View Full Version : Warm Evening.....(Closed)

Xazor Elessar
Jul 17th, 2002, 12:01:00 PM
Xazor walked down the halls of the Living Quarters until she reached the large room that she shared with her husband and two children. It was a nice evening.....Jedidiah and Natia were spending the night with some friends....and she was alone. The Knight opened the door and closed it behind her, then walked over to her bed. A picture of she and Shade rested on the nightstand, and she couldn't help but look at it and miss him.

Sighing slightly, she opened the large window that overlooked the jungles below and then peered out. She took a book from the bookshelf and opened it, beginning to read where she had left off in the interesting novel. It was a long story about her people, one that she could not be easily pulled from lately. She repositioned herself on the bed so that she was comfortably resting on her stomach, her new, lighter robes covering her as she read. They had no sleeves and had only a single layer hood on the back. Their white color was something she was not accustomed to, but she liked.

Suddenly she thought that she heard a noise outside of the window. It was rather loud...but when she went and checked, she saw nothing. Passing it off as her overly active imagination, she resumed her resting on the bed with a good book on this warm evening....

Vega Van-Derveld
Jul 17th, 2002, 12:08:21 PM
The noise from outside ceased and all became quiet. The Jedi Knight's room filled with a stillness that seemed serene at first, yet had a subtle undertone of something more unusual. The lack of any noise struck Xazor as ... eerie.

"I imagine the reading serves well as a means to keep your mind from wandering to him."

In the quiet, within the shadows that clung to the walls of her room, something moved.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 17th, 2002, 12:12:57 PM
Xazor jumped at the sound of the voice. She brought the book close to her chest as she looked around the room...the stillness filled the air once again. The voice...she recognized it...and it was all too familiar. Suddenly her eyes came to rest on the face of the man which she had never expected to see in her room.

"Y...yes....it does help, Vega."

She stuttered over her words before she could fully regain her composure. It had been a shock to her that anyone had come into her room....but it was even more a shock that it was him. She quickly regained herself and sat upright, lowering the book into her lap as she thoughtfully looked at it, then her eyes drifted to meet his once again. The Knight felt more comfortable, suddenly, as if she almost.....trusted....him.

"So how do you fare this eve, Vega?"

The Garou questioned with a gentle smile, not moving from her place...yet. She would wait until she found out his intention of being here this night...

Vega Van-Derveld
Jul 17th, 2002, 12:23:44 PM
The Lupine stepped out of his shadow veil into the wan light of the room, his pale face illuminated in the soft glow. He paced forward, his hands folded behind his back as he head canted somewhat to the left, cat-like eyes regarding the face of the Knight.

"Well, albeit somewhat quiet."

He stopped, standing now fully in view to the Jedi.

"Your thoughts tell me more than you would have me know Xazor," he began,

"It seems you have become attuned to my presence and no longer fear me."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 17th, 2002, 12:45:14 PM
Xazor lofted a brow at his words and laughed slightly, a smile danced upon her lips. She nodded slightly and kept her eyes on his.

"Indeed...you are correct. I have come to...trust...you, I suppose you could say."

She paused a moment, her eyes shifted toward the kitchen briefly and then met his once again. He had changed a bit...something was different about him indeed.

"Can I get you something to drink, perhaps?"

She questioned politly, wondering if he cared for something to accompany their conversation. Still in the back of her mind, she couldn't help but wonder why he was here....

Vega Van-Derveld
Jul 17th, 2002, 12:48:28 PM
"I am not here to entertain you by tasting your wine and food, Xazor,"

He rose one hand and gestured about the room, then across to the window.

"My time here is limited, as I believe your consorts would not approve of my presence here. I am not one to tempt the wrath of the New Republic Special Forces," Vega remarked with a thin smile.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 17th, 2002, 12:51:27 PM
Xazor smiled gently and nodded, knowing what he spoke of. She looked about for a moment and sighed as her eyes drifted back to his.

"Then why are you here, Vega? I am sure not to stand about and tell me that you know of the trust I have found in you...."

She was quite curious now...he did not want a drink or anything else of the sort....but he knew his time was limited, yet he came. It was a bit puzzeling to say the least....

Vega Van-Derveld
Jul 17th, 2002, 12:54:55 PM
"There are two reasons as to my appearance here,"

The darksider began to stroll calmly towards the window, casting a glance out at the night-sky before looking back towards the lightsider.

"The first being to satisfy my curiousity as to why you have not further pursued your Garou ways. I gave you a free invitation to some harmless training, yet for some reason it has not yet been used."

Vega smirked.

"The second is less important for the moment, though when we have more time to freely speak perhaps I will enlighten you."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 17th, 2002, 12:59:41 PM
Xazor sighed and looked down at the book she was reading. Smiling, she shook her head and looked up at him once again.

