View Full Version : A walk with Maia(Maia-closed)

Dios Kane
Jul 14th, 2002, 06:53:40 AM
:: Dios was waliing down the courtyard... pain. He revelled in it but he new the price. To remember such things... Life for him had been so simple until he had sen time... All of it in bits and pieces... more pain. And what to stop it with? This was not physical but inside... locked away, he could tell that... He was watching his own force, making sure it didn't betray his feelings and keeping it looking like he was calm and collected like always. Good life he would like to assume... never. Too much pain on how to live that, a good way to calm that was with a good drink. He reached inside his jacket and retrieved his signature flask, he took a drink and let it slide down his throat slowly. His face stayed in a consant smile, a good natured one that people took him as just enjoying the walk. That was god because they wouldn't really know, and he hated to have the pain because so many others seemed to have their own and to talk about it seemed to throw others in a depression. He didn't want that, he just wanted to have a good time with his friends at the bar... but something always happened, he had just gotten back from Tomak's ceremony... That was in his mind now, partially. Pain... everlasting, if only the holywater worked inside too. Where was somebody... somebody he needed to talk to... to heal his pain of misery and anguish?::

Maia Tharrinn
Jul 14th, 2002, 01:53:46 PM
Maia sat with her back against a wall. She watched Ari preening his feathers in a near tree. Her eyes were distant, her mouth was set in a grim line. She was thinking of Dios and how he had helped her find a small measure of peace, and how sad he had looked when he had turned to leave. He always appeared happy and content when she saw him around the GJO but then again so did she. Her heart was in constant turmoil and always ached for her family. She just didn't show it.

Perhaps when he had felt her pain, somehow it had attached them or perhaps they both hurt so much that it just drew them together to share. Maia didn't know what the case was, all she knew is that she wanted to help Dios.

Maia stood up from her little nook and glanced around the beautiful garden. There was hurt here, somewhere and it was familiar. Maia spotted Dios walking, his customary smile in place. Hs eyes hiding the hurt that she knew lurked inside.

Maia motioned for Ari to stay where he was and moved over to Dios, stepping directly in his path, Her eyes serious her mouth did not wear it's customary smile.

Placing a hand on his chest. "Dios we need to talk about what's hurting you. I know it may not be my business but you helped me and I need to help you. I don't understand why but I do." She said softly her eyes searching his. "Please Dios, I can feel your pain." She pleaded...

Dios Kane
Jul 14th, 2002, 02:17:02 PM
:: Dios was startled to see her and he kept his smile in perfect place, he even laughed.::
You're right Maia, it isn't your business but then when I had asked you that night it hadn't been mine either had it? So then we do get to take our walk huh?
:: He took her arm and he began to walk with her. He wasn't sure if he would want to go outnwith the straight truth or what... This was not something he had expected to get around to. Pain... to share pain could be dangerous and contagious. She was so nice, but like she said they could feel each other's pain. He knew she hurt too, but was he willing to show that he really did too. His face dropped and he looked very tired as he walked with her into a not so populated hallway, it was still light, but it just didn't seem so.::
To share pain is dangerous, you know that right Maia? I am not one to do such things but you're so cute when you plead like that, how can I resist? How would you like to help me?

Maia Tharrinn
Jul 15th, 2002, 01:54:46 AM
Maia grimaced slightly at his words. It was just like him to try to slip away from his own pain and try to put another at ease. To joke away his hurt.

"I am willing to share in that pain Dios if it means easing yours. It is what friends do. Had you not helped me that night my pain would have went on but instead you listened and felt the pain with me. It's simple I want to listen and want you to talk. Do not spare my feelings or worry that what you say may hurt me or what you let me feel might be to much. As your friend I will stand with you through it." Maia said as she leaned her cheek on his arm giving his arm a hug.

Maia glanced up into his face. His eyes were weary. "What do you hide from others with that smile Dios. What do you run from with all the drinking? One day it will catch you Dios and there will be no more hiding no more smiles to mask it. Let me help you now Dios if I can. That is all I want." She said softly, her eyes glimmered softly with a new pain. The pain of seeing a friend hurt and not being able to help...

