View Full Version : Walking around the temple (Xazor or any other council member)

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 14th, 2002, 06:01:21 PM
:: Lance walked around the temple as he in the entrance he saw (any council member who's willing to help) and quickly walked towards (him/her) with Plo Koon following him::

"Greetings.."He says with a bow

Plo Koon
Jul 14th, 2002, 06:06:59 PM
Plo Koon stands beside his friend and bows too

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 14th, 2002, 06:12:35 PM
"Greetings to you both."

She said, bowing to them.

"Something I can help you with?"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 14th, 2002, 06:21:38 PM
:: Lance smiled as he pointes to Plo Koon::

"Well my friend here has an important matter to ask you"

Plo Koon
Jul 14th, 2002, 06:22:09 PM
Plo Koon stands back up
"My friend here, Lance, does not know the answer to a question I had asked him. So we came here to see if anyone would help us. In the Living Quarters, is it possible to seal off my room and take all the oxygen out so that I may be able to take off my mask? Because I am not able to breath in oxygen like alot of you humans and the only other place that I know of is my home planet. So can you help us?

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 14th, 2002, 06:25:46 PM
Considering the different type of aliens that come to Yavin, the temple was constructed with these sorts of problems in mind.

"I understand our atmosphere is not breathable by you ... Of course I want you to be comfortable here since this is your home. What sort of atmosphere does your homeworld have? It might be possible for you to change rooms and have the environment created for you. You do need something to breath, yes? Or am I mistaken."

Plo Koon
Jul 14th, 2002, 06:34:19 PM
Plo Koon jumps for joy (not litraly)
"Well as you can see I wear an Antiox mask witch permits me to breath in oxygen rich enviroments. It takes the oxygen and turns it into Hidrogen and a bit of Carbon Dioxide."

Chase Starwalker
Jul 14th, 2002, 06:39:51 PM
Chase sat near Navaria as he fiddled with a datapad. Listening in on the conversation he stood up to leave.

"Better keep that thing on pal."

They turned to see Chase walk by.

"If that ugly thing is supposed to hide something - I sure as frell don't want to see what it looks like..." Chase said mockingly.

Navaria shot him a stern look of disaproval. Chase smirked and walked out of the room.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 14th, 2002, 06:40:43 PM
Her eyes opened a bit wider in thought for a moment.

"I'd have to look at our records of your homeworld. I'm sure one of our techs can take the information and provide you with proper levels for one of the rooms here.

You would have to be careful though. Anyone that visits your room would either have to wear a breathing mask if they cannot take that atmosphere. I'm sure we can provide them so they are readily accessible by your quarters."

Plo's elation was readily felt and Navaria smiled.

"But be patient. This won't happen right away as much as you wish it but ... once we get the information ... perhaps we can convert one of the training rooms for the time being?"

She was rather displeased with Chase's behavior after her explanation.

"Chase. Return here immediately."

There was no need for such a remark. All Jedi were to respect one another no matter what their backgrounds were.

EDIT~ I didnt see your post chase and please, do not write for me.

Plo Koon
Jul 14th, 2002, 06:43:45 PM
Plo Koon stares at the annoying boy
"Do you mook me boy? I would like you to go to my home planet and say that to all the Jedi Masters that live there. I come from a long line of Jedi Masters and I do not take kindly to ignorant boys who make fun of my culture"
Plo walks towards the boy and grabs him by the shirt collar

Plo Koon
Jul 14th, 2002, 06:45:46 PM
o.o.c: My post was supposed to be before yours. Sorry

Chase Starwalker
Jul 14th, 2002, 06:45:48 PM
Chase stopped short of the door. Smiling to himself before turning around, he let out a sigh.

"Just a thought Master Tarkin..."

Chase Starwalker
Jul 14th, 2002, 06:48:19 PM
Chase eyed the creature.

"Listen THING." Chase stated harshly.

"Keep talking like that, and I'll give you something to breathe through."

Chase took the man's hand and peeled it away from his shirt collar.

Plo Koon
Jul 14th, 2002, 06:49:47 PM
Plo starts to fill with rage
"Listen boy.....You should watch your mouth because I will make you need a mask after I am through with you"

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 14th, 2002, 06:50:35 PM
OOC~ It's all right. Those things happen ...

