View Full Version : Sibling Scuffle (Xazor--Spar)
Jul 17th, 2002, 06:05:25 PM
Satine stands in his courtyard, wearing hardened leather armor, with a black cloak covering it, and the hood up, hiding his face. In one of his gaunletted hands he held a large sword, with a black-metal blade, runes carved into the blade and handle. The other was holding a small comm-link, which he had just used to contact his sister for a spar. He also needed some advice, so he might as well kill two birds with one thermal detonater...
Xazor Elessar
Jul 17th, 2002, 06:22:17 PM
The Jedi Knight had received a message from her Brother, and she hurriedly made her way down to the Academy for a spar. A smile danced upon her lips as she pressed through the large doors and eyed his lone figure standing in the center of the room. She took the double bladed, duel-phase saber from her weapons belt and engaged both sides. It hissed to life and hummed gently in her right hand. The Knight bowed to Alpha and smiled once again.
"Greetings dear called me here..."
She said softly, eyeing him with soft eyes as he stood before her, prepared for a good time....but he looked as if he needed something....
Jul 17th, 2002, 06:58:31 PM
Satine smiles beneath his hood, and then pulls it back as he bows, revealing his shoulder length hair tied back into a pony-tail.
"Hiya sis. Yes, I did call you here, for both a spar--I figured we could both use the practice--and some advice. Any tips on talking with girls?" Satine asks, grinning wryly, unsure of how else to say it. Taking off his cloak, and revealing his armor, Satine brings his sword to a ready stance, funneling Force energy into it. The black blade's runes begin to flicker with white light as the Force the Knight funneled into it was stored. With his second hand, Satine clipped his comm to his belt, and then motions for Xazor to attack...
Xazor Elessar
Jul 20th, 2002, 07:57:19 PM
Xazor grinned slightly and saw that Alpha was ready. A smile on her face and saber in hand, she charged for him and faked a slash with one and to his head. Bringing the weapon around for a slash to his ankles, she stopped short an instead, rammed her right side right into him, knocking him to the ground.
"Hmm......talking to girls? Well, it depends on which girl.....what type of girl she is. You should speak to her one likes beating around the bush. Hmm.....always compliment her, but not to suck up....if she looks beautiful, tell her. A girl likes hearing those type of things. You must not be afraid to speak your mind....yet, don't babble. Don't act as though males are dominant to females.....when you're speaking to her, always give her room and time to speak freely. Don't cut her off or try to add your two sense where it's probably not needed."
She took a deep breath, realizing that he was still on the ground at her feet. Smiling, she held her left hand out to him to help him up.
"Oh, but above all yourself. A girl knows when a guy is being fake."
She grinned slightly, still holding out her hand for him to take....
ooc: Sorry for the late reply..... :( Been busy, bro.......
Jul 21st, 2002, 09:01:31 AM
Satine takes the offered hand, and gets to his feet.
"Thanks for the advice sis. That could really help..."
Jumping back, Satine lets Xazor get ready, and then jumps in, slashing. As Xazor blocks the attack, Satine sends a pulse of Force energy through his blade, and it comes out as a Force blast-wave. Not the normal compact attack Satine normally uses, this one could have gotten three people, if they were there. As it was Satine had knocked Xazor fairly far backwards.
{OoC:Its ok sis.:) If you noticed, I was just doing OOC for the last couple days. What fun it is! :D lol}
Xazor Elessar
Jul 21st, 2002, 10:54:44 AM
Xazor fell backwards and smiled slightly as she got up. The Knight grinned as she looked right into Alpha's eyes. In his mind, she created the illusion of her running at him and moving for a strike to his midsection. In reality, she gathered the water of the man made fountain from behind him and just as the illusion of her in his mind went for the attacks, she dumped the water all over him.
"Anytime, bro....."
She giggled slightly and took up a defensive stance, waiting to see his reaction. She had been toying with mind illusions now and had them almost as good as physical ones. He too had picked up some new moves, it seemed. This was a great deal of fun.....
