View Full Version : Phoenix: Code Red
Jul 16th, 2002, 09:38:38 PM
Trinity walked in through the doors of Eden Resources, a government controlled laboratory. Access was only allowed to scientists, and you had to have an i.d. card. Well, that was easy for her. She had tracked down a woman who looked exactly like her, and accidentally "bumped" into her. While Trinity apologized, she slipped the woman's card into her own pocket, then walked away. Now she stood infront of a security guard, smiling as she greeted him, holding a briefcase. Of course she was clad in a lab coat, or else it would be too suspiscious. After he waved her on, she began to walk down the hallway and took a left so she couldn't be watched anymore. Instantly she bolted into the first door she saw, locking it behind her. She turned on the light and looked around the room, then saw a computer.
Sitting down at the machine, she began to type furiously. She was hacking into the system's data base for information on an on-going experiment. An experiment that had been happening under the people's own noses. Trinity believed that one of the chain laboratories was right underneath this very building, and she intended to find out.
Scanning ... Scanning ...
Please specify code name.
Phoenix: Code Red
Code accepted. Please wait while the data transfers ...
Phoenix: Code Red
Experimentation on homo sapiens (commonly known as humans) is strictly prohibited. This a a restricted, authorized experiment conducted universally. Subjects are taken and injected with chemicals to recreate the structure of genes. It is used to enhance senses and their cells.
Some are genetically engineered with mixed DNA and raised to be killing machines. Others are raised just to be reproductive tools for more experiments. Objectives are not listed in this document.
Listings of who is in charge
Searching ... Searching ... File located.
James Conwin
Noel E. Bagger
Claire Donovan
Michael O'Brouke
Searching .... Searching ...
They are chain laboratories located underground corporations.
Avree Corp.
Eden Resources
These are the main laboratories. There are several smaller ones that can be simply classified as the spawn.
Trinity sat back in her chair, satisfied. Taking out a floppy disk from her pocket, she inserted it and transferred the data. Her suspicions were proved correct - at least she wouldn't have to worry about her briefcase. Which reminded her ... Pushing the chair back, she stood up and set the briefcase on the table. As she opened it, a smirk covered her face. This was one laboratory that would never experiment again.
There laid a bomb, set for three minutes. It could be detonated by the small button on her watch. Closing the briefcase, she took her floppy disk out and erased traces of her presence on the computer. It took only seconds, and after that, she turned off the light and walked out the door. Retracing her steps to back outside, she smiled once more at the guard. And left. Pulling the coat off, she threw it in a dumpster and broke into a run. She brought her wrist up as if she was looking at the time, like any jogger, and pressed the button.
And Eden Resources was no more.
Jul 17th, 2002, 05:24:47 PM
Trinity could hear the sirens wail in the street as she slowed down to a jog. Of course she felt pity for the trapped experiments, but they were just ... experiments. Freaks. Anything else but human. The sun beat down on her head as she sighed and rolled up her sleeves. She looked like any other normal young adult, but she wasn't.
She abruptly turned into an alley and began to walk down it, quickening her pace. She'd been down here several of times, but no telling who could show up. Stopping at a green door, Trinity raised her hand and knocked on the door. A slate opened and a pair of eyes looked out. "Who is it?" a male voice barked.
"Shut up and let me in, Max." She had no time to play silly games. The slate closed and several seconds later the door opened. Stepping inside, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and glanced at him. "So what's up, kid?"
"Just took an afternoon stroll. Did you know somebody blew up Eden Resources?"
He stared at her in disbelief, then shook his head. "People nowdays .. Don't know what gets into them." Trinity smiled inwardly and started to walk down the hall, pushing another door open. This time it led her right into the smoke-filled bar. Patrons laughed, some sulked and women were trying to get noticed. Taking a vacant seat at the counter, she set some credits down.
"Barkeep, Bloody Mary."
