View Full Version : Teachings of the sith SashaKolav(Open)

Malice Draclau
Jul 13th, 2002, 05:58:19 AM
It was a mid afternoon day on tatooine. The twin suns burning the ground as usual. Within a local bar in one of the towns, sat Malice Draclau. The newest member of TSE. Recently after meeting with some old friends back at TSO, Malice ran into a rather curious boy that was new there. The one known as SashaKolav, a promising sith. He had a very bright head on his shoulder's, though as Malice new all to well that a boy at his age was still very impressionable.

And so the sith knight sat there drinking a mug of whiskey. He had sent a merchant to go to TSO and inform Sasha to meet him here. Malice was going to see what Sasha knew so far as to being a sith, and how much he has changed.

Jul 15th, 2002, 07:19:34 AM
The merchant had found him. Teh message that someone was waiting for him on the landing pad with a message was a surprise to him, and immediately his active imagination went to work. Images of childhood friends, his jedi friend Xazor, or finally, his master coming back to train him flashed through his mind. He was surprised to find that the message was from none of them, but from Malice.

Sasha recalled meeting him some time ago. He'd been very new to the order at the time. He remembered many things about this man, but mostly, how much he loved to drink. A curious expression came over his face, for he wondered what it was exactly that Malice wanted of him.

As he'd been asked to do, he left word for his elders that he would be traveling to Tatooine and then he boarded the merchant's ship.

And some time later, he set foot on the Tatooine sands, and headed for the cantina where he was to meet Malice. He carried with him his lightsaber, his blaster, and the blaster rifle of an old friend that now belonged to him slung over his back.

He loved this cantina, for the idea of checking weapons would never have occurred to anyone. Instead, everyone was free to come and go as they pleased, and this added some element of danger to the place. This, Sasha loved.

It took a moment for his eyes to adjust as he stepped into the dimly lit cantina from the bright sunlight of the outside, and then he began his search for Malice.

Malice Draclau
Jul 15th, 2002, 03:36:45 PM
Malice was sitting towads the leftside of the bar, he was practicay all alone in that section as his reputation of killing around Tatooine was well known around bars. As such whenever he came into a bar and sat, toeh's would move away from the sith. Looking around Malice suddenly felt a dark presense enter, lookig up at the door he noticed Sasha.

*Hmmm......it's been about two days now......quite fast i must say*

Using the force Malice sent him a message.

(Sasha, look to your left. There you will find me)

malice now just waited, a droid at his table incase Sasha wanted anything.

Jul 16th, 2002, 08:40:05 AM
He could hear the voice in his mind, and he paused only for a moment, before his violet eyes, and then his head turned completely to stare in the direction of Malice. He was quite used to others speaking in his mind now. It seemed to be a common thread among all force users, and it didnt bother him as it once had.

Seeing Malice there, as he had said he was, a grin escaped, and Sasha then made his way over to the table. As he got a bit closer, his grin faded, and he looked to Malice with his usual serious expression.

"You were looking for me?" He inquired, remaining standing for a moment, until the elder Sith beckoned for him to be seated. It was then that Sasha joined him, his elbows coming to rest on the sticky surface of the table as he looked to the elder man with curiousity dancing in his expressive eyes.

Malice Draclau
Jul 16th, 2002, 12:52:57 PM
Malice for a moment just stared at Sasha, he could feel that youthful aura radiating off his body. Something which Made Malice jealous as he was close to hitting his thirties. Malice then cracked a smile.

*Yes i have been looking for you. It's been a while, and you look much better then when i last saw you. The darkside is stronger within you i can sense it. Care for a drink.....i'll let you order this time*

A grin danced along his lips a he remembered the last time he had seen Sasha drink some hard liquor.

Jul 16th, 2002, 01:15:03 PM
That Malice could sense the dark side in him being stronger made Sasha smile. He had been working very hard at his training, and this was encouraging to hear.

"Ive taken my training very seriously." He replied. He was a bit more confident that he had been the last time they'd met, and at the suggestion of a drink, he laughed. He remembered well the last time he'd had a drink with Malice.

