View Full Version : The Imperial Remnant.
Admiral Lebron
Jul 17th, 2002, 07:08:33 PM
The bulk of the Galactic Empire's fleet was gone. The former sector Admirals had broken into their own little soverignties. Each Warlord, per se, had enough resources to defend a few planets. Less than five. Granted this still good, considering that there were several sector fleet Admirals, but each had their own agenda. The bulk of the star destroyers was gone as hundreds had gone off to fight them.
"They say he's lost his marbles!" Whispered Commander Leon Klore in his very Imperial voice.*
"Shuh 'p, tis place coo bay bugged ya know?" Replied his fellow commander, Jik Nahre. Every commander or captain from the fleet under Admiral Lei Lebron's fleet had been summoned to a meeting. The Imperial brass were all sitting in a room, Admiral Lebron had yet to arrive.
The door on the side of the room slid open. The only sound heard besides the gentle pace that Admiral Lebron had set was the swoosh the door made when it opened. Lei still wore his traditional Imperial Navy uniform.
"Gentleman. There have been some changes in command." The men looked at him curiously, in an instand he drew his blaster and struck down half the officers with a barrage of crimson bolts that brough death unto the recipient. The remaining men, all from Kamaar laughed along side their leader, Admiral Lei Lebron. He told them to shut up and bury of the corpses.
(OOC: Closed, you want in. IM me. Secondly, the asterik* means with a british accent.)
Admiral Lebron
Jul 18th, 2002, 10:25:59 AM
In the streets of Aükor the largest city, on the manland, people stopped what they were doing. Aükor was in the lower Northeast hemisphere at the southern tip of the larger continent, Lorkd. The city spanned roughly one hundred and sixty kilometers in just about every direction. The buildings rose hundreds of stories apiece almost forming a mini-Corusucant. An important broadcast was to be airing over the 'nets in a matter of seconds.
Lei Lebron sat behind his desk, like he had on so many previous addresses to the people of the planet. "Good morning, I come to you today with grave news and wonderful news," He paused for a second to that sink into his people. " As of this morning, the Imperial presence on Kamaar has been extinguished." He held back a laugh. "With the Galactic Empires fleet of on some damned crusade, I have suceeded Kamaar from the Empire." The stopped again to let it soak in.
" The sad news is, since the fleet is gone, many of our soldiers are gone and we need replacements. Though I'm sure not many of you are holding back from joining the army of the Imperial Remnant. With your support, I will build a grand army of the Imperial Remnant! Good day." With those last two simple words, the broadcast had returned to the normally schedualed programming.
Admiral Lebron
Jul 23rd, 2002, 11:23:32 AM
Admiral Lebron had been moved to a bed, so he wouldn't be likely to do any funny stuff. His advisors had been thrown into a realm of fear. At any moment in time their leader could execute them. They couldn't kill him as it would be to dishonerable to kill a sick man. What they needed was an interm leader. A regent.
" sir?" Asked one of Lei's top advisors after the adivsors had drawn straws to see who was to ask.
"Yes mother?" Lei said back in a child voice streaked with the voice of a grown man.
"We need a friend to look after your empire for a few days, have anyone in mind?" The Advisors voice was raspy and screaming with fear.
"Take my nephew... He's a good little boy. Special but good!" The Admiral crept back into a mask of insanity.
Nicolae Lebron
Jul 24th, 2002, 01:38:34 PM
Cünovr. Named after the word "flat" in the Arconian language; who were the first people to settle this land. It was a small city, resembling that of Aükor in magnificient buildings that the architecturs most have spent weeks building, and the environment was a similitude of Aükor as well. Virent trees and grass, fertile ground that was good for farming, Cünovr was a wonderful place to live. An excellent place for a Battalion to operate.
Nicolae had sat down with his Staff Captain Siko Loenrad, in their Battalion's command center. Each of them had in their hands a glass of Kamaarian Wine, the ice blue liquid resembling an ocean. They had been discussing how poorly the Battalion was operating as a team, when the two front doors used as the entrance and exit of the room were flung open by two noncommisioned Kamaar Armsmen who asked for Major Lebron to come with them.
