View Full Version : A new presence.

Jul 18th, 2002, 05:42:03 AM
Heavy footfalls came to a halt within the chamber of the Sith Order. The figure from which they had resounded stood still, silent. One first glance the green skinned 'creature' appeared to have some form of Falleen blood and traits to his person, yet the elongated features upon his head and jaw, and absence of knotted braid, told of some other origin. Though he stood a good 6 foot 6, there was a sense of humility about him.

The nobleman, after some time of having not been recognised by anyone, cleared his throat and spoke in sonorous tone.

"I seek to become a part of your Order."

Lady Vader
Jul 18th, 2002, 03:24:23 PM
*The deep voice of the new comer resounded against the walls. LV's own voice followed his as she spoke. She had been standing in front of him the whole time he had stood there, and had only now revelaed herself, dropping the Force cloak she had errected.*

I must ask why you have chosen this Order when there are others throughout the galaxy.

Jul 19th, 2002, 02:28:20 AM
His eyes slid slowly to look towards the one who had appeared before him. Evidently, by the aura that worked its way around her, she was strong in the Force - no doubt one of the higher ranking members of the fold.

"I have heard great tales of you, your brethren and the deeds of your Order. Of the two Sith factions that I have researched before considering membership, it appears that this is the one with the closest beliefs to my own."

The man paused, gesturing one hand outwards.

"Brotherhood amongst the Sith."

Lady Vader
Jul 19th, 2002, 02:06:02 PM
*LV raised an eyebrow. This one definitely intrigued her.*

Then you know that loyalty and comradere are marked above all else here at the Sith Order. Treachery is not tolerated, and is punishable.

We are a family here. We treat each other as such. And any who oppose or harm one of our own are dealt with swiftly and with deadly force.

Jul 20th, 2002, 03:56:35 AM
"Noted and agreed."

The hand that had been extended retreated as he folded his arms loosely over his and gave a nod.

"A fair policy, most certainly."

Lady Vader
Jul 20th, 2002, 09:56:20 PM
Very well, then. I welcome you to the Sith Order.

*She gestured towards the open doorway that led to a hall and a lift.*

Please make yourself at home and find a room for yourself on the second floor in the Palace. It would be best also to associate yourself with the other members as well.

Jul 21st, 2002, 06:33:15 AM
It had all seemed very quick and painless, yet he was not one to argue. He gave a bow, lowering his head in reverence to the Sith, before proceeding on through the hallway into the lift. As he entered, he nodded his once more...

"My thanks."

...And departed.