View Full Version : Home..... [open]
Jakob Burton
Jul 18th, 2002, 11:35:59 AM
Jake walks into the dormitories of the GJO. They were amazingly busy, bustling with people coming and going, having coffee get-togethers, drinking tea, talking, sleeping, and just about a million other things. He continues down the lit hallway, in search of a room to stay in.
"Nice place."
He manages to find a good room on a higher floor. It was steel-wall and empty, save for a bed and a built-in dresser panel against a wall. This was a good place: no roaches or bugs, no leaky ceilings, no sounds of sex or loud music (for the room was almost a bit soundproof), and no nasty smells. Just a clean room. Sitting his duffel bag on the bed, which was amazingly soft, he unzipped it and began to put his belongings in the dresser console.
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 20th, 2002, 09:53:59 AM
*Natia, not having anything to do, decides to follow this new person while he goes to find a room for himself. The young child of 8 watches him from the door of his new room as he starts unpacking his things. After a moment, she makes her presence known by knocking on his door with one of her crutches*
Hello and welcome.
*Natia blinks her ice blue eyes after she says this*
What's your Masters name??
*Natia believes this to be a safe question to ask since this person is in the Living Quarters for the Jedi and picking a room for himself*
My name's Natia. What's yours??
Jakob Burton
Jul 22nd, 2002, 05:07:28 PM
Jake saw it, but truly didn't believe it. A child in the GJO? A place where Jedi were trained? It was a bit odd to him, but there was a certain sense of intelligence in such a move. After all, learning as a child could only reap benefits in what they are trained in. He smiles, seeing such a young face, almost cherubic, filled to the brim and overflowing with a sense of happiness.
"Hi. I'm Jake. And my master is Xazor Dawnstrider."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 23rd, 2002, 10:15:51 AM
*Natia continues to smile*
I'm please to meet you Jake. And you have one of the best Masters you can get. My Mother. She's also teaching me how to use my powers.
*Natia takes a good look at Jake and smiles some more*
I take it your having a hard time believing, from my guess, that there are children in the Academy. Right??
*Natia knows she's going to take Jake by surprise by guessing that*
And your smile is because you believe that I am happy just because I look it.
*Natia truly hopes her guesses are correct because she gets really embarressed at being wrong*
May I come in?? My arms are starting to get sore and they still aren't use to me using my crutches constantly. And besides, the Academy is a place for ppl of all ages to learn. My new family lives here and if it weren't for me being here, I wouldn't have a family at all.
Jakob Burton
Jul 24th, 2002, 05:16:02 PM
"Sure. Come on in. And here, I'll help you out a bit."
Jake walks over to the little girl and picks her up gently, grabbing her crutches as well. He moves across the room, and kicks the duffelbag off of of the bed and onto the floor. He then sits Natia down and her crutches beside her.
"And yes, you are correct. On everything. Must be the Force.....That's good that you can do that, 'cause I haven't quite gotten that far yet."
He smirks at his own shortcomings, but isn't the least bit bothered by them.
"And your mother is Xazor? I know that she got married, but she had a kid too?"
Jake shakes his head in disbelief.
"And why do you need to use crutches?"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 25th, 2002, 10:20:55 AM
*Natia tenses up as soon as Jake picks her up, but she bites her lip to keep from screaming. She relaxes as soon as she is placed on the bed and forces a smile on her face*
Actually Jake, it's not the Force. At least not all of it. One of the first things kids like me are taught back home is how to read ppl's facial expressions and body language. We learn this even before we can talk.
*Natia crosses her arms and pouts for a moment at the mention of her Mother getting married*
Yes, my Mother did get married recently and no, I'm not her biological child. She adopted me after I arrived at the Academy because all of my other family that I knew of was dead. My real Mother died shortly after giving birth to me and my real Father, well, he's dead now and that's what counts.
*Natia glances at her crutches and sighs, knowing that they will keep her from doing everything she wants to do*
At the age of 4, after my legal guardian took custody of me after I had killed my real Father, I mean after my real Father died, he started to teach me to use my powers. At the time I didn't know the difference from the Lightside and the Darkside. After a short time, he wanted me to use my powers to hurt ppl. At that, I ran from him. When he caught me, he started beating me severly. To a point where it almost killed me and would have if Aleona didn't step in and interfere. She then took me to get healed, but the doctors couldn't repair all the damage which happened.
So here I am now, about 4 years later, using crutches to get around and do things. If I don't use my crutches, I can't get around anywhere though I am injured enough, that if I wanted to, I could use a hoverchair but then ppl will think that I'm handicapped and not just injured.
*Natia goes quiet now for a couple of minutes before asking*
So, what brings you here??
Jakob Burton
Jul 28th, 2002, 08:52:07 PM
"Well, I don't have anywhere else to go. Like you, I too now have no immediate family that I know of. Just my mom, and she's gone now......."
Jake shakes his head a bit solemnly.
"I came here so that I could represent those who have no voice; protect those who have not the strength to do so themselves; and to perhaps give a voice and to establish a better form of protection for myself."
Jake then smiles.
