View Full Version : The Weapon Of A Jedi.....(Closed-Sene Unty)

Xazor Elessar
Jul 13th, 2002, 01:04:39 AM
Jedi Knight, Xazor Magus, sat in the center of the Academy Courtyard. Upon her favorite rock, she meditated in quiet solitude as she waited for her student, Sene. They had been through a lot together in the recent.....and it was time that she gave him something that he lacked. A smile crossed her lips as she felt the parts for his first lightsaber, in the black leather pouch that rested in her hands. He would be in for a surprise, for sure......

Sene Unty
Jul 20th, 2002, 04:19:03 PM
Sene held the message he had recieved from his master in his hand as he made his way to the center of the Academy. He was not excited, as he had no idea what to expect. The message had been vague, he really expected some new challenge.

He was in the Courtyard now and directly ahead was his master. A sigh escaped his lips as he approached.

"Master....you wished to speak to me?"

Xazor Elessar
Jul 20th, 2002, 05:03:15 PM
Xazor looked up and a bright smile adorned her face. She bowed her head and motioned for the young man to sit before her. The Knight shifted her weight slightly and looked down at him, her eyes searching.

"My Padawan.....I have not seen you in the recent, but I am sure that you have been keeping up on your studies. I have something for you that I know you are overly ready for. I regret not giving this to you sooner."

The Garou woman took the black leather pouch from her hands and passed it down to Sene. Inside rested every part that he would need to build his first lightsaber. She then took from her cloak, a small white pouch. It held ten crsytals.....five light refracting, clear ones......and five colored. He would have to take one clear and one of the color he wished for the blade. The Knight passed him that bag as well.

"There are no instructions......but I have for you a few. From the white bag, choose a clear crystal and a colored one. Return that bag to me.....and then observe the contents of the black pouch. I think after viewing them, you will be most pleased and you will wish to get started right away. If you wish, you may build it here in my presence.....or you may take it back to your room or elsewhere."

She said with a bright smile. Her words would have surly given the surprise away.....but she hoped that he would at least be happy with what she had given him.

Sene Unty
Aug 27th, 2002, 11:14:45 AM
Sene craddled the items in his hands, stifling the tears that atempted to force themselves from his eyes. He had dreamed of this moment, and now it had arrived. A lightsaber. One he wold craft all by himself. He would have jumped for joy had it been the correct moment to do so.Instead he simply smiled at his master, allowing his lips to exsude his gratefullness.

He opened the white bag slowly and stared at the crystals inside. The myriad of colors shined back at him and he could no longer hold back the tears. They flowed down his face as he chose a clear crytal. His next choice was more difficult as it would be the main color of the blade. After careful consideration he held the red one up in the light.It was perfect. It represented everything that he was, and everything he hoped to be.It oozed from every facet of its cut with emotion, while at the same time bristling with power. It was strength and weakness. Hurt and invulnerability. It was him in every way possible.

"Master. I think I would like to build it before you."

He didn't wait for her reply. He knew she would offer no rejection. He simply closed his eyes and allowed the force to dictate the look of the lightsaber. He could do no wrong, for he knew the force would make it perfect.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 28th, 2002, 03:39:36 PM
Xazor smiled gently and leaned over, then took her hand to wipe the tears from his cheeks. It was such a good feeling to see him so happy. It made her heart soar.....

"That is fine with me my Padawan.....and don't be afraid to be happy......"

She winked gently and nodded for him begin the process of making his lightsaber....

Sene Unty
Aug 30th, 2002, 09:49:21 AM
Sene's hands played over the metal like a master surgeon. Pieces interlocked perfectly, each one complimenting the next. It was like a puzzle, each part knowing were it belonged. It was just as he had dreamed it would be.

Beads of sweat rolled across his skin as he concentrated harder. Building a lightsaber was dangerous. One wrong step would result in failure of an important component. If that were to happen, he could easily die when he attempted to turn it on. But he knew no fear now. The force would not mess this up. He would not mess this up.

Before he knew it he was done. Hands shaking from the fatigue of creation, Sene stood in front of his master. He stared down at what he had created and he almost cried. It was a dream. It had to be. Nothing could be this perfect. The handle was short, easily weilded with one hand. The metal was hard and black, with stripes of silver from hilt to top. With one hand Sene waved it through the air without turning it on. He smiled.

"Master......I can not thank you enough for this."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 30th, 2002, 10:52:56 AM
Xazor beamed as she watched her Padawan move over the pieces and put them together. It took him some time to finish the beautiful weapon...but when he did...his smile shone brightly upon his face and his spirit radiated with happiness.

"It is a beautiful creation that you made with your hands....it is not something I could have given to you. Yes, I gave you the pieces...but you put them in the proper places with help from your greatest ally, the Force. Now turn it on...go ahead...."

She nodded his way, motioning for him to do as she instructed. She knew that he was a bit nervous for doing so...but the Force told her that it would work well...just as he intended it...

