View Full Version : Goriest movies?
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jul 14th, 2002, 09:22:34 PM
We've covered a lot of topics about the movies and I know that this one has probably been done already but if it was, I missed it.
Gore, per se, has never bothered me and probably never will. But there was one part in a movie that actually made me feel nauseous (sp?)...
RoboCop: The sheer callousness of the deliberate act of blowing Murphy's hand off. I had to turn the movie off at the point. My stomach was literally rolling. I think what disturbed me the most about it is acts such as that are committed today. The gory monster stuff doesnt faze me in the least but this did. I finished watching the movie the next day and its still one of my favorites but that greatly disturbed me.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: In the part where a girl is tied facing the tree and the wacko tapes/ties a knife to the end of a trombone then stands behind her, sliding the piece back and forth stabbing her repeatedly. While not the goriest, I still found it disturbing. Where do these sickos come from and why were thier parents allowed to breed?
Thats about it for me. Like I said, blood and guts bother me not with the exception of those two items. What say you all?
Jul 14th, 2002, 09:28:37 PM
Gory movie? Hmm... I've seen so many, it's hard to think of just a few. Hannibal had one scene that most people found kind of gory.
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 14th, 2002, 09:36:36 PM
Dead / Alive
Jinn Fizz
Jul 14th, 2002, 09:54:22 PM
John Carpenter's remake of The Thing
Jul 14th, 2002, 09:59:15 PM
Bambi. Goriest movie ever.
Then I guess probably Toy Story.
Gabran Darkysa
Jul 14th, 2002, 10:00:44 PM
Goriest movies... that is a topic hard to handle as there are alot of gory movies. Most notably any movies which hired goremeister Tom Savini for F/X. (Such as Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead.) Texas Chainsaw Massacre and the Hellraiser movies aren't doing bad either. Hmm...
Jul 14th, 2002, 10:10:11 PM
John Carpenter's remake of The ThingBoth that and Dawn of the Dead crossed my mind, but I wasn't sure if that was the type of gore she meant.
The Thing was sucha great movie. I can't wait to play the PC game.
Jul 14th, 2002, 10:11:41 PM
No honestly, Saving Private Ryan is the most disturbing movie I have ever seen. The gore was just way too much for me. I didn't need that type of realism. It ruined the movie. It was just disgusting. That and the fact the movie has one of the worst plots ever for a war movie and it's a wonder Spielberg did anything useful with it. What a weak effort for him though. Ah well, now I got A.I. and Minority Report to enjoy.
Starship Troopers is pretty dang gory but it's not a big deal to me because it's kinda more like comic book gore I guess. Same goes with Blade and Blade 2, but they are not even close to as gory as ST.
Halloween Resurrection is really gory, it's gross. It's just stupid though. ooo wow cool gore. Gore is not scary. WHEN are people going to realize that? There is a huge difference between disgusting gore that makes you wanna barf and something that is actually scary.
Jul 14th, 2002, 10:13:45 PM
Hmm... some guy got his face carved out like a pumpkin in "The House on Haunted Hill".
Jinn Fizz
Jul 14th, 2002, 10:16:05 PM
Originally posted by Shawn
The Thing was such a great movie.
Oh, I agree completely. Even though it's so bloody and gory that it's almost nauseating, I love it. I still can't believe I haven't bought the DVD yet, shame on me.
Even with all the crazy special effects in that movie, my favorite one is one of the simplest...the scene where Kurt Russell tests everybody's blood by sticking the hot wire into it. First time I saw it, I jumped right out of my seat, and I don't scare very easily. o_O
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 14th, 2002, 11:12:44 PM
Both House on Haunted Hill and Thirteen Ghosts (it had one scene which I don't think I will forget some guy was cut in half from the top down that was gross) were gory but neither film were scary or any good. I have to say very few gory films are really scary (and I mean the ones more recently) most of them are slasher pics like Jason and Freddy or some poc like Event Horizon which had some really gory scenes. Actually the goriest award probably belongs to Tales from the Crypt on HBO that show had some really gorier episodes, I remember one with Joe Pecisi being sawed in half that was really gross.
Darth Vader
Jul 14th, 2002, 11:47:33 PM
Nobody's mentioned Faces of Death??? :huh
Lord Gue
Jul 14th, 2002, 11:48:41 PM
OMG, I was so just thinkin that, that whole series
Figrin D'an
Jul 15th, 2002, 12:24:41 AM
Faces of Death is pretty nasty... yeah, that's up there on the "seriously F***ed up" scale...
The only scene, in any recent film that I have seen, that I considered excessive was the previously mentioned one near the end of "Hannibal." I've seen that film twice, and even the second time around, it was a bit much...