Kajeela Tarruurri
Jul 18th, 2002, 09:05:30 PM
"What do jyou mean - "jItsss gone?"
The Director's question made the Kei Ai'Reei officer's skin prickle in apprehension - the Director had a way of doing that - and he opened his hands expressivley at a loss to explain the unexpected explosion.
The KAR - Cizerack Secret Intelligence Service had been monitoring the activity of Eden Resources recently. It had come under suspicion some months ago due to the incoherent babblings of some Organizational underling that a spy of the Kei Ai' Reei had overheard in a crowded bar. The spy had filed his routine data-gathering report, not thinking too much of it, but the more observant of the Intelligence machine had red-flagged it for the Directors attention. Since then, the Cizerack Director had not been able to pin anything substantial as to illegal or dark dealings were going on there...but Kajeela's instincts wouldnt let her dismiss it.
And now...under a routine survellance scan, conducted with programmed randomness every ten days or so...the whole Eden Resources structure had inexplicably blown sky high. This did more than raise Tarruurri's manicured raised higher her suspicion level, sky high in fact.
She gave the order for her shuttle to be taken planetside and to the area immediately near the Labratory grounds.
"We ssshall jinvestjigate thjissss morrre clossseljy"
With snap cizerack discipline, the officer moved immediately to obey the Director and have her craft ready for debarking from the main Kei Ai' Reei vessel.
Jul 18th, 2002, 10:05:44 PM
After the bartender served her the drink, she looked away. Why had she ordered one? To celebrate? No, alcohol was a depressent. It was just to keep her mind off of things before she hit the other two laboratories. Raising her glass, she took a drink then set it back down.
Kajeela Tarruurri
Jul 18th, 2002, 10:21:45 PM
They arrived into the Bar - from their large frames tight and muscular beneath their uniforms to their knee-high jackbooted feet - the Kei Ai' Reei Enforcers exuded menace. In a galaxy full of dangerous individuals, this was no mean feat.
Behind the three males, a petite Cizerack female strolled laconically in also. Though much smaller than the males, her bearing made it obvious who held the power.
The first and more senior of the males stomped his foot claiming the attention of the patrons of the bar.
"We wjissh jinforrrmatjion about the Eden Rrreeesssourrrcess explosssjion."
Despite the heavy accent of the Cizerack language, his message was clear, and the KAR waited for response.
Kajeela didnt really expect anyone to pipe up and offer anything of value regarding the bombing - anything reliable that is - but rather, watched the crowd carefully for any telltale reaction to their pronouncement. That would show her who really knew something..
Jul 18th, 2002, 10:37:21 PM
She had heard the silence before the Cizerack even spoke. Spinning her stool around so she could face them, she noted that the one with the most authority was the female. Of course, that was to be expected. In their culture, the females were always powerful and treated with more respect than males. It was ironic, though, because she was beginning to wonder who would investigate and then one demanded information. She noticed that the female's eyes were scanning everyone, looking for an uncommon reaction.
She plastered the same shocked look she had seen on Max, then turned it into a face of disgust. Others were doing the same thing, so she knew that the Cizerack would have to probe deeper.
Kajeela Tarruurri
Jul 19th, 2002, 09:44:51 PM
Kajeela's quick, sharp eyes seemed to take in everyone at once.
The patrons of the bar all seemed surprised and even a little agahst at the news of the bombing and Tarrurri frowned at the lack of leads.
That was until she glanced back at the man who guarded the entrance to the bar. He was the only one not surprised. And not only that, he was cranning his neck, looking for someone inside the bar it seemed. When he saw the Director gazing at him, he dropped his eyes and went back to his work.
Kajeela did a slow pivot, scanning...but who ever it was had their "sabaac" face still on.
"Theourrrr.." She called to her leading Enforcer, "We wjil take ourrrr leave."
The 3 male Cizeracks snapped their booted feet and prepared to leave.
Kajeela continued, a sly smile creeping across her little pert lips.
