View Full Version : A new warrior

Jul 13th, 2002, 11:18:55 PM
A handsome young man with jet black hair in an imperial jumpsuit with a helmet of the elite imperial 181st fighter group walks in.

Droid:HOw may i help u sir?

TieFIghterPilot181st: i am looking for the jedi master xazor leo dawnstrider

Droid: ahh yes she is over there

The young man walks over and waits for her to finish a conversation with a young padawan

Xazor Elessar
Jul 14th, 2002, 08:40:11 PM
Xazor turned around at the feeling of someone behind her. A smile crossed her lips and she bowed to the young man and smiled.

"Greetings....you seek the Jedi, yes? I am Warrior Jedi Knight and Council Member, Xazor Dawnstrider.....how may I be of your assistance?"

She questioned with a friendly smile, hoping to help him with whatever he sought this day....

Jul 15th, 2002, 09:37:25 AM
(bows to Xazor Leo dawnstrider) Yes i am here to seek the jedi and I am here to be trained one.

It started many years ago when i was born on corellia. As a young child i had loved to fly. I joined the Imperial Navy because of my love of flying. Most of the people there didnt like me because of me typical Corellian swagger. However my superior flying ability was noted by my superior officers. Then one day Baron Soontir Fel came to our ship looking for me. he asked me to join his elite 181st fighter group and i accepted. The war raged on for a very long time. Gradually some of my bes friends started to desert and one of them was my best friend and they suspected me of helping him but i was never charged. However i began to look closely at the reports from some of the imperial controlled systems. Then one day news came that stormtroopers had massacred civilians on corellia. Two of the victims were my parents. The next day we were in the middile of a dog fight against rogue squadron when i cornered pilot Corran Horn. For some reason i had sensed his fear emanating from him like flames. Then i sensed that his parents were killed also and he was Corellian too. I coudlnt bear to shoot him down. My squadron leader ordered me to doo so but i didnt. then one of my mates came in to kill Corran. I shot my mates TIE down. Soon after a rebel frigate jumped in and took corran aboard and jumped out. I was escoreted back to our star destroyer the Indominatable. I was tortured for 2 weeks when i managed to escape in my TIE. I was very weak. Soon after i blacked out in my TIE. A rebel patrol came by and by chance Corran Horn was leading the flight of X-wings. He recognized my TIE as the one that had saved him earlier. He brought me into base where i was healed for my wounds. I spent a few days modifying my TIE which was now my personal ship. Corran before i left told me that he had sensed the Force in me. Then i left travelling to many worldsd before coming here.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 15th, 2002, 09:45:50 AM
Xazor listened intently and smiled once he had finished.

"You have a good heart, young man....and yes, I sense the Force within you. So you have come here to use it? To train as a Jedi is a difficult life...why did you choose it?"

She questioned gently. Indeed, it was difficult to be a Jedi and much easier to be Sith...or Dark Jedi....it was a question she had to ask...something he had to have an answer for.

Jul 15th, 2002, 02:47:32 PM
(Thinking deeply for a while)
I am here to fight the growing corruption of the empire. I would not like to see another massacre like the one htat happened on Corellia where my parents where killed. I promise not to be bent on revenge however because revenge and agression are the way of the dark side which what i want to avoid i only want to defent the innocent

Xazor Elessar
Jul 15th, 2002, 03:05:57 PM
Xazor smiled and bowed her head once again.

"You know of the Jedi Code, then. Your heart is pure, young one. I welcome you to the Greater Jedi Order....a Master shall be appointed to you and shall contact you with training information shortly. Oh yes...and what is your name?"

She questioned with a curious smile crossing her lips.

Jul 15th, 2002, 03:47:53 PM
Thank you Great Jedi. As for my name... it is quite a story. You see in the imperial navy when i joined i was not known by a name merely a number they had purged me of my name.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 16th, 2002, 07:05:04 PM
Xazor lofted a brow and smiled gently.

"Well, you are welcome.....and if you would like a name....perhaps you should choose one....or I have been known to give out a few."

She said with a gentle smile.

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 16th, 2002, 10:08:41 PM
Lion had been walking around the GJO's impressive recruitment center when he noticed a familiar face.

"Hey! Tai! How are ya, dude? Long time, no see."

Lion turned towards Xazor, who was smiling like always.

"Xazor, me and Tai flew a few missions together when I was a mercenary. We always called him Tai, because he couldn't remember his name."

(sorry bout' the intrusion, Xaz, but TieFighterPilot181st is one of my friends. He's a bit...confused at the moment.)

Xazor Elessar
Jul 19th, 2002, 03:24:08 PM
Xazor nodded slightly and smiled.

"Oh I see! Well, greetings again, Tai....it is a pleasure to meet you....well.......never mind, you know what I mean."

She giggled slightly and looked to Lion....she had never known that he was a merc. It was a bit surprising to her.....but she passed it off and let the friends speak once again.

ooc: It's okay....and hey Lion, did you know that Alpha is using that blonde guy in your Avatar as his character pic/sig?? Just wanted to see if you knew...... :)

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 19th, 2002, 09:52:27 PM
"Hey, Mistress Xazor, mind if I show him around a bit?"

(ooc: Ya, I just noticed, lol. I'm gonna change it, soon as I can find something to replace it. But Tidus is so...cool!)

Xazor Elessar
Jul 20th, 2002, 02:03:44 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled gently.

"Indeed, I would appreciate that a lot......thank you Lion! And may the Force be with both of you......."

With that, Xazor stepped into the shadows and parted as she had come.....

ooc: :lol That's cool.......good luck on finding someone! :D

Lion El' Jonson
Jul 21st, 2002, 12:05:03 AM
"Aight, comon, Tai. I'm gonna give you a little tour of the grounds, and get you a room."

Lion started walking towards the back door of the bar.