View Full Version : Bar talk (any jedi)

Dios Kane
Jul 15th, 2002, 03:43:39 PM
:: Dios sat down in the bar... he was always in a bar, but drinking was not his focus today, tonight, whatever. It was the force, the light side and dark side. And these things were not going well inside his head, in fact, he was down right lost.::

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 15th, 2002, 03:51:55 PM
The glass hit the table with a slight thud, catching Dio's attention. His eyes trailed upward to see the face of the Jedi Knight, Navaria Tarkin, looking down at him with a curious brow.

"Not a good night for you?"

She smiled a little and looked down at the empty seat.

"May I?"

Dios Kane
Jul 15th, 2002, 09:27:22 PM
:: Dios glanced up. He smiled at the sight of her, he'd seen her around at the temple but neer actually met her. And at least a "her" had showed up and not another guy, guy's just didn't seem to act the same when drinking was involved. He waved his hand at the seat.::
Sure, go ahead. And no, I always have good nights never a bad one. My name's Dios Kane, and you?

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 16th, 2002, 05:09:51 PM
"Thank you, Dios."

She pulled out the chair and sat down."

"My name is Navaria Tarkin."

Drinking might be this Padawan's focus on most nights but for this Jedi Knight, namana juice was all she ever drank. Alcohol and Navaria had parted a long time ago.

"I couldn't help but notice the intense look on your face, as if something was troubling you. So, it's not the most pleasant of nights after all when one is thinking too much."

A brow slide upwards as she smiled.

"Or am I wrong and nothing is troubling you?"

Dios Kane
Jul 18th, 2002, 11:04:39 AM
:: Dios shook his head and smiled.::
Trust me, I can have a good night but still be troubled, and you're right I am troubled tonight. I use to be a Sith, not very good one, but sith nonetheless. But now I'm jedi, but the darkness is still at the edge of the light that I use now. I can sense the darkside a lot and in people more than often. I have to build up a sorta immunity barrier so that it doesn't come in, but I haven't needed that in a while. the darkness just sorta sits there on the verge of my awareness. Like it wants me to know it's still there but at the same time that it's trying to hide from me. I don't understand what it wants. I think I should though.
:: Dios leaned his head back and took another swallow before looking back to Navaria::
Does any of this make any sense to you?

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 18th, 2002, 08:42:30 PM
Navaria looked down at her drink, which she was swirling around. The ice cubes clinked together and on the sides of the glass, cracking every now and then.

"Yes ... it does make sense. The Dark Side can take many forms. Show itself in the most attractive way to Force users."

She took a sip of her juice and let her eyes fall upon Dios.

"I understand how that is for I felt the allure of the Dark Side personally ... Do you have any idea why this ... for a lack of a better word ... infection still is there?

For some, the Dark Side is anger ... You were once a Sith, but I think that answer is too easy. There has to be a reason it is still there."

Dios Kane
Jul 19th, 2002, 08:41:48 AM
:: Dios had to force down his drink as he thought about it. A reason why it's still there? Why is it still there?::
I dunno know? It could be that my family was murdered and I held a blood curdling grudge for 124 years of my life so far. I dropped it like a month ago when I joined the GJO, but I'm not sure if that's it. I saw time, outside of it. I saw wars start and end, they were all over pretty much the same thing but just different people. I'm a vampyre hunter on a side job and that's no life to live. Trust me. I'm not sure, I've just got stuph that eats away from me slowly but I try to do all this good and it blots it out when I do but when I sleep, it's still there.

Silus Xilarian
Jul 19th, 2002, 03:08:00 PM
At a table across from Dios, Silus Xilarian sat. He was going over some aspects of his new ship that he hadn't explored as thoroughly. As thoughts jumbled around in his mind, Silus heard Dios speaking about his troubles. He listened intently to the conversation for a few moments, before he made eye contact with Dios. With that Silus gave a friendly nod and eased his chair around closer to Dios' table.

Got room for another?

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 19th, 2002, 06:43:55 PM
"Well ... With what you just said ... I think the blood oath you decided to end would be the first place to start looking."

Navaria nodded to herself abstently as if answering a question that was inside her head.

"Yes, start there at the cause and then the other memories you speak of will probably fit into place.... Or..."

She turned to look at Silus and smiled.

"Perhaps your friend might offer insight as well."

Jeran Conrad
Jul 20th, 2002, 12:48:04 AM
He saw the other man join the table. He seemed less bright--not intelligence--but the aura of the Force around him did not shine like the others. Jeran could see the aura of the Force. It truly amazed him. These people--himself--they glowed with life. It was beautiful. So many others would never understand or appreciate what he could see. But these people...they might.

He turned away. No, he couldn't. He couldn't approach them. He was too afraid. He wanted to cry--he was so tired of life. So lonely. But on the other hand, he loved it so much. He didn't understand himself. No one would, he thought. No one would ever understand him. And they definitely wouldn't care to anyway.

He had sensed them from the moment they both entered. He felt their presences. One was very calm, very controlled. That was this one's appearance. Inside, contemplation and self-reflection crowed the mind. The heart ached and the soul hid from something...dark. The other--pure light. Beautiful, glowing, healing light. Jeran felt attached to this aura--he himself was a healer. A lover of the light. He wished this aura to be near him, if only for a moment.

