View Full Version : Phew! Close call!

Jul 17th, 2002, 05:29:31 AM
Ok, hehe, a few close calls actually.

First, I check theater showtimes Friday for my local theater, and see NO AOTC playing, which I mostly expected but it's always a bummer you know? :( So then I'm like, "Yeah cool, I saw that coming anyway, so whatever. Hopefully Movies on TV has it for a few more weeks, at least" (they played TPM for 8 weeks longer). Then to my shock, Spider-Man is still playing at Movies on TV this coming weekend (one of only a few theaters that actually has that movie after last weekend's massive 60% freefall), but AOTC is NOT! So there goes my only two options, I thought.

Then my best friend told me Eight Legged Freaks has pulled another move, which is starting to piss me off. It was going to come out July 12. I saw the early trailers, it was July 12. I counted on it being then, and then it was July 19, ok fine whatever, and now it's July 17. That is the sign of a studio very unsure of themselves. I mean, pick a release date and keep it. So then I was like, "CRAP, I never checked Wednesday showtimes to see if AOTC is playing then!" Luckily, my theater, Evergreen, just dropped Powerpuff Girls and cut MIB 2 from 1.5 screens to 1 screen and made room for one screen showing Eight Legged Freaks. So AOTC has two more days there.

That's not the topic title, though. Much better than that luckily, phew!

Well today I saw AOTC at 3:30 at Evergreen with Luke, from the Swamps, some of you guys know him (Eric is his name). That was cool, first time I've met him. But then I went to Tigard Cinemas by my best friend's house to see Reign of Fire (I really enjoyed it, very good B movie, hehe) and I told him I'd probably just go ahead and stay at Tigard for their 10:20 Star Wars. He is like, "Really? ... yeah why not I guess." Then, this is VERY odd (like the Force or something guiding our actions, hehe), I run into a bunch of old high school classmates! One of them I just talked to a week ago about seeing Star Wars. His name is Joe. Him and I were planning to see it really soon but I hadn't gotten ahold of him and it just hadn't worked out yet, so then I run into him, not only with a group of friends, but all going to see Star Wars too!!! So I sat with them, and then when it got over at like 12:45 we all drove to Starbucks and hung out until a few minutes ago, lol, like 4 a.m.! The two girls are good looking. One is hot, the other is just cute, hehe. I had nothing much better to do so I just hung out with them.

Anyway, so the good news, and why I mentioned Tigard, is because I just came home and checked and amazingly enough, Tigard is keeping Star Wars and throwing out Halloween ALREADY! Hahahaha. I love it.

The ironic part here, and the very odd part, is that Movies on TV has 16 screens, my local theater has 13 screens, but Tigard has a fairly dinky 11 screens and yet it's the only theater I've seen that is keeping AOTC in the Portland area for another week. I'm very impressed. Plus, the seats at Tigard are comfortable and to be honest, it's slightly closer than Movies on TV and I like the area of town a lot better.

So that means at least 9 more days of AOTC viewings for me, and I will take full advantage.

How's this for die-hard? Ok, so I have this STUPID college orientation nonsense Thursday and Friday that I was trying to get done in a day, begging and pleading with these idiots that I have no time to waste down there for an entire night, to no avail. They are being totally moronic and say I have to come Thursday even though the real registration, the only thing I want to do down there, is Friday and also the student ID pictures are Friday. So WHAT the hell?! It's very annoying.

Anyway, to the meat of the story, I am like, "Fine whatever..." and what I'm doing is driving down there Thursday with my best friend from noon to about 6, then actually driving back up to Portland (1.5 hours) to see AOTC at 10:05, the last showing ever at Evergreen (until a re-release...?), and then the next morning I'm driving back down to OSU at 5:30 a.m. to register until like 10 and then I'll be back to Portland at noon. Ha-ha-ha, I'm not spending the night suckas, gotta catch that last AOTC viewing. Actually I doubt I will drive on Friday. I think I am going to have the house manager (Miranda) drive me down there and back because I'm just going to be too tired and I may as well. She offered and I think I'll take her up on it, hehe.

So I'm very stoked, AOTC for yet another week, whoo hoo!

I was surprised I got in 2 viewings today too because I didn't think I would, but it was nice. I rescheduled my haircut tomorrow JUST to so I could see the 3:30 AOTC at Evergreen. :)