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Saul Mordeth
Jul 16th, 2002, 07:52:59 PM
Glad to finnally have arrived and have a Master Saul went to the bar. Looking around he saw all sorts of people but mainly the place was crowded with Jedi. His father had trained him on the seriousness of his duty and so even here Saul slipped into quiet meditation. Focusing inwardly on the force it was all around him.

Stretching out with the force more. Saul sensed people an argument he heard voices, no they where feelings, she loves him, she wants to be with him. Hmnn her name is Alicia. His name is is, i ,I can't get it. Focus Saul, ....he doesn't love her .....he's going to break, her heart, no wait he does love no, Saul was saddened "He love's but the love is for himself." He evisions himself a hero out of legend and her love is only in his way.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 17th, 2002, 07:26:30 PM

Navaria thought to herself upon sensing that a new arrival was practicing his skills.

She lifted herself up from her usual booth and walked over to the Padawan's table.

"Impressive as it is that you are trying to hone your skills, my friend, we Jedi respect the privacy of others."

Her voice was gentle in understanding of why he was doing this, but it was important to impress upon Saul that such things were an invasion of privacy.

Navaria's tone changed immediately, more friendly then her usual mentor routine.

"Name's Navaria Tarkin and this aside, a pleasure to meet someone new here at the Order."

Saul Mordeth
Jul 17th, 2002, 08:44:22 PM
Taken aback by the beauty before him Saul lost his concentration. Looking into her eye's he spoke softly." Im sorry I did not mean to pry but her pain is intense it grabs me. I focus to learn not to eavesdrop. " This place is impressive. These building's are they all dedicated to strengthening other's in the force? Saul's intense desire to learn loomed over his head he felt as if he was somehow constrained by time. The force was telling him "something" but it was illusive. Saul only knew that his time was short. Slightly annoyed that he let his attention wander he gave Navaria his full attention.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 17th, 2002, 08:49:42 PM
She decided to take a seat across from him since Saul had not taken offense to her comment.

"I understand but as a Jedi must learn respect, even when emotions are strong around us. It is important to learn to source but to focus upon a situation that is not of our concern, it's best to move on."

Navaria noticed that her was distracted but did return his focus to her.

"Something the matter? You looked perplexed."

Saul Mordeth
Jul 18th, 2002, 09:42:43 PM
Well, I am a little perplexed why do the Jedi not hunt down the Sith? They should be captured and jailed and those who have committed more serious crimes executed. Why is this not done I do not understand? Why is the injustice allowed to continue? When I am a master the Sith will pay for there crimes!

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 18th, 2002, 09:49:04 PM
"Pay for their crimes."

Navaria repeated.

"What makes you the chosen one to decide who dies and who lives. Does a Sith that has a chance to redeem himself get offered the same fate ... or do you kill them without hesitation."

Saul Mordeth
Jul 18th, 2002, 10:59:03 PM
I am not yet a master. But the day will come. We are the peacekeeper's of the galaxy are we not? I do not choose, those that have commited the crime's have chosen for themselves. Redeem themselves? They have chosen of there own free will to kill, destroy and overthrow any one and thing that stands in there way. I only say that justice should be given. I do not say revenge but justice. Surely you cannot argue with that.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 19th, 2002, 08:53:37 AM
"Very well."

Navaria stood up from her chair and unclipped her sabre, placing in on the table.

"Start with me then."

She said in all seriousness.

"We are to pay for our crimes correct? I will not defend myself in anyway because my redeemtion with the Jedi does not supercede my actions of the past. I was once a Sith ... the creator of much death, suffering and unspeakable acts of evil.

So .. do your justive now. The path you choose must start with me."

Saul Mordeth
Jul 19th, 2002, 07:20:09 PM
Saul answered her with all seriousness. You are a rare instance and I am happy for you. You are what we hope for in the Sith, but we cannot bury our head in the ground and hope the other's will follow your suite.

There are Sith right now this very moment killing innocent people. Am I to say to these innocent's be patient maybe he or she will turn good. No, they cry for justice! It is easy for a Jedi to say we will defend when they attack. We have the luxury of the power to defend ourselves. But what about the innocents we have sworn to protect are we to turn a blind Jedi eye to the evil that is done against them. Though IM glad you have turned from the darkside it changes nothing evil must be punished.