Sene Unty
Aug 30th, 2002, 12:16:19 PM
Sene was a bit nervous as he thumbed the switch that would ignite the blade. Would it work? Had he done it right? Now was not the time for second guesses. He had to trust himself....

Instantly the red beam of energy shot from the focusing lense with a mechanical humm. It was beautiful in its simplicity. A single ray of destructive energy that could be wielded like a sword. Duplicating the wave of the handle he had executed before, Sene found that it was light. No effort was needed as he swung the red beam back and forth, creating a red silhouette in the sky.

"Master...I would like my first spar with my new lightsaber to be with you."

Xazor Elessar
Sep 11th, 2002, 06:34:03 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded at his request. Rising from her seat, she drew the Saber from her belt. The silver hilt gleamed in the light and swiftly her finger brushed over the ignition switch of 'Love'. Two blue beams shot forth from each end of the hilt, creating a double bladed, duel-phased weapon of destruction and justice. The Knight smiled and held it in front of her at her waist, parallel to the ground.....then began circling her Padawan.

"Lesson one......never let the other go first. Indeed, we are Jedi and we do not needlessly attack....but in a confrontational situation, you always want to take the first move or the other will gain the upper hand.....and you do not want that....."

She spoke as she paced, giving him enough time to absorb the words and act.....or not. Either way, this first spar would not be easy....for it was more of a lesson than anything. He would get better with time though...and training would only enhance his abilities.....

Sene Unty
Sep 11th, 2002, 06:56:49 PM
Sene watched and listened to his master. What she said was true. To remain only on the defense was folly. One must attack in order to grasp the upper-hand. He nodded.

"I understand Master...."

He didn't wait for any sign that the words at reached her ears, he simply attacked. A flick of his wrist brought the blade in a long graceful sweeping motion toward her legs. The attack was meant to catch her off guard, but was easily turned away by the dual bladed saber his master weilded. She was on the offense now as she brought the other side of the blade in a quick jab at Sene's heart. He barely bashed this away when another attack came. And another. And another. He found himself being pushed backwards by her casual brutality. She was too fast. Much too fast.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 11th, 2002, 07:03:57 PM
"Quicker Padawan! Learn to watch my body!"

If he watched her shoulders and hips, he would be able to tell which way she was going to strike....unless she used an illusion, which would be all to sneaky and hard for him to combat at the moment. So she stayed simple at first, not even 1/10 of her true level showing through although it seemed as though she was moving at lightening speed. The Knight spun around and slashed at his left shoulder with the upper blade and then his right knee with the lower in almost a "Z" shape.

Sene Unty
Sep 11th, 2002, 07:16:26 PM
Sene heard the words she spoke enter his ears, but his mind was working much to hard to process his them. Suddenly, she broke out of her rythmatic swipes and slashed at two points of his body at the same time. The attack came swiftly, and Sene could do nothing to prevent it. In the milliseconds before the blades seared through his flesh Sene an idea came in through the Force. Without thinking he moved. He ducked below the blade meant for his shoulder while he twisted his own saber around in his hand till it pointed straight at the ground. With a flick of the wristed he batted this one away allowing his own blade to spin till it pointed up. Before she could attack again he leapt, closing the few inches between them. His blade was inches from her face now and she had only seconds to act....

Xazor Elessar
Sep 11th, 2002, 07:42:28 PM
The Knight tried to block out the fact that her mind was warning her of an attack, but it was inevitable and her block was there before his attack was. She smiled coyly and felt a bit ashamed at this ability now that she could not control. Suddenly she spun around and faked a stab with one end of her saber, instead, landing a heavy crescent kick to the right side of his jaw. As he fell backwards, she lifted him with the Force and threw him against a large rock. A few cracks could be heard.....and they were probably his ribs.....but he would survive.........

Sene Unty
Sep 12th, 2002, 06:42:45 AM
Damn she was ruthless. Sene cursed the way he had held back a second ago, he should have punched her. Sene felt a rib or two crack inside of him, but he shunned away the pain. If this was the way she wanted to play....

Standing on his feet he used the force to lift two medium sized boulders behind him. Then he rushed at her swinging the blade in his hand till it pointed straight at her heart. Seconds before the blades met, Sene dove to the ground and allowed his control of the force to send the two boulders straight at her face. She easily deflected them away, however Sene's fist rising up from the ground was too swift for her to stop. His fist slapped hard on her stomach as he followed through with his punch all the way. She doubled over his back as she rose slightly in the air. Suddenly Sene felt the sharp stab of pain in his already broken ribs as Xazor delivered an elbow. He went down on the floor, dust blowing every which way. He didn't allow the pain to stop him. He was like a bull now, all he saw was red. Before she could move he grabed one of her legs and flung her to the ground.......

