. Anything I can do for you?"
Kelt Simoson
Jul 20th, 2002, 09:28:15 AM
Kelt gave a friendly nod and took a seat, looking quite stupid as in a militia style he had his back straiter that a broom handle as he was showing respect to his Master.
'Hello Master, i know as of late we have spent little time together due to your work and such and you have to teach your other apprentices which im still yet to meet...a New Jedi must make friends i guess as ive been here shorter than a 3 weeks i think....but' He was about to say it when the driod brought him a drink in. ' But uhm'
That just throw him of course having to start again, when it came to talking to his Master he was a nervous man only learning it was THE Marcus Q'Dunn, which made it all the more scarey.
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 20th, 2002, 09:58:09 PM
"You want to be mentored by Dasquain, dont you? I already know, one of the Council told me you were coming. For the reasons you gave then, I completely agree and give my blessing."
Marcus smiled.
"Relax Kelt. I'm not a horrible ogre or anything like that. If your request is responable, I will agree to it and my door is always open to you. But thre is one thing you mentioned that I admit I have been very remiss on.... you should meet my other Padawans and Helenias. And soon"
Severen Morkonis
Jul 20th, 2002, 10:41:19 PM
wrong account...sorry Mark :)
Kelt Simoson
Jul 20th, 2002, 10:44:28 PM
' I would be more than happy to meet the others and have a chat, i only have a single friend at the GJO other than you sir and thats Dasquian who has up till now showen a complete friendly attitude towards myself that i treasure hence my request.' He said sipping the new drink...a s..soda?
' I would be more than happy to make new friends, your wife more so than anyone, i would like to see the woman who puts up with your antics master. He said letting himself go slightly with a grin.
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 20th, 2002, 11:56:43 PM
But so true, he admitted to himself
"Would you care to wait a bit? She is coming back from a training exercise and we have planned to have dinner here. Would you care to join us?"
Kelt Simoson
Jul 26th, 2002, 05:28:02 AM
' If you dont mind me in the way i would be delighted to...however i have alot of pet' He admitted looking away as he went red in the face.
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 26th, 2002, 08:14:08 PM
"Oh? Then name them. The droid who does the catering will provide what you wish"
Kelt Simoson
Jul 28th, 2002, 11:39:22 PM
He said all of his pet hates to the driod and after a good moment or two there was not much left he could eat.
.'....But i prefere meat curry and rice if you dont mind..' He added.
He then gave a smile and looked to his Master with a grin. ' When will your wife be back sir?'
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 29th, 2002, 06:52:01 AM
"Ah, not long. I expect her back in about 10 minutes"
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