IC~ "Plo ... I understand how you feel. You were disrespected but such manners do not befit a Jedi. Right or wrong in Chase's actions ... to return them in kind does not change anything. It only makes things worse."

Navaria looked at him sternly before her eyes shifted to Chase.

"A Jedi has respect for all things. Including his brethern. Just because you do not like the appearance of some here, does not give you the right to disrespect them.

Thoughts are powerful and can be used to heal or hurt, Chase. Remember that. Now ..."

She stepped back and pointed to both of them and then to each other.

"Apologize and reflect with meditation to your behaviors. I will be speaking with your Masters about this as well."

Edit~ Please wait for me to post.... not polite to go on without me :) It will get confusing that way .... and as you noticed. ... my post is almost invalid because of it. Be patient IC and OOC all right?

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 14th, 2002, 06:51:38 PM
OOC: Sorry -.-...I posted at the same time

Plo Koon
Jul 14th, 2002, 06:53:33 PM
Plo turns to Navaria and calms down. He then looks at Chase
"Sorry and I hope we could keep this at a mutual level."

Chase Starwalker
Jul 14th, 2002, 06:54:40 PM
"Ah it's the STRIDER." Chase gave a mock salute.

"Who's going to teach me this lesson?"

Chase's eyes narrowed at Lance.


Chase paused.

"By all means, stick up for your little ugly duckling friend here."

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 14th, 2002, 06:56:26 PM

Navaria's voice boomed twice as loud as normal... augmented by the Force.

"Now that I have your attentions. Lance and Plo ... you are free to leave. Immediately. I'll look into what you requested."

Her eyes narrowed towards Chase.

"Your sabre. Give it to me."

She held out her hand.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 14th, 2002, 06:57:45 PM
:: Lance sensed a touch of rage::

::He sent a message through the force at Navaria::

"Master...there is something odd with Chase...."

:: And then turned around walking out with Plo Koon at his side.::

Chase Starwalker
Jul 14th, 2002, 06:57:49 PM

Plo Koon
Jul 14th, 2002, 06:58:08 PM
Plo holds back his friend
"Master Tarken, I think this boy should be taought a lesson and learn some manners"

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 14th, 2002, 06:59:00 PM
From the other side of the room, a shadow moved. Someone else had heard the shouting and was watching.

Plo Koon
Jul 14th, 2002, 07:00:46 PM
Plo bowed and walked away with his friend. He turns around
"I hope you will learn to respect other Jedi's in time no matter what they look like"

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 14th, 2002, 07:01:50 PM
I know Lance. I know.

"Why? A Jedi must know humility and respect. Something that you have not learned. A Jedi that does not hold those in his heart has not earned the right to wield a lightsabre."

She held out her hand towards Chase more.

"Hand it over and return to your quarters to meditate and reflect. We will discuss how to regain your weapon later."

Chase Starwalker
Jul 14th, 2002, 07:04:40 PM
Chase shifted his weight. He did not like to be talked to like a child, and thats what she was doing. HE WASNT A CHILD. His thoughts raced. He couldn't be shown up in front of that fool Lance and his friend.

"b...b.." Chase stammered his words through the emotion.

"I don't need to meditate Tarkin." Chase boldly voiced his anger. What has gotten into me? He thought to himself after letting his words slip.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 14th, 2002, 07:07:34 PM
Navaria stood emotionless at the Padawan's forceful use of her name.

"All the more reason you should.... We can discuss this until the next morning, Chase. It will not change the outcome."

She let her hand relax and fall onto Chase's arm gently.

"To keep fighting will only upset you more. I know you sense that...."

Liam Jinn
Jul 14th, 2002, 07:07:42 PM
Liam shook his head, watching the whole thing unfold.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 14th, 2002, 07:08:51 PM
The shadow broke into the shape of a Jedi Master - not one whom was well known for he preferred to stay quiet and in the background. Still silent - for now.

Chase Starwalker
Jul 14th, 2002, 07:09:48 PM
Chase shook his arm of her gentle touch. He didn't want to be around anyone right now. Ever since...Vader...he wasn't so sure about anything anymore.

"If that is ALL." Chase said loudly.