That is how he had wound up here on a LAVr QH-7 Chariot, a common command speeder Uulshos Manufacturing had been producing. A Kamaar Arms member had informed him of his uncle Admiral Lebron's illness, and how he had sent him to take his nephew to control his empire for a few days. The heavy armoured land cruiser had stopped after its ten minute cruise to its destination. It was a sprawling estate, bright yellow and orange and dazzling blue and red flowers filled a flourishing garden that covered almost an acre of land; and there was a large marble fountain. They pointed out the direction he was to go through the three-story personal mansion of his uncle's before walking away to fufill their other chores. He had made his way through a marvelous dining room which had a fireplace, and statues of Admiral Lebron made from marble, clay, and other materials. He followed their directions through three other rooms until he made it to his Uncle's personal sleeping quarters. He knocked softly on the entrance door, and he heard from within the room a raspy voice speak to him, "Come in". He did as his Uncle had told him, and entered into the room.
Admiral Lebron
Jul 26th, 2002, 11:56:12 AM
The older Lebron was snuggled in his bed, beneath his thick covers from the icey climate of the region in which his castle was located. Lei asked his nephew to sit down and his nephew complied.
"Hmmm...mmm... inspect all of the military bases we have." Lebron said that then fell asleep. His orders very clear.
Nicolae Lebron
Jul 26th, 2002, 05:11:50 PM
His uncle's orders were clear. Crystal clear. Two of his uncle's advisors; S'jinn Hlem and Haeger Jerrard, accompanied him to the front of Admiral Lebron's gargantula sized estate. Each of them stepped into the sleek LAVr QH-7 Chariot, where the advisors proceeded to tell him of the first base on Admiral Lebron's list.
Military Base Delta Gamma #4110. Its location was just shy of 200 miles north of Lei Lebron's manor. Lei Lebron's advisors had told him that the military base was in Mount. Dèvol, in the Kintol Mountain Range. The enourmous edifice rose within the mountain over thirty-five floors above the ground level and extends almost twenty five floors into the fertile ground. They told him they had 1,476 soldiers, every two soldiers, specialists, base operators, and what-not were to share a bunk on the one to ten underground levels. Sixteen All-Terrain Personal Transports, eight All-Terrain Scout Transports, and four All-Terrain Armoured Transports were stored on levels 1 to 4, as well as almost one-hundred and fourty Aratech 74-Z speederbikes.
It was all figures, numbers ... nonsense. He had maybe listened to half of the advisor's report on the military base. On the hour trip up to the mountain range, he probably forgot what they were saying after the first ten -- fifteen, maybe -- minutes. Nicolae's cold ice blue eyes zoned in on the gigantic mountain, it had to be Dèvol. His eyes darted to each of his uncle's advisors, didn't they or the driver know that in less than a minute they were to collide into the side of the mountain. At the last second a one-hundred foot wall rose up into the mountain, as the LAVr Chariot made its way into the repulsorlift bay. To his left the intimidating fifteen meter tall, silver blast-impervious armor plating All-Terrain Armored Transports hovered over them.
"Stop!" Nicolae Lebron commanded to the LAVr Chariot's driver, who stopped almost simultaneous as Nicolae's voice. The blast resistant door open up as the Regent made his way out of the door, advisors in crimson and black clothing at his sides. Three dozen technicians and engineers working on the various repuslorlift vehicles in the repulsorlift bay stood at attention acknowledging the Regent and his advisors. A base operator and his crew of three men in black stood at attention in the communications tower's control room. "Show me to the shield generators."
The Regent was taken to the shield generator room, and such a large room it was. Half a dozen colossal sized shield generators lined the room. "Ground-base installations use immense projectors to generate a deflector sield, like the ones that are protecting Mount Dèvol as we speak. This is valuable to us for we do not have to lower the deflector shield momentarily to allow launching of evacuation ships, Regent Lebron. We have already made precautions to evacuate almost all of our personnel before the opposition's forces even know they hit our base." a shield generator technician said.
"What do you think I am, Adrias. I know what shield generators and deflector shields are. I attended the Kamaarian Arms Academy for four years, like everyone else; as well as the Officer course. Are you trying to insult me, Adrias?" Regent Lebron shouted as he turned away, and walked down the tight corridor.
Remnant Forces
Aug 15th, 2002, 10:26:28 AM
Two troopers approached Regent Lebron. They wore the normal Kamaar Arms blue uniform with white stripes around the arms. They were armed only with blaster pistols. The one to the right, obviously the leader of the duo, informed the Regent that his tour of this facility is over and it would be best if he moved onto the next base.
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