And so he ordered exactly the same thing Malice had once ordered for him. The droid scurried away, and Sasha turned back to Malice.

"How have you been?" He asked as he pulled the blaster rifle off his back and set it on the table, off to the side towards the wall - far from any random hands who wished to make a grab for it.

Malice Draclau
Jul 16th, 2002, 01:25:18 PM
Malice shrugged his shoulder's.

* Ahh i've been good. I have been the normal sith i have always been......if such a being exsists anyways*

Malice chuckled to himself at his little joke. Finishing his drink he grinned when he had heard what drink Sasha had grabbed.

*Ahhh, so are you just trying to impress me or have you had a liking to it. Ohh it doesn't matter really. Though as for why i have called you here*

Malice paused for a moment, taking a look around the room observing people.

*You see i may not be part of TSO anylonger. But i still have eyes and ears there that follow every member of that order. And the ones that i have had follow you have told me something interesting*

Malice leaned in close, not wanting any others to hear.

*I know not if this is true, but so far my little information getter's have never been wrong. And they tell me you have a friend......a....jedi friend. Now i will ask you this sith to sith, is this true?*

Malice didn't mean to be so blunt, but he was never one to beat around the bush on any occasion.

Jul 16th, 2002, 01:57:47 PM
He'd been about to reply to Malice's question of why he'd ordered that particular drink, but Malice had dismissed it, and moved on to what it was he really wanted to know.

To know that he'd been followed instantly made his shoulders tense. He knew that sometimes the Sith Order would have someone follow him, for safety reasons as he was only an apprentice, but that Malice had had someone follow him made him a bit uneasy.

Lady Vader had been with Sasha when he'd first met Malice, and she had seemed at ease with him. But Sasha didnt know him well enough to be comfortable with what he'd just been told.

As he was asked about his jedi friend, he felt the blood drain slightly from his face. It was true. And he wasnt going to lie about it. His gaze looked to the table, not out of shame, or to hide anything, but because he had known this day would come.

He finally raised his gaze to look at Malice.

"Its true." He replied quietly.

Malice Draclau
Jul 16th, 2002, 02:14:05 PM
Malice could see th change in Sasha's appearence. He then put a hand on Sasha's shoulder and looked him in the eye.

*Do not get me wrong, i do not have my men follow you to be a bother. But rather to keep track of the members, to see that they are safe. I have done that for a very long time and i have men follow every new member. Even now, when i am no longer a member myself i still have my men stay there and make sure all of you are safe*

Malice backed away into his seat and took another lok aond, making sure there were no wandering eyes.

*But do not worry, for i will not tell any of the other's about your little secret. It is after all up to you to tell them. For i too was once with a lightsider. She was the most beautiful woman to ever have walked the galaxy. We even had a child. I know it sounds forbbidon, but at the time i didn't care, i indeed had love for her. But she just couldn't let the fact that i was a sith go*

Malice suddenly had anger rise in him, but quickly supressed it until a later time.

*But anways, what i want to see is if you are still capable of being a sith. You see i was your age when i first came to TSO, and i had met someone that joined shortly after me, he was only 10. He was a promising sith, almost made a knight, but he had met a jedi woman and slowly without us knowing until it was too late, she had turned him over to the light. And i vowed to never let that happen ever again*

Looking at the barcounter and pointed to a couple of Rodians.

*Now being a sith means that killing is just a part of your daily life. If it happens then heck, it happens. So what i want to see is, do you have it in you to be a killer. Granted nt everyone is but should you stall in a situation that calls for killing....you'll be dead in a second*

Malice waited for Sasha's reply. Ordering himself another drink at the same time.

Jul 16th, 2002, 02:53:05 PM
Sasha listened, uttering not a peep for the longest time.

When Malice asked him of this - if he could be a killer - Sasha sat back in his seat for a moment. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest.

To not kill would likely bring down the wrath of Malice. And he was pretty sure he wasnt ready to face that just yet. But to kill...needlessly...just to kill...

