View Full Version : Signs, Redux
Sanis Prent
Jul 15th, 2002, 01:41:56 AM
I went to the Reign of Fire showing with Akrabbim and LD today...and saw the second preview for Signs, which comes out in 2 weeks.
I am terrified beyond words. I honestly don't know how I am going to watch this without freaking out. The one fear I have above anything is the fear of aliens, and being abducted. This is something I've dealt with half my life, and it hasn't gotten better with time.
Lord Gue
Jul 15th, 2002, 01:57:14 AM
lol, i remember being scared about that when i was a kid, checkin for the missing time and what not that comes with an abduction, then again the best part about it is you wont remember it happened for a long time.....
BTW, U see that UPN special they did back in 96? That freaked me the hell out, the True story about the family that dissappeared and had a video tape record of what happened, and they reinacted the entire thing with the video tape in it too
Dark Lord Dyzm
Jul 15th, 2002, 02:58:43 AM
I'm more worried about undead "things" like zombies or re-animated skels. I could maybe... kinda deal with Aliens, I not worried about them.
I have this fear that I open my bed room door and turn on the light and a zombie is stareing at me from half dead eyes.
Its the one reason I have never played Resident Evil. Watched the movie though, had nightmares, but never touched the games.
Now, something really scary! ZOMBIE ALIENS!!!
Get taken by Aliens with decompasing flesh... like Virus, freaking movie...
THE Worse of everything! Zombies and Disco Music!
Night of the Living Disco! With Villiage of the Damned People!
Jul 15th, 2002, 04:57:13 AM
I'm not scared of Zombies, but aliens do scare me.
Not big hulking dribblig ones that are trying to tear your throat out, but little quiet ones that creep around and test on people. The X-Files used to really creep me out because of that, and then you would see docu-series on people who'd supposedly had it done to them ... eerie.
Jul 15th, 2002, 05:20:04 AM
Aliens and the like worry me, but I dont know about scare.
Jul 15th, 2002, 05:21:16 AM
I'm more scared of the dark than I am of anything else :| Especially staring into somewhere totally pitch black no knowing what's in there...
Jul 15th, 2002, 05:24:57 AM
My big things are looking over long drops (Not heights), growing old completely alone and losing the use of my right arm.
Jul 15th, 2002, 05:25:25 AM
Small spaces too. :x
Jul 15th, 2002, 05:33:09 AM
Im ok with small spaces most the time. Some things unnerve me, but Im not scared of them. I dont like picking up spiders for example, but they dont bother me
Gav Mortis
Jul 15th, 2002, 05:34:32 AM
I love everything to do with aliens and if I were abducted and returned I think I would feel blessed in a way, to have such an experience would be life changing. As long as it wasn't traumatic but that might go hand in hand with the experience.
Gabran Darkysa
Jul 15th, 2002, 05:41:29 AM
Aliens... I am not even worried about them because as far as they are concerned they may or may not exist. Likely the latter. However if they do exist... no biggie because they are millions of trillions of lightyears away. It would take a helluva a spacecraft to reach us and what power or fuel source would be required by these 'saucers'. eh?
Jul 15th, 2002, 05:45:26 AM
Solar winds :)
Gabran Darkysa
Jul 15th, 2002, 05:48:35 AM
Solar winds?
Jul 15th, 2002, 05:59:14 AM
Yeah :)
Jul 15th, 2002, 06:01:09 AM
Gabran Darkysa
Jul 15th, 2002, 06:03:07 AM
Jul 15th, 2002, 06:08:11 AM
For Solar Winds? :)
Gabran Darkysa
Jul 15th, 2002, 07:08:31 AM
Well with all the indefinite answers that come with possibility of alien technology. Sure solar winds can provide a means of propulsion. But what of the stupendous amount of lightyears between galaxies much less solar systems?
I mean science fiction has created a means for intergalactic travel from hyperdrives to wormholes but in reality I seriously doubt an sentient alien race could breach those terrific bounds ruled by space and time.
Nathanial K'cansce
Jul 15th, 2002, 08:56:22 AM
About 'Signs', I honestly don't want to see this. To me, does it look scary? Not really. Will there be jumping moments? Yes. But I jumped in the first Jurrasic Park when the Velociraptors (sp?) were in that one bunker where the chick had to go and turn on the power... the one just jumped out from no where and scared me crapless. But on all the previews I've seen for it... I just laugh. "Daddy, there's a monster under my bed can I have a glass of water?"
