View Full Version : Open Spar?

imported_Corin Zetith
Jul 14th, 2002, 10:58:38 PM
Corin walked into the training grounds looking for someone to spar with. he saw someone in the far corner of the room practicing thrusts and parries.

"Hello there, im Corin Zetith. i dont think i have had the pleasure of meeting you yet. what name do you go by friend?"

Corin waited for a reply.........

Helenias Evenstar
Jul 17th, 2002, 03:30:13 AM
"I go by the name of Helenias Q'Dunn and I am a Jedi Knight" I replied from where I was witha training sabre, practicing agains t a training target. I came to attention and relaxed.

"Who might you be and are you seeking a practice match?"

imported_Corin Zetith
Jul 17th, 2002, 10:45:08 PM
"Helenias? I am one of Marcus's padawans. My name is Corin Zetith. I am greatly honored to finally meet you Milady Q'Dunn."

Corin bowed low and answered her second question.

"Yes, as a matter of fact I am looking for a sparring partner. If you could help me out I would greatly appreciate it."

Helenias Evenstar
Jul 18th, 2002, 05:16:58 AM
"Oh, Corin! it is good to meet you. I am afraid I know little of you, for what Marcus knows he has not had time to share as yet with me. However... you are Sejah's room mate I believe? And yes, I will spar with you. I would be glad to teach some fighting arts if you wish as well".

With me, I had my Pike and I had my plain sabre. It wasn't really much, but it was mine.

imported_Corin Zetith
Jul 18th, 2002, 10:25:39 PM
Corin smiled.

"I would like that very much indeed Milady Q'Dunn."

"What shall you teach me? if i may inquire?"

Helenias Evenstar
Jul 21st, 2002, 04:58:43 AM
For part of my answer, I placed my Pike on the ground and instead ignited my sabre.

"Let us learn the Jedi's weapon - the lightsabre"

imported_Corin Zetith
Jul 21st, 2002, 01:56:57 PM
Corin followed suit pulling Elise from his belt he ingnited her deep blue blade the traditional snap-hiss of a lightsaber issuing forth.

Helenias Evenstar
Jul 22nd, 2002, 05:59:19 AM
I wondered if this Padawan had much knowledge of fighting. It would be prudent to find out first.

"We will begin by putting you through your paces first. Forstly, show me how you attack. When you are ready"

I fell back into my tradional starting position - one hand held out in front, in a back stance with my blade held upright behind my back. Definantly not the tradional Jedi presentation of weapon, held out in front. Then again, I was not the average Jedi in the fighting arts either. I waited, with my mind going deep in the Force and ready

imported_Corin Zetith
Jul 22nd, 2002, 04:27:13 PM
Corin, much preferring his own hands to a saber did not know very much yet about fighting with one. he had been taught some stances to begin with, but none of them really seemed comfortable for him. he didnt really go into any stance he just started off right away swinging high at Master Helenias' head and at the last moment coming down towards her shoulder.

OOC: hey you can go ahead and royally kick his butt if you want, i dont care, he is just a padawan. i also will try and post once more after this but then ill be gone for about a week. ill post back as soon as possible though.

imported_Corin Zetith
Aug 1st, 2002, 12:32:48 AM
OOC: im back! it was fun but im happy to be postin' again