"I'll never be a jedi, if thats what you're worried about." He replied, avoiding, for the moment, the question. And it was true. He had no interest. No desire at all. He just wasnt cut out to be a jedi.

Malice Draclau
Jul 16th, 2002, 02:59:56 PM
Malice nodded his head in compliance with Sasha's reply.

*And that i good to hear. But as you should know....actions speak louder then words*

Looking over at the two rodians, Malice reaches out a hand and with the darkside one of them drops dead in an instant. Malice had popped a brain vessel or two within the creatres head. Continuing using the force Malice speaks to th other Rodian who is confused t what had happened.

(Look to your left, a teenage boy is responsible for the death of your friend. He is a sith)

With that done Malice looked at Sasha.

*Now you see that wasn't so difficult. But i suggest you hurry up and decide if you want to do this, i think the other Rodian is coming after you*

If Sasha didn't want to kill willingly. then Malice would make him kill.

Jul 16th, 2002, 03:14:47 PM
Sasha watched as the creature fell. He knew, before Malice even spoke, he had known it was he who was responsible for the rodian's death.

And his words were true. The creature was coming for him. Sasha gave Malice a slightly pained look, as if he felt he'd been double crossed, and then the will to survive took over.

The blaster shot just missed him as he pulled his saber from his belt. And it had been close. Had he not just had his hair trimmed, it might have singed it as the shot rang by.

This angered the young Sith - both at Malice and the rodian for being simple enough to believe such a trick. He defended against the next two shots, his saber just quick enough to deflect them. And he defended, he advanced. With each battle that he fought, he became a bit more confident and was able to begin calling upon the dark side for the few things that he knew.

As he advanced, the rodian backed up,and suddenly, the fear of the saber took over and the creature tried to run, stumbling. It was then that Sasha switched his saber to his other hand and drew his blaster and fired, ending the life of the dead rodian's companion.

And then he turned to Malice, anger flashing in his violet eyes.

Malice Draclau
Jul 17th, 2002, 01:37:28 AM
Malice sipped his drink as Sasha went on the offensive. His dark blue eyes stared into Sasha's violet eyes, which were filled with the darkside. Standing Malice walked over to Sasha, bringing both their drinks along with him. Handing Sasha his drink, Malice let out a chuckle.

*So tell me Sasha......how did that make you feel. How did using your powers to subdue the weak and put them in their place feel*

Awaiting for is answer Malice sipped his whiskey.

Jul 17th, 2002, 08:51:51 AM
It was a staredown for a moment, and then Malice had stood, both drinks in hand and walked over to Sasha. Malice chuckled as he extended Sasha's drink to him.

The young sith paused, stubborness in his eyes before he finally holstered his blaster. And then he disengaged his lightsaber, though he still held it tightly in his hand, clenching it in anger.

He accepted the drink, all the while still staring with a sort of glare in those violet eyes of his.

So tell me Sasha......how did that make you feel. How did using your powers to subdue the weak and put them in their place feel

He looked away. How did it make him feel? He hadnt thought of it until now. When he had been fighting, it had only been anger that he'd felt. A solid dose of andrenaline. But there had also been the feeling of agression - of power as he'd advanced on the creature. He hadnt just defended...he had attacked. And he had killed. The creature probalby would have left without another attempt - the creature had ben scared and retreating. And he had shown no mercy.

He didnt answer Malice. The truth was that he had enjoyed it. The power of it had been intoxicating. And he couldnt yet bring himself to admit this out loud.

Instead he took a good slug of the whiskey. Swallowing it down with a grimace.

"It wasnt a fair fight." He finally stated after, anger and stubborness still in his voice.

Malice Draclau
Jul 17th, 2002, 12:47:23 PM
Malice just started laughing out loud, though the other's within the bar dared not to look his way. The sith knight turned and went back towards the table, motioning for Sasha to follow, all the while speaking to him.