Jul 21st, 2002, 11:10:04 AM
"I never learn...I always fall for that move..." Satine heats up the air around him, and drie himself off, and then charges Xazor. Dodging a slash, Satine sends a Force pulse behind his sister's legs, and smacks her with it in the back of her knees, throwing her to the ground. Jumping back, Satine grins and waits for Xazor to get up...
Xazor Elessar
Jul 21st, 2002, 11:13:10 AM
The Knight stood up and smiled as she rubbed the back of her left leg.
"And I suppose I too will never learn, you do that to me a lot."
She grinned and looked at him carefully as she loosened some rafters from above them. Charging at him, she jumped up and purpously missed him.....the let the rafters fall onto a heap on her Brother. She giggled as she heard a few cracking sounds.
She called out with a laugh. Usually that's what it was......but she hoped that he wasn't hurt to badly. She continued to eye the pile, waiting for him to crawl out....
Jul 21st, 2002, 11:22:53 AM
It didn't happen. At least, Xazor didn't see it happen. The sounds, and the appearance of the settling mess not moving was all an illusion Satine put in his sister's mind. Xazor wasn't the only one who practices Force illusions. Coming up behind Xazor, Satine smiles, and snap kicks her in the small of her back, throwing her forward.
"Actually. You just heard what I wanted you to hear. I'm perfectly fine sis" he says with a grin.
Xazor Elessar
Jul 21st, 2002, 11:46:16 AM
Xazor fell to the ground and winced at the pain, but laughter escaped her chest. She couldn't believe that Alpha had just pulled an illusion on her. She would have seen it....but she had no idea he had practiced any.
"Very good, brother!"
She called out to him. The Knight grinned to herself and charged him. Jumping up, she landed a heavy side thurst kick into his chest, sending him back several yards. As he fell, Xazor created Force platforms and jumped up to the first one. Then kicked off of the second and the third until she reached the rafters. It appeared to bystanders that she was just jumping off of solid air, but Alpha would no better.
Once at the ceiling, she loosened some rafters with her hands and began her descent until she reached the ground. This was all a diversion. As she did this, she created the illusion in Alpha's mind that a wall of water was rushing up behind him. He would have to turn around, for that was one of her signature abilities, working with water. Once down there, she approached him...his back was to her now as he expected the water. She slammed a 2x4 into the back of his head....sending him foreward. The Knight dropped the illusion but replaced it with reality....she gathered the water into a wave and slammed it down onto the fallen Alpha. It was multi-tasking at its finest....something of which she had been working on in the recent.....
"You're sitting down on the job, Alpha!"
She laughed to herself and waited for him to recover from her attacks....
Jul 22nd, 2002, 07:57:47 AM
Satine shakes his head to clear it and then laughs.
"When did you get this good?" he asks, getitng to his feet, and then slamming Xazor into a wall with a Force blast. Recalling his rune-sword, Satine smacks it against the ground, and, as Xazor gets to her feet, she is thrown back down by a force-wave. Funneling more power into the black blade, Satine charges Xazor, slashing downwards...
Xazor Elessar
Jul 22nd, 2002, 11:30:52 AM
Xazor grinned to herself and blocked the slash from his blade. As she did so, she sent a heavy Force blast to his stomach and sent him back into the wall.
"I guess I just practice....I've been working on a few new things."
She said with a smile. As he got up, Xazor took the 2x4 again and smacked him in the back of the head. He fell forward....and she had another there to label him in the ribs. A crack could be heard but there was nothing on the board....
"Ribs yet?"
She laughed to herself and watched him, waiting for his next attack...
Jul 22nd, 2002, 12:50:30 PM
"Nope. Force shields," Satine says, getting back to his feet. His shields had gotten significantly more powerful since he last fought his sister, and they now had the annoying habit of making a cracking sound when hit. Dispelling his shields, Satine slashes, blocks a stab, and then spin kicks Xazor, throwing her backwards, Jumping forwards, Satine swings low...
