View Full Version : Husband verses Wife (Marcus v Helenias)

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 16th, 2002, 03:37:52 AM
The rooms of the training centre were quiet and dark. Not much moved, for it was for the Jedi, time to rest and the most part, they did.

Except for the moving yellow orbs that reflected the dim of a black cat that padded silently through the complex, followed by an equally silent human shaped shadow. Down a set of stairs and then into one of the main training halls it went, opening the door and then closing it quietly behind him. Inside the room was lit by only the exit lights, revealing the dim outlines of training equipment.

And the solitary figure already in there. The faint glint of armour could be seen as the figure stirred and with a steely hiss, a sword was drawn from a scabbard. The figure that had come in paused and then likewise, it drew out a slightly thinner, but longer weapon.

"Still we dance?" came the challenge from the armoured figure... a female voice of the Jedi Knight Helenias Q'Dunn

"We shall" answered the strangely accented voice of Jedi Master Marcus Q'Dunn. Both figures came closer, close enough so that their weapons could touch. With a small clang they did.

"As we agreed?" she asked

"As we agreed. Skill in skill, without the Force"

"So be it" Helenias said laughingly "I shall beat you this time Elessar"

"That remains doubtful Evenstar. Now, guard thyself!"

The Master stepped back and swung hard to the midsection, the weapons clashing with a loud clang.

It was on. The last time they had fought they were unwitting enemies, Darth Turbogeek and Lord Fire Blade. Then the match had been inconclusive. Now as husband and wife.....

Who knew. The loser would be cleaning the cat litter out however. The cat itself sat on a bench, watching the begiinings of the spar with it's glowing yellow eyes.

Helenias Evenstar
Jul 17th, 2002, 03:27:23 AM
My own blade leapt and parried the broadsword as it whistled towards me. With such a heavier and more awkward to use blade, I knew Marcus would be slowed but the strikes would contain more power. The key for me would be speed and placement. To get inside his arc of movement and to stop his defence. Not easy this would be for Marcus was a very skilled weaposn Master and by the placement and the distance he kept himself, there would be no quick and easy victory. Here was also a battle hardened Warroir that knew most if not all the tricks that could be used against him.

But a Jedi Master could be tricked and the best swordsman could be bought low. Also this would take a different form of a fight to a lightsabre, for the flat of the sword was only a slap - you needed to strike with the edge. I always consdiered sword fighting to be an art that took more skill and practice to master than a sabre, which was a blunt and hot club.

For now I was content to let Marcus make the moves and I to parry. Or indeed, to kick one of the pieces of training equipment, a small foot bench in his path.