*smacks head*
Taylor Millard
Jul 15th, 2002, 09:12:37 AM
Oh I like that line. But the movie looks freaky. But it's nto high on my 'To See' list. Maybe video. But we'll see. It looks...interesting.
Khan Surak
Jul 15th, 2002, 09:29:11 AM
I've always had a comparison situation to associate with aliens.. and that is what we do to our "animal friends".
We trap them and then load them in a truck and take them back to our white buildings and stick things in them and put litte red tags on their ears and release them and then congratulate ourselves on how we're helping them.
Not that we aren't, just that I'm sure they don't appreciate it. Same with aliens, I suppose.
Signs looks interesting, though I probably won't see it.
Mothman Prophecies was freaky.
Darth Viscera
Jul 15th, 2002, 10:40:23 AM
Honestly, I can't wait for the aliens to make contact with earth. I can't imagine how it might be construed as a negative thing. If the Grand Republic of Pluto or whatnot wants to take a star galleon over here and open up trade negotations, what's the harm? Surely we could use a fresh infusion of plutonian hard currency into our treasury.
As for aliens being violent....what are the chances of that? The Plutonian parliament-like body would have to approve hostilities, then they'd have to convert their entire economy to drive themselves to war.
And then they'd have to contend with our nuclear arsenal.
Think about it. Congress has a tough enough time ensuring itself that we should go to war with neo-Stalin himself, Saddam Hussein, and that guy is a genuine madman. What are the chances that the Plutonian parliament would vote in favor of a war between them and Sol 3?
No way. The H.M.S. Beagle set sail without a single musket onboard. I'm sure that if any plutonians happen to come our way, it'll be with peaceful intentions, and we sure could use the trade.
Dark Lord Dyzm
Jul 16th, 2002, 01:15:20 AM
What most of you belive is that there are Higher Forms of Intelligent Life, what if, we are the aliens which decend on a backwards looking world during the future? We are the ones who capture, and probe the people. What if ittle alien kids on some distant planet are told stories about aliens who are fully clothed with skin, and hair, squishy creatures which come from the stars in a ship with Stars and Stripes on it? Maybe this little alien kid shivers in his exo-skeleton just thinking about a 2 legged creature with bones on the INSIDE!!!
and Solar Winds, are not really winds per say, it is Radiation flying through space. In theory, a sail can capture this radation and be pushed along with it.
Actually I belive Ion Engines are the way to go, we had that one Ion Engined satelite awhile back. Just they got the calculations all wrong and it went bye bye. They just need to figure out a way to speed up the Ions.
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 16th, 2002, 01:57:05 AM
I very much doubt we will ever contact aliens.... even if they exist.
Ever thought that we could be the most evolved species out there?
Loki Ahmrah
Jul 16th, 2002, 06:59:52 AM
No, because to think so could be considered arrogant. We can't even begin to assume that and as a matter of fact I have a theory that we are no more than an experiment conducted by aliens - I don't say I believe it, I just think it's an interesting possibility - but the fact of the matter is that Earth could be no more than a petri dish and we, mere bacteria colonies. This will laughed I'm sure because one of man's greatest fears is that we are not in control of our own lives.
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 16th, 2002, 07:25:43 AM
We're not. Even if you dont beleive in a god or Aliens, your not in control of your life. There are just too many external influences to say that you can control more than a fraction - maybe the next few seconds, that is all. The biggest truth of life is that It Happens and there is nothing you can do about it. Your not in control, at all. And just when you think you are, you get unexpectantly T-Boned at the next intersection.
The biggest cosmic joke could be that in our search for a meaning to life is that... there isnt one.
Loki Ahmrah
Jul 16th, 2002, 09:28:35 AM
I've never understood the fascination behind that ridiculous question to be honest, even when I was 10 and I heard someone asking that question be it in a film or whatever I remember thinking "What a daft question!"
I'd not want to know the answer if life could just be given definition, reason and purpose in a mere answer. Some people say that the reason why God exists is because we create Him/Her/It in order to comfort us in the fact that we are not in control therefore something loving and caring is. Who is to say that we are not all condemned souls who are actually living in Hell right now and are doing our time as it were. I think the greatest hell is here, conceived by man. You know how you get all these aetheists or scepticists who say "If God exists why hasn't he shown himself down here recently?" - ever think the answer to that might be: "Because he is too afraid to"? Wow, I really am reeling off the BS today but I don't care.
