View Full Version : Seeking....
Feliciana Devano
Jul 17th, 2002, 12:35:31 PM
A young woman, about the age of eighteen, pressed through the doors of the Registration Center and entered the dark room. All around her was quiet and she sensed no other presence besides herself. Sighing slightly, she brushed a strand of her long, black hair from her face and stopped to stand in what she thought was the center of the large room. Bowing deeply, she looked all around her for a moment as she gathered her thoughts.
"Greetings to name is Feliciana Devano and I seek to join the Sith Order...."
She called out to the darkness with hopes that someone heard her request. The woman had come from so far to seek out this Organization, for by flight, Corellia was several hours from Yunazi where she once lived. This would be her new home, she hoped...for she desired to serve as a Sith. Her family knew of this desire, and shunned her for it, sending her away to live what they called, "a destructive life." Feliciana knew otherwise, though, and was out to accomplish her dreams....she would do whatever it took to become what she knew that she inevitably was....
Lady Vader
Jul 17th, 2002, 04:08:19 PM
*A voice broke into the young woman's thoughts from behind.*
And why have you chosen the Sith Order, when there are other Sith factions to choose from?
Feliciana Devano
Jul 17th, 2002, 05:04:07 PM
Feliciana turned around to meet the eyes of a woman who dripped with darkness. She bowed in respect and smiled slightly.
"I chose the Sith Order because it is the only Organization that can mold me into what I am destined to become...a Sith. Other places promise such things...but for the time that I have been in this part of the galaxy, I have seen the greatest work done in the Sith Order...and I choose to be a part of serve it with my whole heart...."
She said with an earnest smile. This woman before here seemed filled with the power that she strived for....she wanted to become one like her....
Lady Vader
Jul 18th, 2002, 03:21:44 PM
*LV nodded her ehad slowly.*
Be it known that if you join this Order, you will liveas if in a family. Those here will become your brothers and sisters in the Dark Side.
You will be loyal to the Order. Treachery is not tolerated.
We will not hold you back if you wish to leave for whatever reason, but be sure you leave on good terms, or the end result could be fatal.
*She folded her arms.*
Do you still wish to join?
Feliciana Devano
Jul 20th, 2002, 02:21:46 PM
Feliciana listened intently as the woman spoke. She bowed her head slightly and smiled once again.
"Oh indeed, I understand all that you speak. I pledge myself to this Order and I shall not leave...treason is not something that I even think of. I am committed and shall live here as a family...for not even my true family wanted me. This is my only chance to become what I am destined to be."
The young woman thought about her own words for a moment, reflecting on those of the powerful Sith before her. She looked up into the woman's eyes for a moment, thoughtfully thinking ahead as to how she hoped to be accepted here and make this her life.
"I will bring glory to this Organization if I am accepted....I will not fall to the Jedi Ways, for I know this is the truth. I am like a rock...and here I stand, unable to be moved from the path which I must follow."
Lady Vader
Jul 23rd, 2002, 03:37:03 PM
*LV almost smiled.*
Then go and find yourself a place to dwell on the second floor of the Palace.
Because we are short on Masters, we have group training in the trainging grounds, and we also encourage you to train on your own, spar with others, and study the dark arts.
The library, rec rooms, and dining hall is at your disposal. You may venture into the gardens during the day, but do not go into them at night, as the dragon that lives there does not appreciate visitors after the evening hours.
Feliciana Devano
Jul 23rd, 2002, 04:01:34 PM
Feliciana smiled and bowed once again.
"Thank you great Mistress...I shall do as you have suggested. Thank you....I will not fail you!"
With that the new Apprentice departed for the second floor of the Palace where she would find a room for herself...
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