*You know Sasha, if i had told myself that everytime i killed some citizen, I probably wouldn't have done it and gone to the jedi. Besides, many things are not wat they seem to be*

Lifting his hand towards the dead rodians body, the right side of it's clothing began to move. A small metal object lifted out of it's pocket and made it's way towards the sith. As soon as it landed in Malice's palm, both he and Sasha could now see what it was. It was a thermal detonator.

*You see, given the chance he would have used this on you. And I bet this would have evened things up a bit, wouldn't you say*

A sadistic laugh escaped his mouth for a few seconds. He then slid the explosive across the tableto Sasha.

*You see, you mustn't think when it comes to killing these forceless beings. They are inferior to us and therefore must be made aware of that. And killing them, filling them with fear is the only way. Which brings me to my next question. Would you be able to kill, like you had just done infront of your.....jedi friend?*

To Malice this was the most important thing when a sith was friends........or even lover's with a jedi. When Malice was married to a jedi woman, that did not stop him from still being a sith and killing.

Jul 17th, 2002, 02:33:50 PM
Sasha didnt think it was very funny, yet still, he followed Malice to the table and took a seat with him.

As Malice spoke, a thermal detonator made its way to the table. Malice pushed this towards Sasha, and the young sith looked away.

When he finally looked back, he ran a ffinger over the detonator, and then slowly, his hand closed over the object, and he tucked it deep within his pockets. A lesson learned.

Which brings me to my next question. Would you be able to kill, like you had just done infront of your.....jedi friend?*

Sasha looked back to Malice and sighed. Whats with the third degree? He wanted to ask. But he didnt. If he was friends with a jedi, these types of things would happen.

"Yes," He replied angrily, "I could." His violet eyes stil looked to Malice with a stubborn expression in them. That of a young boy who still had quite a bit to learn.

ooc note to anyone: This takes place before the whole blood sibling incident.

Malice Draclau
Jul 18th, 2002, 01:52:46 AM
OOC Indeed it does, as i was not going to bring that up myself. Though thanks for pointithat out.

IC: malice just stared at Sasha for a while. The vibes, the feelings his body was giving off could be felt very easily. This made Malice curious.

*Your angry aren't you. Maybe at me, or maybe at what I had made you do. Either way, you should always learn to say what's on your mind. And know this, i will do nothing to you. As it is not my place to punish you, or do anything that involves authority over you. That is up to TSO*

Malice would leave the decision to Sasha wether or not he would want to tell him. Instead Malice just moved on.

*Hmmm that is good. You know, now i am even more proud of you then when i first met you. You are just like me in a way. You know what you are and you wil stick up for what you are. But you do have to get used to killing more often. You may not like it, and you may not like killing for no reason. But violence is part of a sith, and killing comes with the territory. Jedi and other beings want to associate us with killing, what the hell why not agree with them*

Jul 18th, 2002, 08:06:55 AM
Sasha had been silent while Malice spoke, brooding silently from across the table. He could still feel the detonator in his pocket, a constant reminder of how precarious life could be.

While Malice spoke,he took another good slug of the whiskey. It didnt go down a whole lot easier, but at the very least, he was now used to the fact that it would burn as it went down.

"Im angry because neither one of the rodians would have bothered us if you hadnt....dont what you did." He replied.

"I dont care if you go about killing, but dont drag me into it." He added.

He took some pride in the fact that the elder sith had said he was proud of him, ut still, he brooded a bit.

"You forced me into what I did." He stated, his voice slightly accusing.

"Why? You think that just because I'm friends with a jedi Im going to become one?" His voice was almost disbelieving, as if he couldnt believe someone would ever think he would consider such a thing.

Jibrielle Abunai
Jul 18th, 2002, 11:07:16 PM
"Why are you letting your anger consume you whole?"

The question was blunt and both men turned to face a "child". Her dark blue hair fell down to her shoulders, standing out next to the fair skin. She could sense that it was the Demon who killed the Rodian, causing its friend to attack Sasha.