"I will be leaving now."

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 14th, 2002, 07:11:19 PM
She tried. Stern approach it was ...

"Very well. Once you do as you were asked. The sabre and then to your quarters."

Chase Starwalker
Jul 14th, 2002, 07:12:40 PM
Chase gritted his teeth. It was like she was pushing him. Through those gritted teeth he mumbled out only one word.


Marcus Telcontar
Jul 14th, 2002, 07:12:57 PM
"That is not all young Padawan. You do not have permission to leave anymore until you have responded to Navaria's request. And you explain your actions"

Chase Starwalker
Jul 14th, 2002, 07:16:38 PM
Chase turned from Navaria before being interupted by a voice in the background.

A man's voice.

Jedi Master Marcus Q'Dunn's voice.

"I don't have to explain anything!" Chase shot back.

"I didn't do anything wrong in the first place." Chase's words came off bold but shaky.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 14th, 2002, 07:20:58 PM
"You have much to explain young Padawan. You ran off unwisely to face Lady Vader and you..... have thoughts that dwell on your resulting meeting. Please..... take a seat. I would wish to know what happened."

His voice was polite and calm, musical in it's strange accent.

"But however you wish to play this, your not leaving here until you explain why anger posseses you"

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 14th, 2002, 07:23:26 PM
Vader ...? Of course. Leia had said much the same in the Council Room not too long ago.

The meeting had affected Chase greatly ... more then Leia had to have known.

She watched the Padawan react to Marcus ... feeling the empty pit of anger that had corrupted his poor heart.

What happened with Lady Vader indeed.

Liam Jinn
Jul 14th, 2002, 07:25:30 PM
Placing his back up against a wall, he shifted his feet and began to lean. This could take awhile..

Chase Starwalker
Jul 14th, 2002, 07:33:26 PM
Enough of this. How could they understand?

They couldn't. They did not help Sene and Xazor. Perhaps Gav was right. His thoughts ran over what Gav had done for him. Gav Mortis was a true friend, something he could not say about everyone at the GJO.

"You want to know what happend?" Chase stated firmly.

Chase raised his his sleeve to expose a rather normal looking arm. Upon flicking his wrist with the other hand, a small mechanical door opened to expose gears and pistons. The arm was artifical.

"That is what happend."

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 14th, 2002, 08:01:20 PM
"And your blaming ther Jedi for your own foolishness"

The Master's mood changed in the Force. Not polite.... but meaning buisness.

"Not only do you have much to learn, you have also been fooled. So give me a reason why I should not cut you down right now. Give me a reason why I should listen to someone who has been caught in the Dark Side and has betrayed all and even more, himself. Do you expect me to have sympathy for a loss of a limb? I do not, for what you did was more than foolish - it was reckless and you have paid the price for it"

That would get Chase nice and angry. Now for exposing of the truth

"I see your thoughts on Gav Mortis. I wonder what silken words that Sith fed you? Friendship in your pain? Did he speak words against the Jedi maybe? Or was he the one that organised the arm? Ahh what a gift it must have been and I expect it must have seemed like a priceless treasure, did it not? To see you could pretend to be unmained again? Well, I wonder if in your anger you can work out what is truth if I tell you one small but seemingly insignifigant fact.... Gav Mortis is of the Sith Order as is Lady Vader. Dont you think that he would do what he could, lie and feed you gilded deceptions that are easy to swallow, so that he and Lady Vader can seduce one more Jedi to death?"

Marcus turned away, but continued to speak.

"What use do we have for a Jedi that would rather give in to his anger, than to save the life of a Jedi that was poisioned and lay dying on the floor? What use do we have for a Jedi whom would fall for a lie, than to give his life Force to another, so that she may live?"

His voice was cold... deadly cold as he turned around once more, pinning the Padawan with a stare that seemed to cut through the young man

"What use do we have for a Jedi that would not willing give his blood and his life to save the ones he truly loves? Three times I have saved the life of Xazor and three times I have suffered and bled and been reduced so that she may live. And what do you do? Did you help? Or did you abandon your friend to seek revenge that could have been better done later, when it could be served cold? My blood I would give and my power I would shed to save the life of the merest in here..... and that would even include you right now, even if you do not deserve it. Dont even think about putting your loss and your suffering before me, for I have done and given 10 times what you try to put forward now. what do you think is worth more.... shedding blood to save a Jedi Knight you love and protect, or to run off alone and face an enemy you were not ready to defeat?"