Xazor Elessar
Jul 23rd, 2002, 09:08:30 AM
Xazor brought a block down to meet his low strike. She pushed him away and used a heavy Force blow to his chest to knock him down. With that she called upon the water and dumped it all over him again, using the Force to guide the liquid. She ran over to him and touched his leg while he laid on the ground.....and then froze him! The Knight giggled and set up five Force walls around him, then called upon more water once again. She used the Force to cover those walls as well. Then she remembered something her Father had taught her so long ago. She was deeply intuned to Nature and would use it now. The Knight called upon the wind and it came from what seemed like no where. Suddenly it gripped the structure around Alpha and turned it into very thick ice....thicker than she could have made it. Now it would be hard to get out, no matter how much fire he used, it would take several hours to just melt it.
To make matters worse, she got another idea. The Garou Knight called down more loose rafters from the ceiling and let a load of them fall onto the top of the ice. They landed gently for she guided them with the Force. Now he was really stuck and if he didn't hurry, he would freeze to death. The ice layering his body was enough to cause damage....but then to have a while ice cube surrounding him...well, he would really have to use his skills. She grinned to herself and stepped back, folding her arms over her chest. She set up a Force Cube around herself in case he tried something that would cause harm to herself. Now she was protected and he was.......trapped.
"What are you gonna do little brother?"
She laughed slightly and watched his moves carefully, wondering what he would do.....
Jul 23rd, 2002, 11:07:04 AM
Great... Satine thinks, before closing his eyes, and opening himself up to the Force. He let the energy flow through him, more energy then he's used in a long while. Getting an idea, Satine raises the stuff on top of the ice cube, warms the air around the cube, and then begins to heat the cube from the inside. The rafters begins to burn as the air superheats, and the Knight throws them at the cube, breaking pieces off, splinters flrying everywhere. Throws the rest of the rubble at his sister, Satine begins to get movement back, as he hollowed out enough of the cube. Igniting his sabre, Satine stabs it through the outside of the cube, and carves his way out. Jumping out, and recalling his sword, Satine hits the wall--which was closer then he thought--and slides to the ground, exhausted, cold, and wet. Proof he was in a fight with Xazor...
Satine slowly gets back to his feet, putting his sabre away, and forming three fire-daggers with the remainder of his Force reserves, sending them streaking at his sister.
Xazor Elessar
Jul 23rd, 2002, 11:34:22 AM
Xazor grinned, happy that Alpha was able to find a way out. She closed her eyes and used her danger sense....and the ability to see a few second into the future. She saw Alpha forming the fire daggers. Quickly she called on the water with the Force and constructed a wall of the liquid in front of her. Suddenly the daggers hit it and extinguished. A smiled crossed her lips as she took the water and sent it flying at Alpha.
"You're all wet, little brother!"
She called out with a grin. The tacticts she was using were good and very much improved since they last sparred. She took up defense and waited for him to attack....
Jul 23rd, 2002, 11:59:09 AM
"I always am after sparrign with you!" he calls back, charging. Since it would take him a while to recharge for any large attacks, Satine decided to go for the old standby. Slash, slice and stab.
Ducking under an attack, and then jumping over a low swing, Satine feints left, and then strikes right, his sword moving faster then Xazor had ever seen it. The two had indeed gotten better.
Xazor Elessar
Jul 28th, 2002, 03:31:48 PM
Xazor blocked the strike from Alpha and grinned as she pushed him away. As he stumbled back, she sent a heavy Force blast at his chest. Grinning as he fell, she created a Force platform above him and jumped onto it.....then dropped right on top of him. She held her saber at his neck.....the beam singed his skin a bit......but not enough to hurt terribly.
"How feel you?"
She laughed and held her ground with the Force so that it would be hard to get her off of him.....