Malice Draclau
Jul 19th, 2002, 01:38:57 AM
Malice shook his head at Sasha.

*I do notthink it could happen. know it would happen. I have watched the same exact thing happen to my only best friend. And it was I who introduced him to the jedi that turned him away from the sith*

The anger within Malice rose as he was bringing up the past.

*And now i live everyday regreting that decison. Killing, though however gruesome it may seem is the only thing that takes my mind off the one mistake i had made. And i wil nt stand by to watch other sith fall prey to the decietful words of the jedi*

"Why are you letting your anger consume you whole?"

Malice turned his head as a little girl had spoken to them. He looked at her with a rather amused experession.

*And who might you be young one*

Though Malice was distracted for now, his anger was still on the rise. But deep down he knew that he had taken the wrong approach to showing Sasha what he had wanted him to show. A mistake that would not happen again.

Jul 19th, 2002, 09:34:59 AM
Sasha could hear the anger rising in Malice's voice as he spoke andhe was thankful for the momentarily distraction of the young girl.

He looked to her, an eyebrow raising slightly as he peered at the blue haired girl.

He wasnt sure who she had spoken to, but he was pretty sure it was Malice she was addressing. He wasnt letting his anger consume him.....or was he?

He waited for her to answer Malice, taking another drink of his whiskey as he did so.

Jibrielle Abunai
Jul 19th, 2002, 11:52:15 AM
"Hush, Demon ... My name does not concern you."

She locked her eyes on Sasha, and he could hear faint whispering in his ear.

Is he worth it? He deserted TSO, abandoning everyone. Wasn't the price of leaving the Order death? Or maybe they have grown ... slack.

The girl's lips weren't moving, but it wasn't the Force. After all, it would be all in Sasha's head ... right?

Jul 19th, 2002, 12:00:25 PM
She was speaking to him, yet her lips did not move. He'd felt others speak in his head before, but this was slightly different.

It bothered him, because he wasnt used to it, and those things that he was not familiar with, made him testy, for they reminded him of how ignorant he was of some things. Of the fact that he hadnt had a parent who could teach him these things.

He bristled slightly as she whispered to him of the TSO being slack. He was a member of the organization that she was degrading.

His violet eyes narrowed and he gazed at her for a moment in silence.

"I do not question the decisions of my elders." He replied, speaking out loud, for he did not care to have this conversation in his head with her. Not after she'd questioned TSO as she had. He didnt care that this would alert Malice of a private conversation having taken place between them.

"And I suggest that you do not try to make me question them." He added, the fierceness of loyalty in his tone as he spoke.

Jibrielle Abunai
Jul 19th, 2002, 12:12:27 PM
A cold smirk curled onto her lips, her dark eyes still watching him.

It was a mere statement. Nothing more, nothing less. It is what you make of it ... Once more, your anger consumes you whole, leaving you blind.

At the same time Sasha heard the voice, Jibrielle sighed slightly.

Jul 19th, 2002, 12:23:46 PM
He stared at her for a moment longer, his violet eyes meeting her dark ones.

"And what makes you such an expert?" He asked, referring to the things she had said to him. He knew not who she was, or why she cared so much to try to counsel him.

Jibrielle Abunai
Jul 19th, 2002, 12:47:23 PM
Who said I was? I asked a simple question earlier, but you didn't care to answer. Why are you letting your anger consume you whole?

She shifted her weight to the other foot, waiting.

Jul 19th, 2002, 01:18:42 PM
He sighed.

"I'm not." Was his simple reply. And it was true, he didnt think that he was. He wasnt always angry- and he had fought or killed only in defense.

He wasnt sure he understood why it was she thought this seemed to be the case.

"Why do you think I'm letting anger consume me?" He asked. He wasnt askingher why she thought it was happening, but rather why she thought such a thing in the first place.

Malice Draclau
Jul 19th, 2002, 02:31:29 PM
now had a surprsied look on his face. Her knwoing about his demon side raised more quesions within him. And he was not one to just let them sit and not be asked. Though he was interested in the converation that was going on right now, he was more interested in what this little girl knew.