Xazor Elessar
Jul 14th, 2002, 08:34:36 PM
"I was not even ready to defeat her..."

The voice came out of nowhere...the shadows. Xazor had just enetered the room, unaware of anything that had taken place yet this far...but she could tell by Marcus's thoughts and tone of voice that something was not right. She shook her head and looked at Chase for a moment, the silver in her deep blue eyes catching the light and making them stand out of the darkness.

"Marcus speaks the truth, young Padawan. You need to learn peace! That did not help me any.....it only hurt you and it made many here filled with concern and sadness for you. You are my friend, Chase....if I could have spoken in that hour, I would have told you to stay and you would have listened. Or would you have? A few tried to stop you...why didn't you stay? Many...too many are falling because of actions like those that you committed. Anger...revenge...those are of the Sith! Our Code, it speaks of honor and love...why do you seek the opposite?"

The Knight had stepped into the light now, revealing her built features. Her face was drawn out with concern and a hidden sadness for the happenings like this...most of them closely affecting her. Sia....Nash....and now Chase. She shook her head and sighed, taking a place beside Marcus....unsure of the proper words to speak at this time....but her eyes showed the hurt that was in her heart for his actions....

Chase Starwalker
Jul 14th, 2002, 10:07:56 PM
Chase listened to Marcus's words. Heed them he did not, but listened none-the-less. Marcus was a Jedi Master, a council memeber, a wise Jedi...thus not one to be taken lightly. What poison would he feed him next? Gav was his friend, no matter what Marcus said. Gav wouldn't betray me? Would he? Chase's young mind was filled with all different emotions. It all started with a simple insult, but snowballed into a nightmare. His confrontation had indeed left scars. Not only physically, but mentally. He would carry those scars for the rest of his life, along with the burden that accompained them.

"What use do you have for me?" Chase echoed his words softly, but it could be heard by all in the room.

Regaining his composure Chase spoke out once more, directing it toward Marcus, but it was clear that his words held meaning for all in attendance of this confrontation.

"Perhaps I was wrong." Chase said plainly.

His thoughts were interupted by Xazor. The calming presense she brought to the room was resounding.

"I...am sorry Xazor."

Sorry that he didn't cut Lady Vader in half? Sorry that he had rushed off for revenge? He could not tell. The Jedi code lingered in his mind.

"Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy. Jedi use their powers to defend and to protect, never to attack others."

BUT THE POWER. He felt it when he walked that line...it was unrivaled. But deadly. And it almost cost him his life. Revenge was not of the Jedi. It was not of him. Like he had told Gav, it was not a Jedi's nature to hate. But Marcus spoke the truth, and he knew it. And it burned him. He lowered his eyes, but rose them to meet Marcus dead on. Soft and calm his voice came, emotion driven out of him.

"I guess you have no need for me, Master."

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 14th, 2002, 10:49:59 PM
Marcus stayed quiet, his stare matching Chase's his mind stretch out ot find the true feelings of the Padawan. Eventually, the Master lifted a hand and summoned the Padawan's sabre to his hand. The blade snapped on and the energy beam was held only a few centimeters from the Padawans neck.

"Learn a true Jedi power today no Sith can ever give or understand. Truth is one of the greatest weapons a Jedi can weild and I do not lie, for that is a path to the Dark Side...."

The blade abruptly snapped off.

".... and so is forgiveness and mercy. True forgiveness, unreserved and for no ulterior purpose. A Sith can pretend, but it will always for a motive that suits them. My forgiveness is unconditional and so is the mercy of a Jedi"

The Master stepped backwards, making a space for the Padawan.

"You have a choice in front of you. You can choose to believe the words of known Dark Siders who truly will lie and be deceptive to you, or you can choose to believe the ones you you know do not lie and you know are your true friends. "

Chase Starwalker
Jul 14th, 2002, 10:57:48 PM
Chase did not flench through the ordeal. He stood stone, listening to Marcus.

