View Full Version : Death comes to us all. (Challenge to Lord Maul)

Jul 14th, 2002, 08:58:24 PM
The lush open field stretched on for miles. Fragrences of wildflowers flooded the air. This peaceful seen was perfectly accented by the typical babbling brook. The sun shown brilliantly on the warrior. It was an odd place to choose for a battlefield. Perhaps it was the irony of the whole situation that attracted Nemesis to this place.

Pride has always been the downfall of the greatest of men. Today would not be any different. The message had been sent and now the wait was all that remained. His ever faithful comrade TX had his mission. Attracting the intended target was simply a matter of time. Whether it be a long or short time was the only question that remained. Nemesis knew he would come, his pride left him with no choice. Pity that one life would have to end that day, but death comes to everyone. Even the killer's own cold blood would be spilled one day. But business is business.

He turned to meet the cool breeze as it rustled his garments. No emotion. Emotions are weak. Emotional people are weak. Again he waits.

Shadow Jedi Maul
Jul 14th, 2002, 09:16:21 PM
Maul approches Nemesis. Maul noticed he thought he was a wise hermit. Experieced reflected attitude, and perhaps he had none. Anyways he wanted to slaughter this one, and he would.

He stepped in front of Nemesis. He pulled out his lightsaber and ignited it, both sides of the red saber.

" Save the words of wisdom for later. I want you dead! Now!"

Jul 15th, 2002, 07:57:13 AM
Nemesis remained motionless. Undaunted by the arrival or comments of his victim. His gleaming white eyes flashed with anticipation. It had been a long time since he had killed anyone with skill. But how much talent did this dark one posses. One could only hope.

Easing both hands around the hilt of his blades Nemesis drew them with precision. His instruments of death sparkled in the noon day light. Nemesis turned to face his opponent and the mild glow of his awaiting sabers. Lowering his dual swords to the sides Nemesis took a rather unorthodox fighting stance. Was this a display of confidence or a bluff. The combantants would soon learn.

Shadow Jedi Maul
Jul 16th, 2002, 02:51:37 PM
" Don't walk away. Your arrogance annoys me!"

Maul thrusted his hands and sent a Force blow to Nemesis.

Jul 16th, 2002, 03:12:04 PM
Nemesis could see the emmence power flowing from the Shadow Jedi as Maul's gloved hand was thrust toward him. The attack was in vain, however, as the rushing mighty blow became little more than a Spring breeze upon contact with Nemesis.

The trained killer was somewhat ammused by the attempt by his opponet. He could only imagine the shock that must be coarsing through the Jedi's vein. Question upon unanswerable question must be arising in the his young mind. In all likelyhood he expected Nemesis to be hurled skyward then plumit to the ground once more.

Not allowing this open opportunity to pace him by Nemesis lept into the air whipped himself about and fell upon Maul's saber. With a crack, his saber was split in two. All in the same motion Nemesis kicked the dark one in the chest knocking him down.

TX sailed into the midst of the fight. "Don't be surprised young Jedi Maul. Master Nemesis has long since had knowledge of the force. Thus using some technolgy he alone understands my master has devised implants to neutralize your and anyone else's force attacks. You must fight Master Nemesis using other skills." With his warning stated again the droid took refuge elsewhere.

Shadow Jedi Maul
Jul 16th, 2002, 04:39:36 PM
" Let's see your master handle this!"

Maul flipped into the air landing directly behind his opponent. With both halves of his red saber, he began to slash at Nemesis, backing him up till he dropped and swept his feet from under him.

Jul 17th, 2002, 12:32:00 AM
Skillfully Nemesis blocked every assault by the ruthless Maul. However, underestimating his Jedi skills landed the assassin on his back. He was indeed surprised by the young Jedi's abilities, a mistake he intended to rectify.

Nemesis sprung to his feet using his hands to propel his body forward and upward. He began to playfully swing and stab at the dark Jedi. He tested Maul with every gesture, learning more about him with each and every motion. He intended for his opponet to avoid every one of his hapless attacks for he was not yet finished educating himself about the Dark Jedi and the power. He had skill for one so untrained but sadly it would not be nearly enough to save him this day.

Growing tired of the game Nemesis deflected both of Maul's makeshift dual light sabers and struck him to the ground with a backhand that landed heavy upon the jaw of Maul.

The Dark Jedi found himself on the ground once more only this time the sharpened steel of Nemesis' blade was pressed against the soft flesh of his neck. Nemesis halted his sword. He simply kept the reeling Dark Sider immobile on his back, pressuring the the edge ever deeper into Maul's throat until he drew blood. A small trickle of crimson flowed from the tiny wound. Still Nemesis restrained from shoving the shinning metal through the fallen Jedi.

Shadow Jedi Maul
Jul 17th, 2002, 12:42:10 AM
Maul was indeed suprised by the mysterious one's technique. Both had fought well, but Nemesis came out on top. Maul was tired of fighting this man, for he had no valid reason tp do so.

" You are good, I am good. Why don't we leave this nonsense behind."

Jul 17th, 2002, 01:04:24 AM
Nemesis glared at the smile upon Maul's face. Could this be? Was this one be so bold as to dare death to strike him down. Or was it perhaps that he believe the cold heart of the assassin had not the fire within him to take the life of another living being. In either case death conjured up no fear within the soul of Maul if he had one.

Slowly Nemesis lowered the blade from Maul's neck allowing the point rake across the inner shoulder. Once the sword had left Maul's body completely, Nemesis returned it and it's brother to their respectable sheaths.

Nemesis turned and gazed upon the Jedi's severed weapon. Stealth he moved toward and picked up both pieces of the damaged light saber. The assassin examined the two ends carefully, in order to acertain the extent of the damage.

He then whipped around to face the one tree that stood proudly in the open feild that was moments ago a battleground. A red beacon was emmitted from Nemesis' belt. A moment later TX came out from hiding at the base of the enormous tree. He puttered over to his awaiting master.

"Yes master?" He asked.

Again the red beacon shown. TX opened a small compartment at the front of his torsoe. Nemesis gently placed the broken Jedi weapon inside. The door hissed shut with a metalic clack.

Tilting his head slightly, Nemesis looked back at Maul who had yet to move. The victor returned to his opponent. Nemesis causually extended his hand as one might extend a hand to a friend who hand some common mishap.

Shadow Jedi Maul
Jul 17th, 2002, 01:13:40 AM
Maul was suprised to say the least. He didn't make friends easily growing up on Tattooine. His species facial charicteristics were not easily accepted by others of normal feature. His rough childhood resulted in his harsh attitude. Nevertheless, he grabbed Nemesis's hand and arose from where could have been his grave. Both walked off in to the distance.