"And it's good to see that you are well cared for. And I'm positive that your wounds will heal, and that your full strength will be restored. Have you ever considered Bacta treatments? They do a good job, and help to speed up the healing process. I used them a good bit in my last set of jobs........... And they, in addition, make the scars either very insignifigant or even nonexistent. Here, look at this."
Jake pulls up his shirt and shows Natia his muscled chest. There were very light scars, some almost entirely unnoticable, covering most of his torso.
"Without Bacta, these would've been really bad. And some would probably still be open today, and would require a lot of tending to. Bacta does a good job. But if you don't wish to do so, I can understand and respect your decision. And I'll even help you tend to them. Trust me, I've gotten pretty good at tending wounds of any kind."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 30th, 2002, 10:38:31 AM
*Natia smiles slightly and for some unknown reason, she does like this guy even though she has just met him*
My wounds are over 4 years old Jake. And I did go through intensive bacta therapy and even a bit of Jedi healing as well. And this is the shape that I'm in now. Now, the only wounds I need to tend to are the ones that only I can heal.
*Natia shifts her position slightly to get more comfortable on the bed*
What happend to your family??
Jakob Burton
Jul 30th, 2002, 06:20:34 PM
"I never really had a family. Just my mom. And she got sick and died. Her job caught up with her, I think. After all, she was a prostitute and a slave, and that's pretty much why I don't have a family. I was a fluke. Normally the birth control would've made it impossible for me to be born, but I still came. And my father never stayed. It was just a hit and run, so to speak."
Jake looked at her wounds closely.
"Man, I'd hate to've seen what these looked like four years ago. Who did this to you?"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 31st, 2002, 11:03:00 AM
I'm sorry to hear about your Mother.
*Natia glances at her crutches, the only major reminder of what happened to her. She then looks back up at Jake*
I didn't look pretty when all my wounds where open. It was my legal gaurdian who did this to me. He's not the nicest person and neither was my Father. Though my legal gaurdian is worse then my Father ever was. My legal gaurdian was teaching me to become a Sith and well, I didn't like the idea of hurting ppl which was what he was wanting me to do.
Jakob Burton
Aug 2nd, 2002, 04:42:03 PM
"I hope, for their sake, that I do not ever meet them, at any time. I can't stand people who can just hurt innocent people that way......."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 3rd, 2002, 08:23:09 AM
Well, you never will have to worry about meeting my legal gaurdian if you stay here. It would be suicidal for him to come here, though sometimes I wonder at the point in me staying here. This is a nice place and all, but I have so many different things going on inside of me, it will be those things that prevent me from becoming a proper Jedi.
*Natia chuckles slightly*
Though my Mother and some others say otherwise and that I will make a fine Jedi.
Jakob Burton
Aug 5th, 2002, 08:20:49 PM
"Yes, you will. I understand that you've some barriers to break, but you're still young, so it'll be much easier for you to break them. Now if you were older and if these things became seemingly essential habits, it would be much different. You've no need to worry at all. I'm sure that you will be a fine Jedi."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 9th, 2002, 09:52:49 AM
*Natia smiles slightly*
I may have some barriers I need to break, but when you learn them as a young child, not even 5, then they are also hard to break and even harder the longer you wait.
*Natia looks around Jakes room for a moment*
I wish I had your confidence that I would make a fine Jedi, but I don't and I know I won't until I'm at least an old hag. I'm way to quick to jump and grab a hold of hate when it suits me. I'm just as quick now as I was when I came here, if not quicker now.
Jakob Burton
Aug 11th, 2002, 07:58:08 PM
"Hey, don't get down on yourself. Everyone has anger problems. I haven't even tried to fix mine yet. At least you are aware of these problems and working to stop them. Knowing one's opponent is a key essential to winning a match, and you know your opponent and some of it's weaknesses, now hit those. If that doesn't work, then do something illogical: go for their strengths, for they won't even expect it coming. Just don't get distraught, and don't ever give up, no matter what..."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 12th, 2002, 08:39:52 AM
*Natia out of sheer frustration which has been mounting, quickly signs something in her ppls native sign which only they know. She then says in a perfect imitation of Jake's voice*
Everyone does have anger problems, but I haven't even started to work on mine yet.
*Natia then switches back to her normal voice and continues speaking*
I have been more focused on working on trusting males since when I got here, I didn't let a male come within 3 feet of me. I still despice it when a male I don't know and/or trust touches me.
That strategy Jake, only works if you know who your oponnent is because if not, then your royally screwed.
Jakob Burton
Aug 13th, 2002, 07:35:08 PM
Jake found himself laughing. She did a good imitation of him.... And she might've been right, but that was if someone wasn't a fighter.