"I have been so terribly busy, Vega....and my obligations here have kept me from doing much for myself. I would like to start as soon as possible, for now I am receiving help with many of the responsibilites that I hold."

She paused a moment and thought about his next words. He had something else to tell her...but he said to save it for a later date. This sparked her curiosity as she eyed him for a moment.

"And this second reason you are here....perhaps we shall meet somewhere where you feel more freely to speak? I understand that the Living Quarters on the Jedi Base are a bit....constraining for one like you."

Vega Van-Derveld
Jul 17th, 2002, 01:03:52 PM
"Constraining is such a ... harsh word," the Lupine replied through a faint laugh.

"I would say unsolicited is more fitting. I prefer not to discuss my own plans and opinions within earshot of the Council, which I am quite sure you can sympathize with for one who is so bold in whom she places her trust."

Vega quirked an eyebrow as he looked to Xazor, nodding somewhat as if to answer the statement for her.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 17th, 2002, 01:09:45 PM
Xazor nodded slightly and smiled.

"Indeed....I agree with you. Is there any particular place you wish to meet for my Garou "discovery" if you will? Maybe then we shall discuss whatever it is you will not reveal to me at this time..."

She questioned slightly, still finding it odd that he came to her room and not the Bar, to find her. His previous question had been so simple...he could have even sent someone with a letter. She still couldn't get it out of her mind that he had come to her room. There had to be more, knowing him....

Vega Van-Derveld
Jul 17th, 2002, 01:12:51 PM
"Conducting our 'business' within the keep of my own home would give me some form of solace, if you can find the courage to set foot within the walls of it," he said with a hint of sarcasm.

"I can assure you that your presence on Fascinataru would be kept unknown, even to those other darklings dwelling there."

Again, as he had done so long ago in the bar, he smiled a sincere smile. Whether or not those who saw it believed Vega was of no consequence, the fanged grin seem to give them a sense of humility that allowed them to, for one second, trust the Dark Lord.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 17th, 2002, 01:17:08 PM
Xazor smiled slightly at the mention of his home. She would need some sort of direction to the place, or she had a good chance of getting lost.

"Could you give me some coordinates to that place, perhaps? And indeed...I have enough courage to enter there, as long as you keep your word that no one will find out."

She said with a serious expression for a moment, wondering if he was indeed, sincere in his words. His smile was original...or so she thought, and it only confirmed her trust in him. Hopefully he would not give her a reason to break that trust....

Vega Van-Derveld
Jul 17th, 2002, 01:23:01 PM
He paced forward closer towards Xazor, and retrieved a small datapad from within his jacket. He held it between finger and thumb as he looked down towards her.

"Know that you may trust me Xazor,"

He said quietly.

"And reassure my own faith by not allowing this information to pass these walls," Vega said in a more stern tone, awaiting the Jedi's answer before he would give her the datapad.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 17th, 2002, 01:38:20 PM
Xazor looked up into his eyes for a moment, his figure towering over hers, instilling a bit of fear into her bones for a just a second. She smiled gently and bowed her head in respect.

"Yes, I trust you, and you may do the same in me. I shall never let this information leave these walls. No one shall know, but me."

She said with an earnest smile. Her words were sincere and her eyes showed the same feeling that her heart did. They would have to trust eachother if this was to work.......

Vega Van-Derveld
Jul 17th, 2002, 01:42:17 PM
At hearing these words, he handed her the small cuboid. Within it was held the information that would permit her access to Fascinataru (http://pub27.ezboard.com/bfascinataru). This done, he looked up straight over the head of the Knight.

"Good then, perhaps your presence will be felt there soon."

Vega turned from her and walked a few steps towards the window, setting one hand against the pane.

"What do you think Xazor?"

Xazor Elessar
Jul 17th, 2002, 01:45:27 PM
Xazor looked down at the datapad in her hands. She thought for a moment and nodded slightly, her eyes drifting up to his figure once again.

"Yes, I shall leave tomorrow morning and my presence shall be felt on Fascinataru...."

She said softly, watching him as he was readying to leave. It would prove very interesting when she arrived there.

"Thank you Vega..."

Vega Van-Derveld
Jul 17th, 2002, 01:46:53 PM
"Do not thank me yet Xazor," he said with one last glance at the Jedi.

This said, he rose one foot quickly and made his departure through the open window pane from the living quarters, descending into the night from whence he had came.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 17th, 2002, 01:53:03 PM
Xazor watched as he left, his words even more mysterious than his presence had been. She sighed to herself and went to the window to watch his descent into the night.

"If that is what you wish..."

She said softly, more to herself than anyone else. The Knight walked over to her been and laid down once again, thinking of the day ahead of her....