But then a cold reality chilled his heart. He knew he could not convey his message. He knew no one would listen. A tear dripped down his face. He quickly rubbed it off of his cheek. But more followed. He kept his cloaked face down in shame.

Maybe he should just walk over there and--no. He couldn't do it. His crying continued.

What a pathetic warrior he was...

Dios Kane
Jul 20th, 2002, 01:05:43 PM
:: Dios heard her and nodded, yes she was right, and then another joined. He was jedi too, Dios felt the light from him.::
No not a problem, join us. Dios Kane, Nice to meet you.
:: As he greeted the newcomer he turned as he felt a sort of twang go across his mind. He turned to a cloaked man away from the table.::
Sir. Join us. Have a drink, Dios Kane, pleasure to meet you also.

Jeran Conrad
Jul 20th, 2002, 02:38:44 PM
......did he....no. He couldn't have. Was he talking to Jeran? Jeran felt himself grow warm inside. This aura had spken to him. Directly. Maybe the man--Dios--could feel him. Maybe he saw him looking. Jeran didn't know. But he didn't care. No one minus the Sith had spoken to him in 2 years. When the Sith had spoken it had been curses and last words. But nothing real. He felt outcasted. Hurt. But this one had spoken to him. Was it true?

Jeran turned to face the table. He felt at ease here--there was no reason to hide. He drew back his hood to reveal his handsome but exhausted face. Tired and worn, he had bags under his eyes and his face was a bit dirty--a few days since his last bath. He was a traveler, a wanderer. His brown his, disheveled and matted, fell across his face. His clear, blue eyes met those of the man who sat away from him. They were painful eyes--scarred by what they had seen. He hesitated to enter the table. He reached out with the Force to Dios and spoke through a soft voice in the man's mind:

I...I...I can't... No words came to him. He was afraid.

Silus Xilarian
Jul 20th, 2002, 09:18:55 PM
Silus glanced over at the cloaked stranger for a moment. He sensed fear from the stranger. Not fear of death or physical pain, but an insecurity it seemed. He sensed the strangers conflict. It was as if the man wanted to join the conversation, but had some fear of rejection or the like. Silus didnt have this down to an exact science, but he could gauge emotions fairly well. As the Stranger sat toiling in his own mind, Silus turned his attention back to the table.

The allure of the dark side eats at us all at times. My father began his training as a Sith, and even though he turned to the light, the Dark Side ended up being his demise.

Silus paused for a moment and took a sip of water, then finished his statement...

When people's lives are changed so dramatically, some people miss what they had, no matter how horrible it was, there always seems to be something they miss. I think you may have felt that you gave up part of your life and you miss it in a way, no matter how bad it may have been.....Or on the other hand, I may be totally off base....

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 21st, 2002, 05:46:35 PM
She listened to Silus but also was focused on the man who was afraid. Navaria didn't understand why he felt this way.

With a warm and inviting smile, she pointed to the empty seat next to her.

"Yes you can join us. Dios and I would like your company."

Her eyes shifted at the newest member of the table.

"And I'm sure that Silus wouldn't mind another voice at the table. We're having an interesting discussion. You can talk with us or just sit and listen.

Besides, you look tired and could use something to eat."

Jeran Conrad
Jul 21st, 2002, 06:13:11 PM
Well, I...I... he sent his thoughts to her, but he could not think of anything to say. Her eyes showed him concern. Real concern. Her warm smile told him not to be afraid. Often times, he could feel the meaning behind people's behavor. The Force would open its nature to him. The smile was safe. He thought maybe, just maybe, it would be ok.

He rose to his feet and joined the trio. He sat quiet. He tried to keep his appearance strong and keep his frame upright. But his body longed for rest. He thought it was only fair to introduce himself. He opened his thoughts and spoke in a soft voice in the minds of the others.

My name is Jeran. I am a...traveler. he paused for a moment, scanning their faces. Thank you

He hoped his telepathy would not alarm them. He couldn't help it--he was mute. His mind was his only true voice. Somehow, he felt they would understand. Or, even better, they wouldn't care.

Dios Kane
Jul 22nd, 2002, 08:34:24 AM
:: Dios nodded to Jeran after he heard what Silus had said.::
Would you like a drink friend?
:: He turned to Silus::
I'm sorry, I don't think you understand. The life I had before I was jedi is something I will never want back. The darkside festered in me for 117 years. It was like only being able to watch Hell for a century.

Jeran Conrad
Jul 23rd, 2002, 05:40:49 PM
He asked for water. He had never really drank anything but.

It sounds like you have been through a lot, Dios. I offer limited knowledge of the experiences of one infested, as you say, by the dark side. However, I know so much about it and it's bounds. My past, to, is shadowed by it.

He spoke to the minds of those that sat around him. He hoped he could be of help in their analyzation of the dark side. He had dealt with it a great deal, being a Redeemer.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 23rd, 2002, 06:55:33 PM
"I have found talking about the past sometimes alleviate the pain ..."

Navaria offered.

"... I too walked in its wake as a victim ... I know the depths of unclean power and what it forces you to do ..."

She showed no signs of minding that Jeran was speaking in her mind. Considering her experience with Daleethria, people speaking in her mind because they have to was quite understandable.

Dios Kane
Jul 28th, 2002, 04:58:34 PM
Does it really have bounds? I thought the limits of the force was developed inside the user?