View Full Version : Fighting for his life (Open Challenge)

Jul 15th, 2002, 08:00:43 PM
Satien growls, and thrusts his lonsword through the body of another pirate. That was the sixth. And he did not like this. Beside him, a crewman on the Tolaria fought, taking down six more with a rapid fire blaster before being cut down himself. This was not good.

It had been a huge fight, but the Tolaria--Satine's invincable ship, at least to him--had been boarded. They repelled it in all places but this, the hanger. Swinging his blade to deflect a blaster bolt, Satine draws his pulse pistol, and fires, cutting down a dozen people before they even knew what happened.

Suddenly, just as fast as it started, it ended. The enemy troops had withdrawn, but something else was coming...Something dark...Shouting a command, Satine runs to the far wall, where a large weapons rack opens up from the wall, revealing hundreds of various weapons. Dropping his longsword, Satine grabs two daggers, puts two falchion swords on his back, and grabs an extra power brick fro his pulse pistol, strapping it to his belt. Unclipping a lightsabre from his belt, Satine keeps his sabre unlit in his right hand, and his pulse pistol in his left. The Knight hides behind the bottom of the three wings on a Wraith fighter parked between him and the boarding ship, readying himself for the fight against the Darkness he sensed coming...

Jul 17th, 2002, 12:58:04 PM
Silence permiated the room where the Jedi Knight lie in wait for the approaching enemy. Moment by pain stacking moment went by. Each second became an eternity. Little did the Jedi know or understand the warrior that waited within the shadows of that dismal corridor.

The stillness was softly broken by the thud of footsteps. One after another they came, each sound grew louder than its predecessor, but then stopped again at the edge of the darkness. Brilliant white eyes flashed from the mirky sea of black.

Another flash illuminated two steel blades. Though the weapons were metal, the swords' brilliant finish seem to emmit their own light that cut through the thick fog. Again the slow thud picked up as the man within the surrounding darkness revealed himself to be, Nemesis.

The assassin stood between two worlds, that of light where his anxious foe awaited, and that of the shadows which birthed him. He stared directly into the eyes of the Light Sider. Nemesis had never been previledged enough to dual with a Jedi Knight before, he hoped that he would not be disappointed by the performance of this one.

Raising his dual blades parrallel to his own body, Nemesis spun them simultaneously then placed them behind his back one over the other. The trained killer bowed to the Knight, but never took his frozen eyes off the Jedi, then resumed his stance. Nemesis' body remained motionless and steady. His chest barely expanding to take in precious amounts of air. This would be interesting, at least he prayed it would be.

Jul 17th, 2002, 01:43:22 PM
Satine raises an eyebrow, and steps away from the Wraith's wing, bowing also, and putting his weapons up, getting itno a unarmed fighting stance.

"And who might you be? My name's Satine Capashen, Warrior Jedi Knight."

Jul 18th, 2002, 10:01:51 AM
The assassin did not speak to Satine. Nemesis found the question to be strange to say the least. The answer would have no effect on the outcome of the fight. All the Jedi need know was his enemy stood before him.

Nemesis began to approach the unarmed Knight. He remained unwilling as yet to intiate any kind of attack, however, for Satine remained weaponless, and there was no honor to be found in a battle against a foe that has no means of defense.

The blades shown brightly, reflecting the light from the ceiling of the room. His left sword bent diagonally, preceding Nemesis with every step. His right sword was raised high and slanted to where its point brushed the mirror finish of the other. Nemesis moved ever closer to his opponent. Would the Light Sider finally draw his weapon, or will Nemesis cut down the unarmed man. Decisions, decisions.

Jul 18th, 2002, 02:49:26 PM
Satine waited until Nemesis finally took a swing at the as-yet unarmed JEdi. the weapons bounce off stronge Force shields, and the assassin is thrown backwards. Using the Force, Satine summons over two rune-swords from the weapons cabinet, and sends Force energy into the blades, the black metal runes glittering as they store the energy. Blocking a stab from Nemesis, Satine slashes with his second weapon...

"Not talkative today? Fine day for a conversation...and a fight..."

Jul 18th, 2002, 03:06:32 PM
If it is at all possible for the heart of Nemesis to be moved now was such an occassion. The advanced skill this Knight possessed intrigued the hunter within Nemesis. However, this Jedi had yet to realize the struggle that he was in for.

With one fluid movement Nemesis thrust his broad knee into Satine's stomach. As he gasped for breath Nemesis spun catching Satine across the jaw with a heavy heal kick. The Jedi fell to the ground and slid across the smooth surface.

Spinning both blades now, Nemesis stood some 5 yards away from his fallen advisary. Though the opportunity had presented itself, he was not yet willing to finish this fight. Many questions remained unanswered about these Jedi. This contest would end when curiousity had been fully satisfied.