Jul 28th, 2002, 03:34:53 PM
"well...I feel as though I just gto beat..." Satine says with a grin.
{OOC:Sis, I found something that fits you: You in a flame war setting. lol}
Xazor Elessar
Jul 28th, 2002, 04:31:41 PM
Xazor grinned and nodded slightly.
"Oh yes.....I think so....."
She giggled to herself, wondering if he was serious.....
ooc: I'll check it out! :lol
Xazor Elessar
Jul 28th, 2002, 04:33:15 PM
ooc: OMG!! :lol That's hilarious, bro!!! :mneh :p :lol!!!!
Jul 29th, 2002, 06:56:44 AM
{OOC: :) I know. :D}
Grinning, Satine uses what energy he had gathered to first, move Xazor's blade away from him, and then to Force push her away, knocking her down. Flipping back to his feet, Satine laughs. He recalls his blade, and looks at his sister.
"Ya know, something just then told me I wasn't beaten yet..."
Xazor Elessar
Jul 30th, 2002, 09:00:38 PM
Xazor got up to her feet and grinned slightly.
"Cunning as ever I see......."
The Knight laughed slightly and rubbed her leg before adjusting her defensive stance. With a nod, she let Alpha have the next move...
Jul 31st, 2002, 06:39:21 AM
Alpha smiles, and sends a force blast at the wall before attacking Xazor. He ducks a slash, and stabs with his sword. As Xazro blocks, she is hit by the Force blast--which had ricocheded (sp?) off the walls, Satine keeping Xazor occupied so she wouldn't see it...
Xazor Elessar
Jul 31st, 2002, 05:32:28 PM
Xazor did not need to see the Force blast.....the minute he sent it out, she felt it....but it avoided her. She knew what he was doing. Blocking a slash from his sword, she spun around and slammed her foot into his chest, then set up a Force wall, which absorbed the Force Blast. Smiling, she spun around again, but with a back hand to his cheek. Taking up defense she waited for his attack....
Jul 31st, 2002, 06:13:32 PM
Satine works his jaws, and then slashes again, blocking a stab with a force shield, Satine sends the shield right into Xazor, throwing her backwards.
"Hadn't been slaped like that in a looong time..."
Xazor Elessar
Aug 1st, 2002, 12:11:53 PM
Xazor giggled to herself as she fell backwards. Kipping up to her feet, she spun at him with a back kick...nailing him and sending him falling back a few feet. As he was distracted, the Knight constructed five Force walls around him. Calling on the water from a man made fountain, she dumped it upon the Force walls. Instead of running over and touching it, she found another way that cut down on the time. The Knight closed her eyes and found her deep connection with Gaia and Nature. She called upon the wind to help her and suddenly, a large gust blew into the Academy.....wrapping around the block. The water froze in just a few seconds, leaving him trapped inside. She, of course, had done this to him already....but now there was an added twist.
She repeated the procedure once again, creating five more Force walls but stronger than the norm, and about five feet out from the first walls. She called upon the water and dumped it all over those walls...called upon the winds and froze the water...and now he was in two Force Cubes. It would take a lot to get out of those. It was wearing on her mentally, he would have to hurry or she would drop the whole thing from control. The Knight closed her eyes, created her own Force cube around herself for protection...and held it there with steady concentration...keeping herself deeply intuned with the Force so she could sense his every move...
Aug 1st, 2002, 07:53:08 PM
Satine lets his head droop in defeat. He couldn't get past this. He barely made it through the first Force Cube attack. And his sabre was just about frozen solid, his blade of no use here. Satine had one last option open though...A thermal grenade clipped onto his belt. Using the Force, Satine turns on the grenade, setting it to maximum intensity, and sets the counter to four seconds. Putting up the strongest Force shield he could, in a funnel to send the effects of teh blast back out to the sides of the cube, Satine sends a Force message to his sister.
Hey sis, I don't think you've ever had someone break out like this...
