View Full Version : Luke Turned to the Dark Side.,.???
Jul 15th, 2002, 11:07:42 AM
Here is a quote I read on, does anyone know what book this is from?
Stranded on Coruscant, Luke began to discover strange clues in newly opened secret chambers throughout the former Imperial Palace, clues as to the Emperor's power. Before he could piece together their significance, a raging Force storm appeared in the sky. The swirling vortex of dimension-altering energy consumed Luke, and deposited him far away on the Deep Core world of Byss. There, in an ornate citadel, Luke faced an enemy he had not ever expected to see again: Emperor Palpatine.
Palpatine had long been staving death away by using arcane Sith knowledge and cloning technology. Palpatine would grow clone duplicates of his bodies to act as receptacles for his evil life force should his body die. With this technique, Palpatine had escaped death time and again. He called for Skywalker to kneel before him and become his apprentice. Skywalker, realizing that the Emperor was almost invincible, knelt before him, and agreed to join the dark side.
Like a few others in recorded history, Luke believed he could defeat the dark side from within by learning its secrets. He had neglected one of Yoda's key teachings -- never underestimate the power of the dark side. Skywalker, consumed by the darkness, found himself unable to break away from its pall. Though he succeeded in covertly sabotaging a number of Palpatine's plans, he could not bring himself back to the light. With the help of his sister,however, Skywalker was able to turn against his master. Together, the Jedi twins were eventually able to defeat Palpatine once and for all.
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 15th, 2002, 10:10:39 PM
It's a very bad comis called Shadows of the Empire, I think.
Whatever it's name, it's a pretty bad bit of work
Taylor Millard
Jul 15th, 2002, 10:13:46 PM
Nope... It was Dark Empire. The only cool thing about it was the walkers in Dark Empire II. And that we got to see Balmorra for the first time. :) Oh AND...Boba Fett came back :)
Oh and Empire's End (the third part of the series) was horrid. Utter tripe...worse than Dark Empire.
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 15th, 2002, 10:17:33 PM
You mean they made MORE?????? And here I was thinking Callista was a low as the EU could go.... oh how wrong could I be....
Figrin D'an
Jul 16th, 2002, 12:19:23 AM
Yeah... Dark Empire.
A clone Palpatine runs around, causes trouble, has a big new ship (Eclipse-class star destroyer, like more than twice as big as the Executor-class ships), Luke turns to Dark Side, pretends to be Palpy's apprentice in order to destroy him... but, it starts to overwhelm him. Leia saves the day, though. Luke and Leia duel, she brings him back to Light Side, and then they both turn on Palpatine.
Kind of lame, I thought... mainly because it takes away from the drama of the end of ROTJ, that the Force is finally brought back into balance when Vader turns on the Emperor and fulfills his destiny. Having Palpatine return later on in the EU just really messes with the whole "destiny of the Chosen One" story.
Anyway... my two cents.
Chase Starwalker
Jul 16th, 2002, 07:01:00 PM
thats why i refuse to listen to/believe any EU nowadays
Jul 16th, 2002, 07:04:20 PM
Dark Empire is good, feels SWy, and I can see why Lucas gave it out as a CHristmas Present
Empires End was iffy. Basically, it was shorter due to some contract wrangle, so was too rushed.
Little fact for you. Neither Veitch nor Tim Zahn new the other was doing SW work at the same time until midway through the projects. Talk about professional organisation ;)
Taylor Millard
Jul 17th, 2002, 02:26:20 PM
Well it means that LucasBooks and Dark Horse needed to be in more contact with the other. 'Least they were able to sort it out.
Jul 17th, 2002, 02:46:41 PM
Not as such. Veitch went to Zahn to try and link them, Zahn refused to cooperate. Even though the guy has an ego the size of a Death Star, I don't blame him in this case. He should have been told
Jul 17th, 2002, 03:04:15 PM
I have to echo Figrin Dan's sentiments. There was a lot of energy and excitement around Dark Empire when it hit the comic stands years ago. They were the first new SW stories we'd seen in years. The first new comic series since the demise of the old Marvel line. As good as some of the artwork looked, the storyline was as Figrin said, lame. Grossly unoriginal and in many ways flying in the face of the closure that ROTJ provided. They couldn't even wrap it up, so they dragged it out in Dark Empire 2. That whole series felt rushed to me, but even with that they STILL couldn't end the story line. They had to slap together a lame 2 issue capper called Empire's End I believe. (It's boxed in my basement somewhere and I haven't given it a second look since the first time I read it.) That whole resurrected Emperor bit was just ridiculous. At one point, Lucas did intend to have Palpatine V. Luke to be the focus of the third trilogies. But when he decided to end the movies with ROTJ and cut out the last trilogy he ended his SW stories right then and there. They should have left Palpatine and Fett dead and gone. But popular characters equal sales and that's pretty much why they've both been resurrected.