To be quite frank I take comfort in knowing that I am not in control as it liberates me to ponder on the more abstract aspects of existence such a spirituality, the universe, I love that sort of thing. It is my art and remember, art is only one ‘f’ short of what most people’s opinions smell like.
Darth Viscera
Jul 16th, 2002, 09:57:19 AM
Although it's not a pleasant thought, I'm sure that we're a galactic virus. After all, what is the inevitable result of human habitation? When we leave this planet, it'll likely be because we've turned the planet of milk and honey into a dead planet which can no longer support us, and then we'll need another planet. Life and death are more closely interconnected than people realize, because life spawns death proportionately. Think of a planet-wide Ancient Rome set in our time. For all the society, for all the civilization which we so cherish, in the end there is a negative impact.
In my view, we've gone beyond our capacity to live in symbiosis with our environment, and are the ultimate consumers.
Think back to the movie, "Independance Day". The aliens there were monsters who invaded a planet, destroyed the inhabitants, used the resources for themselves, then moved on, like locusts.
I know that this is not in line with my usual radical conservative train of thought, and that's a bit confusing to me. Maybe when we perfect a much more efficient type of solar cell, we can move beyond the destructive plutocracy and become a planet of solely bourgeouis inhabitants. We have to do the solar power thing first, though. As long as our resources are limited, we'll be destructive in our methods of obtaining more. Solar power, if correctly utilized, should counteract our destructive nature.
We're hunters and gatherers, foragers. This is human nature, to gobble up all available resources and keep them. It is ingrained in us by mother nature, so that we can survive. We're programmed to gather what limited resources are available so that we can provide for our kin. Who winds up on the $hit end of that deal? People on the dark continent, other nations whose gathering capacity is too low because of various influences. But solar power and the like should be relatively unlimited.
Everything that we are as humans spawns from our programmed will to survive on a world where conditions are desperate.
Jul 16th, 2002, 10:44:48 AM
Although it's not a pleasant thought, I'm sure that we're a galactic virus
Actually, I find that quite reassuring :)
Xanatos Etanial
Jul 16th, 2002, 11:27:54 AM
I kid you not, I am convinced that I was abducted in third grade.
I woke up one night to an odd flash of lights outside my window, and putting on my glasses glanced at my wall clock "10:00 pm"
I turn to glance out my window towards the flash of light, and there is another flash of lights. I feel disoriented for a moment and woozy and turn back to my clock, "2:00 am".
I couldn't sleep for 2 days after that I was so terrified, I tried telling this to the teachers at school, or my parents, but everyone was convinced I was making it up. I still have nightmares about it, and this odd sense of dread that comes over me late at night.
Darth Viscera
Jul 16th, 2002, 11:48:27 AM
Xanatos, I'm pretty sure that wasn't you being abducted. I've woken up several times late at night just to stay awake for 2 seconds before glancing at my watch and immediately falling back to sleep.
As for the flash of light...well, it could have been a car.
Xanatos Etanial
Jul 16th, 2002, 11:55:42 AM
You don't get it.
I didn't fall back asleep.
I was SITTING UP in bed.
as in sitting, not laying and waking back up.
I sat up in bed looked at the clock, looked out the window and then back at the clock.
In that order.
I never layed back down and I never closed my eyes.
Nobody gets this, my parents told me the exact same thing you did. I was there, I didn't fall asleep, I saw the flash and felt extremely woozy, almost like you do when you stand up too quick, and suddenly it was 4 hours later.
Darth Viscera
Jul 16th, 2002, 12:04:04 PM
Dude, it was a dream. I've had dreams where a pillow was eating me, and I had no idea I was asleep. I've also had dreams where I was sleeping on the couch, and a gremlin jumped out of the pillows, ruined the couch, and attacked me while i fell off the couch. When I woke up I was on the floor.
This doesn't mean that my nightmares were real.
Think about it. 10 PM. Even if you had gone to sleep at 7pm, 3 hours is not enough time for you to get into REM sleep, which is the stage at which you start dreaming. I think that you dreamed that you sat up in bed at 10pm, looked out the clock, then looked out the window, woke up in a sitting up position, looked at the clock and saw it was 2am.
