View Full Version : A place to stay.
Wei Wu Wei
Jul 16th, 2002, 08:02:45 PM
Wei Wu Wei hefted his bag onto his shoulder and entered the Living Quarters from the recruitment Center. Surely there was someplace somewhere that he could stay. Wu Wei stepped out into the hallway and began to walk along it, loking at the doors to see which rooms were vacant.
Ange Tot
Jul 16th, 2002, 08:55:53 PM
:: she waves at Wei ::
Hi, *smiles* the room over there is empty. *points to the room across from her own* It'd make me really happy if ya choose that one.
:: she grins, standing in the doorway of her own room ::
Wei Wu Wei
Jul 16th, 2002, 09:06:19 PM
Wu Wei looked over to where Ange stood in the doorway to her room. he pushed up his glasses and grinned broadly.
"Good to see you again, Ange! How are you? Today has been wonderful, hasn't it? I got accepted to the Order and also have a teacher in the same day. "
Wu Wei peered into the room. In the middle of it was a cardboard box.
"So this room does appear to be empty. Well, I guess I;m just gonna hafta decline Zeke's offer. he let me have his room. I'm sure it will be nice beiong your neighbor, Ange. Would you like an apple? I have plenty left over from my long trip."
Wu Wei stepped into his room, set his things down and begin to fish out his things. He had his towel, various colors of his kung fu uniforms, socks, a picture of him and his grandpa, as well as his apples, some soap, and other cleaning things.
Jul 16th, 2002, 09:13:03 PM
Zeke approached from behind Wu Wei. He saw him enter a room across from Ange.
"Hey, I never seen you b'fore. M'name's Zeke! I followed that new guy up here b'cuz..."
A cardboard box flew out the door across from Ange.
Zeke picked up the box and hugged it with a big smile.
"I live in here!" he said spastically.
Wei Wu Wei
Jul 16th, 2002, 10:25:40 PM
"Oh, so I am living in your old room after all. If I had known the box was yours, I wouldn;t have thrown it. Thanks again for the room. I really appreciate it. Let's hang out sometime, eh Zeke?"
Wu Wei went back to putting away his things.
Ange Tot
Jul 17th, 2002, 06:07:31 PM
Ah, no thanks Wei.
:: her eyes went wide when Zeke came darting out of nowhere to tackle a box ::
It's Ange, nice ta meet ya Zeke....
:: she smiled as Wei went into the room and started un-packing, she walked over to stand outside the door of Wei's new room ::
I hope you'll like it here.
Wei Wu Wei
Jul 17th, 2002, 08:36:52 PM
"Thanks. I'm pretty sure I will. It won;t be too much like living with my family. but I imagine training will be more intense."
Wu Wei finished putting his things away.
"Well, what next?"
Jul 17th, 2002, 11:28:50 PM
"I got m'box!"
Zeke scurried off to deposit his box in his new room.
Wei Wu Wei
Jul 18th, 2002, 02:53:14 PM
"He sure is a lively one." Wei said to himself as he looked around his new room. wei would have to hang out with Zeke later on sometime. Zeke seemed to be a pretty cool guy. Wei turned to Ange.
"Well, I'm settled into my room. Maybe I'll have a look around."
Wei walked to the door, carefully sidesteped Ange and wakled out into the hall.
"A guy sure could get lost in this big place. Want to come?"
Ange Tot
Jul 20th, 2002, 11:55:27 AM
:: she said it so quickly without thinking as she smiled at Wei ::
I'm semi-new myself so we can both look around together.
:: she folded her hands in front of her as she took a few steps down the hall ::
And maybe after we could go to the Bar & Grill and get something to eat?
Wei Wu Wei
Jul 20th, 2002, 08:43:17 PM
"Sounds good. I need to finad a library. Let's look for that first."
They turned a corner and continued walking.
Ange Tot
Jul 21st, 2002, 04:43:17 PM
:: sh e smiled, He is kinda cute she thought, she quickly ducked her head down to hide the fact that she might be blushing ::
I think it's down this way.
:: Ange points to a corridor on her left ::
And if we get lost we could always ask someone.
Wei Wu Wei
Jul 21st, 2002, 10:29:15 PM
Wei smiled at Ange. She was such a nice person. And pretty too.
"Sounds good. We'll go that way."
The two turned and walked a distance down the hallway until they came to a room that was bigger than the rest. It had rows and rows of documents on all sorts of subjects.
"We hit paydirt. I need to find a book on swordfencing."
Wei began to scan the selves until he found an old battered book. he took it out.
"The Book of Five Rings. By Miyamoto Musahsi."
He thumbed throught it and shut it with a smile.
"I found my book. Can I just take it, or do I have to go through this whole proces to check it out?"
Ange Tot
Jul 22nd, 2002, 05:01:22 PM
:: Ange was looking at some books and not really paying any attention to what Wei said ::
Um, I dunno...Oooh.
:: she grabbed and old scroll off the shelf and opened it abit grinning ::
I was wondering if this was still around....
Wei Wu Wei
Jul 22nd, 2002, 07:46:45 PM
Wei turned to her and smiled.
"I guess we can just take them and return them later."
Wei put the book under his arm and turned to leave.
"I want to put my book back in my room, then we can go get a bite to eat. What do you say?"
Ange Tot
Jul 23rd, 2002, 03:06:30 PM
Sounds good.
:: she grinned tucking the scroll carefully under her left arm as she followed him out of the library ::
Um, Wei...?
Wei Wu Wei
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:40:43 PM
"Yes, ma'am?"
Wei turned toward her with his usual friendly smile.
Ange Tot
Jul 24th, 2002, 12:47:13 AM
:: she grinned ::
I was wonderin'.........Do ya happen to be involved with a lady friend?
Wei Wu Wei
Jul 24th, 2002, 11:57:23 AM
Wei's smile only got wider.
"No, I can't say that I am. I had a lady friend once, but my family was one that wandered around, so I never got ot see her often. We wrote, but once she moved off-planet we sort of broke up."
Wei executed a backflip while stil maintaining his forward motion. It was surreal.
"I'm single now."
Wei laughed again. Wei was often happy, with laughter bubbling up quietly within him.
Ange Tot
Jul 24th, 2002, 05:05:52 PM
She smiled and giggled.
"I guess we have something else in common as well too...."
She grinned and did a little hop turn so she's facing Wei.
"So, your family wandered around, must've been a fun way to grow up."
Wei Wu Wei
Jul 24th, 2002, 08:40:23 PM
Wei smiled at her.
"Yeah, it was. Once we went to this one rather low-tech village. People lived inthe huts made of grass and mud. I was feeling sad, and it rained. Once the rain stopped I felt better. SO they thought that I could control the weather depending on how I felt and did everything they could to appease me."
Wei laughed.
"I don't think I can control the weather. But the rain does make me feel better. I imagine that the clouds are crying in my stead. And when it thunders and lightings, I imnagine that the clouds are yelling at the people that did me wrong."
Wei laughed again. Talking with Ange was fun.
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