Of all the Sith gathered maybe 1 in 1000 turn to the light. Would you forgive 1000 baby killer's in the hope that one will turn to the light. I will not! I will seek there good will until they break the laws that bind us. If the Sith are not held accountable for there abominable actions. What will stop them from continuing on even more horrible crime's against humanity?

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 19th, 2002, 09:28:02 PM
"Then ... I fear ... The Jedi life is not for you."

She sighed with a heavy heart.

"A Jedi is to protect those that cannot protect themselves, you are correct. There are Sith out there that deserve to be brought to justice but ... There are many out there ... confused, alone and unsure of themselves and turn to the Dark Side for comfort .. or led astray by those that wish to corrupt them.

Jedi are suppose to be compassionate ... understanding ... a model for what it is to be of the Light and taking another's life, no matter what the cause, is a serious affront to the Force.

Killing a Sith, that could be converted would be a mark against you and start you along the same path that you want to save from everyone else."

Navaria sat down again.

"I am not the only one that has turned... And even then my turning is not quite what you are thinking. But I digress ... You would be surprised by how many have converted from the Dark to the Light ...

But ... what about those that are killers, before they were even Sith? Have caused the same amount of suffering that any Sith could be has reformed and come here to learn peace and compassion.

Your actions would deny those souls a second chance to serve penance. Be it a former smuggler that had killed or a Sith... does it matter? If we can save people, save lives ... that is what a Jedi does. Saving them from a Sith or saving a Sith from themselves... it is all the same? By helping a lost soul we save those victims they could have hurt ..."

She wondered if Saul understood her point and finished with...

"Unfortunately, some cannot be saved ... Then, and only then as a last resort... do we kill. I would accept it ... but not like it."

Saul Mordeth
Jul 19th, 2002, 11:28:56 PM
You misunderstand me and make blanket statements regarding the Sith. We are not assasin's only those that have commited the vilest crime's would be executed. All other's would be dealt with according to the depth of there crime as prescribed by law. Why have the law's if you will not enforce them?

As to the other question, yes we should help the criminal's reform. But whose right's take priority the criminal or the victim. Well the victim of course. You want to sympathize with the Sith. What about the innocent you still have not told me how they receive justice or is that something that does not concern you in your love for the criminal. Yes, the Jedi love, but they have made there choice you said they have turned to the "Dark Side" for comfort. Answer me this question to who will the victim turn to for there comfort."

Im sorry, I mean no disrespect but feel passionately about this and I know that I am not the only one.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 20th, 2002, 04:52:13 PM
"Sympathize with the Sith?"

Navaria had to frown at that.

"I am saving those that want to be saved. If they cannot... then unfortunately other deeds have to be used ..."

Her features softened, sadness etched in her voice.

"Also .."

The edge of seriousness came back in her voice.

"Love the criminal? I did not say that. I said be compassionate to them if they choose to change their lives. To not add more meaning then what I myself had said."

She pointed a finger at him with a smile.

"Laws are there yes but if we are the change the galaxy my friend, then it won't be by the use of that only."

With her hand, Navaria motioned to her sabre still on the table.

"We need to use our hearts as well. Killing without any thought of redemption is not the way of the Light."

Saul Mordeth
Jul 22nd, 2002, 11:25:22 PM
Her smile was infectious Saul smiled in return. Bartended bring us some drinks please all this debating is making me thirsty any thing for you Miss Navaria? After taking a litte break Saul continued "Okay, but you still haven't answered my question? Why do you not enforce the Law's that the Sith break? If a Jedi broke a law he would be accountable why aren't the Sith? Enforcing the Law is not the Darkside but our duty as peackeeper's.

So really all I have is one question why don't you enforce the laws that the Sith break?

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 23rd, 2002, 09:04:50 AM
"Ah ... now I see where this is going."

Navaria sipped at her namana juice to wet her dry mouth. All this talking had made her quite parched but it was worth it. An excellent conversation with a new Padawan was always worth it.