*And how do you know i am a demon little one. Further more, why have you come here to us, speak now for my patience is all but gone. And i do not tolerate those who tell me to......hush*

Malice still planned to carry on with Sasha on what he wanted to do. But for now things have been stalled thanks to their unexpected visitor. His dark blue eyes stared straight into her eyes.

Jibrielle Abunai
Jul 19th, 2002, 06:39:28 PM
You were angry at Malice for decieving the dead Rodian's friend. You killed - yet another senseless death in this galaxy.

Finally tearing her eyes away from Sasha, she looked at Malice. Reluctantly, she spoke.

"Your aura. It's fragmented, like other of your kind ... you're dead inside."

Her voice was in a hushed tone, but loud enough so both could hear. The Demon wanted to know why she came ...

"Time is ticking."

Malice Draclau
Jul 20th, 2002, 06:17:41 PM
Malice now stared at her with an even more confuse look on hs face.

*Time is ticking.....tcking for what*

He did not bother to make a remark about him being dead inside. For he practically was.

Jibrielle Abunai
Jul 20th, 2002, 09:08:39 PM
"Don't you wish you knew."

Another smirk.

"Or maybe you do."

Suddenly, the little girl infront of them didn't look so ... little, anymore. Instead, now stood a teenage girl .. To Sasha, at least.

To him, her eyes glared black with furious rage, her skin pale white. Her lips were chapped as she opened them to speak, but nothing came out. He was seeing her as the thing that played games with his head, the thing that would eventually destroy him .. in the End. It was Anger; The Darkness that ruled his soul.

Or was it? It could be all in his head since Malice couldn't see a thing wrong. It could be an illusion, but the temperature was beginning to drop. But they say that what the mind believes, the mind creates.

Jul 22nd, 2002, 07:50:57 AM
He would have argued with her, only it was true. It was another senseless death. But initially he'd defended - prevented his own death. The fact that he'd killed when his safety had no longer been at risk was.....well, it was just a fact. It bothered him only slightly now, for the more he killed, the less it began to bother him. Not to mention, he could still feel the detonator in his pocket. Perhaps he hadnt killed senselessly. But she had gone on to reply to Malice, and so he sat there brooding instead.

When she changed from a little girl to a teenager, he was a bit surprised. For a moment he saw her pale white skin and angry black eyes, and he felt a strange coldness. He saw, briefly, anger before him, and he reached for his lightsaber out of a strange sense of needing to protect himself.

But he'd had jsut enough training to know that to accept anger, to bring it deep within, was the best way to use this power. And so he concentrated on this, pulling his anger deep within him, to a point where he could almost feel it, sitting there in a powerful ball of energy.

When he looked to the girl again, she was just that, a young girl who had come to bother them at their table. And she had come to play games - mind games - with him. His violet eyes settled on her, a determined gaze flickered deep within them.

My mind is not so weak as you would like to think.... He thought, sending these words to her in his mind as he had been taught by Xazor, his jedi friend - the same jedi that was the cause of Malice calling him to this meeting today.

Malice Draclau
Jul 22nd, 2002, 04:16:11 PM
Malice was getting rather bored now. None of this was in his plans for Sasha.....Malice was simply going to teach him the beauty of destruction and death. Sitting up he stopped a droid and order what must have been is 13 drink in that bar today. Hardly enough to get him to feel anything. The sith knight then turned and faced the little girl, speaking loudly for her and maybe other's to hear.

*Listen little one, you might want to leave. in a matter of moments, me and Sasha here are going to make this place see fireworks like no other. They'll just DIE for it*

A maniacal grin spread across his face.

Jul 23rd, 2002, 05:45:23 AM
Sasha looked to Malice at the elder Sith proclaimed their plans for the evening. They were going to what?

His violet eyes narrowed.

Hadnt he just told Malice not to drag him into these things?

He downed the rest of his whiskey, hoping it might numb this strange feeling he had of being caught in a very bad dream.