View Full Version : Home dinner with her family

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 17th, 2002, 09:59:59 AM
*Natia had decided to do something nice for her family and to put some of her skills to use today. She had started in mid afternoon when the rest of her family was out for some family time. She had pleaded tiredness so she could do her little plan. A nice dinner for her family. They had no idea how good of a cook she is since she has never cooked here before but by the age of four, she was surprisingly a good cook but of course, her skills are a bit rusty right now since she had not cooked in quite some time. For the most part though, she is just standing in one spot and using her powers to move items around the room, to stir contents of pots and to set the table. A large task for such a young girl such as herself*

They will be quiet surprised by this. I just know that they will be. This will be a magnificent meal. The best one I have ever made because this is one meal I want to make.

*Natia, when all is prepared, sends out a mental call to her Mother asking them to come home because she has a surprise ready for them*

Xazor Elessar
Jul 17th, 2002, 10:53:21 AM
Xazor nearly tripped over some Padawans on her way to the large Living Quarters that she shared with her husband and two adopted children. She had recieved a mental note from Natia that she was to meet her there for a surprise. The Knight opened the door and stepped inside....what she saw put a smile on her face. Her little girl stood in the kitchen with an assortment of food, obviously prepared for a magnificent meal! She walked over to her and hugged her tightly as her eyes wandered about the room.

"Oh sweetheart....it's wonderful!"

It was the only thing that Xazor could say...for no one had ever done something like that for her before. It was shocking, to say the least....and it made her heart soar. Smiling, she rose to her feet, wondering to herself all the while how someone so young could make such a....feast!

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 19th, 2002, 11:13:17 AM
*Natia smiles at her Mother when she comes in*

I hope you like Mother.

*Natia knows she doesn't have to ask her Mother if she does like because she can tell just by the way her Mother is acting that she really likes this*

I made this meal for you and the others. I just thought it would be a nice thing for me to do to thank you for all the kindness you have shown me since my arrival here when I only knew Father, my adopted Father that is.

*Natia then uses the Force to start moving serving dishes which are full of food to the table to respective spots. At each place setting is somebody's name and a thank-you card. She then hobbles over to the table to hand light some candles there*

Please Mother, have a seat. You don't have to worry about anything tonight except enjoying the food.

*Natia waves her hand towards one of the chairs. A bigger smile gets on her face as she thinks of all the times her real Father had wanted her to prepare a meal like this for him and she hadn't. She would love to see his face right now when he sees that she is fully capable of doing just this*

As soon as the others get her Mother, we can start supper. Now, would you like to have a wine or some fruit juice??

*Natia hopes her Mother doesn't ask her how she had gotten ahold of a bottle of wine because ppl aren't supposed to sell it to children her age*