View Full Version : Into a Larger World

Temura Morningstar
Jul 18th, 2002, 02:56:36 PM
The ground shuttle slowed to a stop and Temura Morningstar grabbed her carrisack and stepped out into the clear air of Arcan IV. It felt good to stand on solid ground and to breathe air that hadn't been recirculated umpty-zillion times. She strode forwars and opened the door of an imposing building that bore a plaque reading "Jedi Recruitment Center." She turned in to the reception area, came to a stop and took a good look around. Softly padded benches were scattered about the room, inviting repose. On one side was the reception desk, manned, if one could use the term, by a receptionist droid. Temura walked up.

"Greetings," said the droid in a faintly metallic voice. "How may I be of assistance?"

Temura took a step back and stammered, "Uh, hi there, my name is, uh, Temura Morningstar and I, uh, I'd like to, uh, I'd like," and she took a deep breath, blurting out, "I'd like to be a Jedi," in a jumbled rush.

"Please take a seat, Temura Morningstar, and a representative of the Order will be with you shortly." With that, she turned and picked a seat a little away from the others and sat down, setting her carrisack beside her. She reached down and opened her carrisack, pulling out a smallish box with holes spaced about it. She opened it and set it on the bench beside her and a brightly colored bird, an afreet, climbed out.

"C'mon Podo," she said to the afreet as it climbed onto her hand. She gently rubbed the feathers on the bird's neck and Podo fluffed in appreciation. "We've got a new life ahead of us."

OOC NOTE: Afreet = sun conure, more or less -- in case you were wondering

Salemn Lysce
Jul 18th, 2002, 04:45:05 PM
A figure clad in the traditional Jedi robes stood silently, watching the woman as she spoke to her pet bird. It brought a smile to Salemn's face, for animals always were her weak spot. She stepped forward and lowered her hood, revealing the face of a fifteen year old. Her blonde hair hung loosely around her shoulders as her brown eyes observed.

< You wish to join the Jedi, correct ? >

The woman heard Salemn's voice inside of her head, for she spoke through the Force.

[OOC - Does anyone mind me greeting Temura ?]

Xazor Elessar
Jul 18th, 2002, 06:38:54 PM
ooc: It's fine, Salemn......but I too should be there to greet unless you can wish to do the thread yourself. Let me know before I post IC. :)

Temura Morningstar
Jul 18th, 2002, 06:48:32 PM
Temura looked up at the young woman, who looked to be about her age, and smiled. Then, on hearing the voice in her head greeting her, she started. The afreet jumped off her finger and into frenzied flight around the room. "Podo!" she cried, trying to get the bird's attention. "Podo, come here!" Then she remembered: she took a deep breath and calmed her mind. Thinking soothing thoughts and projecting them to the frightened afreet, she held out her hand and called out. "Podo, come," and the afreet fluttered back and neatly landed on her hand. Temura pulled the creature close and cuddled it reassuringly.

"I'm sorry about that," she said, laughing nervously. Podo's antics had attracted quite a bit of attention, attention Tem really didn't want. "It's just that I've never been spoken to before like that, although my great-uncle Oron told me of such things." She looked hard at Salemn's garb and asked in amazement, "Are you a Jedi?"

OOC: Hi Salemn and Xazor :)

Salemn Lysce
Jul 18th, 2002, 07:37:31 PM
Salemn kept the smile on her face, her eyes twinkling a bit.

< Yes, I am Jedi. And soon, you might be too. Tell me, what brought you to us ? >

OOC - I think I can handle this myself, but it'd be okay if you jumped in Xazor. Besides, the more the merrier. ^^;; Hello, Temura. :)

Xazor Elessar
Jul 18th, 2002, 08:23:01 PM
The figure of a woman could be seen from the shadows. She stepped forth quietly, letting a bit of the light in the Recruitment Center, bathe her form. A smile crossed her lips, revealing her elongated canines....but not as a threat, rather, a greeting.

"Greetings young one.....I am Warrior Jedi Knight and Council Memember, Xazor Dawnstrider. You seek to learn the ways of the Force?"