A large boom resounds through the room, making Xazor jump, and the two sets of Force walls shatter, the ice vaporizing. Satine is thrown forwards by the Froce of the blast, his back burned. He hits the fountain with a resounding crack!, breaking the fountain, and two ribs.
Groaning, Satine gets to his feet, and leaves his black rune-sword lying on the floor, opting for his Loris daggers. Igniting them, two half sized blades pop out of each weapon--one on each end--and they were black in color, and curved outward slightly. the hilts were laced with cortosis ore. Gettign into a fighting stance, Satine waves his sister on...
Xazor Elessar
Aug 4th, 2002, 09:41:05 AM
Xazor shut her eyes tightly when she witnessed her Brother blow the cubes apart. It was an awesome way to break the hold, she had to give him that. As pieces flew at her, the Force cube around herself absorbed them, leaving her unharmed. She smiled as she dropped the walls and witnessed Alpha fly backwards into the fountain, breaking it....and breaking some ribs.
"Oh, ribs...finally!"
She giggled to herself. As he took up a ready stance, Xazor ran at him and jumped into the air, then landed a flying side thrust kick into his ribs. He fell backwards and as he did, the Knight lifted some of the rafters from before, with her mind, and she slammed them down onto him....
Aug 4th, 2002, 09:47:24 AM
Satine uses the Force to push himself away, slamming right into Xazor's legs, and knocking her down. Getting to his feet, Satine grimaces, and then grins.
"You enjoy breaking ribs and playing with rafters, huh?" he asks with a laugh, deciding to take a little lesson from his sister's book. Taking some of the water puddling out of the broken fountain, and feezes it into two sharp icicles. Using the Force, Satine flings them at Xazor.
"You're not the only one that plays with ice..."
Xazor Elessar
Aug 4th, 2002, 09:56:54 AM
Xazor was shocked when Alpha began using her tricks...and started throwing icicles at her. Immediatly she put up a Force wall...but not in time, and one whizzed past the invisible protection, and clipped her arm...leaving a nice open slice. Blood began running down her arm...but she paid it no mind. The other icicles broke into a million pieces when they hit the Force wall.
"Yes...rafters and specialty!"
She giggled to herself and took up a defensive stance, motioning for him to take the next attack....
Aug 4th, 2002, 01:41:55 PM
Jumping at Xazor, Satine brings his Loris Daggers to bear, the four black blades whirling...
Xazor Elessar
Aug 8th, 2002, 01:22:45 PM
The Knight blocked a few of his strikes, but was caught up in doing so.....and she missed on. It cut across her arm, leaving a nice line of red blood. She winced slightly, but then landed her foot into Alpha's gut, using the Force to lift him up and throw him from her. Then she placed her hand over the wound and healed it with the Force before taking up a defensive stance.....
Aug 8th, 2002, 02:17:21 PM
Satine gets to his feet, shutting off, and putting away one of his Daggers. Pulling out a modified SOCOM as he flips, Satine lands next to Xazor, and slashes. As Xazor blocks the slash, Satine fires the SOCOM, the usually-slugthrowing gun spitting a blue pulse of energy at his sister. The pulse hits, and gives Xazor a nasty shock, her hair standing on end. Flipping back, Satine chuckles.
"Nice hair-do, sis."
Xazor Elessar
Aug 12th, 2002, 02:48:08 PM
Xazor quickly began to flaten out her hair as she eyed her brother with a curious grin. Turning around quickly, she did a few handless back flips until she was baring down on him. Spinning around, she labled the side of his face with a hard inverted roundhouse, followed by a blinding flash of blue.....leaving a nice burn from her saber blades down his arm......
"Nice skin, bro!"
Aug 12th, 2002, 06:46:41 PM
{OOC: Burned in RL and IC :)}
"Thankies sis!" Satine says, ducking under another slash, sweeping Xazor's feet out from under her, and then pointing the SOCOM to his sister's temple.
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