Taylor Millard
Jul 17th, 2002, 03:10:09 PM
Well I pretty much expect that in every comic series.
Look how many times Joker has died in Batman only to come back. The same goes for Norman Osbourne (the orginal Green Goblin) in Spider-Man. Heck he was dead for almost 20 years or so and then Marvel went...time to bring him back.
They get recycled...we gotta deal with it. Heck look at the boards. We've seen two Grand Admiral Thrawn clones on the's gonna happen with almost any character.
Jul 17th, 2002, 03:15:26 PM
That's one of the problems that the EU faces. They're strecthing the story thinner and thinner. How many times can you save the galaxy before it gets old? If you face the "greatest threat the galaxy has ever seen!" every other book or comic then it kind of cheapens all the original stories. But hey, I still buy most of it and read it just for the heck of it.
I can understand the need for Fett's character being resurrected. He was always a OT background character so bringing him back never really contradicted the ending of ROTJ, but the Emperor was just a mistake. At one point they've got him screaming like a maniac and totally out of character. It was pretty sad.
Taylor Millard
Jul 17th, 2002, 03:17:48 PM
Well blame the editor and the writer there. I think that's why we haven't see Veitch do a SW story in a while. The editors got smart after realizing how horrid it was.
Jul 17th, 2002, 03:27:30 PM
Incorrect. It was due to contractual problems. He was set to do more, as his series was popular, both in and out of LFL.
And to me, the Palpatine return makes sense. He makes clones, but doesnt think to help himself?
I just wish Zahn had cooperated. DE would have been set before TTT, little things would fit better....oh well
Jul 17th, 2002, 04:01:33 PM
And to me, the Palpatine return makes sense. He makes clones, but doesnt think to help himself?
The problem with that is that there is NOTHING in the films that suggests anyone can transfer their essence from one body to another. ROTJ doesn't leave any hints that the Emperor survives. It's all about finality. Anakin finally brings balance, the dark side has been defeated. That's the impression that the films give and it should have been kept that way. Dark Empire just hasn't aged that well and the whole resurrected Emperor story line is one many fans just don't care for. Hence, many of us call it lame.
Jul 17th, 2002, 04:04:30 PM
many hate the verbal castration Mara gave to Luke in VOTF (And damn, only recently did I realise how many:)) though. It's just one of those things, masses love and masses dont :)
B-LoVeD AssAsSiN
Aug 3rd, 2002, 11:33:51 AM
This is why i dont want to read any of those lame beyond rotj things.
btw what was that frickin lame trash i read a preview of in the back of an eu book?
something about evil hutts building a death star and palpatine being alive in the form of some lame trash.....
Admiral Lebron
Aug 3rd, 2002, 06:57:23 PM
Some EU is good...SOTP & VOTF were good... NJO is fairly good.
B-LoVeD AssAsSiN
Aug 7th, 2002, 06:21:39 AM
what was the one about leia fighting a hutt jedi? i saw an illustration of that in the chronology guide-HIDEOUS!
oh and plz expand UR abbreveations..
i do read EU that is based on before or inbetween the movies, not stuff where people try to be GL and continue a saga that has aldready ended quite nicely.
Taylor Millard
Aug 7th, 2002, 09:30:27 AM
"Shadows of the Past" and "Visions of the Future" are the books Lebron is talking about.
I agree there (for once he and i agree :lol) I liked those plus the original Thrawn Trilogy.
Kevin J Anderson's stuff isn't great, but it's not horrible. My sister hates Kyp Durron though...something about him hurting her Luke too much...I dunno. ;)
The Black Fleet Crisis was when I got real bogged down with SW stuff and New Jedi, I dunno, I can't get into it yet. But I'll try. :D
Aug 7th, 2002, 12:06:06 PM
Spectre of the Past Taylor :)
i saw an illustration of that in the chronology guide-HIDEOUS!
Most the people who bought the entire book, thus seeing all, loved them.
Taylor Millard
Aug 7th, 2002, 08:20:26 PM
Thanks Fettish...I appreciate teh correction. :)
Sene Unty
Aug 27th, 2002, 12:37:04 PM
Dark Empire was horrendous. The characters were all off the board. It felt very rushed in every aspect. While I liked the Eclipse super star destroyer, it was kind of unnecessary. I mean the thing was just too big. And the way it was destroyed......please. A force storm. What kinda crap was that.
I hated how Luke went over to the darkside. That was just stupid and completly out of character for him.
All in all a chapter of the EU that I would like to erase.
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