She questioned gently, the silver in her deep blue eyes catching the light and the curiosity in her soul. The Knight watched the newcomer, wondering what her story was......

Salemn Lysce
Jul 18th, 2002, 09:25:24 PM
Salemn gave a slight bow to Xazor out of respect when she appeared, her eyes remaining on the girl.

Temura Morningstar
Jul 18th, 2002, 11:58:53 PM
Being questioned by two Jedi, with one of them a council member no less, turned Tem into a bundle of nerves. She clutched Podo so tightly that the bird gave a pained squeak. Then she remembered Uncle Oron's advice, took a deep breath and let it go, releasing her nervousness with the breath. She smiled at Salemn, then turned and gazed into the gleaming blue eyes of the Jedi. "Greetings Master Jedi Dawnstrider. My name is Temura Morningstar and yes, I do wish to learn the ways of the Force. My great-uncle Oron was a Jedi in his time, and he has taught me what little I know, but it has only served to whet my appetite for more. The planet of Onderon has long been linked with the dark side -- I wish to prove that it is truly a home for the light." Temma ususlly wasn't this outgoing with strangers, but there was something in the woman's aura, in fact in the whole reception area, that made her feel comfident. "I would do anything to become a Jedi knight -- I promised Uncle Oron that two years ago, when he was dying. And I would never let him down." She gazed into the Jedi's eyes again and felt as if she was being tested.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 19th, 2002, 03:31:59 PM
Xazor listened intently and smiled gently, silently letting the young woman know that she could trust her. She eyed her for a moment, and then returned to her thoughts.

"So you will finish what you begin, yes? This life is not easy...you will be needed by all, yet hated.....hunted by many. Is this what you want?"

Her deep blue eyes held an intensity to them as she questioned the girl. Indeed....it was a sort of test....the Knight could easily see through her, yet left the young woman to answer her question. If she lied, Xazor would know it.....if it wasn't truly in her heart, she would know it as well. For now, though.....Xazor stood there with a gentle smile, hoping not to make the newcomer much more nervous than she already was......

Temura Morningstar
Jul 19th, 2002, 04:28:22 PM
"Nothing worth having ever comes easily," Temma replied, her green eyes reflecting her sincerity. "My uncle had great faith in me and he taught me to have faith in myself." Her own words, the memory of her uncle and the soothing presence of the Jedi banished her nerves. So it was with great strength of conviction that she said, "Yes, this is the life to which I aspire."

Salemn Lysce
Jul 19th, 2002, 06:52:48 PM
Salemn glanced at Xazor after Temura spoke these words, knowing that she was sincere. If she was a Knight she would gladly have taken Temura as her padawan, but she still had to face the Trials.

Patience was a virtue.

Looking back at the girl, she knew that she would be accepted.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 20th, 2002, 02:06:22 PM
Xazor smiled and bowed her head slightly.

"Well I welcome you then to the Greater Jedi Order.......a Master shall be appointed to you shortly and shall contact you with training information soon. Here is a holo-map......make yourself at home. It maps out the whole GJO and shows you good places to begin your life. I suggest finding a room in the Living Quarters, and meeting some friends in the Bar and Grill."

She said with a gentle smile. Her eyes shifted to Salemn and she winked slightly, then turned her attention back to the new Padawan.

Temura Morningstar
Jul 24th, 2002, 11:58:54 AM
Temura thought she was going to burst with joy at the Jedi's words. She took the holo-map greatfully and grinned broadly at the two Jedi. "Thank you, Master Jedi. I will see it through -- I will become a Jedi." Then she turned to Salemn. "Would you mind showing me around? I need to find a place for Podo and then I need to eat -- I feel hungry enough to eat a bantha!" And, as if on cue, her stomach made a loud rumbling noise and her grin changed to one of embarrassment.

Salemn Lysce
Jul 24th, 2002, 10:18:29 PM
She couldn't resist - a silent laugh came from Salemn.

< First, I'll take you to your new room where you may put your belongings and Podo .. Then I may assist you to Yog's. >

She looked at Xazor and smiled slightly, then beckoned Temura with the curling of one finger. The two departed for the Living Quarters. (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21162)