"Enforce who's laws? The New Republic has its laws sure .... But they are quite general when you look at in on the surface. Mostly, planetary standards and more political nonsense then you'd like to know."

She smiled.

"Trust me on that. I have dealt with many a political nightmare being on the Council then one would like," she finished with a chuckle.

"But I digress... Each planet has its own set of rules and regulations that administers to its people, even with the New Republic patroling its domain. So .. who's laws do we reflect upon when we travel? What is defending the law in one place doesn't mean it's the same in the other. That must be taken into consideration.

Or ... we could just make the laws ourselves and go from there.... Solve the problem completely wouldn't it. But ... there lies the problem. We are defenders of the peaceful beings of the galaxy .. we do not force our own beliefs on others ... We respect their way of life.

We respect life no matter what form it comes in and ours hearts are big enough for anyone to come into our doors looking for a fresh start that means it. Through compassion and understanding does the galaxy become a better place .... and if necessary by the sword if all other options fail. "

Saul Mordeth
Jul 28th, 2002, 06:02:40 PM
{OOC} Sorry for my lateness. :)

{IC} Well if you'll excuse me that was a whole load of horse-DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-.

The LAWS we enforce are our laws of the new republic. They are not vague when it comes to murder. If someone comes into our area and commits murder then leave's are they then exempt from our law. What are we the crapper of the Galaxy "Kill and murder who you want then leave real quick before you get arrested." No they broke our law and I will enforce our law. I will use whatever diplomatic mean's necessary but otherwise I will hunt down the criminal. Your an example of the enforcing Council?

Well if that is the example of justice here at the Gjo whats to stop me from cutting you down. According to you the law is all so vague and unfamiliar like its a ghost floating around and to hard to comprehend. Basically why dont we stick our head up our arses and forget about whats going on. You say be careful Anger leads to the Darkside. This is not Anger but rightoues Indignation. These baby killer's will pay. You make up some metaphyscal bull crap in there defense. You say respect other people's Laws. I will but not at the exclusion of our Laws. Any law that supercedes the Just law that thou shall not kill is void in my eye's I will follow the higher law. I will bring these villians to justice not make whiny crying excuses for them saying they dont know what they are doing. They made there choice. When I enforce the laws they will have to live with the consequences just like every other sentient being.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 28th, 2002, 06:13:47 PM
"You turn my words against me. How ... quaint."

She sighed.

"Of course there are laws and we, the Jedi, abide by them. You, me, everyone that lives on this planet or goes to another one. We respect the law but we are not the law. We are not above the law and we do not pass judgement on those that break it.

A blade brought up only to kill without any thought that in fact, a soul can be save, once again is now our way. Warrior Jedi or not

That is the point I am trying to make. Death and more death. They kill, you kill, their friends come to kill you in retribution for their fallen comrade. Might as well throw in torching that village for good measure because youract of pure righteousness has caused a spiral of more death because of one man's death.

Think of consequences of your actions, Saul. Nothing is black and white in this galaxy."

Navaria shifted in her chair and let her eyes fall pass Saul, looking for a familiar shadowy figure that sometimes frequented the establishment.

Satisfied with her findings, all of which took a few seconds, the Knight had her attention upon the Padawan once more.

"Anyone that sees through a tunnel has no sight at all."

OOC~ No worries :)

Saul Mordeth
Jul 28th, 2002, 06:47:36 PM
OOc Man you replied fast.

This time Saul sighed. Yes we are the law we enforce the law. We do not pass judgement true. The judgement is passed inherent in the law if you do this the consequenes are these. Basically you murder then the law against murdering is enforced against you. Do I judge? No the law is already in place to judge offenders. Do I judge by enforcing the law. No but that don't mean I wont enforce it. Why do you take such a simple thing as law and twist it until it means nothing? That taints the spirit of the lightside more that anything you pervert justice to mean that we are imposing our will on others. I mean no more offense and will let you have the last word on this issue but I see that I am getting no where with my pleas for understanding. Maybe your just dedicated to winning the conversation and not seeing the truth of my words never the less I will listen. Tell me again how its okay to not punish those that break the Law and the heart. How its okay for them to carry on killing in the name of some disturbance I might cause to bring them to justice. I will hear you but in my heart I will not believe you are right and for that Im sorry I'll just have to agree to disagree.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 28th, 2002, 07:00:49 PM
"You think I am here to win the argument? To feel superior to you?"