Jul 18th, 2002, 03:14:13 PM
Satine quickly gets to his feet, and swings one sword, spinnign it, and stopping it while it was pointed at Nemesis. A blast of Force concussion sped out of it, slamming into the assassin's chest, and throwing him into a nearby fighter. Running up to Nemesis, Satine ducks a slash, blocks two other attacks, and then spin kicks, knocking Nemesis to the ground. Jumping backwards, and landing on one of the top wings of a nearby Wraith, Satine waits for his opponent to get up.

Jul 18th, 2002, 03:32:21 PM
Nemesis lie motionless on the cold floor. His eyes locked in a perpetual glare. He turned his head neither to the right nor the left. Waves of pain surged through his body.

It was not neccessary for him to see the face of Satine. Nemesis knew all too well what thoughts dominated the Jedi's mind. There he sat on that wing waiting for the fool on the floor to leap up into his grave. His planning was fool proof. For surely, the only coarse of action left was to return to his feet and attempt to combat the Knight's force powers with his own skill. The only other option in view was to lie there on his back and allow the perched hawk to swoop down and finish the kill. But, on the other hand, wars are lost when one assumes to much.

Nemesis cautiously sat up. He did not move his eyes to watch Satine. Instead he kept his current field of view, straight ahead. He then folded his legs over one another, closed his eyes and meditated.

Jul 18th, 2002, 04:22:36 PM
Satine blinks his eyes in surprise, watching his opponent, but keeping his swords ready, and a Force blast hovering over his head.

Jul 18th, 2002, 08:46:19 PM
Perhaps Satine was perplexed by the odd situation he found himself in, or maybe his force flow was clouded at the time, then again could it have been the overcofidence the Jedi had at that moment. Whatever it was, Satine failed to notice that Nemesis was not meditating at all. The clever act camoflaged his true purpose. While there was much distance between the two combatants, a small but highly effective laser emmited from the cuff of the seated one's wrist was cutting through the very wing that Satine rested upon.

A thunderous crash shook the four walls as the fighter's wing collapsed. The Jedi fell to the ground. In the blink of an eye Nemesis was beside the Jedi. He locked a powerful grip on Satine's neck and threw him against the far wall.

The Knight desperately tried to regain composure. A high pitched whine and searing pain followed suit as Nemesis hurled one of his blades through the air and found its mark deep in the thigh of Satine. The Jedi was pinned to the wall as the point exited out the other side of his leg and into the wall. A unwelcome feeling met the Jedi as Nemesis pressed his second blade against the neck of Satine. One flinch would result in an untimely demise for the Light Sider.

Jul 19th, 2002, 06:26:19 AM
Satine growls at Nemesis, his attitude like that of a cornered animal.

"Come on, whoever you are. Talk." he says, trying to distract the assassin. It works partially, and suddenly, the blade in Nemesis's hands was thrown backwards. As he tried to finish the Jedi Knight, bringing the blade back, it meets a Force shield, bouncing off. Satine uses his good foot to kick Nemesis backwards, and then rips the blade out of his thigh, igniting one of his sabres to cauterize the wound. One this is done, a small pack in Satine's armor injects painkillers into theJedi Knight. Satine puts up his sabre, and recalls his weapons, getting into a fighting positon, most of his weight on his good leg...

Jul 19th, 2002, 09:56:11 AM
Nemesis spung back to his feet. The assissin was impressed by the resourcefullness of the Jedi. That leg wound must be excruciating, but Satine managed to fight on. He was displaying great achievements as a warrior. His ability to work through the pains of battle, knowledge of his skills as well as their limitations, and above all else the resolve to win aided him in this and future battles.

But Satine still lacked focus. He let his anger control him, which was evident by his constant threatening growls. And what was his infatuation with talking. Did the Jedi really need to know that much about his opponent. Perhaps it was his means of distracting the opposition in order to strike. Whatever these quirks were, they weakened him whether the Knight would admit it or not.

Nemesis' eyes passed over the wound on Satine's leg which was in need of proper care. Sheathing his swords, Nemesis stepped back into the darkness from which he had entered this struggle. The Jedi was injured and now at a great disadvantage, another pass may have killed him. With that death the Jedi may lose a great warrior of the future. If for no other reason Nemesis had learned all he needed to know. He had no employer put any contracts on this one, and deaths that are unprofitable are purposeless.

As the killer disappeared into the black sea, a glistening box slid out in his place. On the box read a simple note, "Use this." Inside was a medical kit. The medicine within would sustain the Jedi until he returned to his kind for better treatment. Both men would leave this fight alive, taking something with them, something more precious than material possessions....wisdom.

Jul 19th, 2002, 01:00:40 PM
Satine looks at where Nemesis disappeard with curiousity, and then smiles at the medical kit. Next itme it would be different...Now, he knew how this one fought too...

Opening the med kit, Satine began to doctor his wound, commanding the computer to set a course for Arcan IV...