Xazor Elessar
Sep 12th, 2002, 06:09:51 PM
The Knight grinned despite her own pain.....for he was doing what she wanted him to do all along. He was using all she had taught him and he was not giving up or slowing down. She fell to the ground and brought her other leg over the first, labeling him in the side of the head with it. Grinning again as he fell to the side, she kipped up to her feet and spun around....then fell with an elbow to his broken ribs. It was a quick Force powered fall, and he would have a hard time deflecting it. She made harsh contact and then slammed the back of her fist right into his face.....

Sene Unty
Sep 13th, 2002, 08:06:16 AM
Sene heard his nose snap before he felt it. The numbing kiss of the force did that. As the first taste of blood entered his mouth Sene couldn't imagine a time where he had more fun. He laughed despite the situation he was in. He was losing, but what was losing to someone who had the force.

Quickly focusing his strength into his left arm he slapped a closed fist across Xazor's head. It was only a glancing blow, meant only to distract from the right hand that grasped her robe. Using the force he pulled quickly sending Xazor flailing to the right. Before she could stand he lept on her, fists flying at her face. They were not random though. He focused blows on the soft tissue of her eyebrows willing them to cut open allowing blood to blind her eyes.......

Xazor Elessar
Sep 14th, 2002, 09:35:48 PM
Xazor fell to the ground under the rapid punches from Sene's hands. She winced and shut her eyes tightly, then lifted him with the Force and threw him off of her....slamming him into the same rock he had met earlier. She could not see very well and wiped the blood from her eyes. As Sene struggled to get up, she lifted some sand in her hand and walked over to him.....then threw it into his eyes, blinding him instantly. The pain was intense and it, coupled with the inability to see, would last for at least a half an hour.....enough time for her to have some 'fun' with her Padawan. This was turning into a test now. She kicked him in his broken ribs and a few more cracks resounded about the area. Grinning, the Knight moved backwards, her saber in ready position.

"Get up Sene! GET UP PADAWAN!"

She called to him, entering her Sith Imitation Mode. It was enough to scare the Force out of any living thing. The Knight did not want to hurt him......but this was the only way he would learn.....

Sene Unty
Sep 14th, 2002, 10:59:52 PM
He couldn't see a thing. Nothing but blackness. He must use the force as his eyes. Sene stood slowly allowing the pain in his ribs the second it needed to subside. He was breathing hard through a dirty grin.

"You don't have to yell, I can hear you fine from here."

He let the words he spoke sink into her mind while he allowed his force sense to incorporate the entire room. Suddenly everything blinked into focus as the room became a grid of lines in his mind. He could see the shadow of force strength surging from his masters body. With one hand he motioned toward his lightsaber that had fallen on the ground near him. With a quiet slap it hit his open palm. Twisting his body into a fighting stance that did not hurt his aching ribs he ignited the blade and stared at her shadow.

Without another word he moved toward her slowly, twisting the red blade in circles around him. With a snap his blade met hers and they were at it again, bodies pivoting as each combatant tried to gain the upper-hand. From the left her blade came at him, forcing him to duck. Moments later her blade came high making him leap between her open legs. After executing a perfect roll he came up behind her, swinging his blade at her skull. She blocked expertly and flung a kick at his face. He pushed her leg away and with the same movement sent an elbow at her nose......

Xazor Elessar
Sep 15th, 2002, 04:48:59 PM
The Knight praised her Padawan's skill in her mind....yet held the Sith Immitaion Mode she was in......this was how she tested each of her Padawans. His elbow came fast at her nose and she turned her head in time to get a blow to her jaw instead. As he regained his stance, she lifted some sand with the Force and took two throwing knives from her belt. She threw the knives at him and at the same time, created the illusion in the sand of hundreds of throwing knives flying for him. It would be hard for him to see the reality while he was temporarily blinded......but she prayed in her mind that he would or he would be in a great deal of pain.

"This task isn't easy Padawan, think!"

She called out to him as the knives neared his body......and she waited for his reaction......wondering if he even had a conception of what was going on......

Sene Unty
Sep 15th, 2002, 05:01:14 PM
Sene stared at his masters shadow amongst the grid of lines that made up the area they were in. He had just connected ablow to her face and his grin had yet to subside. It felt good to get a clean blow in. Suddenly a cloud of dots were flung into the grid along with two blunt objects. What were these? While the grid that the force projected into his mind was accurate, it was not good at showing detail. He could really not tell what the cloud of objects were.

He heard her say something but he did not pay attention. His mind was too focused on the trial at hand. Everything moved in slow motion toward him. He had to act now!

Having no knowledge of what the cloud of dots was he made no attempt at passing through them all. Instead he flipped in the air, allowing his legs to twist above his head as he gained massive height. As he hung in the air, suspended above the wave of potential destruction, he slashed through the cloud witrh his blade. One of the objects impacted and fell to the ground with a thud. He was falling back down now, the dots behind him. He brought his legs up to his chest as he came down hard. With a heavy breath he gathered himself up and stared at the shadow of his master.

"How much punishment do I recieve before we quit?" He smiled.