Navaria's face frowned heavily and stood up

"A debate about ideals is what I sought... I sought understanding of you and your thoughts. To share my thoughts with you. Instead it turns heated by you and your use of foul language.

Thinking I was here to bend you to my will..."

Her voice grew somber.

"... I could think of no greater dishonor of my integrity."

OOC~ I do! :eek

Saul Mordeth
Jul 28th, 2002, 08:21:33 PM
Forgive me I did not mean to be so impassioned as to make you think I was angry with you. I speak my opinions aggresively for that I am sorry. Your opinion was well heard and has given me reason to remember to be soft hearted. But, not to the exclusion of justice. Thank you for your opinion and again forgive me for my language it was uncalled for. Saul bowed low. Besides someone as beautiful as you interests me in more than other ways. Bartender bring us some drinks were going to talk of other things.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 28th, 2002, 08:34:27 PM
Navaria was actually going to say something along the lines of, It is all right. Opinions clash, and be on her way.

Saul kept going though and what he said caused a brow to raise in disbelief.

How did the conversation change that fast?

She thought to herself and sat back down.

"Other interests and other things to talk about?"

The Jedi repeated the highlights.

"Oh. And I don't drink. Save for namana juice. Or other beverages like that."

Saul Mordeth
Jul 30th, 2002, 03:09:38 AM
Saul pulled out his lightsaber and tinkered while he talked somewhat of a hobby of is. "So how did a former Sith turn from the darkside and start walking in the light?

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 30th, 2002, 06:08:12 PM
"It was easy when I got rid of my, Sister."

She answered flatly, seemingly more curious about what Saul was doing.

"Something wrong with your sabre?"

Saul Mordeth
Aug 2nd, 2002, 04:33:04 PM
Saul smiled No there nothing wrong. But I have made some modification's would you like to see. igniting his lightsabre he then twised the bottom and the sabre grew a foot. "Real handy in combat" Saul said. Saul then lifted the sabre over his head in the striking position.

There are many gadgets and upgrade's to my sabre. Here let me show you my favorite. The last inch of my sabre is on a swivel switch. This would drop the blade down {Like a special wrench for those hard to reach places} you can then spin it like a chain of lightsabre energy toward your opponent. Effectively causing a wall of laserfire.

OOC Saul sits back pulls out his last attachment and starts clipping his fingernails. Just a little joke.

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 4th, 2002, 12:15:02 PM
OOC~ :mneh

IC~ Navaria took note of what button was attached to each special feature. The mechanics behind it were lost but she could always look it up on the library. Navaria had a photographic memory and could remember physical attacks and force powers if she concentrated hard enough.

"Impressive that your skills are that advanced, Myself personally, a sabre by iteself is enough of a weapon to take down any opponent."

It wasn't said with arrogance, just a statement about her own beliefs.

Saul Mordeth
Aug 4th, 2002, 10:35:25 PM
Well if rumors can be believed my great,great, great grandfather made one of the first working models him and another Jedi built it. But like I said Im not sure about the facts of it. You on the other hand could tell me more what do you mean when you got rid of your sister?

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 4th, 2002, 10:37:01 PM
"Keeping to your roots is very nobel them."

She nodded with a smile but then sighed.

"It is a story too long to explain and one I have told too many times."

At least three times. It was more then enough for Navaria.

Saul Mordeth
Aug 4th, 2002, 10:48:46 PM
Hmnn well I understand maybe you would be willing to give me some training when your not so busy? I don't need any Idle time in my training if you know what I mean.

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 5th, 2002, 09:11:44 AM
"You would actually want to have a training session with me?"

She asked with one raised brow and a half smile.

"Considering our beliefs were so polar opposite, you have surprised me with your request."

Perhaps there was some hope for the Padawan after all.