"Well, that's if you use just one strategy. A true person, fighter or not, has many more than just one strategy. Look, I used to be a pit fighter. And I fought a lot of people that I didn't know. And was I screwed? NO! Instead of giving up and throwing in the towel, like you are attempting to do, I hung in there. I took the blows and kept on comin' back for more! And you should too! You're way too young to be so full of despair! You have a whole life ahead of you. So don't give up. Just use this proverb: 'Fall down six times, get up seven.' If you use this, then you can never go wrong, and you will eventually finish ahead. Just remember that sometimes giving up isn't an option, and you should think that giving up isn't an option in almost anything, save for simple things with no reprocussions. If you give up now, you will always give up. So don't! And remember this: there are people here for you. I'm here, Xazor is here, and so many other people as well. Just come to us and we'll help you the best we can. I promise."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 14th, 2002, 08:55:31 AM
*Natia smiles slightly*
Jake, it's been basically non stop training since I got here, even though very little of it is actual Force training. But at this rate, I will be old and gray by the time that I have succeeded in it.
The stragtegies that use, well, it's mainly if something which bothers me comes up, then I hide. That's all. I can't do anything about except for perhaps get hurt, that's how useless I am.
*Natia sighs and closes her eyes for a moment before opening them*
There is a good chance Jake, a really good chance that I will never be more then just a padawan here and I have already accepted this. I just have to much going on inside of me that will prevent me from doing better.
Jakob Burton
Aug 14th, 2002, 09:16:27 AM
"Then take these things stopping you and stomp them to the ground. Or ask someone, and they'll do the stompin' for you! Just cheer up and remain positive and you'll do just fine...."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 15th, 2002, 08:23:20 AM
Jake, I am believe it or not, a rather postive person. I know it may not seem like it right now, but I am. But I have to be the one to deal with the things going on inside of me. I'm the one who knows about them and I'm the one who can work on them.
*Natia takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly*
And who would want to help a worthless piece of scum like me anyways??
Jakob Burton
Aug 15th, 2002, 08:56:04 AM
"That's not the right question. The right one is, 'Who wouldn't help you?'"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 16th, 2002, 08:33:35 AM
Easy, alot of ppl wouldn't want to help me because I am a worthless piece of scum. It makes ppls lives easier to just ignore me and not have anything to do with me. And the ppl who would want to help me, with a few exceptions, are ppl who are scum themselves.
Jakob Burton
Aug 16th, 2002, 09:14:25 AM
"Oh. Like me, and Xazor, and the whole of GJO for instance? It just seems that you don't know anyone that well. And rememeber, not all people are scum, just those who want to be..... Or those who have to be...."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 21st, 2002, 08:19:54 AM
*Natia looks down at the ground for a moment and frowns*
I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be offensive to you or anyone else. It's just that it seems like everybody else doesn't have any time for me anymore.
*Natia smiles slightly and shakes her head*
Again, I'm sorry.
Jakob Burton
Aug 22nd, 2002, 09:18:00 AM
"No offense taken. I was just trying to show you how untrue your words were... After all, I don't think I'm scum, and I know that Xazor and Verse aren't. They helped me when I needed it, and I intend to do the same for anyone else."
Jake grins at Natia.
"Well, I have some time. What do you want to do?"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 23rd, 2002, 08:29:15 AM
*Natia smiles slightly*
I'm glad I didn't offend you. I know your not scum and neither my Mother and Grandpa. I know that none of you are scum. Just as no one here is scum. I know that much at least.
*Natia looks down at the ground and frowns slightly*
What I want to do, I can't. I want to walk without my crutches. I want to run and play and skip and do things which kids do. But that can not happen.
Jakob Burton
Aug 23rd, 2002, 03:36:30 PM
"Well, maybe not now, or immediately, but you will be able to do those things again. Or you could do them now, but you might hurt yourself. Perhaps we should find something else to do, that you might not get hurt doing. Name some things."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 25th, 2002, 09:10:09 AM
Pain is nothing new to me. No matter what I do, I always end up in....
*Natia's voice trails off for a moment and then picks up again*
You know something, one of the best things in life is to have friends. That's something I didn't have until recently.
The things that I most commonly do is just sit in the B&G and watch ppl because there's not a whole lot more that I can do.
Jakob Burton
Aug 26th, 2002, 08:04:04 AM
"Well, let's go then. I'll buy you a drink. Non-alcoholic, of course, unless you want one alcoholic drink, then I'll let you have just one. Ok?"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 26th, 2002, 08:41:01 AM
*Natia laughs slightly*
Jake, you do realize that I am only an 8 year old human. They would never let you buy me a alcoholic drink. But I'm game for going to the B&G.
Jakob Burton
Aug 27th, 2002, 08:32:50 PM
"Well, maybe I can find a way around that. After all, one sip never hurt anyone...."
Jake grinned at Natia.
"Unless you don't want one...then things change."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 28th, 2002, 08:04:42 AM
*Natia laughs slightly*
I've never had any interest in alchoholic beverages and I hope never to have an interest in them since they remind me to much of my past.
Jakob Burton
Aug 28th, 2002, 08:23:55 AM
"Ok, then I'll buy you a slushie...."
Jake stands up and holds his hand out to Natia.
"Come on..."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 28th, 2002, 03:10:59 PM
*Natia smiles slightly as she puts her crutches on the ground again and stands up with there assistance*
Sounds good to me.
Rrromeo Baenrrre
Aug 29th, 2002, 09:13:18 AM
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