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 15th, 2002, 12:33:06 AM
Though that was the only overly gross scene in the movie, the disenboweling scene was no worse than the one in SOTL, though I was grossed out by Verger's character his face was gross. I am wondering how The Red Dragon will be the director is saying there will be less gore, I saw the trailer to it and it looks great I love the interaction between Hopkins and Norton, I love it when Lectar asks Graham, "I was wondering why you think you caught me." and Graham says, "Because your insane." I love the way Norton delivers that line the movie hopefully will be great.
Jul 15th, 2002, 04:01:01 AM
Nobody's mentioned Faces of Death???Because they're not theatrical movies?
Loki Ahmrah
Jul 15th, 2002, 04:17:10 AM
Although I've never watched any of them, from what snippets of some of the Hellraiser movies I've seen I'd say they;re very gory, Gory films are crap. I don't know where directors get this idea that gore=horror because it certainly doesn't. Gore is overrated and a load of BS as far as I'm concerned.
Gabran Darkysa
Jul 15th, 2002, 05:22:07 AM
I concur with Loki's statements! Gory horror movies are usually cheap, lowbudgeted affairs that never make it to the theatres. They are so gawdawful. Every video store across the nation have shelves full-of-em. The majority should be discarded and destroyed. (I am serious.) Another movie that was fairly gory is The Re-Animator!
On another note, alot people at my work really raved about Joy Ride when it was released but I thought that was such an unoriginal, pitiful film. I hated it! My advice watch 'The Hitchhiker' starring C. Thomas Howell and Rutger Hauer... and 'Duel' starring Dennis Weaver. Great films, Joy Ride pales in comparision!
Jul 15th, 2002, 07:41:04 AM
I couldn't agree more Lady Daiquiri. Murphy's "death" in Robocop is the worst thing I've ever seen. It was just totally evil. Then Robocop 3 was the worst movie I've ever seen...:)
Jul 17th, 2002, 07:09:02 PM
Japanese Cult Classic, Tetsuo-The iron Man.
Sick. Saw on a college Sci Fi Class, and two of the students had to ask the professor for another assignmetn because they could not watch the movie any longer, that was only 5 minutes into the film.
Loki Ahmrah
Jul 17th, 2002, 07:52:49 PM
Ah, I've heard a great deal about those Japanese films - I've had a number of scenes described to me in the past and I really don't see what the attraction is because we are the unshockable generation as far as gruesome and gory scenes are concerned. Of course there are always going to be those who are queazy but really when are directors going to get a clue and realise that gore is not impressive. Realism is neccessary in horror films and whatnot but the whole gore aspect in movies is reallyt over the top these days.
Jul 17th, 2002, 07:55:01 PM
I am glad someone mentioned a Japanese movie, (Tetsuo-The iron Man) For the most part Japan has the most graphic movies I have ever seen. While a movie like Dead-Alive might have huge amounts of blood and gore (even with all that blood the worst scene is still the pudding) and movies like “The Story of Ricky” is quoted by some to be the most graphic, nothing comes close to a movie like “Ichi the Killer” It takes gore and graphic violence to the next level. I am laughing just thinking about people watching this movie not knowing how graphic it is.
A good movie to start with if you want to just test the waters of graphic movies from Japan is “Fudoh: The Next Generation” You can get it in America. Where else can you see bodies spewing ever last drop of blood out of every opening. Or school-girl assassins putting tubs into their lower regions (use your imagination) and shooting out darts that fly right through the heads of their victims. To make it worst, they do not care when they are on their period, so you can imagine the mess when they attack. (all shown in graphic detail I might add) Decapitations, graphic bone-breaking all add to one crazy movie, and this is tame next to a movie like Ichi. Try it out, you should be able to find it at I think.
Marcus Telcontar
Jul 17th, 2002, 09:42:16 PM
ACK! Someone should put a warning up, do not read this thread with eating!
Anybody see a movie called scanners? Very graphic head explosions
Jul 17th, 2002, 10:16:37 PM
Yeah, I remember those movies.
Did anyone see Mosquito? About giant-sized mosquitos that sucked everyone dry? It wasn't that gory per se, but some pretty nasty deaths...
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jul 18th, 2002, 01:32:16 PM
I saw "Scanners" a few years back. Wasnt Michael Ironside in it?
Gabran Darkysa
Jul 18th, 2002, 02:34:54 PM
Yep, Michael Ironside is in Scanners. Also there is a score of italian zombie and horror movies that are very gory too. Argente and others!
Mu Satach
Jul 18th, 2002, 07:21:07 PM
I don't watch gore...
so the only thing I can contribute to this thread is Evil Dead. But it's more gross gore instead of disturbing gore.
and that sums up my gore list.
Jul 18th, 2002, 08:16:05 PM
I love Italian giallo movies, with Dario Argento's "Deep Red" being my all time favorite Italian movie. Giallo's were very graphic for their time, though tame today.
Jul 18th, 2002, 08:20:56 PM
Italian Zombie movies still can gross you out today though.
Jul 18th, 2002, 09:07:35 PM
Fox Dvd, where the heck have you been?? Or have I just not crossed your path up in here??
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