"I...am sorry Master. I have made the wrong choice. I choose to follow the Jedi. I know what I did was foolish, and for that..." He looked at Xazor. "...I am sorry."

ooc- sure thing :)

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 14th, 2002, 11:06:08 PM
OOC : Sorry, I have a dead mind at work... can you clarify a touch?

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 15th, 2002, 08:08:43 AM
Navaria listened and remained quiet. The situation was tense and when Xazor and Leia had come, Chase grew to listen more and eventually come to realize the truth that was before him.

She on the other hand was not happy. Chase was angry ... arrogant, but the anger that was deeply rooted inside him eluded her. If the Jedi would have known, Navaria would had taken a different approach with Chase ... The sabre, her words ... they were to let the Padawan reflect upon his actions but he held no remorse or any conception of what he did wrong for his thoughts had been tainted by the Dark Side.

Make no mistake, Navaria was pleased that Chase was now grounded once again. It was what the Jedi did, help their own.

The Padawan still had a long road ahead of him ...

Sighing inwardly, Navaria turned and left the Council Room. She had kept moving away from the Padawan as others stepped in to intercede so it was easy to leave unnoticed. This was the right time for her to leave. Marcus, Xazor and Leia will handle this further. She needed time to reflect herself on how such a mistake in error came about. Why didn't she sense the root of Chase's problem.


She pulled the hood over her cloak and left the chamber proper, the doors slowly closing shut. The question that Navaria asked herself was not an easy one. She had dealt with the Dark Side personally for years ... so why now did it elude her when it was staring right at her. Yes, she did know Chase's emotions were strong and touched by the Darkness but the cause ... it was so plain ....

It was troubling and the Knight couldn't help but wonder if this was all part of her own demons that had arising lately...

Xazor Elessar
Jul 15th, 2002, 09:07:50 AM
Xazor's eyes held steady on Chase's face...even when he wasn't looking at her directly. She sighed slightly and looked down at the floor, recalling a lesson that the Jedi had shown her....the same lesson that Marcus spoke of: forgiveness. Navaria had shown her what it was....Marcus had shown her what it was.....Helenias, Shade...Alpha. Names ran through her head as she stood there recalling each one. A smile crossed her lips briefly but then she returned her attention back to the situation at hand. My how she had grown through those times....the very times that Chase was facing now.

"I forgive you..............but can you forgive yourself?"

The words were softly spoken...but the meaning behind them was piercing. She knew that it would hit home for him...as it had once done for herself. It was the truth, though....and it needed to be spoken. She shook her head and then noticed that Navaria had left. Something was heavy on her friend's heart as of late and this seemed to bring it out. Perhaps she would seek out her fellow Knight and talk to her. But right now, she had to deal with this.

"Chase....I know you don't want to listen to the words we are speaking to you...I know that your heart is hard right now, and I know that you feel that you did right. I know these things....for I was just like you once...."

The Knight stepped forward and stood between the Padawan and the Jedi Master. Her eyes gently rested on his and she sighed once again, then placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Indeed...you have spoken words that confirm a committment....but do you feel it in your heart? Or was the power that you touched so briefly worth giving up this life that you have vowed to take on? Are your words heartfelt, Chase....or is it just stardust? If so...if your words were just spoken because you felt that is what we wanted to hear....than you are so wrong...."

She paused a moment and scenes from her life at the Order flashed through her mind...most of them were situations like this very one when she had to face her Master and others in the Order. The Knight bestowed warmth upon the Padawan and her hand remained resting gently upon his shoulder.

"The choice to live this life is not to be taken lightly. Indeed...it is much easier to be Sith...or Dark Jedi...or anything else except for what you are..."

With the last words she pointed right at his chest and tapped him slightly. The message that she was speaking resounded louder than the words that flowed so freely from her mouth....it was something unsaid, but he heard it. It was like a message to his heart...his very soul. The Knight gently returned her hand to his shoulder and looked back into his eyes.

"But you know it as truly as I do....that being a Jedi is knowing the truth. Why serve the shadow of the Force when you have the true thing right in your hands? Why settle for the "alright" and "okay" ways....when you can have the best? So many questions that I could ask you...but would you have the answer? It's all the truth, Chase....but perhaps lies are easier to read. Hard to see, they are....but that is all that the Darkside is. The truth is so bold...so evident that it blindes oneself....maybe that is why so many turn away from it...."

