View Full Version : Learning to Use The Force (Open)

Jul 17th, 2002, 05:01:01 AM
Oriadin had got up early on this fine morning and was feeling in great shape. He looked out of the window of his room and saw the sun glaze back at him. It wasnt the warmest but with the sun out it wouldnt take long to heat up nicely.

He got washed and dressed, in his usual Jedi robes. Had a quick bite to eat and made his way to the Academy. He took a small sack with a metal pole, a book and some lunch inside it. It had been some time since he last did some force work so he decided to practise today. He came to an empty room, entered and switched on the light. It was a smallish room with tables and chairs dotted about. He made his way to the front desk and opend the sack he was carrying and emptied the contents. After spreading them out a little he sat on a chair just a few feet away.

He sat comfortably and began soothing his breathing. In through the nose, out through the mouth. He was feeling very relaxed and was allowing the force to flow freely through him. He was aware of most of the things in the room around him. He concentraited his thoughts on the pole. Using a techneque his Master had taught him it began to glow. Not very brightly but it was noticable. Gradually it was getting brighter and brighter and the strain was soon shown on the Padawans face.

The pole was glowing reletivly bright and Oriadin had managed to regain his composure. He was improving at this all the time. He decided to take it a step further and the pole began to lift off the table.

Helenias Evenstar
Jul 18th, 2002, 05:45:52 AM
There were times that watching my Padawan made me... well... sad. He was good and he learned well and even more he learned without prompting. I regretted sometimes I could not give him more time. I waited until he had fininshed with the lifting of the pole, before making my presence known.

"Well done. You are learning quickly my Padawan"

Jul 18th, 2002, 06:17:41 AM
Oriadin was startled slightly as he heard a familiar voice. He was concentraiting so hard on the pole before him that he hadnt noticed another presence close by.

--Oh, Master. I wasnt aware anyone was watching me.--

He smiled at her as she came in closer.

--Its a long and hard process, but I am getting better. While you are here master, there was something I wanted to ask you about.--

there was a short pause

--I was sparring with my friend Sejah a while ago and I somehow managed to do a backflip. I was going to fall backward but instead managed to kick off with one foot and it just kinda happend. I have noticed other people performing these during spars and also that people have developed the ability to jump extreamly high. Are these things that I would be able to do?--

He frowned slightly as he asked the question.

Helenias Evenstar
Jul 18th, 2002, 06:21:28 AM
For a reply, I concentrated in the Force, gathered myself slightly and executed a backflip, much higher ad faster than should have been possible. I landed lightly, then as a bit of a joke, bowed with an exaggerated movement.

"Does that answer your question?"

Jul 18th, 2002, 06:34:08 AM
Oriadins frown changed to a face of suprise. His eyebrows lifted and mouth opened ever so slightly.

--I....I....I guess so!--

He smiled as she stood back up from her bow. Seeing the slightly sarcastic exaggeration.

Helenias had told him a few times how she was limited in what she could teach the padawan but so far he had been nothing but impressed by her. In a meeting with Marcus a few days ago he taught Oriadin that knowledge and wisdom are much stronger than anything else. Helenias seemed very wise to him as she managed to cover up what ever weaknesses she had. She obviously made up for her short commings in other ways. She knew what she wasnt good at and she managed to keep it close to her chest by exagerating what she was good at.

--Would you teach me how to do that?--

Helenias Evenstar
Jul 21st, 2002, 04:55:53 AM
While not quite the larrikin Marcus could be, I was still partial to a joke or two. I enjoyed seeing the expression on Oraidin's face, the surprise.

"Of course I will. It is actually quite easy when you understand it is not an object you want to project your mind onto, but yourself. It is The Force that allows such super human feats... "

I took a breath and concentrated once again, feeling the Force flow - and moved as only the Force could allow, much, much faster than was possible so that I was behind Oraidin

".... and also move with speed that no being could be capable of"

Jul 24th, 2002, 03:35:59 AM
Oriadin spun round to see his Master stand behind him. She moved extraordinaraly fast and he didnt quite know what to say.

--That was.......impressive!--

He looked in aw. He could hardly see her as she wizzed passed but he could feel the rush of air.

Helenias Evenstar
Jul 28th, 2002, 12:49:16 AM
I'm back! Give me a bit of time while I get my thoughts together we shall continue