Saul Mordeth
Aug 5th, 2002, 09:17:22 PM
Yes every master has there own tricks. I would love to learn from each and every one of them. Though the time cost would be high the lessons learned would be tremendous. I feel that every master has learned a litlle force ability they have not commonly shared with the others. I would love to plunder the minds of the masters. People can perish for lack of knowledge. I wouldn't want to be one of them.

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 5th, 2002, 09:25:40 PM
"Saul, you most certainly have a way with words. Plunder their minds?"

She chuckled a little, meaning nothing by it.

"Really now."

Navaria finished with a smile.

"But ... if you want I could help in your training."

Saul Mordeth
Aug 5th, 2002, 10:08:33 PM
Well then madam I am at your disposal what are you willing to teach. Using the force Saul called his saber back to him and attached it to his belt. A little gleam lit Saul's eye's learning something new in the force always excited him. No way did his father's minor teaching touch all the wonders that could be learned. Though Saul appreciated all that was given him he was anxious to see and feel all that the force offered.

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 5th, 2002, 10:14:15 PM
"Anything you wish. My strength lies in a few areas. Healing is my speciality but I am quite adept with a sabre and mental abilities."

She took a sip of her drink.

"Any of those interest you?"

Saul Mordeth
Aug 5th, 2002, 10:22:14 PM
Healing? You can heal with the force? This I would love to learn. Even more eager Saul sat up giving Navaria his full attention. Show me please.

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 5th, 2002, 10:26:53 PM
Navaria's face became quite serious.

"This is not a skill you just learn overnight. It takes dedication and commitment ... A certain outlook on life and of the Force. It is a subtle art.

I could probably teach you only very basic skills because of your value of strength."

Then her eyebrow lifted.

"And ... how am I to show you when there is nothing to heal right now. Unless ..."

She carried a mischiefious grin.

"... I could show you by removing all traces of alcohol from your body."

Vampyre Dalamar
Aug 6th, 2002, 09:26:49 PM
Leaning back in his chair Dalamar smiled. So my young Padawan I have found you. The three sith soldier's that I sent to detain you failed me miserably. I relieved the one survivor of his life he will fail me no more.

How interesting to find upon my arrival here that you have spoken openly of some terrible vision. For that is the very reason I have come. I also have had a dream a glimpse of the future shown to me by the darkside of the force. A beautiful,terrible vision of heavy booted troops marching over world after world conquering all before them. It was a thing of beauty. It was marred only by glimpse's of Jedi. Two Jedi in particular Xazor who I knew and you my young Saul who I do not. So you will bare some watching until I find out exactly your part in the scheme of things.

Saul was oblivious to the prescence of the Vampyre but Navaria was not. She looked up quickly and then down again focusing on the padawan. Dalamar sent a thought to Navaria "Do not worry I wont hurt him yet." Waitress blood wine please.

Saul Mordeth
Aug 7th, 2002, 09:05:03 PM
Sure that would be great any thing I could learn would be good. Though its a terrible way to lose a buzz Im game for it if you are. Saul noticed that she seemed distracted for what reason he did not know.

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 12th, 2002, 07:43:34 PM
OOC~ Dalamar, no offense but do not write for my character... I always try to steer away from doing that to others. Also, I can't tell if you are saying things or thinking things ... please be a bit more clear so I know how to respond to things that you are posting.

IC~ Navaria looked concern for a moment. It was as if something dark had mysteriously presented itself nearby but refused to actually be seen. The Knight seemed to have a flash of danger towards the Padawan she was talking to.

"Yeah ... Perhaps we should actually conduct a lesson in the Academy. Would be more appropriate anyway."

She didn't want to worry Saul until it was certain that the feeling Navaria held was indeed for him.

Vampyre Dalamar
Aug 15th, 2002, 08:29:46 PM
OOC ok to the first part. Second part It was a thought sent to you. :) all my talking will be to your mind for now :) Hi Saul.

IC: Navaria,Navaria do you think that the little Padawan can escape me? I will speak with him and he will answer my questions. By the way I listened to your conversation earlier before I revealed myself to you. You are so correct you Jedi must be passive we wouldn't want to create more chaos. Dalamar chuckled out loud at the last. What will you do follow him around? He's right you know we Sith can pretty much do what we want. Your enforcement of your laws is pathetic. It's no wonder we Sith hold you in contempt. Your own padawan's scream for justice has been given the GJO deaf ear. The light side is so weak.