BTW-No one take Ambien, or you'll hallucinate during your dreams that a pillow is eating you, and when you wake up, those hallucinations will continue to a partial extent. I think it's a mild hallucinagen, and it scares the bejesus out of you.
Xanatos Etanial
Jul 16th, 2002, 12:11:44 PM
-_- Sure whatever Viscera. Don't believe me, like I care.
No one's ever believed me, I experienced a trauma that night and something DID happen to me.
But if you want to tell yourself I was dreaming fine.
I still believe I experienced something out of the ordinary that night. Nothing you or your little football shapped head says will change that, I experienced it, and I know what I expeienced.
Jul 16th, 2002, 01:00:32 PM
...but the fact of the matter is that Earth could be no more than a petri dish and we, mere bacteria colonies.
:lol MIB comes to mind for some odd reason.
As to Signs, I'm definitely gonna go see it most likely opening weekend. Looks freaky-cool, and I like freaky-cool movies.
Besides, aliens or the abduction there of don't psych me out. I've been too engrossed with SW and ST to really care. Actually, I think aliens are cool.
Maybe I'm an alien in disguise and trying to convince you all that we're really not scarey and we're not gonna go pluck you out of your warm bed in the middle of the night to scramble your brains. Honest.
Jul 16th, 2002, 01:03:44 PM
Has anyone else seen that Kids in the Hall skit? The Anal Probing aliens? Funny stuff!
Figrin D'an
Jul 16th, 2002, 04:24:43 PM
Originally posted by Dark Lord Dyzm
Actually I belive Ion Engines are the way to go, we had that one Ion Engined satelite awhile back. Just they got the calculations all wrong and it went bye bye. They just need to figure out a way to speed up the Ions.
The Deep Space 1 probe... it's still out there, actually, in high orbit around the sun.
The ion engine is a pretty good idea, and for missions within our own solar system, it's practical because it consumes so little fuel while providing impressive speeds. The Deep Space 1 probe used xenon, and only expelled about 100g of material per day.
For anything beyond that, however, different technology will be needed. Even ion engines are pretty slow on when examined in galactic terms. Interstellar travel will require a high yield energy source (nuclear fusion maybe... matter/antimatter reaction would be better), and a pretty high degree of control over gravity. Considering humanity is still about 50-100 years from being even a Type 1 civilization... that's pretty far off yet.
As for "Signs," it's one of two remaining summer films (the other being "Road to Perdition" that I definately want to see. The previews have been good thus far.
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 16th, 2002, 05:02:44 PM
I dont know when Signs is coming out in Australia. I might have to wait till Christmas, which would really suck, considering how much I intend to spend watching TTT and nothing else
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jul 18th, 2002, 02:43:13 AM
You = Tolkien whore.
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 18th, 2002, 04:26:28 AM
Jul 18th, 2002, 06:02:47 AM
lol, Tolkien whore :)
Helenias Evenstar
Jul 18th, 2002, 06:15:34 AM
Ahhh, so this is what he was talking about while we ate pizza tonight and he read Tolkein, with the Lord of The Rings soundtrack playing in the background. He was breaking the news that he had preordered the many versions of the DVD. Normally I would have hit him.
But it's times like these a woman knows how to use. I hinted I have seen this very nice dress and would he give me the money for it?
"If only you were shorter and your feet hairier" he replied.
At which point, he discovered that there is only so much a long suffering wife will take and he will be fine as soon as the bruises fade.
Jul 18th, 2002, 06:32:47 AM
lol! :)
Kelt Simoson
Jul 18th, 2002, 06:42:44 AM
Ill tell you what i have a fear and you may laugh but thats up to you. I have a fear of wide open spaces, IE standing on a cliff just over the sea...that scares the crap out of me, so with aliens in mind i think a huge space ship flying over me when im walking in a field or something would scare the crap out of me....:( and i hate aliens Jenny those testing ones, i wached movie one where they were testing on a guys eyes and sticking needles and stuff like that in there and suffercatng him under plstic sheets and stuff...very horrible stuff...
Darth Viscera
Jul 18th, 2002, 10:31:00 AM
An alien abduction would definitely be a welcome escape.
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