"...And we wjill brrrjing the doorrrman wjith ussss."
Max stiffened as he heard her announcement and then a huge paw landed heavily on his shoulder and grabbed him, almost lifting him off the ground.
Theour barked out "Thjisss way forrrda."
Jul 20th, 2002, 08:45:57 PM
Trinity brought her hand up to her mouth to cover it, but it was too late. The female Cizerack's eyes darted to her. Sighing slightly, she lowered her hand and returned the gaze.
"I'm the one you want."
She couldn't meet Max's face, not now. She had deceived him and now almost got him killed. She picked up her Bloody Mary with a trembling hand and took another drink from it, then set it down. What did the Cizerack want from her, anyways ? Standing up, she walked over to them.
"Yeah, what do you want?" She said smartly.
Kajeela Tarruurri
Jul 20th, 2002, 09:01:15 PM
A satisfied smirk graced Kajeela's lips - one she didnt even bother to try to politely hide. Ah, how she loved such cat and mouse games.
"Sssssso, jyourrr memorrrjy hassss been jogged, jyess?" she spoke in a voice of liquid silk as she closed the short distance still left between her and the young woman.
"We jussst want ssssome jinforrrrmatjion. jI asssurrre jyou...jyou arrre jin no trrrouble - jyourrr co-operrratjion ensssurresss thjisss." The Director scratched a long slender fingernail against her own chin in thought as she looked Trinity over.
"jIss therrre ssssomewherrre prrrjivate we can talk?"
Trinity noticed that the Enforcer had not yet been instructed to let go of Max. And Kajeela noticed that she had noticed. And again, the Director smiled.
Aug 8th, 2002, 09:34:44 AM
"The back room."
The Cizerack's words didn't comfort her one bit, but she shrugged it off. Sorry, Max, she mouthed silently to him before leading the way to the door she came in. Pushing it open, she went inside the abandoned back room and waited.
[OOC: Sorry for taking so long to reply]
Kajeela Tarruurri
Aug 25th, 2002, 03:13:25 AM
ooc: no problem :)
Kajeela followed the woman into the room, stepping silently to the side as her larger, and noisier, counterparts followed.
The small group looked each other over. The male Cizeracks filling the room almost completely with their collective bulk, the hapless Max squeezed in between two of them. There was not much room to maneuver. But that was not a problem. They were here to talk.
The Director wasted no time. She gripped the young woman in her gaze, her eyes sharp and intelligent.
"Eden Rrresssourrrcesss.....Whjy?"
Aug 25th, 2002, 11:49:03 PM
"I think you should know why. You seem pretty intelligent to me."
She could feel her muslces loosening up as she relaxed. The Cizerack hadn't shown any signs of violence as of yet.
"Hasn't there been something eerie going on in that corporation for years? Rumours that are dismissed for children's spreadings? I took the liberty of finding out what the company was hiding ... Amazing, at how fast technology advances ..."
Her voice turned into a low murmur, beginning to ramble onto herself about the experiments.
Kajeela Tarruurri
Aug 26th, 2002, 11:53:07 PM
Yes, they had heard plenty of those. In fact, that was the Kei Ai Reei's main source of information and leads....Rumours.
But the ones milling around the practices conducted at Eden Resources were, well, in a word....fantastic.
Kajeela's approach had shifted dramatically. Suddenly, she was all warm smiles and understanding nods.
"jYesss, jyesss - Technologjy...amazjing, amazjing"
She gestured generously for the young woman to sit and make herself comfortable. Kajeela herself taking a seat. The others remained as they were - a subtle reminder that the mood could change yet again, just as easily.
A pretty smile graced the Directors lips in an effort to convince Trinity the KAR were her new best friends.
"Go, on, go on....jyou ssseem ljike thjisss jisss a matterrr clossse to jyourrr hearrrt" the Cizeracks ears dipped slightly making the Director seem less imposing, and more friendly.