Dios Kane
Jul 15th, 2002, 03:22:25 PM
:: Dios listened to her and looked back into her eyes. She was right, he guessed. She wanted to help him and he wouldn't stop her. Not many had bothered to stop him when he had tried to help them. He thought about her question... what did he hide with his smiles and laughter? He hid his pain, his pain of... what? There were so many things that ate at him. His family's death, the passing of time, his past with the Sith, Tomak... watching his friends in pain. He sat down on a bench in the hallway. As she sat down he put his long arm around her and looked up.::
Maia, if that is all you want. It is yours. To help me I must start at the beginning for you to know, because ignorance can blind you from many options. Have you met Tomak Ohara? The vampyre? He used to be evil... very evil. And he would plunder villages for humans as if they were cattle. This was in the 11th century of the blessed Urth, mind you. One of the latter family's Tomak killed before he turned his interest to the clan wars was mine. My father, mother, and siblings. I watched them all be sucked dry before A vampyre hunter appeared and beat Tomak back before he could get me. I was deadly burned and the hunter gave me a frickin vial of holy water. Burns like mercury and soaks in like ice. But it healed me and gave me an ageless life devoted to the hunt of vampyres and demons in my day and age. I was twelve when I became a hunter. Seven years later my master was killed by Tomak's father in a last resort for the vampyres to survive. They wanted to escape through time. I killed my master's slayer in anger and followed Tomak through the time portal. But something went wrong... dreadfully wrong. While Tomak jumped straight to here, I hit every speed bump along the way, I lived 117 years of my life just jumping between the time stream. I saw wars start and be forgotten and I saw every cruel sin be committed over and over because that people just wouln't bother to remember the past. I was forced to remember it. My family, burning and being sucked from their life force... My master dying at the moment of our triumph... and all the carnage and blood spilt betwwen the millineas. I saw it all. And then I came here. Here, where I was blinde by the dark side and attacked the repented Tomak. I became a servant to the darkside only because of my blindness and the pain in my heart. But I had to experience even more before I could truly see through the darkness. I forced myself to sit through an acid rain storm that ate my skin off. I knew it would all heal but that doesn't mean I can't just disregard the pain that the acid caused. I came here and joined the jedi, the light side. And then I picked up drinking because I liked it and I found out that the holy water prevented me from getting poisoning from it...
:: Dios closed his eyes. He had to let it all sink into her... Too miuch too fast was confusing and not good.::
I came here and found out that in the light I could withstand the darkness better and help others away from it... but the things still eat at my soul. No human should be forced to watch from outside the wheel of fate, and to see it in all of it's revolutions as I did. I wasn't supposed to be able to digest aoll that I had seen but I did, and now it's eating me from the inside.

Maia Tharrinn
Jul 16th, 2002, 04:26:54 AM
Maia felt the tears slipping down her cheeks as Dios spoke. She made no move to brush them away. Her heart ached for him, her problems seemed so insignificant next to his. She had lost her family to the darkside but at least they lived. He had lost his forever. To feel what he felt was beyond her. No one should suffer that kind of pain.

"I don't know how you do it Dios, I never realized what you must suffer. The memories alone of your own pain and the pain of countless others is indescribable. All I can say though it probably will be of no help to you. Is to try and move on to forget what once was. You have a new family now, me and all of the Jedi here. I know it cannot replace what you have lost but I hope it can heal some of it. As for the pain you feel from others and all the generations you have had to see suffer, I do not know what to say on that, other than if I could take some of it for you, I would my friend." Maia said softly, her heart breaking for him. She wrapped her arms around his waist her cheek pressed against his heart. She wanted so much to heal his hurt but she knew that she couldn't.

"How does one heal an endless lifetime of pain." She mumbled against his chest....

Dios Kane
Jul 16th, 2002, 10:08:50 AM
:: Dios kept his eyes closed as she spoke, to forget... Forgeting the pain was hard, very hard... he'd tried before but that was by himself. She was righ, his new family was here, with the jedi and her. Pain to share was not something he wanted to do, but to push it out of the way with the joy and hapiness of life and the force was.::
By replacing it with an endless life time of joy.
:: He held her close, he felt bonded to this woman, not like others, not like his bonds with friends, Tomak, Kira. This was a bond as if they really did share their pain. He could sense her there next to him without the physical touch. She was cool water against his burning wounds. Had he been like this to her that night? A soothing break from it all? He didn't have much to say anymore, he didn't know what to say. Hell, now that he thought about it... He had a chick hugging him.::

Maia Tharrinn
Jul 17th, 2002, 11:19:53 PM
Maia could feel Dios calming slightly as she hugged him. She had never felt such a deep connection to someone and it was peaceful as well as disconcerting. Se could still feel his deep pain but at least she had brought him a small measure of peace. Even if it was only for the moment.

Looking up she smiled at him. "In the end Dios we have t remember that we all have each other. There is no need to hide what hurts us, you taught me that on the night you came to my aid. I will always be here Dios to share your pain and hopefully to ease it if I can."

Dios Kane
Jul 18th, 2002, 10:18:53 AM
:: Dios kissed her forehead and smiled::
Thanks a lot Maia. If I ever got something to share, I'll come to you and I expect you to do the same. But right now, I've got a few things to do before I go on that mission of Xazor's that she mentioned before... some weird planet, If you're goin, I'll see ya there.
:: He got up and looked back at her, she had helped him some. Enough, for now. He pulled his flask out and smiled and as he took a swig. Comforting that. He gave her a wave then walked off in his normal arrogant swagger down the halls. As he walked he was whistling a funny tune and almost choked on his next swallow of his drink. The last thing Maia saw of Dios then was him laughing and choking at the same time as he entered the next hallway.::