With that, Xazor stepped back beside Marcus and eyed the young Padawan for a moment. Even her own words seemed to speak volumns to herself. She locked eyes with Chase, knowing that he could have let all of that go in one ear and out the other...but for some reason, she didn't think that happened.....

Chase Starwalker
Jul 16th, 2002, 01:18:06 PM
"It was a mistake. I understand that. Trust me, I've heard it. I can't take back my actions...I just wanted to help you...to prove that we as Jedi wouldn't tolerate it anymore...I guess there are better ways to go about this."

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 16th, 2002, 04:09:00 PM
Marcus glanced down at the Padawan's sabre in his hand.

"I told you what we didnt need. I will tell you that we need Jedi whom realise they are wrong and have the courage to admit it and make amends"

He handed the sabre back to Chase

"Next time you feel the urge to run off and beat up a Sith, see me first. You never know what I might say"

There was something in Marcus' eye and a very slight beginnings of a smile

Jul 16th, 2002, 06:41:43 PM
:: Throughout the entire scene, AB remained silent, holding back her hand from rubbing her temples. It was clear Chase was sorry for what had happened, but something told her this whole ordeal was far from over. ::

:: She looked over at Marcus, remembering what he had said earlier in the week, "I fear evil will come out this.... great evil". She was starting to believe it too. ::

Chase Starwalker
Jul 16th, 2002, 06:52:37 PM
Chase bowed to Marcus. His ego in check, he was humbled.

"Thank you Master. I will not fail you again."

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 16th, 2002, 07:06:26 PM
"It is not me whom you are not to fail... it is yourself. Always keep that close to your heart "

Marcus felt the gaze of someone else on him as he turned to leave.... and he gave her a look which was clearly 'Remember what I said?'

"I fear this was only the beginning" he said quietly, so that only she would hear as he walked past and out of the Council chamber.

Chase Starwalker
Jul 17th, 2002, 11:24:13 AM
Chase gave a soft bow to Marcus as he left, saying nothing. He glanced down at his saber and left the Council chambers.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 17th, 2002, 11:36:20 AM
Xazor remained in the Council Chamber as the others left. She was consumed with mixed feelings at the moment. It was soon after her recovery and she still had bruises all over her body....stitches still rested in some of the deeper wounds...and she still walked with a limp. Perhaps it was the moment that affected her...she did not know.

"What is to become of Chase Starwalker? I too sense something terrible has begun to root itself from this situation. I know what you will tell me....but for some reason, I still feel that this was my doing. In reality, this began with me. I should have never taken my Padawan to Rama's Corner to view the Sith...and when I did, I should have kept my tongue in check and I should have left. For these things I apologize deeply for now I have caused one to walk a fine line....."

She spoke earnestly, wondering if anyone was really listening to her words....she didn't want them to just hear her anymore. This was a serious issue now. Because of me.... She could not get the words from running through her head. Yes, she felt regret, but she did not let her emotions take over...not now. Shaking her head, she simply looked at the floor, wondering to herself if anyone had answers...

Jul 17th, 2002, 03:07:17 PM
:: AB bit her loer lip, watching as Marcus first left, and then Chase. Unfortunately, the crazed bantha running about inside her head didn't depart, leaving her with a pounding headache. She nulled it with the Force, making a mental note to have a warm cup of tea later and a good meditative nap. ::

:: She looked at Xazor. ::

What's done, is done. There is no need to dwell on the past. learn from it, yes, but do not live in it.

:: She paused and then continued. ::

As for Chase, I would say we assign someone to watch him carefully for the next few weeks, but I fear doing anything of the sort might make him feel as though we don't trust him. We can't afford to alienate him.

:: She sighed softly as her headache got worse. ::

This situation is delicate to say the least, and we must treat it just as delicately.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 17th, 2002, 03:15:04 PM
Xazor nodded to Master AB and smiled gently.

"I understand your words....I have lived in the past before...I only ask my question out of deep concern and regret. I will go meditate on this...thank you."

The Knight bowed once again and left the room to go to her Living Quarters for some quiet time of meditation...