OOC this is RP only as some will take my IC comments personally IM just staying true to my character which is evil heheheh:)

Saul Mordeth
Aug 17th, 2002, 06:34:14 PM
Saul was anxious to get started on his lesson. "Sure anywhere is fine with me as long as I learn. "Do you want to go now or later?" Saul looked at Navaria again something seemed to trouble her. "Is something wrong you look upset." Saul was concerned for her having already grown attached to her fiery demeanor.

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 18th, 2002, 04:25:59 PM
OOC~ I know. I can keep IC and OOC straight :mneh This is kinda retro then.. Navaria putting up the mind block ... she would have done this as soon as I would have known you were talking in her mind. Just letting ya know :)

IC~ Dalamar felt a backlash of power in his mind that was so strong that it seemed unbelievable that it came from the Knight. A wall of pure iron will erected around Navaria's mind to keep the Vampyre out of prying anything out of her mind. The mental conversation she had no problem with, it was the other things a Sith could perform to a defenseless mind that Navaria was avoiding.

Apparently you are as deaf as you are blind then ... What part of the Jedi do not make the laws did you miss. And if memory serves ... Are not most of the Sith hiding in their holes at this point besides starting pointless conversations in their enemies bar for they have nothing better to do?

Her eyes were looking past Saul at this point. Burning two holes in the visage of the undead abomination. Navaria wasn't one for out right quips and lowering herself to 'making fun' of them. Saul and her had their different views but she would not cater to some delusion that she was ignoring the Padawan point of view. If that was the case, why was Saul even still sitting here asking for the Knight's wisdom in training.

Saul's voice broke the intense look she was giving Dalamar and they soften incredibly once they looked upon Saul.

"Unexpected eavesdropper, Saul. My forgiveness that I lost focus on our conversation."

Vampyre Dalamar
Aug 18th, 2002, 11:41:11 PM
ooc just makin sure as some are tempermental or is that just plain mental :) about vamps. Also I don't really do mental attacks unless someone is sleeping as I find them just plain cheesy. :)

ic "Hiding in hole's. Don't make me laugh. Here I am in plain site I fear no one, and nothing you Jedi do. I sit here in open defiance of Jedi law and rituals yet I'm unscathed and untouched. Maybe I should open the eye's of the young Padawan to the joy's of the Darkside. I sense that he has some part to play in the upcoming cosmic drama for good or ill time will tell. "

Sitting back in the shadows the vampyre relaxed. "Take him and train him he will need all the knowledge he can get." The warlord started to hum a tune famous to the Sith. It was called " Jedi nights." One of his favorites. Most who knew the tune, knew that nights was a Jedi's death.

Sending a thought to Saul he spoke to the Padawan. Dark tendrils of power hit home in the Padawan's mind "When she's done I will train you my young warrior. Special technique's that I perfected." Let me know I'll be waiting."

Saul Mordeth
Aug 21st, 2002, 09:13:10 PM
Saul stood up as he heard the last of Dalamar's comments. When he rose his mind was touched with darkness. I will not now or ever take training from you you DISGUST ME!" Saul spat at Dalamar's feet. "You better keep a close watch on me because someday I might just be right behind you."

Turning to Navaria he bowed "Are you ready to leave, all of a sudden I feel ill!"

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 21st, 2002, 09:23:48 PM
She stood up and walked over to Saul, gently placing a hand on his arm. hoping to calm the Padawan some.

"Yes. We should."

Her eyes turned cold momentarily while looking at the creature of darkness.

"There is nothing here for us anymore now. On to better things."

Navaria looked back at Saul and smiled somewhat, her eyes becoming brighter as they normally were. Different in views as they may be, they both were Jedi and Navaria respected that.

Saul Mordeth
Aug 25th, 2002, 10:33:42 PM
"Someday I will track that vamp and he will pay." Turning to Navaria Saul felt like changing the subject. "So how long have you been a Jedi?" I know you dont wish to tell me of your past but I have never heard your story." Saul waited patiently, hoping she would divulge her history.