Aug 27th, 2002, 02:57:04 PM
"There's more out there," came the reply. Her voice was clearly distressed as the woman ran a hand through her hair, staring down at the ground.
There were a few grease stains, she noticed.
"There are things out there we can't explain, so people create monsters ... to explain."
Raising her head, Trinity fixed her eyes on Kajeela, noticing the change in her demeanor. Amazing, at how much power information held.
Kajeela Tarruurri
Aug 28th, 2002, 09:51:16 PM
Monsters? Surely it was just hearsay.. The Director thought on the possibilites a moment. There had been many whispers of such mutating experimentation going on in vague nameless organizations - same such whispers had been what had promted the survellance on Eden Resources in the first place by the KAR.. but still, nothing concrete had been revealed.
But, this young, slight, slip of a girl had blown the whole operation to a billion little duristeel peices and was completely convinced she had done the galaxy a big favor by it.
"Morrre out therrre jyou sajy? Mantjicorre we know of..." (she said as if she held hard evidence of it) "....therrre arrre otherrrs?"
Aug 31st, 2002, 07:44:15 PM
"You know of Manticore?"
"They aren't the only ones in on it .. There's another I know of - probably more - but I'm going to make sure that after I'm through with them, they won't be playing their sick little games anymore."
She had plans, big plans, that could possibly end her future. But Trinity was assured that everything she was doing was for the good of mankind.
Kajeela Tarruurri
Sep 7th, 2002, 06:32:08 PM
They had been talking for a while now, but Kajeela wasnt hearing what she wanted.
And what she wanted was the "who's" that this woman kept alluding to. She wanted names named.
Still, it was impressive this girls conviction. One zealot easily recognised another and in Trinity, the Director saw a kindred spirit of sorts.
"jYou have prrroven jyourrrssself verrrjy capable...but jyet, herrre jyou arrre caught."
Not caught by Eden resources, but caught nevertheless. It hadnt taken much for the KAR to find her. It stood to reason that these other organizations would be looking for the culprit also. And that they might not be quite so friendly. Kajeela saw her opportunity.
"jIt occurrrs to me, that jyou majy wjissssh to have sssome biggerrr frrrjiendsss on jyour ssssjide.."
Sep 8th, 2002, 06:22:08 PM
"It may appear that I'm caught, but in all honesty, I'm not."
All she had to do grab Max and break his neck, all the while squeezing through the amount of space that he occupied and slipping out the door. She could grab another patron of the bar to take any shots fired at her until she was sure of safety.
The only thing kept her from doing it was the fact that Max was innocent and the only one close enough to be considered a friend.
".. But who doesn't wish they had bigger 'friends' on their side ?"
Kajeela Tarruurri
Sep 8th, 2002, 09:22:56 PM
Not caught? Kajeela looked at Trinity and then over at her three burly Enforcers (who made most humans look like ragdolls in comparison to the Cizerack males) blocking the doorway.
All Cizeracks were a great deal stronger than the average human..and the Director's bodyguards were much more than the average Cizerack male stock. They were armed with "elite-issue" KAR blasters and were trained well on how to use them. Their physical superiority alone made them deadly weapons, let alone their hand-to-hand combat ability and training. There was a reason they were handpicked to serve the KAR.
There was no way save the mad-bomber herself setting off a detonation to blow her, Max, the Cizeracks and the whole Bar itself to smithereens, that she was getting out of there if the Kei Ai' Reei didnt want her too.
But no matter, Kajeela did not intend for the young woman to have to go to such extremes.
She sighed and fluttered her hand languidly in the air.
"Then let ussss talk assss frrrjiendsss jyesss?"
Trinity eyed her warily and Max gave his friend an encouraging nod from where he stood, his eyes mutely pleading her to play this whole thing coolly.
"We can help jyou - prrrovjide jyou ssssome prrrotectjion...[i]jif[/b] jyou do a ljittle ssssomethjing forrr ussss jin returrrn."
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